This Is How “Wishful Thinking” Really Works

Photo by Michel Grolet on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author asserts that the concept of “wishful thinking” is the basis of how the Universe works. They give an example of a client’s experience, someone who once considered killing themselves, but now is living a life they love. The author then suggests readers reconsider what they think “wishful thinking” is.

A lot of people call what I teach “wishful thinking”. They’re not being complimentary when they call it that.

I take it as a compliment though. I know “wishful thinking” works. When people use that phrase, they don’t really know what they’re talking about. Usually that’s because such people have never tried out this “You create your reality” business. Or, they have, but sabotaged the test. So they think this “business” doesn’t work.

But it does work 100 percent of the time. That’s why I’m stoked this week. I’m stoked because my clients are stoked. So many produced amazing (to them) manifestations showing them they create their realities. As a result all are amazed their “wishful thinking” produced exactly what they wished for.

Of course, I’m not amazed. This is just how the Universe works for each and every one of us.

But to see it working that way, we must believe that’s what’s happening. Otherwise we get what we see. That’s why “I believe it when I see it” cuts so many people off from a wonderful life. Being realistic, being serious, growing up and being an adult creates sucky lives. It’s better to “see it because I believe it”, like a child does. Then, we open the door and all we wish for flows into our lives.

Let’s take a look at the wonderful things clients produced this week and why I’m so stoked with their results. In this first of several posts, I’ll share Kevin’s story and how he went from wanting to kill himself to living his dreams.

Curmudgeon creates suck

Interestingly, all but one of these clients are long-timers. Two are going on their fourth year as clients. The third is on her second year. What’s also interesting is, the long-timers both started with extremely negative world-views. As a result, they had extremely negative lives.

And that’s just how it works. We can’t enjoy happy lives while being a curmudgeon about life. Negative beliefs about life create corresponding life experiences. The negativity needn’t be that strong either. Pessimism about life in general or a vague sense of annoyance about life or things in it – people, our political leaders, the climate – will give us lives that suck.

Of course, for most people that sucky life will just feel normal. That’s because such people grow accustomed to such a life. They don’t realize life is supposed to be fun and joyful, with everything we’re wanting happening in our lives all the time. Instead, they come to expect that things going wrong sometimes, is just normal. It’s not.

And, the longer we hold to that idea, the more momentum that focus gains. It’s no wonder then that many in old age face debilitating diseases and chronic pains. These aren’t the result of old age. They are the result of a long time suffering negative world views. I’m preparing a whole separate blog about the connection between thoughts and physical illnesses, a connection which science is [finally] acknowledging exists. Illness doesn’t come from no where. Our thoughts create them. Just like they create everything else we experience.

It’s not magic

Changing those negative world views and their corresponding momentum requires persistence and commitment. Creating our reality isn’t magic. We don’t go from unsatisfying life to joyful life in an instant. We first must soothe that negative momentum created from years of persistent negative thinking and believing. The good news is, soothing that old momentum doesn’t take as long as it took to create it. Forty or fifty years of chronic negative thinking can turn around quickly. But it doesn’t happen overnight. As I said, this “you create your reality” business isn’t magic.

That’s what these advanced clients are finding. And though it’s not magic, results they’re getting sure seem magical. It seems that way because none of these clients did ANYTHING in the world of action to create what you’re about to read. Instead, the Universe did it all for them. It did that as an expression of how worthy each of these clients are.

You are just as worthy. And since the Universe has unlimited creative capacity, you can enjoy any life you want. All that’s required is you lining up with it. Just like these clients did.

Now let’s take a look at the first client’s experience.

From suicide to stage

The first client I’m going to call Kevin. Kevin’s been a client more than four years. About three years in, he let his ego get the best of him and quit the practice in anger. He thought he could do the practice better without a guide. And while some can, most people cannot. Which explains why so many who try to prove to themselves this practice doesn’t work, get that result. Guidance from someone who knows how the practice works is essential.

(Above) “Kevin” realizing having guidance is essential. (Below) Kevin reacting to a session we had shortly after his return. This practice is powerful. It puts us in the driver’s seat of our lives better than anything I know.

When he first came to me, he struggled with suicidal ideation. That came from interpreting his childhood experiences in really negative ways, ways that had him hating himself. That caused all kinds of follow-on life experiences which reflected back to him his self-loathing. So much so, Kevin wanted to end it all.

But Kevin also came into the world to express leading edge human experience. His particular expression is on-stage performance. As an early-stage emerging comedian, he feels alive and invigorated. But his disempowering beliefs about his past and his doubling-down on negative interpretations of the follow-on life experiences had him instead indulging in drinking, whoring, pornography and angrily confronting and blaming friends and family until he found himself pretty much alone.

All the while he never developed a comedy routine.

Kevin’s destiny is being on stage. But first he had to create a better life-experience, which means thinking better-feeling thoughts. (Photo by Felix Mooneeram on Unsplash)

Transformed right before my eyes

All that started changing in the first part of our time to gather. But in the second half, Kevin was really ready. Changes came quite quick. Before long, my Broader Perspective told me he was ready to get on stage as a comedian for the first time. A little encouragement from me had him start preparing a five minute routine.

Some false starts ensued as his old negative momentum asserted itself. That happening is just part of the path. Old momentum asserting itself can act as booster rockets propelling us toward our desire. Most people don’t understand this though, so when old momentum asserts itself, most people will double-down on that, thus creating futures consistent with that old momentum.

For example, Kevin worried what people would think about his comedy. He worried about his mother’s criticism of him being a comedian. She told him he should stop dreaming and get a real job. These worries had Kevin doubt his path and believe his mother, which made him feel like shit, because he’s not meant to work a “real job”. With some help, Kevin figured this out.

So instead of collapsing into his old momentum and giving up on his dream, Kevin leaned in to his dream. By our next session, he read me a two minute version and….OMG…it was spectacular! It was funny, insightful, and relevant. Most of all it was hilarious. But what was really remarkable was how Kevin’s demeanor shifted as he read the routine. He became a totally different person! He was invigorated, excited, animated. His confidence poured out of him. After reading the routine, he couldn’t stand still. He paced around his apartment full of himself.

This is exactly what it feels like being in tune with our Broader Perspective. We are literally so full of ourselves, sitting still is impossible. We want to move, express, revel and bask. That’s what Kevin did the rest of our session.

Everything is possible for everyone

In the days that followed, Kevin sent me texts about how high-flying he was. It was a remarkable shift between how he expressed himself before. Instead of spending hours at the bar or watching porn as he used to, Kevin literally poured himself into his comedy routine, extending it to five minutes. The more he worked on it, the more confident he got. Here are some texts offering progress reports:

Kevin raving about his routine.

Kevin is for sure on the path to his deepest desire. And his artistic expression shows it. But even more evident is how he’s feeling. There’s nothing better than the feeling of joy and empowerment. They are the pinnacle of what’s possible for humans. From there, everything is possible.

I’m stoked at what Kevin has done. He’s literally gone from wanting to kill himself, to now being eager to get on stage and deliver his routine. I know he’s going to knock them dead…figuratively speaking of course!

Remember, none of this is special. Kevin’s experience can be anyone’s. It is everyone’s experience, even for those wanting to kill themselves. That’s because the Universe is ALWAYS reflecting back to us what we’re creating. And it’s “wishful thinking” that gets that ball rolling.

“Wishful thinking” is justice

A reader of my stories once said this “you create your reality” business is totally unjust. They couldn’t understand how people could experience such pain and struggle she sees around her as their created reality. I told her nothing is more just than getting exactly what you’re emanating. And when one tunes their emanations such that they match their desires, they get lives full of that — their desires. Nothing can be more just than that.

People just need to realize they’re at the center of their lives, creating it as they go along, either by default or deliberately. Most are doing it by default. But everyone can do it deliberately.

Next week, we’ll look at another awesome story of another client, this one also an artist, who used “wishful thinking” in a way that the Universe delighted them.

In the meantime consider rethinking what “wishful thinking” is for you. Doing so could create a life for you that you once thought impossible.

Because everything is possible for every one of us. Including you.

Why Positivity Matters So Much In Today’s World

Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author submits this petition asking that readers purposefully choose the future they’re creating rather than creating the future by default. They explain how this can happen, then encourage all readers to join them in creating the optimal outcome for all of humanity.

It’s important at this time in society’s unfolding, to hold a gentle, nonchalant even, intention about what we, as individuals, want — what we want in a society, what we want in our countries, what we want from leaders.

Maybe you’ve noticed a rising tide of nationalism and authoritarianism worldwide. A certain timing is happening in which we are subjecting ourselves to greater levels of “contrast”. People not tuned into the Positively Focused Way would call this contrast “a lot of bad shit happening”. 

And yet, all this contrast is good. It prompts us to create futures in the probable future reality-scape containing all that we want and none of what we don’t.

For such futures to become our now, however, we must line up with them. Otherwise, those ideal futures remain in the future probable reality-scape, awaiting points of consciousness that will allow it into their reality. This explains why “improvement” generally takes so long.

Why positive change takes so long

Most people can identify what they want. But they’re more practiced at knowing what they don’t want. In knowing what they don’t want, they’ll also identify what they do want, even if they’re not aware of it.

But most people will keep their attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they draw more of that — what they don’t want –– into their experience. Then they look at the newest iteration, and amplify more that they don’t want it, which then creates even more unwanted.

In other words, by keeping their attention on what they don’t want, they align with and allow or create more of that in the probable future reality-scape, which then, because they’re aligned with that through their attention, becomes more of their current reality.

Nearly everyone does this. 

Meanwhile, a lot of “good” or “wanted” remains in nonphysical waiting for us. Usually all that “good” shows up. But often that’s long after those who put it those things in nonphysical pass away.

Deja Vu all over again. It happened in 2020…it’s happening again this year. (Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash)

One person can change the tide

Take today’s politics for example. A lot of people are focusing on what they don’t want. They don’t want senile, old Joe running, for example. Or people don’t want Trump, or any republican, as president.

The problem with focusing on those unwanted things is exactly as I said above: doing so creates probable future realities wherein those things do happen. Again, keeping attention on the unwanted outcome, those doing that put more of that in the probably future reality-scape. Continued attention increases the probability that those unwanted outcomes will become their reality. They become our reality too. Especially if we’re not purposeful in our own focus.

But it only takes one person doing it differently to change the tide. Which is why I’m offering this petition. I’m one of those people. I’m focused on allowing my desire, purposefully. I invite everyone reading this to do the same.

One of my clients who is learning what you’re reading asked what happens if two people want opposite things. Abraham answered this before. Here’s what they said:

How the universe delivers on all desires. Even those seemingly in conflict.

Everyone gets what they want…eventually

I reflected the same wisdom. Here’s what I said in that text conversation. It’s a long series so bear with that:

In essence, everyone gets what they want. But the one with the strongest positive momentum prevails in the details. And the more one aligns with that strong, fast moving energy, the more powerfully such a person becomes.

We’ve seen authoritarian forces held at bay across the world. They’re making some strides, but they cannot prevail against the positive energy at our disposal. One person is all it takes. And two, lined up together, are unstoppable. Abraham has also spoken about this:

As we enter national elections in the US, I invite my fellow Americans to align with an outcome best serving us all. That doesn’t mean Biden keeping the White House. Just because we’re presented with only two options, that doesn’t limit what’s possible. What we believe sets the limits. 

So what do you believe?

I believe anything is possible. I KNOW this. And so I intend a positive outcome in this years’ elections. One in which progressives keep the seat.


Hours after writing the first draft of this post, Joe Biden, while infected with COVID, dropped out of the race. He’s endorsed Kamala Harris. The Universe acts in ways mysterious only to those who don’t understand how it works. I know how it works, so it’s not mysterious at all.

Amazing: I Made The Market Do What I Want –– Again!

TLDR: The author asserts they caused the market price of a financial asset to increase solely through their thoughts about the asset. This being the second time they’ve done such a thing, the author says this validates his trust in a positive mindset. Especially when it comes to manifesting money. They compare their experience to F1 race winners explaining that while manifesting money may seem coincidental, it’s not.

It’s so fun watching my abilities improve as a deliberate creator. Abraham assures us all that anything we can imagine, we can experience as a reality. I’m living proof of that. My clients are too, but my results are astonishing. I’m even able to move markets apparently.

That’s right. A few weeks ago, I wrote about how I focused my intention so that a financial market would do what I want. Well, a week or so after I did that, I did it again! That’s what this story is about. It’s a followup offering even more proof that we can create any reality we want. We only need focus ourselves into a world of positive thinking.

The Positively Focused Way creates that kind of focus. In time, anyone can realize they create their reality. Once enough evidence piles up, they not only get that it’s true they create their reality, but they get more bold about creating the reality they want.

Then they can do literally anything. Including move financial markets.

Let’s dive in and see how I did it myself…again.

Some background

In that previous experience, I wanted a deeper position on a financial asset I owned. But the current price didn’t allow me to take the position for the price I wanted. So I set an intention that the price would drop to the point where I could take the position for the amount I wanted to spend.

That’s what happened, of course. I wouldn’t be writing this post or the previous one if it didn’t happen! As soon as I took my deeper position, the price when right back up. It was uncanny!

The last time I moved the market. The arrow points to the massive drop I created so I could deepen my position. Then the rebound happened right after I did so.

After that happened, I wanted a couple more things. One, I wanted to see if I could do it again. I also wanted an even deeper position, one just a little deeper than where I was. So that’s what started all this amazingness.

The preparation

The only thing with this even deeper position was, I didn’t want to put ANY money into the deal. Now, many of my clients, when they first start out with the Positively Focused Practice, they’re stuck in figuring out how what they want to happen will happen. That’s a problem.

It’s a problem because the “how” is not our job! Our job in the universe, as a leading edge instance of All That Is, is to set our intention, then align with that intention’s results. In between those to vibrational acts, the universe goes to work. It marshals the cooperative components necessary to actualize the intention.

As we line up with all that nonphysical assembly, we get impulses to act. We also can receive impulses that sound like messages. That’s what happened to me.

One day after thinking about rounding my position out, I received a message. It wasn’t a voice or a burning bush or anything like that. It was instead a subtle “nudge” that then I interpreted as a thought. The thought was “You already have [a small position on] another asset. Intend that asset will go up, then use the gain to swap into the asset you want.”

When I got that message I perked up. I tell all my clients that such messages come in as though we didn’t think the thought. It seems like it comes out of the blue. That’s not what’s happening, but it does feel that way.

When it happens, I tell my clients, pay attention. Pay attention and take action! That’s what I did.

It happens!

The moment I got that impulse/message, I took action. Now, if you were near me at that time, you wouldn’t have thought I took action. That’s because I didn’t move an arm nor a leg. The action I took was purely vibrational. I causally, very lightly, thought about how nice it would be if the price of that other asset went up.

Then I opened my phone and set an alert on my app. A couple days later I went out on a bike ride. While enjoying the ride, I got an alert on my phone. The price went exactly where I wanted it!

My app alert clueing me in.

I stopped riding, opened my trading app. Holy moly! It went up a LOT!

The market moves according to my desire.

Then I went to my trading platform and planned out the swap. The price had gone so high there was plenty of room to make the swap and still have enough of the asset to go forward. I was stoked!

Of course I swapped the assets!

Knowing what I don’t know

Now, here’s something interesting. During all of this, something was happening with the asset I didn’t know about. I found out about it after this whole affair wound up. What happened was federal regulators were considering creating a framework around this asset that would make it easier for everyday people to trade it. Asset proponents knew if the government approved the framework that would be very good for the asset. So people with large positions on it were betting the feds would approve the framework.

That’s what they did. And that’s probably why, experts will say, the asset’s value went up.

I was totally unaware of this though. Obviously, however, in my Broader Perspective, I was aware, which explains why my Broader Perspective suggested what it did.

Now, some may say this federal decision was happening anyway and the price was bound to go up. But no, the federal decision was not a done deal. Furthermore, I knew nothing about the pending ruling.

Still, I thought about the coincidental nature of the impulse and the fed’s timing. But then another thought came up. It was about Formula One.

It’s a win regardless

I love the Netflix series Formula One: Drive To Survive. It gives a thrilling character-driven tale about how F1 happens every season. In addition to it being plain fun to watch, it’s also a great look behind the scenes.

One thing I noticed season after season is, sometimes the race winner wins because of situations not in their control. Other drivers crash, they pit at the wrong time or their team may choose to not put on fresh tires at the right time. Another thing that happens sometimes is the rules governing the race can create situations inadvertently favoring certain drivers over others.

But in all these cases, when the race ends, there’s always a winner. Does it matter how the win happened?

That’s the conclusion I came to about the fed decision and my lack of awareness of it. Yes, the fed decision was happening. But I didn’t know that when I got the message from my Broader Perspective, nor when I set the intention and the alert. I didn’t even look at the asset before I did all that.

So while some may scream “that’s just a fucking coincidence! You didn’t move the market!” I say, yeah, and the F1 winner won not because he’s a great driver, but because that other guy chose to crash at the perfect time!

The fact is: he still won. And I still got what I wanted: a deeper position without spending ANY OF MY OWN MONEY TO GET IT! LOL

Making markets do what I want

I love seeing these things happen. It’s so fun realizing my desires. But it’s even more fun participating in divine timing coming from an awareness of all that’s happening, so that when that awareness communicates to me, I can take action then enjoy the world I want.

That’s so fun. And it’s so empowering. I mean, think about it: I am now nurturing the ability to create money! That’s freaking amazing.

But why is it amazing? Money is no different than any other form of energy. And energy is subject to focus and attraction. Since I’m a focusing being of pure energy, I should be able to focus any amount of money into my experience I want.

And that’s what I’m seeing happen. It doesn’t happen overnight because I, like most people, once held very strong negative stories about many subjects. Stories which create a limited reality on the subject of money.

Money is something we all think we need. So human consciousness contains many disempowering beliefs about money. That I’ve overcome those beliefs is what’s amazing.

Those beliefs, and therefore reality, are yielding to my new beliefs and reality. I love seeing that. And that new reality includes making markets do what I want.

Vulnerability Is A Myth, We’re Better Off Without It.

Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash

TL:DR: The author asserts that vulnerability isn’t key to relationships as many mental health and relationship experts claim. Rather, it’s actually a problem the author says. They then explain why it’s better to focus on one’s thoughts and beliefs in order to create better relationships. In doing so, people get everything they want: better relationships and freedom from fear that comes with trying to be vulnerable.

Vulnerability. Mental health and relationship “experts” claim it’s something special. They say it’s something we all should practice in order to thrive in relationship. But is vulnerability really the key to happiness, relationship success and more? Or is something afoot here that can disempower us?

In this post, let’s explore why vulnerability is a myth and how dispelling the myth can help us live more joyfully. Along the way we may just also discover the key to everything else we want.

Why humans vaunt vulnerability

Vulnerability is both feared and praised. We fear it because it implies possible rejection. We praise it because we’re told to. Being vulnerable can also feel good because we’re putting ourselves out there honestly. And doing that can feel good. For most though, it can be terrifying.

But what is “vulnerability” exactly? The definition doesn’t seem to imply something praise-worthy:

So it would seem, based on the definition, that being vulnerable is a bad thing. So why do people vaunt it so much? One source suggests being susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm increases intimacy and trust. Not being vulnerable, it says, can lead to emotional distance, disconnection and resentment.

It would seem being vulnerable then is essential to good relationships. But is that really the case?

Rejection inherent in vulnerability

The trouble with saying it improves relationships is that being vulnerable usually requires a quid-pro-quo situation. I would suggest everyone would be vulnerable in a relationship….if their partner were equally vulnerable. That’s the trouble. No one really wants to subject themselves to physical or emotional attack. It seems extremely logical to me, then, that no one wants to be vulnerable in a relationship either. Which explains why people aren’t.

But there’s something about this vulnerability thing that runs afoul of what’s really happening in physical reality. It’s that being vulnerable is based on something that isn’t happening in reality at all. Well, it IS happening. But only because people believe it’s happening. And that belief is what perpetuates fear associated with being vulnerable.

In other words, the myth of vulnerability is what keeps people from being vulnerable in the first place. Replace the word “vulnerable” with a different word, for example, and the whole calculus changes.

What word do we suggest? How about authenticity.

That’s right. If instead of thinking about being vulnerable, we think of being authentic, then we go a long way to easing fear that comes with being vulnerable. The problem remains however, with the essence of what both words conjure: the risk of being harmed. And in most relationship cases, that “harm” looks like “rejection.”

So let’s unpack that.

Our thoughts make it so

In order to be vulnerable, a condition must first exist. That condition is risk. In other words, the person considering being vulnerable or authentic must first believe there is something they may be rejected over. Rejection can feel bad, but a simple reframing of the story we tell when “rejection” is experienced can cause that bad feeling to turn into appreciation.

What if, for example, someone rejects us because we share something intimate about us? Does that mean anything? What does it mean about us? It means nothing really. We shared authentically. That person chose something else. In this situation, both parties are better off. We’re free to connect with someone who accepts us. The other party is free now to connect with someone they connect with.

Where’s the harm in that? But when we think the rejection means something about us, then we feel bad.

We can see, then, the act of rejection isn’t bad, instead it’s what we think of it that makes it bad. The same is true for being vulnerable. It’s the thought about being vulnerable that makes it so scary. Our thoughts about it make being vulnerable a vaunted thing as well.

As we say all day every day here at Positively Focused, our thoughts make everything. Including the need to be, and the fear of being, vulnerable.

Preferring rejection

Being vulnerable means having to take a risk. Hardly anyone wants to take risks. But if there is no risk in being authentic, if instead there’s everything to gain by being that way, I would suggest many more people would be authentic.

Again, the problem is the thoughts people have about rejection and what they think that means.

Vulnerability then, isn’t the problem. Making it into a venerated way of being is. Because doing so makes it seem doing something we’re scared to do is something worth doing. It’s not. Instead, it’s better to develop a new set of thoughts around authenticity so that acting authentic is preferable to not acting that way.

That’s easy to do. And it’s not scary. When we do it, the vaunted idea of being vulnerable becomes meaningless. And when that happens we’re free; free to be who we are. Whether people take that or leave that is up to them. It’s not our problem.

So there’s nothing special about being vulnerable. And, with a little tweaking of our thoughts, we can eliminate that concept from our minds, thereby freeing us to be. Now let’s turn up the woo a bit and see what we find.

Some would rather have this happen than be vulnerable. But there’s a better approach to vulnerability. (Photo by Hasan Almasi on Unsplash)

Finding power in changed belief

Believing vulnerability is a thing presupposes there’s something that can happen to us that’s beyond our control. Usually, that something is bad: rejection. From the Positively Focused perspective, however, nothing can happen to us that is beyond our control. We invite everything that happens to us through our thoughts and beliefs.

If that’s true, we can see how vulnerability would be a problem. That’s because it presupposes risk. Belief that there’s risk is a belief. That belief will create reality consistent with it. And that explains why so many fear being vulnerable. It also explains why it feels scary.

Rejection is similar. There are many thoughts and beliefs around “rejection”. Those thoughts and beliefs, like those behind “vulnerability”, create reality consistent with them. That’s why hardly anyone wants to feel rejected.

Change those beliefs though and the experience changes. This explains why very successful sales people, for example, don’t experience “no” as rejection. They think different thoughts and beliefs around the word “no”. This also proves it’s possible to change our beliefs around things like “vulnerability” and “rejection”. Doing so makes one much more powerful.

Beliefs matter…a lot

So if we invite our experience through our thoughts and beliefs about them, that means something important. It means that being vulnerable isn’t the key to anything. Instead, our thoughts and beliefs are. Indeed, thoughts and beliefs are everything. They literally create the world around us.

The better beliefs we hold, the better our life gets. My clients are discovering this. The more they change their beliefs to positive, empowering ones, the better their lives get. My experience is similar. The more I’ve changed how I think and what I believe, the more my life has improved. So much so, hardly anything “bad” happens to me. And those “bad” things that do happen are so insignificant, I don’t consider them “bad”. They just are.

In a short while, a person can create an ideal life, what I call the Charmed Life. This is true for relationships too. We don’t need to experience risk in relationship. But getting there requires something: not being vulnerable. Being vulnerable is a myth. Instead, what’s needed is a new way of thinking. One that invites only good. Including good relationships, ones matching what we’re wanting.

And if that relationship matches what we want, is risk needed? I don’t think so.

Rather than experience risk and fear at being vulnerable, I suggest we give up this myth. Let’s replace it with something better. Something like knowing we create our reality. And the more true we are to who we are, the better realities we create, including relationships.

By “true” I mean being positive, happy and easy. Easy with ourselves and easy with others, so that we create an easy life. One in which we can be ourselves. An in doing that have everything we want.

Life Can Be Filled Only With Great, Awesome Things

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

TLDR: The author asserts that brainwashing is a good thing. Ridding the brain of negative beliefs creates a corresponding increase in positive experiences, says the author, until life becomes an ongoing, ever-getting-better experience.

“In every life a little rain must fall.”

“Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies.”

“We must take the good with the bad.”

Certainly these “pearls of wisdom” sound familiar. For sure we can think of many others. They all convince people that they must accept the facts: There will always be experiences they won’t like.

What’s curious is, those who don’t accept these beliefs don’t experience experiences they don’t like.

That’s right. Some, to use another pearl of wisdom “have their head in the cloud.” Doing that, they discover what I’m writing about today: that in their life, only good shows up.

Yep. That’s right. Life needn’t contain a SINGLE negative thing. Hard to believe but it’s 100 percent true. I should know: I’m living that life. My clients are increasingly doing the same.

So how can this be? Are people who live like I live brainwashed? Are their heads in the sand? Or is something else more profound happening?

Let’s take a look.

Brainwashing: A good thing

For sure things that seem inherently bad happen. When they happen, though, are they really bad? And how do people living similar to me and my clients interpret such happenings? These are good questions.

To answer them, let’s take a look at “brainwashing”. At first is sounds like a bad thing. But, like bad things happening, maybe there’s a different way to look at that concept. Maybe there’s a more empowering way to look at “brainwashing”.

First, the word itself. “Washing” the “brain” sounds like a great thing. Is washing our bodies a bad thing? Of course not. When we bathe we’re removing dirt and grime. We’re removing old skin cells and other material from our bodies. We’re removing things we no longer want on us. After a bath or shower, we often feel refreshed. So we typically want to bathe or wash frequently.

The same can be true for washing the brain. In washing the brain, we’re removing things we don’t want in us. So what do we not want in us? Well, those who’ve shown themselves enough evidence that thoughts create reality don’t want in them thoughts creating realities they don’t want. Washing the brain, therefore, is a great thing. And, just as with bathing our bodies, after the brain is washed of those unwanted things, we feel refreshed. We feel refreshed mostly because, when thoughts creating realities we don’t want are washed away, our reality reflects that pure, clean inner state back to us. That reflection is one including only great, awesome things.

So brainwashing is a great thing. It gets a bad rap though because of the word’s common context: when an authority does it to a hapless victim.

It’s in our best interest to wash our brains. (Photo by David Maltos)

Context matters

What’s interesting though is, this common context is humans’ everyday experience. They’re constantly subjected to authorities conditioning their inner state with thoughts. Thoughts that, if they thought about them, they wouldn’t want in there.

By “authorities” I’m not only talking about bosses and politicians, teachers and parents and church leaders. I’m also referring to the media, commercial marketing, and society in general, what I call “the peanut gallery.”

I’m sure you’re familiar with most of those “authoritative” sources. But let me give you an example of how “the peanut gallery” can exert powerful influence on people’s inner state.

Two of my clients recently experienced different negative situations. While both situations are different, the origin of those situations was the same. The first client was experiencing extreme mental and emotional abuse from her daughter. I won’t give details, but, believe me, the daughter’s treatment of her mother was horrendous…by human standards. The second client struggled with his self-torment. He believed he must suffer in his marriage rather than create one that works for him. He suffered so much he contemplated killing himself. But the same origin of his suffering kept him from doing that. I’ll clarify that in a moment.

First, however, let’s look at the client with a hellion of a daughter.

A hellion of a daughter

Extremely positive reasons are responsible for my client birthing a child-devil. I won’t get into those reasons though because that’s not the point of this post. After years of this young lady savagely abusing my client, my client finally had had enough. Of course, anyone who loves themselves would have ended that relationship decades ago and handed the imp to her father.

What kept my client sticking to all this abuse? The Peanut Gallery, aka other people’s opinions. Beliefs like “A good mother never deserts her child” and “Mothers should love their children no matter what” and “You can’t leave your daughter, that would make you a bad mother” and “What kind of mother would do that?”

Now read this carefully: what’s really interesting was other people in my client’s life were telling her she should cut ties with the daughter. So where were “other people’s opinions” coming from? That’s right! They were all in my client’s head! Her own beliefs, in other words.

But they aren’t really “hers”. Well, they are, but that’s not where they came from. She allowed herself to believe these beliefs as a result of living life and allowing herself to “take in” or conclude beliefs based on her experience. Her experience with all those other authorities I mentioned above including a not-so-good upbringing from similar-minded parents.

So “the peanut gallery” typically isn’t actual people telling us what to do or not do, although it can be. It usually is, however, our own thoughts we use to judge ourselves in advance for behavior we’re inspired to take. We’re inspired to take that action because it will make life better for us. But we often talk ourselves out of taking that action.

Let’s look now at the second client.

Frozen to the point of suicide

He too, has a Peanut Gallery going on and on in his head. What he really wanted at the time was a different marriage. He considered divorce, but his Peanut Gallery wouldn’t allow that. “I have to stick it out” and “I’d be a bad person to divorce her” and “what kind of husband deserts his wife, especially one who doesn’t work and is ill?” all racked his brain.

The problem was as he stayed in the marriage, thinking thoughts amplifying his negative experience, he got to thinking about ending it all. But even there, the Peanut Gallery stopped him. Thoughts like “What would people think if I did that?” and “What would my wife do? She’d be devastated” froze him in his tracks.

Now, suicide is not a bad thing. It’s like the death penalty, which isn’t bad either. When a person dies, whether at their own hands or the hands of another, they return to nonphysical, are instantly removed from their suffering and return to a state of sublime bliss. So it makes total sense a person in deep despair, pain or other intense suffering would make that choice.

There are other ways to relieve such suffering, however, which my client now is realizing. He’s no longer thinking about leaving his marriage or killing himself. But what’s really interesting is, as he washes his brain free of his Peanut Gallery, he’s finding an interesting experience: happiness and empowerment. Even with his marriage not changing a bit.

Empowerment is intoxicating

The first client too got a glimpse of that extremely liberating state that is empowerment. After she washed her brain free of disempowering beliefs, I asked her “how would you feel after cutting ties with your daughter?”

She immediately answered with one word: “Relief”.

Now relief isn’t the greatest, but it’s a start. And after amplifying her awareness of how much better her life could be without her daughter in it, she too found herself empowered. Empowered enough to take the action.

She’s still getting ready to take that action. But more than ever before, she’s seeing not only the wisdom of that new thought, she’s also feeling more and more the empowerment that will be increasingly hers after she takes it.

Empowerment is so intoxicating. It’s rarely felt by humans. But it’s supposed to be our natural state as we move through life experience.That partly explains its intoxicating nature; it feels so good because it’s so rarely felt. Even when it’s felt for a while though, it can become addicting: once one gets a taste no other life condition will do.

And when a person lives in that state for a while, life must reflect that state back to them in the form of ever improving life situations. Is must, because that’s what life is: a reflection of our inner state.

Everything is good

And that’s why I assert that life can only contain good things. That and because I’m living the experience. My clients are living that experience too, increasingly. It all happens when we wash our brains of thoughts life reflects back to us making us see the bad things happening.

Now there are two things to note about this phenomena: one, bad things do happen. We see them every day. But those things needn’t be interpreted as bad. Being able to see them as good is possible.

For example, if you know what you’ve read here, we could say such things, when they happen, happen because the person they happen to is figuring out through life feedback how to think better. Two, just because they happen to others doesn’t mean they must happen to us. In other words, this time-space reality is filled with VARIETY. Variety of EVERYTHING. Including life experience.

Abraham sharing their wisdom.

And that’s another way we can wash our brains, thus enabling us to see only good: by recognizing that that variety is a great thing. Not only does it act as feedback for us, but it also allows us to select from the variety experiences we want to have.

Now, it takes a while to produce such a life because others have trained us into accepting that “In every life a little rain must fall” and “Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies” and “We must take the good with the bad.” But once we wash our brains of those thoughts, we discover a new world dawning. And in that bright light of dawn we find our bliss. The bliss of empowerment.

How To Make Financial Markets Do What You Want

TLDR: The author creates an outcome supporting their contention that one’s beliefs create their reality…even their financial reality. They continue with the assertion that results like these explain why so many people have become Positively Focused clients, particularly people of the same family, giving credence to the power of the practice.

When what you’re about to read happened, I wasn’t excited about it. I wasn’t excited about it because it felt like it was meant to be. Abraham describes that feeling as “an of course”; Manifestations of this kind just feel like the next natural step of one’s life. That is, when one becomes a master of the Five Steps of Deliberate Creation.

That’s how I felt about what you’re about to read, although, TBH, it is really incredible. Which is another reason why I’m sharing this: because Abraham also says once someone begins having this kind of effect on their reality, they’ve accomplished something significant.

I agree.

Let’s take a look at this remarkable, but expected manifestation.

A desire for greater financial abundance

I took a pretty large position on a financial asset years ago. My Broader Perspective encouraged the act. The asset developers promised remarkable changes to the internet once they launched their technology. The financial asset backed their development expenses.

I liked what they planned. It perfectly dovetailed with a project I’m developing. So when I read about their plans, I got excited. I also knew my excitement told me something important. That’s why I took the position on the asset I did.

Fast forward to last month. The project I backed progressed so well, I wanted to support it more. Plus, I feel a knowing that this project will create a LOT of momentum, thus increasing the asset’s value. So I wanted to increase my position by around 30 percent.

However, at the current market price, that 30 percent increase would cost around $2500. I didn’t want to spend $2500. I wanted to spend under $2000.

Talking with a spiritual peer of mine, I just casually thought how cool it would be to see the asset’s price drop to where the new position I’d take would cost me something less than $2000.

Thoughts make markets

The Universe is a hologram. We’ve all heard this analogy. Holograms, if you examine a small part of them, always reflect the whole. In the same way, the Universe, from top to bottom, reflects itself. Whether we’re looking at the whole thing, or a super-tiny portion of it, principles by which the Universe functions hold steady. Rather than alluding to holograms, I prefer the term recursive. It’s a much better and easier-to-understand illustration of how the Universe is.

Since the Universe and its principles are recursive, I knew that financial markets and money must work the same way everything else in the Universe works. In other words, money and markets are subject to the same energetic forces making everything else work. We could assert then that money and markets are subject to our focus, our creative focus. That’s because our creative focus forms all the other parts of our reality.

What we believe about money and markets, therefore, is what makes money and markets work. This shouldn’t shock anyone. It’s easy to see, superficially, that this is what happens. When investors think optimistically, they tend to act in ways that push markets up. Their pessimistic thoughts do the opposite. Their beliefs, in other words, drive prices.

But can an individual make an entire market swing?

That brings me back to my intention.

I know what I’m doing

After talking with my friend, I very lightly focused on the idea of the asset price dropping; to the point where I could increase my position for less than two grand. I then set a notification in my app. I wanted it to alert me when that happened. Doing that, I avoided needing to check that app all the time. It also allowed me to take my attention off the subject.

That’s a key element of creating reality or manifesting. Focusing too much on a desired manifestation can unintentionally cause us to focus on the opposite of what we’re wanting. When that happens, we amplify the absence of our desire, thus causing its absence to prolong. This explains why many people believe this “you create your reality” business doesn’t work. They don’t realize that in their attempts to make it work, they use the process to create evidence that it doesn’t work.

It’s important that we know what it is upon which we put our focus.

They don’t know what they’re doing in other words. But I know what I’m doing.

So after setting that alert, I took my mind totally off what I wanted. Instead, I thought about other pleasing things, things that thrill me, like going on bike rides, swimming laps in the community center pool, working out and reading good books.

What happened next surprised no one involved.

Moving the market through thought

Five days later, my alert triggered. Because I wasn’t thinking about it, the alert surprised me. My phone rested on the arm of a chair in which I sat watching a Netflix series. I saw my phone screen brighten through my peripheral vision.

The alert that came. It shows two days ago because I took the screen shot two days after, when I started writing this post.

I picked up my phone, opened the app and, sure enough, the price dropped…a lot. By Sunday, the price was exactly where I wanted it. Of course, I took the bigger position securing a 30 percent increase in my asset stake for less than $2000.

Arrow A. Looking at the market on this day with my spiritual peer, I intended a price drop so I could take deeper position on the asset. B. On this day, the prices started looking like they were trending in the right direction, but it wasn’t necessarily indicating a drop like I wanted. So I set the alert described above. C. By the time I looked at the alert, which I set for .00219, the price had dropped to around .00215, the perfect target to take my position.

Reality is subject to our focus

A lot is going on in the world. Intention, energetic focus and momentum drives all that. This is the basis of how the Universe works. Anyone who knows this and can tap into it, then leverage it becomes extremely powerful. Everything becomes possible for such a person.

My clients are discovering this as I continue expanding my own abilities while sharing what I’m learning with them. As a result, they are finding what I find: that their reality is subject to their focus. Whatever they focus on, they therefore can achieve.

No wonder their family members are becoming clients too. That’s right. Client’s husbands, sisters, friends, in laws and more are becoming clients because of what they see in their client relative. In other words this practice works. Nothing is off limits because everything in the Universe is subject to the same principles. They very principles we all control. And yet so many people don’t know they enjoy such power.

So they get lives that are at best, ok.

I want a thrilling life. One where I realize the Universe is at my command. The entire Universe. Including financial markets. It’s so cool seeing that become my reality.


One thing I’m speculating as I witness this unfolding: it seems being able to affect such results depends on one’s passions being aligned with the desired outcome. If one doesn’t feel passion for the subject area, I’m not sure they have the power to affect an outcome. I’m still working on whether this speculation is accurate. But it certainly seems so as I observe what I’m able to do and what my clients produce.

More on this as I progress.

An Awesome Update On My Teleportation Results

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TLDR: The author recounts an experience asserting it to have been a precursor to occult abilities. They say what’s remarkable about this experience is another person witnessed the whole event. An ER visit negated any medical explanations, even though doctors, who dislike saying “I have no idea what happened”, diagnosed what happened as vasovagal syncope. The author then expresses eagerness at a future full of super humans based on their example.

What happened this week is truly remarkable. I’m glad another person experienced it with me, so his account could support my own. What happened was a definite sign of me manifesting the ability to realize all my occult aspirations. Aspirations including teleportation, shape shifting, astral travel and more.

But that’s not all that came from this awesome experience. It also showed me the power of this Positively Focused practice. The practice offered, in this really amazing experience, an awesome gift. One that I know my clients will someday also experience. One promised as part of the Positively Focused Way.

More on that later. First, here’s what happened.

It prompts an emergency room visit

My good friend Mark and I planned to meet for lunch. I was eager about that because we hadn’t eaten where we planned in years. In fact, I was surprised the place remained open after COVID. That’s one reason we decided to meet there; as a kind of celebration that they’re still around.

I also planned the meal as a celebration. Five new people have become clients since this past January. These days, I celebrate new client arrivals by taking myself out for a nice meal. So this lunch was part of that celebratory ritual. We must amplify our successful manifestations by celebrating them, yes? Thus this practice.

I rode my bike downtown. Upon arriving I saw Mark walking towards the restaurant. We arrived at almost the exact same time. As he went in and grabbed a table, I locked my bike. We greeted each other and sat down. I wanted a better seat so I suggested we move to where we both could look out the windows.

The server brought us water and menus as we caught up on our lives. Then, as we talked over what we would order, something strange started happening in me. Here’s what I wrote, directly from my private journal:

A stroke? Or a supernatural experience?

My Broader Perspective tells me what happened today was a mystical event. I wound up in the Veteran’s Administration (VA) emergency room. I was with Mark. He and I thought I had a stroke. Here’s what happened.

I went to the gym. I ran one mile, overdoing the pace to the point where I strained my calves. Then I performed my regular weight workout. That felt great. 

Before that I ate an egg on bread and drank tea. 

Then I rode my bike downtown. I got there right on time, locked my bike and went in the restaurant. Mark already got a table. We moved to a better table then talked about his beach house and the glass house that startup guy made.

While Mark talked about it, nausea swept over me. Then I felt like I needed to vomit or poop. I went to the toilet and popped a bit, then returned to the table. I felt better but when I sat down the symptoms returned but with greater force. As far as I know, no external “triggers”, like smells or sightings of things like blood, caused this.

The next thing I know, Mark is holding a cup of water to my lips with his hand on my shoulder. I had no fear or worry. I just felt I had gone “somewhere” and returned. 

Mark said I suddenly “wasn’t there”. My eyes were open, he said, but when calling my name I was unresponsive. I did feel I had gone “somewhere” but I don’t know where and have no recall of where I went. 

Checking…just in case

I once again felt I needed to use the bathroom. Then I broke out in a cold sweat again, and felt odd in my body. Mark helped me to the bathroom, then, when I returned, he gave me aspirin and told me to swallow them as it looked to him like I had a stroke. 

Not understanding what this was I felt it a good idea that we go to the VA emergency department ASAP. So we bee-lined it there. 

I was treated with first-class service as usual. They asked Mark and I to recount the experience. Then they took my vitals. In the emergency room they took an EKG, blood and did a neural responsiveness test, which I passed. While waiting for the blood results, they also did a CAT scan. 

Both blood test and scan returned normal/healthy readings except one which looked as though I wasn’t eating enough. They also gave me IV fluids. 

The doctors diagnosed me as having had a vasovagal syncope episode, which essentially means I had a fainting spell. But there was no trigger….

Asking my Broader Perspective this evening if this was a mystical experience, they returned a very strong affirmative indication.

A mystical experience indeed!

I’m writing this a couple days after the event. The nausea and “odd” sensations came and went twice. Then suddenly I was “out” of physical reality. That’s the moment Mark noticed me “not there”. I mean, obviously, my body was there. But my consciousness was not. That part of me that is “I” departed physical reality.

That’s why I didn’t “see” Mark get up from his side of the table. Nor did I feel him put his hand on the shoulder of my body. I wasn’t there after all. I “came back” with him standing beside me on my right, his left hand on my shoulder and holding a cup of water to my lips in his right hand.

Again, I have no idea where I went. But I speculate that this event was the first in a gradual series of experiences not dissimilar from how I soothed resistance keeping me from clearly perceiving dream reality.

Durning the process of clearly perceiving dream reality, I at first didn’t recall any dreams. Prior to this, like many clients, I didn’t even believe I dreamed. With the right suggestions however, I began gradually experiencing snippets of dream reality. Snippets that finally coalesced into the long-form, super-vivid and highly satisfying dream experiences I now enjoy. Experiences I can recall almost at will any time.

I believe what happened in the restaurant represents the next step in a similar process. One that will eventually have me able to do all the things I mentioned in the first paragraph of this story. It’s a process beginning with waves of Kundalini energy clearing away energy blockages in my physical and ephemeral body. And now this experience where I “departed” physical reality, leaving my body behind, in front of someone who could verify what happened. Astounding!

What this definitely means

What’s also interesting is I experienced NO FEAR AT ALL about dying or about having a stroke. I was completely fine about it all. I wonder if that’s because I knew it wasn’t a life-threatening health event. Instead, it was the continuing unfolding manifestation of my desire to be able to do these things…

Instead of fear, I feel strong curiosity. Curiosity and eagerness for the next step. I’m eager to be able to be conscious of that place I “go” to so I may then direct my consciousness to another physical location, then have my body appear there.

That’s how Seth describes the process of teleportation. According to Seth, we can project our consciousness, the essence of that which we are, out of our bodies. Then we can “move” to another location. It doesn’t have to be on earth. Then, holding our intention in the new location, the body in our old location will dissolve and reconstitute in the new place our consciousness exists.

It’s happening! (Photo by Warren Wong)

Imagine what that will be like! Imagine being able to teleport to any location, anywhere. The implications are astounding!

I also believe this initial phenomena is a kind of nexus for the other skills. Astral travel, of course, means traveling outside of the physical body. Shapeshifting too, it seems, would require temporarily separating from the body so the body can reconstitute along the lines of the consciously-held desired physical form.

Perhaps this is how the shape shifter avoids feeling pain associated with all that reconstitution. It’s not that the body turns into another one. Rather, the existing body is replaced by a new body, a vibration assembly that’s coherent to the new image consciousness holds!

An astounding future for humanity

The VA emergency room doctors said I experienced a “vasovagal syncopic episode“. Doctors don’t like saying “I have no idea.” I don’t think this was a vasovagal syncope experience. In such experiences, a trigger typically fires off the episode. According to the link above, typical triggers include standing for long periods of time, heat exposure, seeing blood, having blood drawn or fear of bodily injury.

But none of those happened. And while the experience seemed involuntary, I’m confident future ones will come with more volition.

In the meantime, many more, more serious implications arise with such abilities. One could, for example, go places “off limits” to unauthorized personnel. I could visit secret military installations, for example. Area 51 here I come! (jk)

I’m more interested in traveling to different countries without needing the “travel” part. Think about that! Near instantaneous transportation. The ability to travel ANYWHERE. That’s pretty intriguing. I’d like to see what it’s like on a habitable planet light years from ours…

But what’s most cool about this emerging ability is being an example for others to follow. An example that expands what it means to be human. That’s what I came into physical reality for: to expand past preconceived notions humanity holds and to open the door to a completely new reality for the human race. A race of super humans.

Prospects of that thrill me to no end. Let’s see what awesome results happen next!

What Happens When People Speak Truth About The Bible

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

TLDR: The author shares their reaction to people who commented on an article they wrote about mistranslations in the Bible. They use this opportunity to assert that “truth” springs from one’s beliefs, thereby making anything one believes true for that person. They then suggests that Christians may find greater satisfaction in learning to discern the Bible’s distortions from its wisdom.

The Bible. It’s a book. It has inspired a lot of hatred and killing…ironically. But it also has inspired and does inspire a lot of love.

And this is the point of physical reality: We see what we train ourselves to see. Furthermore, once we’ve trained ourselves, it’s very hard to see anything else. That’s definitely the case when it comes to the reality that is the Bible.

But we can choose what we see. Even after our “seeing” rigidifies. Whatever we choose to see shapes what we see. It also prevents us from seeing anything else.

This past week, I wrote a story about a documentary. The documentary moved me. That’s why I wrote the story. The film told of a distortion in the Bible, a mistranslation made in the Revised Standard Version (RSV). The documentary is powerful. My characterization of it in my blog echoed that power. It also asserted that while this mistranslation was not malicious, it still created tremendous suffering, and does so even today.

Some things change. Others remain the same.

That previous story ranks as one of my most popular. In this story, I look at some responses people made to that story. The responses show exactly what you’ve just read: Our world springs from our beliefs. And the more we hold to those beliefs, the less open we are to seeing the world differently. Which suggests we should be very careful about what beliefs we adopt, doesn’t it?

There is no one “truth”

Some responders thought my story was about me trying to change people’s world view, especially Christian people. Perhaps that’s why a few commenters pushed back rather hard, calling my supposed attempt to change people’s minds “ridiculous”. One person even advised I “get on my knees” and ask “God to show you what is truth”.

Little do these people know, I once was a fundamentalist Christian. I belonged to no church, but I carried my Bible everywhere and believed Jesus was my personal savior. That was my truth at that time.

Today, however, after navigating through many “truths”, I’ve come to my own thinking on spiritual matters, as well as “truth”. A direct, personal, private conversation with Infinite Intelligence supported that navigation, which is primarily responsible for my client work today as well as the Positively Focused Practice or Way.

Since I’ve walked this path, I see that word “truth” brings a lot of danger if it’s misunderstood. No “One Truth” exists. Thinking that way gets people into a lot of trouble. One only need look around to see that. Whether in politics, religion, families or love, people who think they know the truth, while also thinking others don’t, sow the seeds of conflict.

There is no one truth. Any belief anyone holds will become “truth” FOR THAT PERSON. That’s why people do really outrageous things, like blowing themselves up as an expression of religious truth, or shooting up a pizza restaurant while believing something truly nefarious goes on behind the pizza ovens.

In fact, for every point of consciousness there exists an infinite number of truths. Which truth is true? All of them are, for that point of consciousness holding them. What we believe creates reality. Reality becomes truth, but only truth for those holding beliefs which gave rise to the reality. When it comes to the Bible, a lot of people believe they have the truth.

Make truth non-threatening

Of course, holding our intimate truths born of our beliefs is harmless to others. That is, until we believe our truths compel us to push them onto others. That’s when trouble starts. And unfortunately for many Christians following what they think the Bible teaches, those people believe their job is making others adopt what they believe is the truth.

On a walk the other day, I came across a group of very young women. They offered people passing by Italian sodas. When they offered me one, I declined.

Then I changed my mind. My soda came with a Christian flyer. I refused the flyer, not because I disliked the message, but because I didn’t want to carry a piece of paper. One I’d later probably throw away.

Instead of accepting the flyer, I invited any of the young women to give me the 30-second Christian pitch. One person did, and boy, she knew her truth. She ticked all the boxes: original sin, saved by the blood of Jesus, etc. But not once did she offer anything relevant to me. Not once did she ask me any questions to make her pitch relevant. What is the saying? “Know your customer”. She was utterly clueless.

Which brings me to a comment on my story last week. This one was brilliant. The person writing told a great story about his experience with a conservative pastor on the subject of evangelizing:

The point is, if we think our truth matters more than others’ (they don’t, but whatever) it makes sense to offer our truth in non-threatening ways or in a way that resonates with the listener. I don’t fault the young ladies for their naiveté. They are young. They have very little life experience.

I don’t even fault commenters who asserted the documentary, 1946, was inaccurate, even without having watched it. Or people who think I need to get on my knees and ask god for the truth. Our truths are powerful. As I wrote above, our truths will not allow anything other than what we believe “in”.

That’s why I didn’t write the story to change anyone’s mind. The story was about a film that moved me.

It’s all good

Several commenters wrote in support of what they thought was the purpose of the story. I believe they thought it was about condemning the Bible, Christianity and, more generally, religion. I appreciate their support.

That’s not what the story was about though. It was about a documentary that moved me. A documentary that fleshed out something I didn’t know before. The documentary moved me because I am queer. When I was a Christian, I didn’t believe the crap from churches that I was condemned to hell. I knew better. I also knew the Bible was a book written by man and subjected over time to a ton of interpretation.

Therefore misinterpretations must exist in the book, I thought. That this documentary came along confirming my thoughts, I saw as a manifestation of a long-held knowing. That’s why I wrote the story. I felt moved.

I don’t dislike or hate Christians. Nor do I dislike or hate religion. Religion, like science, is based on beliefs. Beliefs create our realities. So, therefore, what’s to dislike or hate? Instead, I revel in the variety of life experience. That phenomena gives rise to enormous diversity, something I call “expansion”. And all of it is good.

And isn’t that what the Bible says god said when “he” created the world? It was all good. Indeed.

Which brings me to one particular comment that struck me. It was so complete, clear and on the mark. The details the writer, Tom Gough, expressed moved me as much as the documentary did. I want to conclude with it because it sums up a lot of what the documentary said, yet, didn’t explicitly say.

Followers of Paul, not Jesus

Tom responded by affirming that mistranslation exists in the RSV, then he continues:

“This was the RSV which, problematically, is a translation depended upon by Liberal Christians and loathed by Evangelicals. The texts in question should never have been translated as homosexual, (which is a term of identity rather than a specific activity), but -arsenokoites- is a word of Paul’s own construction that literally means “Male Beds” and has historically been translated as “Men having sex with men.” Paul also used the word -malakos- which means soft or effeminate and, again historically, has been used to imply a catamite or other male receiver of male sexual attention.”

“So, while it would be nice to imagine that all the anti-gay rhetoric coming out of the various church institutions is a matter of unfortunate translation, it isn’t. Paul was never a Pharisee but a gentile who attached himself to the Sadducee’s High Priest , and thus devoted to ritual and sexual purity. More than that, Paul is a homophobe. He is also an erotophobe who finds every form of sexual expression to be icky and only tolerates sex in its absolutely least offensive form in marriage. “You may have a child together, but otherwise do not touch yourself or anyone else ever.” Paul clearly has issues. He is also not Jesus. Jesus never said bupkiss about gay folk, and in fact appears to have a much more expansive and inclusive attitude toward the variety of sex and gender expression than the culture in which he lived (Matthew 19:12 for example).

It is pointless to try and rescue Paul from his own pathology. The real question (apart from why believe any of it?) is why Evangelicals, and other Christian Authoritarian institutions, so clearly prefer to follow Paul rather than Jesus. It’s because they are themselves, by nature, Sadducees seeking wealth and oppressive power, just like Paul – and because Jesus asks too much tolerance, compassion, and love from his followers, while Paul gives his a broad and vicious invitation to prejudice in the the name of purity.”

Still holding out hope

That last paragraph is spot-on in my opinion. It’s pointless trying to change anyone’s mind, until they’re willing to have their mind changed. Changing people’s minds, therefore, was the farthest thing from my intent in writing last week’s story. Evangelicals and other Christian Authoritarians ARE following Paul instead of Jesus. They are sycophants lusting after as much power as they can get. That’s antithetical to what Jesus offered.

Which explains why some of the most vocal, political Christian leaders do not offer messages of tolerance, compassion and love. Especially towards gay and trans people.

But I don’t think these people hate gay and trans people. I think, actually, that they don’t care at all about them. What they care about: amassing power, wealth and the attention of religious sycophants. Their focus on gays and trans people will end, as soon as they realize the religious sycophant tires of that as a polarizing issue.

And tire they will. Because consciousness doesn’t like staying in one place. Anyone who has ever tried meditating knows this (LOL). So, in time, these people will all move on to another group. And the world will be better for it. The LGBTQ world at least.

In the meantime, I still hold out hope for more Christians to realize their main text contains distortions. It’s also full of divine wisdom. And so I also hold hope that more Christians will learn to discern the latter from the former. When they do, the world will be better off.

What Happens In What People Call “Dreams”

Photo by Bruce Christianson on Unsplash

TLDR: While most people dismiss or forget dreams, they are actually more than just subconscious meanderings. They are creations of alternate realities we explore actively when asleep. Influenced by momentum and belief, practice can enhance dream recall. The recent experiences of the author validate Seth’s multidimensional theory of dreams intersecting with waking life, suggesting an intertwined relationship between various states of consciousness and reality.

When the body sleeps, we do not. What we’re doing when the body sleeps escapes most people. That’s because a lot of people disregard it. They ignore what people call “dreams”. So much so, some people don’t even think they dream!

But everyone dreams. Every THING dreams. That becomes evident when we explore what’s happening when the body sleeps.

We’re not “dreaming”. Instead, we’re creating realities. And we’re participating in those realities with intense focus.

A lot more happens when the body sleeps than just that though. What’s happening is ultra sophisticated. So many things happen while we’re “out there”, writing about them all would take too much space.

Instead, I want to focus on one aspect of what’s happening in that conscious, aware state people call dreaming. I want to focus on it because a recent experience gave a perfect example which confirmed what you’re about to read.

Let’s take a look at it.

Everyone dreams, but some forget they do

By the way, anyone can confirm for themselves all of what I’m sharing here. It takes a while though. That’s because momentum and belief affect our conscious awareness of what’s happening when the body sleeps just as much as they do when the body is awake. So momentum behind the belief “I don’t dream” makes it impossible to remember what’s happening. “I don’t remember my dreams” does the same thing.

With practice though, remembering what’s happening gets easier and easier.

It helps too to give up calling the experience “dreaming”. “Dreaming” is ladened with too much baggage. Baggage discouraging accurate recall of our participation in that state of consciousness.

Nearly all my advanced clients claim, initially, that they never dream. Or they claim they don’t remember their dreams. Then, with a little encouragement and the right suggestions, the world they explore while the body sleeps springs into their conscious awareness. It becomes more vivid. It becomes more thrilling. Sometimes terror-filled experiences greet them. But that’s because their dominant vibrational momentum is negative.

Once that clears away though, that vast, seemingly magical world becomes more and more clear. Then clients start waking from sleep in joy, wonder and fascination.

So if you don’t think you dream, or you can’t remember them, that’s easily fixed. If you don’t believe what you’re about to read, I suggest you prove it to yourself. How? By becoming more aware that you, too, are enjoying vivid experiences when your body lays in bed.

Dreams offer so much richness…if we know how to recall and retain them. (Photo by Bruce Christianson on Unsplash)

All dimensions dance within each other

Seth, a key component of my vibrational lineage, has said the world making up what people call dreams is multidimensional. Each of those dimensions, he says, overlaps and influences all the others. The same goes for waking reality. Waking reality is influenced by those dimensions too. And waking reality influences them. This vast interaction happens in real time. And every point of consciousness gets in on the act.

“Every point of consciousness” includes you and me. When we’re awake, we’re influencing all those other dimensions, in other words. When our bodies sleep, we participate more actively. Our consciousness directs us into that awareness almost completely, which explains why, when we’re “there”, we have no awareness of waking reality where our bodies lie in bed.

All this sounds theoretical. Like a hypothesis scientists make, then try to prove or disprove in science. But this is not theory, nor science. This is exactly what is happening when we sleep. A recent experience while asleep proved this to me through an extremely clear example.

Here’s what happened:

A multi-layered “dream” experience

I was participating in World War II. It was an alternate-reality version of World War II, not the earthly version. I knew this because the landscape and the people “felt” different than people feel in our collective waking reality. The machinery also looked slightly different than it does here.

In this plane, I was a mechanic working on a 20mm cannon of what looked like a German fighter plane. My job was to use a big piece of cloth to push through the bore of the canon in order to clean it free of carbon. I did that over and over, until the cloth came out clean.

Then I was a wounded soldier. Vultures were picking at my body, but I was ambulatory. I walked among other wounded humans, both civilian and military. We all mingled around what looked like a little pool of water or fountain. The rest of the town was in ruins having apparently been bombed to smithereens.

Then I was part of the resistance. I was working with two women who were also part of the resistance. We were sitting in a small home, thinking and talking about our strategies. Another woman came in, someone who knew what we were doing. She claimed to have caught us in the act of espionage or treason. I don’t remember what side we were supposedly acting treasonous towards. She took one woman away. The other woman remained with me and we talked about what we were going to do next. We didn’t fear for our lives or for the woman who got taken away.

Then I suddenly found myself in a totally different reality. There, I walked through the lobby of a luxurious condominium tower. It was very similar in atmosphere to a Ritz Carlton. I walked through this elevator/escalator thing. Then went through the entryway and entered my unit. It was very futuristic inside. It had dark wooden walls and recessed push buttons to control certain features of the unit.

When I walked in, my “partner” was sitting on a built-in couch in front of a large entertainment screen. Her back was turned to me and I saw her black, straight hair in silhouette against the screen’s glare. I turned right, and walked into the “dining area”. There, sat two beautifully dressed people — a man, and a woman. That’s when I noticed I was impeccably dressed also. I wore an extremely well-tailored suit and a white, open-collared shirt.

The man got up from the dining table and introduced himself. I introduced myself also. We knew each other already because I recognized him from the World War II dreams. The woman remained seated and was eating what looked like some sort of sandwich made of hamburger buns. She didn’t eat the buns themselves, but instead ate whatever was in the middle of them. She looked at me, said hi, and offered the buns to me. At first I declined, but then decided I wanted to eat them.

At that moment, the three of us reminisced together about both World War II experiences. We all had played a role in the unfolding of those experiences. The feeling of our reminiscence was “mission accomplished” or that the purpose of the experience was fulfilled. It was then that I recognized that that was an alternate dimension that we all had put ourselves in and THIS dimension that we were now in was yet another dimension that we were participating in!

A trippy experience for sure

What’s interesting here is, in that second “dream”, I was highly surprised. I was surprised both because I knew I was “dreaming” and, I also knew that the dream I currently was in, was connected somehow to the dream I had dreamed just before. It also surprised me that the three of us had traveled or somehow had been in that other dream and now we were here. Here, apparently, in my futuristic luxury apartment!

Just as Seth described, I was participating in multiple experiences in this nonphysical reality, all happening at the same time, along with others who were participating too! That “Mission Accomplished” feeling confirmed what Seth says about “influence”: apparently, whatever we were doing in that other dream “worked”.

I felt this ah-ha experience while still “dreaming”! Then, when I woke, back in my apartment here in physical reality, I continued feeling this sense of astonishment. Life proved to me exactly what Seth described!

My experiences while my body sleeps continue offering so many awe-inspiring moments. The more vivid those moments get and the better retention I have of them, the more rich my life gets. That enrichment, of course, spills over into this waking reality too.

We come into this reality and, not long after, kind of sink into a numbness about it. The experience loses its luster. We think “is this all there is?” But this life can be as ongoingly rich and awe-inspiring as the dream state. Underneath our numb feelings lies that Charmed Life I write about. Where everything we want to know can be known. And everything we want to experience can be. All that’s required is altering our ability to perceive. That happens best though being Positively Focused.

The False Truth The Bible Makes Christians Believe

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

TLDR: The story looks at how the film “1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture” reveals that a mistranslation in the Bible to include “homosexual” has deeply affected LGBTQ perception within Christianity. This error, from a 1946 translation team, has fueled generations of discrimination, despite evidence challenging its legitimacy. This story also looks at the intersection of faith, belief, and the potentially transformative power of reexamined truths.

Some Christians will dispute this, but the Bible itself seems clear on the issue: God hates gays. At least that’s what Christian evangelicals will tell us. As does the Bible. I mean, it’s clearly stated many, many times throughout the “good book”.

But does god really hate gays? Or is something else afoot, like human error?

I’ve always seen the Bible as something other than the word of god. It can’t be the word of god because god didn’t write the Bible. No matter how a theologian will try explaining it, god did not pen the Bible. Man did.

This post is about a new documentary I watched. It’s called 1946The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture. The film takes on one of the biggest bombshells Christianity dropped on humanity and the massive destruction that bomb created.

Well, not really “Christianity”. It was “some Christians” who dropped it. The problem is, what they dropped shaped the world we see today. One where a lot of Christians don’t act very Christian. One where a lotta Christians persecute LGBTQ people, believing they’re doing “god’s work”.

Let’s dive in.

The original intent was pure

The film is great. It offers extremely compelling evidence supporting its contention. Its contention is the white, presumably straight, men who translated the most popular versions of the Bible got it wrong when translating two critical terms. While translating the Bible from Greek to English, they conflated those two terms to mean “homosexual”. Then, publishers used that conflation to fill the entire Bible with the word “homosexual”, thus creating the weaponized version many evangelical lay persons and their leaders use to condemn LGBTQ people today.

The difference that conflation created sent human civilization on a totally different trajectory than if that translation error never happened.

Not only does the film offer proof, it offers proof that’s extremely compelling. Turns out 20 white men in 1946 were translating the Bible from Greek. I believe all these men were theologians. It’s clear from factual examination of these men’s own notes that their intentions were pure. After the conflation happened, however, another man saw the group’s translation. This other man happened to also be a theologian.

But something else about this guy made him the perfect person to get involved: he also was gay. And he also was a pastor.

This person wrote a letter to the group. He urged them to reconsider the conflation. What’s amazing, given today’s Christian perspective on gays, is the group’s leader was super interested in this guy’s opinion. The two exchanged extremely cordial letters about the conflation. In the end, the group leader agreed with the gay pastor: the translation was wrong.

A question that can change the world. From the film’s website.

Sacrosanct words meet politics

However, our process-driven society amplified the problem. Some years would pass before revised translations could get published. In those years, publishers published two other versions of the Bible. Those versions contained the mistranslation.

Then Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell popularized those translations. Right about this time, Ronald Reagan became president. Politics and Christian values birthed the Religious Right. And that was all she wrote.

Needing a foil to keep Christians agitated and engaged, the Politicized Religious Right focused on gays as “the enemy”. Right around this time AIDS happened. AIDS was the perfect example of homosexual depravity. The Religious Right claimed AIDS was divine retribution for homosexual sin. Momentum took over from there.

This explains why, today, the Bible contains the word “homosexual”. Accurately translating those two words would put the Bible in a completely different standing on gay people. Proof the documentary offers attesting to this is undeniable. Unless you believe the Bible is the word of god.

And yet, many Christians will not consider this proof. Even though it comes directly from the men who did the translations. Again, many Christians believe the book is the word of god. It is therefore infallible. They don’t consider these words the words of man, translations prone to error.

The power of belief and momentum

The film maker’s family shows how powerful belief in the book as the word of god can be. The film maker is lesbian. Her father is an evangelical pastor. He swears the Bible is the word of god. As such, he believes what the Bible says about homosexuals. Even when presented with proof documentarians found, he’s unwilling to budge. It’s the word of god, he says. End of story.

Not only does this pastor’s example show how powerful Christian belief is, even when it’s based on distortion, it also shows how powerful beliefs in general are. Beliefs and momentum literally create our realities. So many Christians believe like this pastor does. Other pastors believe this too. And they pass that belief on to their flock, using oratory fire and brimstone, thereby creating even more fervent believers.

And so generations have believed this false truth as truth. Generations of congregations and generations of Christian leaders too.

Even some gay Christians find themselves believing. They can’t reconcile who they know themselves to be with what their religion tells them. Indeed a central figure in the film is another theologian. Like the pastor who challenges the conflation, this central figure is gay. At one point, inner conflicts drove him to nearly kill himself. In the film he says his life is significantly diminished compared to what it could be had the Bible not been translated the way it was. He claims the Bible destroyed his ability to form intimate bonds with people.

Our beliefs matter. They literally shape reality. Some literally shape society and culture. They are not trifling matters. Decades have passed with many tragedies happening because of this one translation error. A translation error picked up and weaponized by fanatical politicians as well as religious fanatics.

There’s hope

And yet, this documentary can potentially alter our future. I’m holding space for it to reach those who can do something about this egregious sin perpetrated by so many who have come before us. So many claiming to be Christian.

I also hold space for people to watch the film. Some of it is hard to watch. Especially interactions between the film maker and her father. I know after his transition, he’s going to be shocked when he discovers how wrong he was.

And yet, I must offer both the father and the film maker kudos. Despite this enormous difference between them, they maintain a relationship. One seemingly based on love and….tolerance of one another….if not outright acceptance. That’s not something I could do.

I prefer a life where life is peaceful and joyful. People with gross distortions, such as the film maker’s father, don’t appear in my life.

I like it that way.

Whether you’re Christian or gay or otherwise, watch this film. It’s powerful.