An Ode To The Awesome Joy Clients Experience

TLDR: The author tells the story of two new Positively Focused Clients who vividly express their joy about their lives after having begun their Positively Focused practice. The two became clients after witnessing dramatic changes in a relative. The author further asserts that this is a natural result when a person taps into their Broader Perspective. It’s also part of the joyful journey underlying all life experience.

Two recently new clients and their reactions to the Positively Focused Way are leaving me in awesome appreciation. They both show how effective the practice is.

Of course, my own experience shows this too, as does other client experiences. But these two are so emotionally expressive, I just loved hearing from them. Even when they were struggling.

That’s right. Every client starts with struggle. That’s because all new clients start the practice by first realizing that their beliefs prevent a tremendous amount of joy that’s otherwise available. But in short order, they start figuring out how to soothe those beliefs. And when that happens, joy shows up in abundance.

Which is exactly what happened with these two clients. What happened after that was really satisfying. Satisfying for them, and for me. It’s also a testimonial about how powerful we all are as gods in human form.

Let’s check out what happened. But first some background.

Ripples run deep

The two new clients are married. The husband is the brother of a more seasoned client. Both new clients became clients after seeing shifts in the sister. Those same shifts caused the sister’s husband to become a client too.

This happens often. And, it’s a testament to the power of people when they tap into their Broader Perspective. Positive change — what I call expansion — shows up so powerfully, others in the clients’ lives can’t help but notice. Especially family members. Then those people want what the client is getting.

Ripples of expansion…I love that result!

It’s one thing to evangelize or proselytize. But that can only go so far and ultimately doesn’t work that well. The real test of a life way is how people respond to changes they see in the person. And people respond very well to changes in Positively Focused clients. Which explains why so many clients’ family members become clients too. They become clients because their relatives produce astounding results. So clients don’t need to say anything. They need only be.

And that’s the thing; being speaks more powerfully than words. So when clients change, it’s no wonder their husbands, wives, siblings and friends become clients too.

Ripples from the Positively Focused Way run deep. Rather than reaching a lot of people in society — going wide, in other words — it affects society at the smallest level: individuals. But then it goes deep. It penetrates entire families too. And families are the Source from which society emerges. It makes sense then that the Positively Focused Way transforms society by transforming individuals who then transform their family.

Which brings us back to the couple in question.

The power of positive vibration

The husband, who I’ll unimaginatively call Jon, started practicing after he contemplated suicide. Jon becoming a client was a direct manifestation of his sister (the seasoned client) creating her reality.

That’s right, clients not only learn how they create their reality, but they also learn how they create people in their reality too. The sister dreaded Jon taking his life. Rather than trying to do something to stop that, I suggested she “be” different about it. As a result, Jon came to his senses, then became a client.

The details of how that happened require knowing how the Universe works. But in shorthand, as I describe it to clients, Jon collapsed into his sister’s powerful vibrational focus in exactly the same way as photons do in the famous physics experiment where photons collapse into waves or particles depending on how an observer focuses their attention.

The Universe is consistent from top to bottom. Every part of it follows basic principles. “Every part of it” includes relationships between people. In every exchange with another, we’re either collapsing into the other’s vibrational momentum, or they’re collapsing into ours. Which outcome shows up depends on whose focus has the most momentum. And whose focus is more aligned with fast moving vibration. The fastest-moving vibration is always positive. And positive vibration enjoys inherently more powerful momentum.

Positive vibration so powerful, it can change another human being. This is what Jesus did when he cured the sick. His powerful focus only saw well versions of those people. And his focus was so dominant, the unwell person’s vibration had no choice but to collapse into Jesus’ more powerful focus of well being.

This is exactly what happened between Jon and his sister.

Jesus “curing” a leper. He cured the sick by causing a collapse of vibration. (By Unknown author – photo taken by Sibeaster, Public Domain)

Abundance is a given

Jon dramatically changed after becoming a client. So much so, his wife became a client too. Now these two people are extremely powerful. Together, when aligned, they are unstoppable. But when they focus that power on disempowering stores about themselves or each other, that power turns their lives into hell.

That’s what happened recently when I got a text from the wife, who I’ll more imaginatively call Alley.

In her text Alley complained bitterly about wanting to bail from society. She felt overworked, tired and tired of hearing everyone’s complaints. Little did she realize this is how someone feels when they don’t keep up with their abundance.

Abundance is the order of the Universe. Everything in it expresses itself along those lines. And since humans are powerful creators, no matter what they’re doing, in a little while what they’re doing will generate abundance.

“Doing” includes working a job. So when people complain about having too much to do at work, I often respond by asking “how does it feel being unable to keep up with your abundance?” For that’s what’s happening; the person focused so much on work, they’ve created abundance that looks like being overworked.

Rather than appreciating that, however, the vast majority of people are conditioned to complain about it. When they do that, they create even more abundance that looks like being overworked.

Then they need a vacation!

Holy Shit!

After a quick check-in via text message, Alley found her alignment. I don’t know what happened next. Presumably her husband found his alignment too. I presume that because in rapid succession I received a text from Alley, then one from Jon:

My response to Alley in that first exchange is important. In a little while, clients discover how “dark moments” signify an impending shift. They signify a moment just before a vibrational leap forward happens. Once a number of these happen, clients learn to appreciate rather than dread them, or feel they’re a struggle while in them.

That’s an important shift. Because when that happens, clients discover those special moments are HUGELY POSITIVE. They tell the client that they are on track, that all is going well, that their expansion is happening.

Most people, however, won’t interpret these moments this way. So they don’t make the connection between such experiences and experiences they’re wanting.

We don’t need long, intense negative experiences to enjoy hugely positive ones though. We can enjoy the latter from just a niggle of the former. That takes practice though. But the time put into practicing it is worth it, obviously.

Joy borne of eternity

Both Jon and Alley experienced what it’s like for every client who assiduously practices the Positively Focused Way. It doesn’t take long. Jon’s only got 11 weeks under his belt. Alley’s been at it for nine.

So it doesn’t take long before clients produce evidence the practice works. That’s why I offer a guarantee. Nearly every client gets results after the first session. The more they practice, the more profound and more abundant the evidence gets. Before long, clients start challenging long-held-limiting beliefs. Beliefs that had them to give up on their dreams and instead become “realistic”.

Then clients want to actualize their rediscovered dreams. That doesn’t happen over night though. But that’s no problem either because we’re all eternal. We have all the time in the world. And besides, fulfilled dreams aren’t the goal, although that’s what happens.

What is the goal is the joyful journey on the way to the fulfilled dreams. There will always be more dreams to fulfill than dreams that get fulfilled. We are eternal after all. And since our very existence gives birth to new desires/dreams, we’ll never ever get all those dreams fulfilled. That’s why the journey, the joyful journey, is the goal.

I like knowing that. So do my clients when they get it. It’s the awesome joy that burst forth from Jon and Alley. And I’m appreciating being a witness to their joyful expression.

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