I love it when universe shows me that I am the center of it all, and that it has all its eyes on me. I love it too when being Positively Focused produces for me the Charmed Life I guarantee my clients get. What happened this morning is a perfect example of how that looks.
The following seems incredible. But it is what happens when one chronically connects with one’s Broader Perspective, then lives from that perspective, rather than from the limited human perspective.
The incredible becomes every day
This morning, as with every morning, I focused myself into a highly Positively Focused place. I love starting the day this way because when I do so, the rest of the day matches that focus level.
It was no surprise then that one of my clients, Holly, reached out to me right after I came out of my morning practice. The exchange we had was wonderful.
Holly had been facing old belief constellations triggering fear in her emotional Being. We talked about these feelings over the weekend, through which she gained ground on these old beliefs. She felt better after we talked.
So this morning Holly did what I encourage most of my clients do: she found a better feeling place through focusing on thoughts. She felt so good about what she found, she shared it with me.
I love interacting with my clients. I love it when we interact with one another between sessions, because then we both can relish and revel in manifestations happening ongoingly in each others lives.
By reveling in ongoing manifestations, we create the upward spiral of benefit that results from the revelation.
In other words, the more my clients and I appreciate manifestations we see, the more manifestations we will see. And the more manifestations we will see, the more manifestations we will want to see.
And if we keep reveling in manifestations as they occur, it is not very long before we begin experiencing the Charmed Life I guarantee.
The Charmed Life shows up in real time
What Holly shared with me was striking, wonderful and yet expected. After all, I guarantee results produced from Positively Focused sessions. So Holly’s result was no more surprising than any other client results. It’s just what happens.
What happen next though, not only proved that, it also was so delightful it not only prompted delight on my part and Holly’s part, but also prompted this blog post.
I’m getting ahead of myself 😄
Back to this wonderful manifestation: So I immediately wrote back to Holly, feeling the same mirth and joy she felt:
Of course, Holly reveled in my response of reveling in her sharing. Can you see the upward spiral beginning?
Then this happened
Next Holly shared something that took this awesome experience we both shared to a whole new level. She related a conversation she had with a friend of hers, who also happens to be a Positively Focused client:
When she shared this, I got the impulse to check my calendar. I checked it and noticed that a potential client, “Scott” had scheduled a free one-on-one session for this afternoon. Then I got the impulse to suggest to Holly that she share Taylore’s experience with Scott who Holly knows.
Since I received an “impulse“ to do that, I didn’t care whether or not she follow through on the suggestion. Here’s what she wrote in response nonetheless:
Meanwhile, I wrote an introductory text to Scott thanking him for setting up a free session and confirming our time this afternoon. The exchange was quite extraordinary, given the context of my conversation with my current client, Holly:
What was happening?
Holly and I were seeing in real time the massive coordination occurring in non-physical reality. Here was my Broader Perspective, Holly’s Broader Perspective, Taylore’s Broader Perspective, and my potential new client’s Broader Perspective all coordinating in real time a series of events that delighted both Holly and I. It was an awesome demonstration of how the universe works.
So I wrote back to Holly and shared what Scott said. Of course we both laughed at the unfolding manifestation.
And of course, since I encourage my clients to revel in manifestations, and since I’m not a hypocrite, I wanted to revel in this unfolding manifestation too. I knew if Holly also reveled in it, we would collectively amplify the revelation.
And of course, my new potential client Scott, appreciated the unfolding as well, even though he had no idea what was going on on the other side of the exchange.
The universe is always delivering to us everything we are wanting in real time. The only thing keeping that stream from being realized by us are thoughts and beliefs standing in the way of allowing that stream.
What thoughts and beliefs? You may be thinking them now. They sound like:
- This is all coincidental
- This is confirmation bias happening
- This is just luck
- This doesn’t happen all the time
- This is nothing, if this works, why aren’t you rich?
All of these responses are thoughts and beliefs that will prevent you from seeing these delicious events as they are: the Universe responding to your command.
I love learning to soothe beliefs standing in the way of me seeing how I’m the center of the Universe. I also love showing my clients how to do the same.
Doing so we discover fabulous lives unfolding right before our eyes. Lives consistent with the Charmed Life I guarantee from being Positively Focused.