An Ode To The Awesome Joy Clients Experience

TLDR: The author tells the story of two new Positively Focused Clients who vividly express their joy about their lives after having begun their Positively Focused practice. The two became clients after witnessing dramatic changes in a relative. The author further asserts that this is a natural result when a person taps into their Broader Perspective. It’s also part of the joyful journey underlying all life experience.

Two recently new clients and their reactions to the Positively Focused Way are leaving me in awesome appreciation. They both show how effective the practice is.

Of course, my own experience shows this too, as does other client experiences. But these two are so emotionally expressive, I just loved hearing from them. Even when they were struggling.

That’s right. Every client starts with struggle. That’s because all new clients start the practice by first realizing that their beliefs prevent a tremendous amount of joy that’s otherwise available. But in short order, they start figuring out how to soothe those beliefs. And when that happens, joy shows up in abundance.

Which is exactly what happened with these two clients. What happened after that was really satisfying. Satisfying for them, and for me. It’s also a testimonial about how powerful we all are as gods in human form.

Let’s check out what happened. But first some background.

Ripples run deep

The two new clients are married. The husband is the brother of a more seasoned client. Both new clients became clients after seeing shifts in the sister. Those same shifts caused the sister’s husband to become a client too.

This happens often. And, it’s a testament to the power of people when they tap into their Broader Perspective. Positive change — what I call expansion — shows up so powerfully, others in the clients’ lives can’t help but notice. Especially family members. Then those people want what the client is getting.

Ripples of expansion…I love that result!

It’s one thing to evangelize or proselytize. But that can only go so far and ultimately doesn’t work that well. The real test of a life way is how people respond to changes they see in the person. And people respond very well to changes in Positively Focused clients. Which explains why so many clients’ family members become clients too. They become clients because their relatives produce astounding results. So clients don’t need to say anything. They need only be.

And that’s the thing; being speaks more powerfully than words. So when clients change, it’s no wonder their husbands, wives, siblings and friends become clients too.

Ripples from the Positively Focused Way run deep. Rather than reaching a lot of people in society — going wide, in other words — it affects society at the smallest level: individuals. But then it goes deep. It penetrates entire families too. And families are the Source from which society emerges. It makes sense then that the Positively Focused Way transforms society by transforming individuals who then transform their family.

Which brings us back to the couple in question.

The power of positive vibration

The husband, who I’ll unimaginatively call Jon, started practicing after he contemplated suicide. Jon becoming a client was a direct manifestation of his sister (the seasoned client) creating her reality.

That’s right, clients not only learn how they create their reality, but they also learn how they create people in their reality too. The sister dreaded Jon taking his life. Rather than trying to do something to stop that, I suggested she “be” different about it. As a result, Jon came to his senses, then became a client.

The details of how that happened require knowing how the Universe works. But in shorthand, as I describe it to clients, Jon collapsed into his sister’s powerful vibrational focus in exactly the same way as photons do in the famous physics experiment where photons collapse into waves or particles depending on how an observer focuses their attention.

The Universe is consistent from top to bottom. Every part of it follows basic principles. “Every part of it” includes relationships between people. In every exchange with another, we’re either collapsing into the other’s vibrational momentum, or they’re collapsing into ours. Which outcome shows up depends on whose focus has the most momentum. And whose focus is more aligned with fast moving vibration. The fastest-moving vibration is always positive. And positive vibration enjoys inherently more powerful momentum.

Positive vibration so powerful, it can change another human being. This is what Jesus did when he cured the sick. His powerful focus only saw well versions of those people. And his focus was so dominant, the unwell person’s vibration had no choice but to collapse into Jesus’ more powerful focus of well being.

This is exactly what happened between Jon and his sister.

Jesus “curing” a leper. He cured the sick by causing a collapse of vibration. (By Unknown author – photo taken by Sibeaster, Public Domain)

Abundance is a given

Jon dramatically changed after becoming a client. So much so, his wife became a client too. Now these two people are extremely powerful. Together, when aligned, they are unstoppable. But when they focus that power on disempowering stores about themselves or each other, that power turns their lives into hell.

That’s what happened recently when I got a text from the wife, who I’ll more imaginatively call Alley.

In her text Alley complained bitterly about wanting to bail from society. She felt overworked, tired and tired of hearing everyone’s complaints. Little did she realize this is how someone feels when they don’t keep up with their abundance.

Abundance is the order of the Universe. Everything in it expresses itself along those lines. And since humans are powerful creators, no matter what they’re doing, in a little while what they’re doing will generate abundance.

“Doing” includes working a job. So when people complain about having too much to do at work, I often respond by asking “how does it feel being unable to keep up with your abundance?” For that’s what’s happening; the person focused so much on work, they’ve created abundance that looks like being overworked.

Rather than appreciating that, however, the vast majority of people are conditioned to complain about it. When they do that, they create even more abundance that looks like being overworked.

Then they need a vacation!

Holy Shit!

After a quick check-in via text message, Alley found her alignment. I don’t know what happened next. Presumably her husband found his alignment too. I presume that because in rapid succession I received a text from Alley, then one from Jon:

My response to Alley in that first exchange is important. In a little while, clients discover how “dark moments” signify an impending shift. They signify a moment just before a vibrational leap forward happens. Once a number of these happen, clients learn to appreciate rather than dread them, or feel they’re a struggle while in them.

That’s an important shift. Because when that happens, clients discover those special moments are HUGELY POSITIVE. They tell the client that they are on track, that all is going well, that their expansion is happening.

Most people, however, won’t interpret these moments this way. So they don’t make the connection between such experiences and experiences they’re wanting.

We don’t need long, intense negative experiences to enjoy hugely positive ones though. We can enjoy the latter from just a niggle of the former. That takes practice though. But the time put into practicing it is worth it, obviously.

Joy borne of eternity

Both Jon and Alley experienced what it’s like for every client who assiduously practices the Positively Focused Way. It doesn’t take long. Jon’s only got 11 weeks under his belt. Alley’s been at it for nine.

So it doesn’t take long before clients produce evidence the practice works. That’s why I offer a guarantee. Nearly every client gets results after the first session. The more they practice, the more profound and more abundant the evidence gets. Before long, clients start challenging long-held-limiting beliefs. Beliefs that had them to give up on their dreams and instead become “realistic”.

Then clients want to actualize their rediscovered dreams. That doesn’t happen over night though. But that’s no problem either because we’re all eternal. We have all the time in the world. And besides, fulfilled dreams aren’t the goal, although that’s what happens.

What is the goal is the joyful journey on the way to the fulfilled dreams. There will always be more dreams to fulfill than dreams that get fulfilled. We are eternal after all. And since our very existence gives birth to new desires/dreams, we’ll never ever get all those dreams fulfilled. That’s why the journey, the joyful journey, is the goal.

I like knowing that. So do my clients when they get it. It’s the awesome joy that burst forth from Jon and Alley. And I’m appreciating being a witness to their joyful expression.

An Awesome Update On My Teleportation Results

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TLDR: The author recounts an experience asserting it to have been a precursor to occult abilities. They say what’s remarkable about this experience is another person witnessed the whole event. An ER visit negated any medical explanations, even though doctors, who dislike saying “I have no idea what happened”, diagnosed what happened as vasovagal syncope. The author then expresses eagerness at a future full of super humans based on their example.

What happened this week is truly remarkable. I’m glad another person experienced it with me, so his account could support my own. What happened was a definite sign of me manifesting the ability to realize all my occult aspirations. Aspirations including teleportation, shape shifting, astral travel and more.

But that’s not all that came from this awesome experience. It also showed me the power of this Positively Focused practice. The practice offered, in this really amazing experience, an awesome gift. One that I know my clients will someday also experience. One promised as part of the Positively Focused Way.

More on that later. First, here’s what happened.

It prompts an emergency room visit

My good friend Mark and I planned to meet for lunch. I was eager about that because we hadn’t eaten where we planned in years. In fact, I was surprised the place remained open after COVID. That’s one reason we decided to meet there; as a kind of celebration that they’re still around.

I also planned the meal as a celebration. Five new people have become clients since this past January. These days, I celebrate new client arrivals by taking myself out for a nice meal. So this lunch was part of that celebratory ritual. We must amplify our successful manifestations by celebrating them, yes? Thus this practice.

I rode my bike downtown. Upon arriving I saw Mark walking towards the restaurant. We arrived at almost the exact same time. As he went in and grabbed a table, I locked my bike. We greeted each other and sat down. I wanted a better seat so I suggested we move to where we both could look out the windows.

The server brought us water and menus as we caught up on our lives. Then, as we talked over what we would order, something strange started happening in me. Here’s what I wrote, directly from my private journal:

A stroke? Or a supernatural experience?

My Broader Perspective tells me what happened today was a mystical event. I wound up in the Veteran’s Administration (VA) emergency room. I was with Mark. He and I thought I had a stroke. Here’s what happened.

I went to the gym. I ran one mile, overdoing the pace to the point where I strained my calves. Then I performed my regular weight workout. That felt great. 

Before that I ate an egg on bread and drank tea. 

Then I rode my bike downtown. I got there right on time, locked my bike and went in the restaurant. Mark already got a table. We moved to a better table then talked about his beach house and the glass house that startup guy made.

While Mark talked about it, nausea swept over me. Then I felt like I needed to vomit or poop. I went to the toilet and popped a bit, then returned to the table. I felt better but when I sat down the symptoms returned but with greater force. As far as I know, no external “triggers”, like smells or sightings of things like blood, caused this.

The next thing I know, Mark is holding a cup of water to my lips with his hand on my shoulder. I had no fear or worry. I just felt I had gone “somewhere” and returned. 

Mark said I suddenly “wasn’t there”. My eyes were open, he said, but when calling my name I was unresponsive. I did feel I had gone “somewhere” but I don’t know where and have no recall of where I went. 

Checking…just in case

I once again felt I needed to use the bathroom. Then I broke out in a cold sweat again, and felt odd in my body. Mark helped me to the bathroom, then, when I returned, he gave me aspirin and told me to swallow them as it looked to him like I had a stroke. 

Not understanding what this was I felt it a good idea that we go to the VA emergency department ASAP. So we bee-lined it there. 

I was treated with first-class service as usual. They asked Mark and I to recount the experience. Then they took my vitals. In the emergency room they took an EKG, blood and did a neural responsiveness test, which I passed. While waiting for the blood results, they also did a CAT scan. 

Both blood test and scan returned normal/healthy readings except one which looked as though I wasn’t eating enough. They also gave me IV fluids. 

The doctors diagnosed me as having had a vasovagal syncope episode, which essentially means I had a fainting spell. But there was no trigger….

Asking my Broader Perspective this evening if this was a mystical experience, they returned a very strong affirmative indication.

A mystical experience indeed!

I’m writing this a couple days after the event. The nausea and “odd” sensations came and went twice. Then suddenly I was “out” of physical reality. That’s the moment Mark noticed me “not there”. I mean, obviously, my body was there. But my consciousness was not. That part of me that is “I” departed physical reality.

That’s why I didn’t “see” Mark get up from his side of the table. Nor did I feel him put his hand on the shoulder of my body. I wasn’t there after all. I “came back” with him standing beside me on my right, his left hand on my shoulder and holding a cup of water to my lips in his right hand.

Again, I have no idea where I went. But I speculate that this event was the first in a gradual series of experiences not dissimilar from how I soothed resistance keeping me from clearly perceiving dream reality.

Durning the process of clearly perceiving dream reality, I at first didn’t recall any dreams. Prior to this, like many clients, I didn’t even believe I dreamed. With the right suggestions however, I began gradually experiencing snippets of dream reality. Snippets that finally coalesced into the long-form, super-vivid and highly satisfying dream experiences I now enjoy. Experiences I can recall almost at will any time.

I believe what happened in the restaurant represents the next step in a similar process. One that will eventually have me able to do all the things I mentioned in the first paragraph of this story. It’s a process beginning with waves of Kundalini energy clearing away energy blockages in my physical and ephemeral body. And now this experience where I “departed” physical reality, leaving my body behind, in front of someone who could verify what happened. Astounding!

What this definitely means

What’s also interesting is I experienced NO FEAR AT ALL about dying or about having a stroke. I was completely fine about it all. I wonder if that’s because I knew it wasn’t a life-threatening health event. Instead, it was the continuing unfolding manifestation of my desire to be able to do these things…

Instead of fear, I feel strong curiosity. Curiosity and eagerness for the next step. I’m eager to be able to be conscious of that place I “go” to so I may then direct my consciousness to another physical location, then have my body appear there.

That’s how Seth describes the process of teleportation. According to Seth, we can project our consciousness, the essence of that which we are, out of our bodies. Then we can “move” to another location. It doesn’t have to be on earth. Then, holding our intention in the new location, the body in our old location will dissolve and reconstitute in the new place our consciousness exists.

It’s happening! (Photo by Warren Wong)

Imagine what that will be like! Imagine being able to teleport to any location, anywhere. The implications are astounding!

I also believe this initial phenomena is a kind of nexus for the other skills. Astral travel, of course, means traveling outside of the physical body. Shapeshifting too, it seems, would require temporarily separating from the body so the body can reconstitute along the lines of the consciously-held desired physical form.

Perhaps this is how the shape shifter avoids feeling pain associated with all that reconstitution. It’s not that the body turns into another one. Rather, the existing body is replaced by a new body, a vibration assembly that’s coherent to the new image consciousness holds!

An astounding future for humanity

The VA emergency room doctors said I experienced a “vasovagal syncopic episode“. Doctors don’t like saying “I have no idea.” I don’t think this was a vasovagal syncope experience. In such experiences, a trigger typically fires off the episode. According to the link above, typical triggers include standing for long periods of time, heat exposure, seeing blood, having blood drawn or fear of bodily injury.

But none of those happened. And while the experience seemed involuntary, I’m confident future ones will come with more volition.

In the meantime, many more, more serious implications arise with such abilities. One could, for example, go places “off limits” to unauthorized personnel. I could visit secret military installations, for example. Area 51 here I come! (jk)

I’m more interested in traveling to different countries without needing the “travel” part. Think about that! Near instantaneous transportation. The ability to travel ANYWHERE. That’s pretty intriguing. I’d like to see what it’s like on a habitable planet light years from ours…

But what’s most cool about this emerging ability is being an example for others to follow. An example that expands what it means to be human. That’s what I came into physical reality for: to expand past preconceived notions humanity holds and to open the door to a completely new reality for the human race. A race of super humans.

Prospects of that thrill me to no end. Let’s see what awesome results happen next!

What Happens When I Share Advice Of My Eternal Being

Photo by kat-j on Unsplash

TLDR: The author’s experience with their higher consciousness results in a transformative outcome for their client who struggles with not wanting to be seen as a “cry-baby”.

Wisdom flowing from my Broader Perspective delights everyone who hears it. Clients often talk about “golden nuggets” I share during sessions. These nuggets represent peals of wisdom coming from All That Is. All That Is being expressed by my Broader Perspective.

This happens, of course, because now I’m chronically tuned to my Broader Perspective. That’s the aspect of All That Is that is the larger part of me — That part of me that remained in nonphysical while another part of me incarnated in this body.

By allowing that Broader Perspective connection as a dominant aspect of my consciousness, I can feel its communication. That communication feels deeply satisfying. And when I receive communication, accompanying it is a strong urge to express it.

That expression is what sounds like “golden nuggets”. Sharing such a nugget is what happened recently, to the delight of a newer client. Let’s take a look at what happened.

Some background

This client, like many people, came into the world through a family of “no nonsense people”. Her mother, and her mother’s mother…and so on through past generations…believed crying to be a sign of weakness. Compounded upon that belief are stories about what it means to be a woman.

So this client, as many clients do, came to her beginning sessions with a lot of resistance about letting go of resistance. One natural way we let go of resistance is through crying. Crying represents a manifested form of abundance. It’s what happens when variation inherent in life experience is so abundant, and our focus on that so acute, we go into a state of overwhelm.

Now my clients recognize the value of the emotion “overwhelm”. All emotions give us crucial information. But the majority of people don’t know this, which explains why so many people think crying makes someone a “cry-baby”.

If that natural expression doesn’t happen, emotional build up within the human body can get so strong, it can cause other physical and mental manifestations. Manifestations like disease, for example. Or anxiety.

In fact, most “disease” results from this. Medical science is beginning to recognize that fact. In a later post, I’ll write about discoveries science is finding. Discoveries confirming what spiritual adepts like me have known since ancient times: That our bodies are manifestations of our beliefs.

In short, it’s important to release resistance. Doing so serves many goals. For one, it contributes to physical well being. Secondly, it allows us to live lives where things we want happen with little effort on our part. Other reasons support releasing resistance. But these are two big ones; at least as far as humans are concerned.

Ok, back to this client.

A beautiful communication

So this client expressed strong knee-jerk reactions to my suggestion that she should let her tears flow. “Andersons [not her real surname] don’t cry” she kept saying. It was a mantra for her, even while we spoke about her father’s passing, a subject over which she had a lot of resistance. Indeed, as if in spite of this mantra, tears began flowing down her face. What a juxtaposition of manifestations!

This conversation would continue into the next session. Meanwhile, the next morning, I came out of the dream world with communication from my Broader Perspective on this topic. The communication came fully-formed. Along with it came a strong impulse to share it. So I made myself a reminder to send the client a text after my morning rituals.

When my reminder popped up, I sent the message. It was a while before the client responded, but I knew the message hit its mark. It was from my Broader Perspective after all. And my Broader Perspective’s wisdom is unerring. Here’s what I sent. The client’s response follows:

Resurrect your wisdom

When I received the “download”, as many new agers call this communication, its beauty astounded me as well. After writing it, I too, like my client, read it and re-read it. It does flow with amazing clarity and grace. It’s almost poetic.

This is the kind of thing that’s available to all of us. We are eternal beings experiencing human conditions as a way of expanding what we are. In doing so we also expand All That Is, including humanity and this world.

Most humans live through this experience as humans. But some come into the world with strong enough clarity to want more. They know this is not all there is. And in that knowing, they spark within themselves a rebirth, usually after some time spent as an ordinary human. This process is what Neville Goddard referred to as “the resurrection.”

I like that way of putting it.

Resurrection is a glorious experience. All that follows that experience fills one with such delight, words can’t get close to describing the expeirence. I encourage anyone with an iota of interest in the spiritual, anyone who sees themselves as a seeker, to pursue their interest; to become a finder. Tap into your Broader Perspective communication, receive delightful messages of beauty and wisdom. Then see your life transform.

How Small, Happy Manifestations Lead to Big, Better Ones

TLDR: The post discusses “castles and buttons,” terms for big and small manifestations, suggesting that acknowledging small ones (buttons) prepares us for larger ones (castles). The author shares a personal experience with medication as a “button” manifestation, reinforcing their ability to create desired reality and anticipate more significant successes.

Sometimes my creations are delightful. Sometimes they’re surprising. And sometimes they come in ways that just confirm that I’m a creator.

Most of my creations are “buttons”. “Castles and buttons” is a categorization of manifestation Abraham coined long ago. “Castles” are “big manifestations”; things people really desire. “Buttons” on the other hand, are smaller manifestations, things that happen, usually without people noticing them.

The manifestation I’m writing about in this post is a button. But that doesn’t make it any less special. Indeed, it’s quite noteworthy. That’s because noticing it having happened primes my sensitivity to real-izing other, significant manifestations. In other words, when I regularly recognize buttons happening, I’m preparing my reality to allow in my castles.

Let’s take a look at what happened. But first, let’s talk just a bit more about castles and buttons.

Mastering creation

Abraham’s statement rings true: “It’s as easy to create a castle as it is a button.” The trouble for most people is, “castles” come ladened with a lot of resistance. In other words, people want them so bad, their focus on wanting them, focuses them on “not having” them. So castles SEEM to take a long time to manifest. They also seem harder to manifest.

They seem to be harder because people must weed through their resistant focus and thoughts. We can’t create around existing beliefs. Both Seth and Abraham affirm this. And if people don’t know what they’re doing as a creator, existing beliefs often represent what most delays castles from manifesting.

Buttons, on the other hand, aren’t so ladened. They happen easier because we tend not to think about them much. Just like real life buttons – on our shirts and blouses and other things – buttons are more numerous too. There are more buttons on the planet than castles, in other words. That makes sense, right?

That buttons are so numerous makes them powerful manifestational tools. Armed with the knowledge expressed in what you’re reading, a person can use buttons to make manifesting castles feel easier.

We can practice on them. We can become better creators using them. And, since there are so many, we have a lot of opportunity to practice. In that practice, while we learn our skills, that practice also has the effect of soothing resistance. Resistance holding our castles at bay. It also firms up our belief in this whole “you create your reality” business.

So there are a lot of good reason to appreciate “little things” we manifest. They may be little, but they offer impressive opportunities to master creation.

Abraham has said this over and over…

An opportunity shows in medicine

The button I’m writing about today involves care I get from the Veteran’s Administration (VA). I take a pill each day. It contains a drug that turns off some of the acid pumps in my stomach. Apparently my stomach produces too much. So I get acid moving into my esophagus, which scars that part of my body. That makes it hard to swallow sometimes.

Since taking this medicine, however, I don’t experience that trouble. Now it’s not escaping me that perhaps I could use my practice to alter that physical condition. I am doing so. But I recognize physical symptoms like these, once they become physical, have a lot of momentum behind them. So soothing them into non-existence takes some effort.

Yes, we could call “curing” medical conditions “castles”. I won’t go into this deeply, but there is a LOT of momentum behind manifested medical conditions. The entire medical world is in on their creation. So is science. So is our education. As is our collective agreement that such things exist and are scary. Being able to sooth a medical condition back into non-existence, therefore, is quite a feat. Not impossible, but it does take focus.

I’m practicing doing that. In the meantime, I’m using this mediation for relief.

Late last year my prescription was getting low. I got a refill in the mail, but the pills looked different than the ones I originally had. They were larger as this photo shows:

The smaller, old pill on the right. The new one, on the left.

Button manifestation!

I wrote my doctor to ensure it was the same dose. He assured me it was. He said the new pill was within tolerances stipulated by government bid.

So I gave it no other thought. I mixed my old, smaller pills with the new ones. But the moment I took one of the newer, larger pills, I realized something else was up. They had an acrid taste. The capsule material wasn’t the same as the previous pills. At first I thought about writing my doctor again and complaining. Then I had another idea: this was a “button” opportunity. One where I could practice manifesting something other than these bad-tasting pills.

By the end of the year I noted that my prescription had expired. In the ensuing two months or so, I took the new pills. I did my best to ignore their acrid taste. Instead, I focused on how much I appreciated the smaller, normal tasting pills more. Since I take the medicine every day, I had a daily opportunity to practice. So that’s what I did.

In January, I was getting low on pills. So I wrote my doctor and asked if he would write me a new prescription, which he did. I didn’t give any thought at all about whether the new pills would be the larger, new ones, or the smaller old ones.

Two weeks or so later, the new pills arrived. And…you guessed it: the bottle contained the smaller pills!

A nice little addendum

What’s interesting about all this is when I got the new pills and noticed they were the ones I wanted, I immediately poured the old ones into the garbage. But then I realized this was a manifestation I could write a story about, so I went back to dig the pills out of the garbage.

Well, my Broader Perspective must have known I’d decide to write a blog, because the garbage was arranged in the pail in such a way that when I poured the pills into the pail they all fell into this plastic lid I threw in there days ago! So I didn’t need to fish them out one-by-one! I could get them all out just by pulling out that lid. How cool is that?

The pills right where I poured them.

The Universe is always on it. It is always delivering experiences that delight us. Experiences large and small. And experiences on top of experiences. Just like this. I’m positive the same thing happens to you all day, every day. It’s always happening for everyone. The question is: do we notice?

I’m glad I do. Because through noticing them, I amplify my ability to see them more often, which turns my life into the Charmed Life I write about here.

Getting better at getting better

This was a wonderful example of creating my reality. A reality representing a new dimension where I’m aligned with pills I wanted rather than those I didn’t want. And it was so easy!

We are literally surrounded by alternate dimensions. An infinite number of dimensions are constantly created by us from within the Moment of Becoming. Which one becomes our actual reality depends solely on our vibration. And our vibration is what we are. So we can adjust our vibration (who we’re being) and in that moment, align with a new dimension.

That’s how we create reality. It’s not like these dimensions don’t already exist. They do. We just align ourselves with ones reflecting back to us the state we emanate.

I like knowing that. I also like knowing the “castles and buttons” concept. I’ve gotten really good at manifesting buttons. I write about these all the time in this blog. I write about my castles too. Which is why my life is increasingly improving, including my financial abundance and work-life balance. I’m also feeling better and better as days go by. What a wonderful life!

As a result, I look forward to my other castles coming into my experience as well. They really are foregone conclusions. The fact that I see all this manifestation happening in my life tells me that. So I rest in a steady knowing they are happening, instead of a hoping, wishing or even believing they are happening.

I love knowing they are happening. It’s a state I’m helping my clients realize in their lives as well. You can get there too. You don’t need my help. But if you’d like it, I’m around.

Is Relationship Anarchy The Way To Better Love?

Photo by Orit Matee on Unsplash

TLDR: Relationship Anarchy (RA) challenges traditional relationship norms by advocating for love without entitlement and relationships defined by personal values. However, the term’s negative connotations and anarchist affiliations have created misunderstandings. Despite RA’s merits, it cannot eclipse the ultimate relationship with one’s Broader Perspective, which provides unconditional love and fulfillment beyond what any human partnership can offer.

A relatively new relationship dynamic is emerging. More people find it a satisfying way to express themselves romantically and intimately while finding companionship. It’s called Relationship Anarchy (RA).

In this post we’re going to look at this new dynamic relationship model. Instead of getting into it deeply, we will compare it to what we recommend regarding relationships. That’s because, it’s a definite improvement on humanity’s past “success” with relationships. But it still falls short of the ultimate relationship: that one relationship that gives us everything we want. Including satisfying relationships.

So let’s take a look at Relationship Anarchy. Then let’s contrast that against the ultimate relationship. The only one through which we get everything we want.

What is RA?

Andie Nordgren coined the phrase Relationship Anarchy in 2006. Her English manifesto on the matter, written in 2012, gives broad strokes on what it looks like. The way Andie describes it, RA sounds great!

Among the broad strokes is the assertion that love is abundant. RA says entitlement runs rampant in traditional relationships and that entitlement should be replaced with love and respect. Andie recommends that people define their values, then use frequent communication to infuse their relationship with those values, alongside a partner who shares them.

The biggest shift from traditional relationships is Andie’s suggestion to “customize” one’s relationship and commitment. Rather than relying on social norms, Andie says, we should define our relationship on our own terms while ignoring society’s expectations.

It’s no wonder then that Wikipedia includes RA in its non-monogamy
and polyamory series.

Anarchist affiliations…not good

And while Andie describes it optimistically without comparing it to something else, Wikipedia takes a different tack. And this is where problems start to show up.

That’s because the word “anarchy” itself is problematic. It brings a lot of bad interpretations to the table. Further, most people familiar with the term see anarchy as destructive. Even though anarchists claim the concept to be quite constructive. Historically, the movement has not been constructive, however.

The result is anarchy is seen predominantly as “anti-“. It’s also often associated with violence.

We can’t be “anti” something without enflaming that thing we’re against. Which explains why anarchists have made virtually no progress in creating society based on its merits.

And that brings us back to RA. And Wikipedia.

The anti relationship

The Wikipedia entry on RA describes its principles as pretty much anti-everything. At least when it comes to relationships. I would argue Andie doesn’t see RA that way. Andie’s characterization is fresh, positive and encouraging. But the Wikipedia entry. Well, see for yourself:

Indeed, this article, featuring two people in an RA relationship, speak in similar language. They contrast and define their relationship by what it’s not, comparing it to existing, undesirable relationships (according to them).

Now it could be the Wikipedia contributor who wrote the article is biased. He could interpret “anarchy” as “anti”. But the article linked in the above paragraph also characterizes RA as a “political” take on relationships. One trying to redefine what relationships look like. One also striving to “fix” power dynamics some RA believers think are bad.

But can we really define something based on what it is not? I think Andie does a better job describing the concept. It seems, however, many took the concept in a different direction.

The best relationship

Which brings me to the point of this piece. RA is great. It’s offers a fresh view of relationships. It certainly offers better options. Better options for those who feel uncomfortable with amatonormative edicts. It’s therefore not surprising the couple in this article includes both a trans person and a queer woman.

And yet, all relationships with other people fall short when compared to the one relationship that gives us everything we want. That is, our relationship with our Broader Perspective. While it’s nice finding love in another’s eyes, that love will nearly always be conditional.

Even in an RA relationship.

For even there, a person must find connections with people who have similar values. That makes sense. But even then, people will sometimes end up in conflict. What the couple does in that case depends a lot on how stable they are within themselves. And there’s no better stability than that found in our Broader Perspective.

Besides, our relationship with our Broader Perspective opens us to a love causing other loves to pale in comparison. It’s strong. It’s lasting. Our Broader Perspective’s love literally overwhelms us in its depths. And it feels freaking great!

Furthermore, through our Broader Perspective, everything is possible. Including finding the perfect partner. That is, if one wants that. This relationship is the best relationship out there. In so many ways it offers what human ones cannot.

When we put our Broader Perspective relationship first, others happen easily. (Photo by Oziel Gomez on Unsplash)

Literally everything we want..including freedom from death

Our Broader Perspective relationship is here to lead us to everything we want. All our desires get fulfilled through it. Our Broader Perspective constantly showers us with that which we’re wanting. When we put that relationship up front, those things flow easily into our reality.

Human partners can help us get things. They can connect us with jobs. They may even connect us with financial opportunity. But those too often come through filters, filters that often aren’t in synch with what we really want.

In other words, our Broader Perspective knows us best. It knows what will thrill us. It knows the best path to everything we want. Whether that be a material thing, or something else.

But the biggest thing that relationship offers is something no human can touch. It offers freedom from the fear of death. I know, that sounds crazy. After all, so many of us are too busy living. Too busy living to think about death.

Well, it seems that way.

But most people’s fear of death is front and center in their lives. It’s one reason people worry about time running out. Their fear of getting old has its basis in death. So does their fear of being single.

Fear of death takes many forms

The fear of death is pervasive in the world. It doesn’t feel like it’s about death though. That’s because the fear hides behind other fears.

What kind of fears? Fears of being cast out of a group, for example. The fear of losing one’s job is another. The fear of being unable to support one’s family is yet another. As is the fear of one’s human partner betraying us. There are plenty more.

These fears mimic the ultimate fear, which is the fear of dying.

And so people respond to all these fears in predictable ways. They’re impatient. They’re demanding. They are desperate. And in that, they cut themselves off from the one thing that can relieve them of all these fears and more: their Broader Perspective.

The fear of ending up here can take many forms. (Photo by davide ragusa on Unsplash)

Now I’m not saying don’t have human partners. What I am saying is, first, ground ourselves in the one partnership giving us everything we want. Including the beating of our hearts and the breath we take.

And when one finds that, there’s little “need” for anything else. Because everything else naturally flows from there. Including human love.

I’m in favor of RA. I wish it had a different name. RA is closer to the Broader Perspective love I’ve described in this post than many of the other relationships humans form. Including parent-child relationships. There’s still a ways to go though.

The better it gets the better it gets

And isn’t that the great thing about life experience? There is always a ways more to go. Because life is eternal. We never get to the end. We’re never perfect. But in the perfection of the now, we are perfect. Not perfect as in “complete”. Not perfect as in “done”. But perfect in our becoming more.

Standing there, I see this RA concept fitting what I want in partnership. With my stability rooted in my Broader Perspective, I know what I’m wanting is on the way. I’m eager to see it unfold. I’ve had tastes of it. And I’m patient for further unfolding.

Andie’s onto something. I’m eager to learn more about RA. But I’m clear something better exists. I enjoy that something now. Which allows me to feel excitement. Excitement and joy about those finding satisfaction in RA.

Good partnerships elude many. That’s because many look there for something that’s not there. Something that only comes from a relationship with themselves. I write this blog to show people how to “know thyself”. And in doing that, find happiness from within. Instead of looking for it outside themselves.

My clients consistently find that happiness. Along the way, they get more of what they want too. Their examples fill me with eagerness. They also amplify my own happiness. A happiness that gets better and better.

Maybe you’re ready for your version of that? If you are, contact me. Let’s get you started. Let’s find out how “better” life can get.

How Your Behavior Reveals Practical, But Hidden Life Hacks

Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

TLDR: A man, recently laid off despite positive job feedback, doesn’t realize his negative beliefs attract such experiences. His subsequent “adult tantrum” reveals deeper insight into why he keeps losing his jobs. And shows the rest of us how to benefit from an important life hack.

A client had a disappointing experience: he got laid off. It wasn’t something he was expecting. In fact, when the boss told him, it shocked him because, up to then, the boss said the client was doing a great job. In reality, he should have expected it because he was expecting it.

But he wasn’t aware he was expecting it because he didn’t have access to the hidden, practical hack life had been offering him for decades. A life hack that could dramatically alter his success.

Of course, the layoff wasn’t about the client. The boss, who also is the business owner, had to make personnel cuts. The business wasn’t supporting itself. And in most businesses, employees represent the largest business costs. So someone had to go. Our client had the least amount of students. It made sense the boss would let him go.

But my client didn’t see it that way. He played it cool in the moment, when his boss broke the news. But when he got home, his thoughts and behavior changed, a lot.

This story is about gifts hidden amidst our actions. Physical reality, including our actions, offer great clues about what we’re creating. Understanding this can dramatically change our lives for the better. That understanding, however, comes with practice.

Let’s see what happened next with this client so we can understand how what happened next offered him wonderful hacks that could dramatically improve his life.

An adult tantrum

The client said that upon arriving home he went straight into his tool shed. There, he “kicked the hell out a bucket for a good ten minutes.” While doing that, he cursed his former boss, the business and his “luck” for being the one to lose a job “AGAIN.”

Now, the fact that he mentioned losing another job “again” wasn’t surprising. This phrase indicated two things: one, that he has very strong negative momentum creating persistent experiences of losing jobs. Two, his awareness of the fact that he keeps losing jobs is perpetuating that momentum. I told him this, but at the moment, he was too embittered to hear it.

So I shifted the focus.

I said to him that his “adult tantrum” in the shed offered him a wonderful gift. That caught his attention. I don’t think he expected that. I then explained how our acts in physical reality are manifestations. Just like our desires turning into things, our actions are manifestations reflecting beliefs we hold about the world around us. Furthermore, if we can read what those acts are saying, we can transform our lives.

He wanted to know more. So I told him what his tantrum was telling him.

Actions like tantrums hide within them important clues about what we’re creating (Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash).

A steady diet turns to hate

All of us create our reality through our thoughts. Persistently held thoughts turn to beliefs. Thoughts that become beliefs have gathered enough momentum to complete the process of turning into things. Persist in that belief and that belief will turn into physical reality. Then reality will reflect the essence of that belief back to us. At that point, our belief becomes “true”. When it does, the belief recedes into the background of our awareness. Meanwhile, the belief gets “confirmed” in our experience as “the way life is.”

For this client, “the way life is” is that he can’t keep a job. But that’s not the whole story. For decades, this client fostered a steady diet of anger and frustration about capitalism, money and earning a living. He sees these things as scourges on humanity and the planet. The client resents having to earn a living. He dislikes doing work he doesn’t enjoy. And he doesn’t like needing money to get his basic necessities.

These beliefs took up residence in his vibration many years ago. Jobs he manifested since then showed him more evidence of his distasteful economic reality: those jobs he got paid little. His managers always belittled him. And, of course, they laid him off. One job he kept for some time wasn’t helpful either. He wrote copy for a blog. A blog that critiqued capitalism and the money system.

But you can see how the client was a perfect match to that job. In that job, he amplified his anger and frustration about capitalism, money and earning a living into hate for those things. That is, until owners of that company laid him off too…

Success eluding him

By this time, the client found himself at wits end. His hate over capitalism, money and earning a living overflowed. Finally, he turned to gig work. He delivered meals for a time before going onto social security. That soothed some of his negative momentum, which allowed him to get the last job. The one in which he, again, got laid off.

I told this client his actions in the tool shed told him something important. “Here you are taking out your frustration on something having nothing to do with what happened” I said, referring to the bucket. “The bucket didn’t lay you off.”

In fact, the boss didn’t either. If “you create your reality” is accurate (and it is) then this client laid himself off. The boss only did what was a reflection of the client’s dominant intent. He was a cooperative component to my client’s unfolding understanding, in other words. The intent wasn’t to get laid off. The intent was to reflect to the client where his beliefs were in conflict with his desires.

Despite extremely negative interpretations of the world around him, this client wants a life that’s easy. He even wants money. He’s a musician and writer and one of his great desires is to receive generous compensation as recognition of his talents. Of course, he wouldn’t put it that way. He would say “I DESERVE recognition because of the blood, sweat and tears I’ve put into my art!”

But that way of expressing it creates resistance. It’s more aligned with his hatred of the money system. Which explains why that success continues eluding him.

Putting blame outside ourselves

I told the client this is what his tantrum offers: an opportunity for him to see what he’s doing. He’s literally blaming everyone and everything for his troubles. He’s also blaming “the system” and “money” for his troubles. All the while, he’s ignoring the only Source of power he has…and the only Source from which his experience springs: himself.

“You beating up that bucket,” I told him. “Is showing you how, in your powerless state, you’re projecting your power onto things and people that have no responsibility for your created reality. And in doing that, you feel tremendous pain. Because that pain tells you that your Broader Perspective knows different.”

Our Broader Perspective is clear that we create our reality. No one else does that for us. We do, and only we do. When we blame circumstances or others for an experience, that shitty feeling we experience while doing that is an indicator telling us something important. It tells us our thoughts and behaviors are at loggerheads with what our Broader Perspective knows.

That’s important because if we heed that message, we can dramatically change our lives for the better. And it’s to our advantage to do so. Because no one else will do it for us. That’s because no one else is in our reality other than us.

When beliefs change, life changes

But this manifestation business is not magic. We can’t create around our persistent beliefs. This client has 40+ years of negative momentum he’s going to need to unravel. So for this client, it may be a while before he really understands what’s happening. Before he understands well enough to take productive action.

Every action we take in life is a manifestation. They reflect back to us a belief we hold. Decipher that reflection and we get a clear sense of what we believe. And what we believe creates our life experience.

That means, if we change our beliefs, our life experience must also change. Isn’t that a great thing to know? I think it is. But it’s even better experiencing this in one’s personal experience. Because nothing teaches better than personal experience.

All this means changing our lives is as easy as changing our beliefs. And our actions constantly shower us with clues to beliefs creating our life.

What a cool hack! Examine beliefs and we change life. Tapping into that hack is a powerful resource. The challenge is, understanding what hack tells us about what beliefs we hold can be tricky. It helps to know how to interpret them accurately. Let me show you how.


A wonderful followup needs to be added here. I wrote this story weeks ago. Two weeks after this happened, the client, after I held his feet to the fire about what he was doing, decided to re-commit to the Positively Focused Practice. What happened after a week of rededication is remarkable. But also it’s just what happens when one becomes positively focused.

That pending newspaper interview is a direct manifestation of his desire to gain notoriety for his artistic expression. Is it a coincidence it came to him after rededicating himself to the practice? My clients know the answer to that question is “NO!”.

The Wonderful Paradox Of Trying to Control People

Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

People…Am I right?

I mean seriously! If only we could control how people behave. The world would be a better place, wouldn’t it? I mean, gosh, all those transgender people! All those right-wing whack-jobs!

If I were god…I would…

Many spiritual teachers encourage giving up and letting go of trying to control people. They even encourage going with the flow of everything. By letting go, they say, we free ourselves. We become more Zen.

It’s good advice. Especially when it comes to people.

But there’s more to this wisdom. That’s because within the letting go lies a paradox. The paradox being; when we let go we come into our power. And that power allows us absolute control of everything. Including other people.

Let’s explore that more.

Creating what we complain about

We cannot control people or events we witness with our eyes. We can’t because those people and events are complete manifestations in that moment. Trying to change those invites pushback. People get defensive. And events, well, they don’t change.

But future versions of events and people can and do change. However, most people focus on events and people they’re looking at. And when those events and people change in the future, they just change into more of what people see. It’s a paradox. It looks like things aren’t changing. They are though.

Eyes aren’t the only way we perpetuate more of what is. We also do it with our words. Complaining about a situation perpetuates it for example. Same with people. When we complain about others, we align ourselves to future versions of those people. That is, versions aligned with what we’re complaining about.

It’s kind of a built-in process of life experience. After all, we’re here to expand and grow into deeper levels of unconditional love. And when we’re not doing that – by complaining, for example – life gives us more to complain about. Until we give all that complaining up, let go and give in, what we complain about will get more intense on purpose.

Discovering absolute control

Giving in means letting the manifestED be. Instead of focusing on that, especially that which we don’t like, we can turn our attention to what we want. Holding focus there, we will, in time begin seeing a reality matching that focus.

In other words, what we focus on becomes our experience. The more purely we focus on what we want, the more of what we want we see.

This is the paradox of wanting to control. We can’t control circumstances or people. But when we focus on circumstances and people we want to experience, we manifest experience containing only that.

So we absolutely can control people and events. How else are we creating everything around us? It’s through control. Not of people and events. Those things are done, finished. But by leveraging our creative ability, by attending to our focus, the Universe then responds to that. And when it does, circumstance and people bend to our desire.

That’s right. We can create a version of anyone we want. All we need is focus.

Two clients recently proved this to themselves. They offer perfect examples. In one, the client experiences me creating a better version of her. I’ll set that up in a moment. In the other, a client creates a more loving version of her husband. You’ll hear what happened in both cases in the clients’ own words.

The paradox of this wisdom is when you exercise your focus, you have complete control of everything.

A client’s delight

In the first example, I created a better version of the client. The remarkable experience was the client herself recognized this without me pointing it out to her.

She had been no-showing her sessions over the course of many months. So, not being a hypocrite, I chose to create a version of this client who would attend her sessions regularly. Now, the Positively Focused Way isn’t magic. Things don’t instantly happen as a result of leveraging vibration.

But when held long enough, they do happen. They must or else the premises upon which the practice is based would prove false. In this case, it took six months for the new version of the client to emerge. What happened at the end of that period was astounding…mostly for the client. I knew what was going to happen though. Still, I enjoyed the client’s realization. You will too. Take a listen:

A client realizes what happened when I created an improved version of her.

Another client marvels at her power

In the next example, the client and her husband had a rough night. Both struggle with anxiety. That’s something I’m showing my client how to soothe. She’s doing great on that subject. Because of this, she’s taking the Positively Focused Way seriously. She sees evidence of its effectiveness. So she’s testing it everywhere in her life.

The night she and her husband experienced strong anxiety over finances, she decided to use the practice to create a better version of her husband. She told the story in her session, which she allowed me to share. It’s a perfect example, showing how accurate everything in this post is. Take a listen:

A client creates a better version of her husband.

Several other clients have experienced similar results. In fact, my clients have experienced so many examples, it’s undeniable to them and to me.

You can enjoy them in your own life

You are a creator. Every experience is your creation, wanted or not. Therefore, why not create experiences you want? Everyone can. My clients are proving it to themselves. You can prove it to yourself too.

And that’s the rub of life. Words are just that, words. They only go so far. But your life experience convinces better than any amount of words. Even words from me or my clients, people whose experiences have proven it to them.

This explains why I encourage everyone to put this practice to the test. Life is a wonderful spiritual experience. It’s a paradox therefore. It looks real. It’s about as real as it gets. But that “reality” belies how much control you have over it. It looks like an objective reality. It’s not though. It’s 100 percent subjective. And you are the subject. In other words, you’re the creator of it.

As such, you have absolute control. That’s because you’re creating it. All of it. So why not exercise that control deliberately? Let me who you how. Become a client today.

How Dreams Offer The Best Solutions To People’s Problems

Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

TLDR: A series of vivid, emotional dreams led to a deeply cathartic experience, resolving internal struggles with a sense of homecoming and fulfillment. This transformative journey left the writer feeling great and eager for more extraordinary living.

Wow. It’s 0736. I just woke feeling wonder. There’s a massive smile on my face. Happiness flows through me as well as a sense of powerful worthiness.

Worthiness is an important feeling. All my clients start out far from feeling worthy. A lack of worthiness plagues all of humanity. It’s complicated, but that unworthiness feeling explains all the drama humans create as a species and as individuals.

For me, however, my worthiness is growing by leaps and bounds. This morning offered yet another expansion of it. An expansion I am conscious of. And that consciousness, that awareness, is why I’m feeling wonder.

Here’s what happened.

Unpleasant is communication

Over the last few weeks, I noticed decisions I’ve made that resulted in less than desirable results. I won’t describe what the decisions were. That’s because I’d rather amplify vibrations associated with what’s having me feel wonder and worthiness. And focusing on the decisions will amplify that old momentum.

Suffice it to say the decisions were ones I noticed brought me unpleasant manifestations. Looking from the outside, you might describe these manifestations as extremely minor. Not like my newest client, who yesterday got T-boned while driving her cat in her Tesla to the Vet. No, my unpleasant manifestations these days are minuscule compared to that.

But like all unpleasant manifestations, they came in a cluster. A cluster of increasingly intense events. That intensity cluster was good. It caught my attention. And in that, I could do something about what was unfolding. If we don’t see what’s happening, we can’t do anything about it. I’m so glad I can see what’s happening.

So last night, I made a different decision. I decided I wanted to change my trajectory.

That’s what happened. But how it happened was extraordinary.

Leverage found in sleep

What happened all happened in dream state. While everyone dreams, hardly anyone understands what happens in that state. Even those who interpret dreams and those who do “dream therapy” likely don’t understand dreams. What’s happening in dreams is far more sophisticated than we know. And far more powerful.

What humans call dreams actually exist on many planes. These planes or dimensions are so numerous, the human brain can’t comprehend what’s happening. But our Broader Perspective, that larger part of us, understands it fully. What’s more, that part of us guides dream activity.

What we do while awake informs that activity. But dreams influence our waking experience in return. When a human can directly, deliberately use dream influence, life gets really interesting. For then we can use that influence to improve life experience.

That’s what happened last night.

It feels like it happened for me, instead of me making it happen. And that’s the yumminess of worthiness. Because everything that happens happens for us. In other words, we’re not making anything happen. We set our focus, then the Universe coordinates outcomes. Outcomes best fitting our focus or intention.

I got a direct experience of that last night. And, frankly, it feels AH-mazing seeing it unfold!

The “topography” of last night’s dream experience.

Proficiency produces powerful dream experience

I had three “segments” of dreams. The first came before my mid-night meditation. The second happened after that mediation. The third immediately followed the second. Several dreams comprised each segment. In total, I dreamed at least 15 dreams. All were extremely vivid and real, just like being awake. But the emotional “tone” or “flavor” of them was far more intense than waking reality.

Seth talks about senses we use in the dream state. Some correspond with our waking senses; seeing, hearing, etc. But some senses don’t correspond to waking senses. Perceiving through emotion is one of those. I can attest to the power of this sense. It feels absolutely intense. And whether it’s unpleasant emotion or pleasant emotion, it is that way…intense.

Which is why nightmares frighten us so.

In the first segment, I found myself in several different realities. I was in a suburb with houses, streets, sidewalks. But the place was nothing like waking reality. Where I was probably doesn’t even exist on this plane.

These first dreams all featured me making choices. While making them, I felt confused. I couldn’t decide what to choose. For example, I was in someone’s home. I was trying to choose a ball. The homeowner offered a variety from which to choose. There were many kinds of balls – basketballs, dodgeballs, etc. Some were old. Others were new. But, for some reason, I couldn’t choose.

On the way to that person’s home, I drove on a highway. While following traffic, I noticed I needed to follow the highway to the right. I didn’t do that though. Instead, I curved left. But I knew I wanted to go right!

Both of these are examples of me making decisions that resulted in unpleasant outcomes. You can see that they mimicked what I did while awake.

The set up continues

In the second segment, I walked through a dance club. To get there, I had to drive through an unfamiliar city at night. I parked my vehicle in the parking lot, then went inside. Inside, I met several unseemly youths. After those encounters, I decided to leave. But when I got outside, I noticed my vehicle was gone. I had just bought it. But then I realized my bad purchase decision: I bought a truck that was easy to steal.

Coaxing the youths to tell me who took it didn’t work. They took it, I knew, but they weren’t admitting it. At this point in the dream series I tried mightily to fix my decisions. Doing so got me feeling really intense negative emotion. Emotion that also was highly disempowering. It felt like despair, a wanting to give up. Highly uncharacteristic of me!

And this is another value of dream reality. It’s like a testing ground. It gives us experiences we won’t want in real life. There, we can experiment with them, and learn from them without having to live the dream “for real”.

I remember waking from the first segment feeling really clear those dreams were about my recent choices in waking reality. Waking from this second segment, it was clear how choices in the dream aligned with beliefs I have. Beliefs I’m wanting to change.

After that I went into the third segment. What happened next prompted this post.

Non sequiturs create resolution

In the third segment, I realized the purpose of this whole process. And the feeling I felt associated with that was extraordinary.

The dreams involved me being in the company of a beautiful being. I felt great comfort in their company. “Comfort” doesn’t do the feeling justice. Words can’t describe the power and pleasure of what I felt. We sat with others who watched a sporting event on television. I felt I belonged among these beings.

One of them, a female, stood before me. She had a beautiful body. Tattoos covered every inch of it. She said, without using any words, that she wanted to remove them. And that’s what she did. She peeled them away one by one with her fingers. As she did this, I felt something…a kind of release….

Then I was in an open area of low-lying buildings. My older brother stood beside me. Beneath our feet was a hand-woven rug of Middle Eastern origin. These fantastic planes flew above us. One after another passed over us and, as they did, I spoke to my brother in Farsi about how we can make use of this “campaign” to resolve differences between our country and others…

I know that doesn’t sound at all like the resolution I asked for. But you had to be there!

I’m including the major dreams only. Otherwise this post would be a TLDR experience. Suffice it to say, each one flowed one into the other with perfect cohesion. Still, I get they sound like non-sequiturs.

A perfect compendium of catharsis

The last dream I experienced before waking was the kicker. I stood in a shower. The shower wasn’t mine. Outside the shower window I heard children playing happily. Beside me, in the shower was a beautiful small-breasted woman. Her body was….nothing short of extraordinary. The water ran down both our bodies and all I remember besides what you just read was a feeling of HOME. It was a feeling of all being well, of release after climax, of ecstasy or completion.

Then a series of dreams happened that took this experience to a new level. It’s hard to describe exactly what happened. That’s because language doesn’t align with what happens in nonphysical. And the dream state happens in nonphysical.

Nevertheless the series involved me experiencing situations in which I “paused”. And in the pause, I did something that translated as resolving the process or beliefs or momentum that had me make decisions producing dissatisfying results. I knew that’s what happened, but it’s hard to make direct connection between what I saw and experienced in the dream and my translation of it.

All I can say is it was extremely cathartic. Especially after the climactic dream I experienced before that.

This entire process was such a fulfilling experience! When I woke it was just before 0730 and I knew, I just knew, what I asked for had been resolved on my behalf.

How did I know?

The joyful catharsis I felt directly stemmed from my dream experience. (Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash)

Emotions: Indications of expansion

Because I felt GREAT. But that’s not all. I also felt FOR SURE that what you just read happened. I recalled ALL OF IT. Including the emotions, the associations with wake state experience prior to going to bed…all of it.

Before I started writing this, I amplified everything you’re reading by affirming how great it feels. I affirmed this new day. A new day unburdened by old belief. I expressed appreciation for, and felt joy in the expressing, my expanded awareness. I also expressed how blessed I felt by my cadre — the innumerable beings in nonphysical that support every desire I create as a result of being human.

Re-reading all this, I’m in awe. It’s this kind of experience that gradually becomes available to all my advanced practice clients. I feel blessed to lead the way. The way to extraordinary living. It certainly feels extraordinary. And I’m eager for more.

Want to experience your expansion into the extraordinary? Become a client.

How To Destroy The Scary Old Trope Called ‘Original Sin’

Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

TLDR: This post delves into the concept of original sin in Christianity and its impact on individuals’ beliefs and actions. It questions the notion of sin and advocates for a shift in perspective. The writer offers support for those seeking to release themselves from disempowering beliefs.

In a recent Advanced Session Group session, the subject of Christianity came up. I wrote about one aspect of that conversation in a previous post. In this post, I’m exploring another aspect.

That aspect is Christianity’s idea of “original sin”.

The idea is that we are born into sin. It’s unavoidable. Because of that, Jesus died on the cross in atonement for that, and other, sins. His act, therefore, makes us right in God’s eyes.

Not all of us though.

Only those who believe in Jesus and Christian teachings get that grace. So a very large portion of the population exists outside of Jesus’ apparently selfless act of sacrifice.

In the Advanced Session Group meeting, one client, who is Christian, mentioned how her religion accords with the Positively Focused Way. But another client contested that. She pointed out two divergent and crucial ideas that are inconsistent with The Way: one was this idea of original sin. The other: that a god exists, separate from us, which we must curry favor from or be damned to hell. Forever.

Our essential flaw?

It’s extremely hard to feel secure with these two ideas in one’s head. Not only because both ideas distort what’s actually happening, but because both ideas can’t help but generate insecurity in ourselves.

We’re naturally going to have desires that fall outside Christianity’s prescribed bounds of behavior. Which is why so many Christians “fall” so often. Including Christian “leaders”. It’s inevitable that we’re going to want to go beyond what has been. That’s a basic tenet of All That Is: Continual expansion is its nature. And we are All That Is.

That desire to go beyond explains why gay and lesbian people exist. It’s why some are transgender and intersex. People who enjoy anal sex aren’t sinners. They’re expanding the consciousness of All That Is. And all these examples are just about sex! On every subject consciousness is constantly going beyond what has come before.

Now, it’s possible Christianity meant that we are all born into a world encouraging us to lose our connection with our Broader Perspective. That, for sure, is accurate. One definition of “sin” does mean “to miss the mark” after all. And when we’re displacing our Broader Perspective knowledge with what other humans teach us, we miss the mark. We can’t rendezvous with our unfolding desires, unfolding on their own for our benefit.

This is not what Christianity espouses, however. There’s an essential flaw in humans, it says. It’s this sin.

Nearly all our god concepts suffer from enormous distortions. Including Christianity’s version.

A more accurate picture

So what’s really happening when a human comes into the world? Is it really a “fallen” act?

Coming into physical reality is a divine, blessed and courageous act. Here divine beings of limitless ability choose to incarnate into perceived limitation. They make the choice because doing so, they know, will expand All That Is. So the very act of coming here expands All That Is! How can that be sinful?

Pro tip: It’s not.

As we said, however, most who do come here get off track. They miss the mark in their focus. Instead of remembering they are eternal beings, they buy into what they’re sold. Their parents, teachers and siblings put on sales pitches. So does society at large. In fact, nearly everything in physical reality perpetuates distortion.

Not everything, of course. This blog, for example, espouses the universal law-based premisses that form existence on this plane. Some movies do too. As does some music. Other forms of art do as well.

Animals, plants and other points of consciousness do too. Which is why life continues happening on this planet. In fact there’s far more going right on Earth than that which humans think is going wrong.

That which is god is not separate from us. And it’s only love. Only Love.

Real freedom from sin

Original sin, then, is a distortion. But it’s a powerful one. It enjoys the momentum of an entire religion. Several actually. So what can a person do? How can one free themselves from this automatic damnation?

It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus as your savior.

The idea of Original Sin is a belief. It’s an idea. As a result, it’s going to create associated realities. Most of those realities are going to be unwanted, because the whole idea of Original Sin is contrary to how the Universe works. And things in opposition to how the Universe works, generally, produce undesirable outcomes.

So the way out of all this is displacing the belief in Original Sin with a better-feeling belief. Beliefs begin as thoughts. Held long enough, those thoughts will become beliefs. But first, the thinker must soothe momentum of existing beliefs. Did I write above that Original Sin as an idea enjoys tremendous momentum?

I did.

That means it’s going to take a while to extricate oneself from realities consistent with Original Sin. Including the reality of an underlying sense of insecurity. My client who is Christian is slowly making her way through unraveling this. But it’s going to take a while.

In the mean time, she sees a lot of progress on other subjects. So much so that evidence is bolstering her determination to let go of her Christian beliefs. Beliefs she believes shape the foundation of her life.

Right now they do do that. And in doing that, they create a lot of emotional turmoil for my client. She’s beginning to see that. That’s a good thing.

Moving beyond Original Sin is possible

Another client faces a similarly trajectory. But his orientation to Christian belief is much more traumatic. He’s queer. And, of course, much of the Christian Religion says that, too, is a sin. So he’s struggling letting go of that judgement he’s taken on as his own self-condemnation, while also rejecting the whole concept of hell, damnation and sin. But it’s taking him a long, long time to free himself from that momentum.

It can be done though. My clients prove it’s possible. It’s not easy though. Which is why someone like me can be a great help. Want help freeing yourself from such disempowering beliefs? I’m around.

When A Scam Is An Awesome Gift Of Love

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I suppose most people think being scammed is a bad thing. But a scammer taking advantage of you tells you something really good.

No, it doesn’t tell you you’re stupid. Or that you should be more aware…although you probably should. What it is telling you is that there is something happening inside you that makes you a match to that experience.

Yes, the scam “victim” draws that experience into their life. Being scammed isn’t a random event. No event is. Instead, it’s a reflection of an inner state, a vibrational state. The event vibrationally matches that inner state, so it shows up in the scammed person’s experience as manifested reality.

This is exactly what happened with a client recently, although she caught it early enough to avoid being scammed. Just like I did before.

I wrote about what most people would say was the positive side of this experience last week. But this week I’m going to share another positive side. A side most would probably think was “negative”.

But it’s not. It’s very, very positive.

Desperation: a great money maker

As I wrote last week, this client finds herself attached to a certain guy. This guy waffles in his affection for her. The client knows she deserves better. But because of beliefs causing her attachment, she can’t pull herself away from the guy. I mean, she could, but she feels compelled not to.

As a result, she wants him to change. But he won’t change. That’s because her focus remains on his waffling behavior. She doesn’t like that behavior. But because she fixates on it, it persists.

Not only that. It’s getting stronger.

And as it does, her desire for it to change gets stronger too. So the two amplify each other. That amplification leaves my client feeling desperate. And desperation is what the vibration feels like that makes one a match to scammers.

Especially scammers who use the potential of finding love as their leverage.

No where are people more desperate than in their pursuit of love. They’re willing to spend thousands to get it. They’re also willing to kiss a lot of frogs.

Meanwhile, the endearing, unconditional love they seek in the world around them exists closer than they think. It’s right there inside them. It’s the connection between them and their Broader Perspective. And when a person connects to that, love from another human pales in comparison.

The irony is, when a person has this inner relationship front-and-center, human relationships get better. And love one wants from another human gets better too.

Conditional love or unconditional love?

The client in question doesn’t have this Broader Perspective relationship front-and-center though. Instead, she’s allowed her relationship with Mr. Waffle to displace that relationship. And this is why she feels desperate. Because love from another human always comes with conditions. Broader Perspective love, however, is unconditional.

Displace that unconditional love with conditional love and the immediate feeling is insecurity. Keep it there long enough and insecurity turns to worry, concern, fear, jealousy and even hatred. These emotions happen when that unconditional love another human brings to the table bears out as unconditional: when they get mad at us for not meeting their expectations. Or for doing something they don’t like.

Our Broader Perspective has no conditions we can’t meet. It doesn’t get mad at us. We don’t irritate it. It just loves us, period.

A person trying to rely on conditional love can develop feelings of desperation when everything they try fails to coax their partner into behaving the way they want. That’s what was happening with this client. And that’s why she was feeling desperation.

Finding her way

So last week when those four new perfectly-matched dating options showed up, the client was overjoyed, at first. As she explored one of them more deeply, however, he turned out to be a scammer. A scammer preying on people desperate for love.

This revelation had the client feeling angry, then sad. But what was happening wasn’t sad. It didn’t have to be anger-inducing either. That’s because the experience showed my client exactly where she was vibrationally. And if she didn’t know where she was vibrationally standing, she couldn’t do anything about it.

Thankfully, the client’s Broader Perspective got her attention well enough to trigger skepticism about this person. She looked into it a bit more, then discovered the plot.

She’s still struggling though. She hasn’t yet found her way through disempowering stories on various subjects. Stories that have her feeling vibrationally low. And creating circumstances, events…and men, projecting that low vibration back to her.

And yet, improvement is on the horizon. So long as one persists in their focus, their desire to improve their vibration, that will happen. Then the world must reflect that improved vibration back to her in the form an improving life experience.

In the meantime, this client already has created enough evidence on other subjects proving the Positively Focused Way works. So she’s going to persist. Which means she’s eventually going to get everything she desires. Including a satisfying relationship.