Who I am


Over many years, I've created a strong connection with my eternal essences. It is from that connection that the secrets of the Universe flow.

Part of that connection inspires me to share what I know, using my talents and skills to inspire others to their own version of the charmed life I live.

My ultimate joy is reminding others who and what they are, then empowering them to create their charmed life.



Some of the body of experience I have which informs what I know:

My Inner Being framework

That part of me existing in other realities and continually interacting with me.

Mother Ayahuasca



Jane Roberts and Robert Butts

Esther and Jerry Hicks

Masaaki Hatsumi

Werner Erhard

Richard Bach

Dan Millman

Eckhart Tolle

Shakti Gawain

Edgar Cayce

Mark Vandehey

And many more...