TL;DR: The author uses a client example to show how this reality offers the best of what there is to experience. In doing so, they explain how fleeing a situation without first lining up with what’s wanted usually leads to disappointing results. But in the end, they write, everything always works out.
A prospective client this week decided to go with another spiritual provider. Her decision came after only two weeks as a Positively Focused practitioner.
When she first reached out to me, I felt strong vibrations from her. Present were dissatisfaction, unhappiness, especially about herself, a feeling of foreboding about the US and more. This all sprang from her as she told me why she wanted my services.
The next week, she came with a ton of questions. Questions typically someone with so little experience with the practice wouldn’t ask. Indeed they were very advanced questions, ones I didn’t want to answer because I knew she didn’t have enough background to understand the answers. Yet, she insisted, so we talked about them.
Her questions came from visiting YouTube. There she discovered another provider. This person, a “Law of Attraction Coach”, appears to focus on “impossible” achievements, some of the same things I focus on in my personal practice, but don’t work with clients on until they have at least several years experience. That’s because accomplishing what most believe is impossible requires an extraordinary level of alignment to All That Is. And most aren’t ready for such pursuits off-the-bat.
What happened next was…interesting. It showed me how some people want to escape from their lives. They want to go somewhere where they think life is better.
In this post, let’s look at why that’s not in anyone’s best interest. And what is available to us instead.
Not everyone is in the same place
This new client came to me after reading my post on Dark Matter. In that post, I lauded the show’s relatively accurate portrayal of alternate dimensional travel. My own experiences aligned well with what they portrayed. How they portrayed alternate dimensional travel was not so accurate, however. Still, I felt the show deserved praise.
I thought it odd that that post would inspire someone to want to be a Positively Focused client. That’s because, early-stage clients typically have no idea alternate realities are accessible to all of us. Visiting them requires a lot of focus, but that focus is well within all of our grasps. So when we first talked, I encouraged her to focus instead on the basic practice, what I offer all beginning clients.

From her questions in the second session, however, I knew she wasn’t going to be satisfied with my approach. Especially after visiting this other provider’s channel.
Now, I have no trouble with new clients going somewhere else. A lot of people out there offer similar services I do. And not everyone is in the same place; one provider can’t reach everyone. So it’s good lots of people exist offering similar services. But something was up with this person’s eagerness to go to this provider. Something I realized in the session we had just before she switched.
Freedom and empowerment: the ultimate desire
She came to that session super stoked about the potential of moving permanently into another dimension. I asked her what about that was so intriguing. The first thing she brought up was climate change. She wanted to be in a world where climate change didn’t exist, she said. The client also had strong negative beliefs about the United States’ future given the Trump election victory.
Both reasons were red flags. Not that they’re problems relative to what I offer. Rather they indicate the client is in the midst of really strong negative momentum. Momentum she must soothe in order to get what she wants.
And what is it that she wants? While she thinks it’s living in a different reality, where none of the things she thinks are problems exist, what she really reaches for in these desires is freedom and empowerment.
She wants to see the world around her matching her desires.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you can see the problem, the red flag in that. For in wanting to see the world around her matching what’s inside her, she doesn’t get that the world already matches what is inside her. In other words, the world around us is a reflection. An extremely accurate one.

At this point, I think it’s important to delineate the difference between spiritual fleeing or escaping and the ordinary kind of fleeing or escape humans sometimes get inspired to do. The difference is important.
It’s not about action
No wrong choices exist. Every choice a person makes either lines that person up with what they want, or it gives feedback on how to better line up. Every choice, therefore, acts as a stepping stone on an eternal path. So, to use an extreme example, a war-torn, despotic environment might inspire a person to flee that place.
In fleeing, they can end up in a better-feeling place: a location where life is more peaceful. Perhaps the government is more stable there. The contrast of their what-is prompts action, and through their action, they find themselves in better-feeling locals.
Most of the time, when people make those kinds of choices, they first may focus on fleeing their what-is. But as soon as the what is is behind them, they feel eagerness for where they’re going. That shift typically feels like relief. Then relief turns to even more powerful, positive emotions. Like positive expectation or optimism, for example.
And as they dwell in those positive emotions, the world around them reflects that positivity back to them: in the form of more positive environs. Meanwhile –– and this is important –– the war-torn situation played a crucial role in that unfolding.
Had they not experienced the war and destruction, leaving that area might never had occurred to them. But more important, their improved mood made them a match to where they ended up. Not their actions.
What we’re exploring offers a ton of complexity that I’m simplifying for brevity’s sake.
Look at how life turns out
So fleeing an environment where immanent physical danger exists makes complete sense. Pretty much everyone would do that. But here’s the thing, and this is extremely difficult for clients to accept: A match exists between situations we would call negative and people experiencing those situations. In other words, those situations reflect the inner states of those people. It must be that way because that’s how the Universe works. It’s not random.
So when that person chooses flight or escape, they literally take with them that which had them matching the war-torn situation in the first place. And so, when they get to the new place, that new place, somehow, will reflect back to them more of the same of what’s inside them if the person didn’t do anything about their inner state. It may look different, but essentially it’s identical.
Unless we can read the vibration of another, and that’s a tall task for nearly all of us, we can’t really know what’s going on inside another. But if we accept what you just read, we don’t have to read another’s vibration. All we need to do is look at how their life turns out.

I haven’t forgotten about the client I began this post with. I’ll get back to her. But this background you’re getting fleshes out the problem with spiritual fleeing or escape. By now you can see the difference between fleeing a physical situation and spiritual fleeing or escape. If you can’t, the next section will make it plain.
What spiritual fleeing looks like
We take with us that which creates our reality. This is what I mean when I tell clients they are the common denominator to all the problems they see in their lives. Said differently, we create our reality. So if we want a different reality, we must do something about what we’re creating. Fleeing won’t work.
Spiritual fleeing works even less. Spiritual fleeing isn’t very common because nearly every human disbelieves this “you create your own reality business” (YCYORB). And yet, it is a thing. Spiritual fleeing is a distortion. Someone practicing or wanting to practice spiritual fleeing is saying “I don’t like what I’m creating, so I’m going to escape my creation.”
So they leave their city. They leave their country. Or they leave a relationship. Maybe they leave their job. The problem with that is, they’re taking themselves with them! They can’t leave themselves behind, so wherever they go, they will create a new version of the problems they try to flee.

Two advanced client examples show this. One has tried nearly every process, including extremely radical surgeries, to lose weight. One radical surgery left her with something like one-third of the stomach she originally had. And yet, she’s still overweight, much to her dissatisfaction. The other client last year, I think, had a surgery on his face. The doctor said the process would solve his sleep apnea. A year later, he’s contemplating another procedure because the apnea has not gone away.
Who’s the creator?
The first client had her procedures done before she came to me. So we haven’t talked about the vibration persisting her weight. But we are talking about a similar vibrational momentum that has her attract men who aren’t in her best interest. She struggles mightily in hearing that she’s creating these men. She wants to blame the men. It can’t be possible that she’s the center of what’s happening, she thinks. Yet she is. She’s the common denominator. She is the creator.
The same is true for the other client. He can’t yet accept that he’s creating the sleep problem. Although he intellectually understands that from the Positively Focused perspective, he’s still trying to solve it through action, so he doesn’t KNOW yet what he only understands.
The point is, spiritual fleeing is when a person either denies or doesn’t know at all that they are the creator of their reality. As a result, they try fixing their troubles through action. And an advanced version of that is wanting to go to a different physical dimension because the one we’re in is unsatisfying.
Spiritual fleeing doesn’t work
Where do you think Americans thinking about leaving the country are on the subject of ordinary fleeing and spiritual fleeing? With Donald Trump coming into office, many of them are somewhere in between. Every American contributed to the reality we’re moving into where Trump will be the most powerful person in the free world….again.
Trying to flee the country isn’t going to work because wherever those Americans go, they will be there. In other words, they’re just going to create a reality there that still reflects what’s going on inside them. And if they were a match to a second Trump presidency, and they were, then something’s afoot in that matching.

I know that “something” is really, really good. And that’s the trouble with interpreting our what-is as negative. Usually what we’re interpreting as “bad” actually is very, very good. Or what’s going to follow is very, very good…but only if we don’t resist the “bad”.
Resist it, like a lot of Americans did after the first Trump presidency, and we just get more “bad”. Meanwhile, a lot of good gets created and stored in our collective “moment of becoming”. But that collective goodness only shows itself to those who don’t resist. In the meantime, resisters just keep getting more “bad”. Even if they flee.
So this prospective client, the one who wants to flee this dimension for a “better” one doesn’t understand that she’s taking herself with her. More likely, she will NOT be able to move to that alternate dimension. Why? Because she has way too much resistance in her. Resistance that makes her not a match to that dimension she wants, but does make her a match to the one she doesn’t.
So what’s her option?
The Source of new and improved
Her option is the same thing I offer all my clients: transform her perspective in a way that lines her up with everything she wants in this reality. What she wants is here. If it wasn’t, she wouldn’t have chosen to come into this dimension.
What she wants isn’t some place where everything is nice and clean and trouble free. Trouble/contrast is part of every place. It literally is the stuff from which new, improved emerges. And so, this reality, this dimension, is one of the best ones to come into. Because here, in this place, we offer ourselves TREMENDOUS contrast…or “trouble” if you want to see it that way.
The great thing about all that trouble is, when we use it as the launch pad that it is, our individual realities IMPROVE.
But it’s not magic. It can’t happen instantly. Physical reality contains inherent resistance as does our physical selves. So it typically takes a while for that improvement to show up…for very good other reasons too complex to detail here.
The client I began this post about is on a trajectory. Maybe she’ll come back after exhausting herself trying to get someplace she’s not a match to. Or maybe she’ll become a match to it. The paradox of the latter is, to become a match to it, she must release all resistance to THIS dimension, this reality. And if/when she does….will she travel to that other dimension?
My guess is no. Because she unwittingly will have transformed THIS dimension into the dimension she thinks she wants to travel to.
Isn’t that beautiful?
This is where it’s at
Usually, when one wants to choose, one’s first choice is the Broader-Perspective-inspired one. This client came to the Positively Focused Way first. I’d say that was a Broader-Perspective-inspired decision. Had she continued, soothing her dissatisfaction about this reality would go a long way towards allowing her to visit other realities. The key word there is “visit”. But such visits also would show her that THIS reality is where she really wants to be. This is where it’s at.
After all, if she wanted to be in the other one, she would have gone there first at birth. Instead, she came here.
In that sense, she may come back. Perhaps her Broader Perspective will lead her back here. No matter what she does, everything is working out for her, for me and for everyone else. That includes all Americans, all my clients and the planet and its climate.
Nothing ever goes wrong. Even when someone flees. Spiritual fleeing or escape isn’t wrong either. After all, eventually the person fleeing discovers the ultimate reality: that they are a creator. And their creation is good as a reflection of something that is always in their best interest. Something that is inside them waiting for that person to make real.