Life Can Be Filled Only With Great, Awesome Things

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

TLDR: The author asserts that brainwashing is a good thing. Ridding the brain of negative beliefs creates a corresponding increase in positive experiences, says the author, until life becomes an ongoing, ever-getting-better experience.

“In every life a little rain must fall.”

“Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies.”

“We must take the good with the bad.”

Certainly these “pearls of wisdom” sound familiar. For sure we can think of many others. They all convince people that they must accept the facts: There will always be experiences they won’t like.

What’s curious is, those who don’t accept these beliefs don’t experience experiences they don’t like.

That’s right. Some, to use another pearl of wisdom “have their head in the cloud.” Doing that, they discover what I’m writing about today: that in their life, only good shows up.

Yep. That’s right. Life needn’t contain a SINGLE negative thing. Hard to believe but it’s 100 percent true. I should know: I’m living that life. My clients are increasingly doing the same.

So how can this be? Are people who live like I live brainwashed? Are their heads in the sand? Or is something else more profound happening?

Let’s take a look.

Brainwashing: A good thing

For sure things that seem inherently bad happen. When they happen, though, are they really bad? And how do people living similar to me and my clients interpret such happenings? These are good questions.

To answer them, let’s take a look at “brainwashing”. At first is sounds like a bad thing. But, like bad things happening, maybe there’s a different way to look at that concept. Maybe there’s a more empowering way to look at “brainwashing”.

First, the word itself. “Washing” the “brain” sounds like a great thing. Is washing our bodies a bad thing? Of course not. When we bathe we’re removing dirt and grime. We’re removing old skin cells and other material from our bodies. We’re removing things we no longer want on us. After a bath or shower, we often feel refreshed. So we typically want to bathe or wash frequently.

The same can be true for washing the brain. In washing the brain, we’re removing things we don’t want in us. So what do we not want in us? Well, those who’ve shown themselves enough evidence that thoughts create reality don’t want in them thoughts creating realities they don’t want. Washing the brain, therefore, is a great thing. And, just as with bathing our bodies, after the brain is washed of those unwanted things, we feel refreshed. We feel refreshed mostly because, when thoughts creating realities we don’t want are washed away, our reality reflects that pure, clean inner state back to us. That reflection is one including only great, awesome things.

So brainwashing is a great thing. It gets a bad rap though because of the word’s common context: when an authority does it to a hapless victim.

It’s in our best interest to wash our brains. (Photo by David Maltos)

Context matters

What’s interesting though is, this common context is humans’ everyday experience. They’re constantly subjected to authorities conditioning their inner state with thoughts. Thoughts that, if they thought about them, they wouldn’t want in there.

By “authorities” I’m not only talking about bosses and politicians, teachers and parents and church leaders. I’m also referring to the media, commercial marketing, and society in general, what I call “the peanut gallery.”

I’m sure you’re familiar with most of those “authoritative” sources. But let me give you an example of how “the peanut gallery” can exert powerful influence on people’s inner state.

Two of my clients recently experienced different negative situations. While both situations are different, the origin of those situations was the same. The first client was experiencing extreme mental and emotional abuse from her daughter. I won’t give details, but, believe me, the daughter’s treatment of her mother was horrendous…by human standards. The second client struggled with his self-torment. He believed he must suffer in his marriage rather than create one that works for him. He suffered so much he contemplated killing himself. But the same origin of his suffering kept him from doing that. I’ll clarify that in a moment.

First, however, let’s look at the client with a hellion of a daughter.

A hellion of a daughter

Extremely positive reasons are responsible for my client birthing a child-devil. I won’t get into those reasons though because that’s not the point of this post. After years of this young lady savagely abusing my client, my client finally had had enough. Of course, anyone who loves themselves would have ended that relationship decades ago and handed the imp to her father.

What kept my client sticking to all this abuse? The Peanut Gallery, aka other people’s opinions. Beliefs like “A good mother never deserts her child” and “Mothers should love their children no matter what” and “You can’t leave your daughter, that would make you a bad mother” and “What kind of mother would do that?”

Now read this carefully: what’s really interesting was other people in my client’s life were telling her she should cut ties with the daughter. So where were “other people’s opinions” coming from? That’s right! They were all in my client’s head! Her own beliefs, in other words.

But they aren’t really “hers”. Well, they are, but that’s not where they came from. She allowed herself to believe these beliefs as a result of living life and allowing herself to “take in” or conclude beliefs based on her experience. Her experience with all those other authorities I mentioned above including a not-so-good upbringing from similar-minded parents.

So “the peanut gallery” typically isn’t actual people telling us what to do or not do, although it can be. It usually is, however, our own thoughts we use to judge ourselves in advance for behavior we’re inspired to take. We’re inspired to take that action because it will make life better for us. But we often talk ourselves out of taking that action.

Let’s look now at the second client.

Frozen to the point of suicide

He too, has a Peanut Gallery going on and on in his head. What he really wanted at the time was a different marriage. He considered divorce, but his Peanut Gallery wouldn’t allow that. “I have to stick it out” and “I’d be a bad person to divorce her” and “what kind of husband deserts his wife, especially one who doesn’t work and is ill?” all racked his brain.

The problem was as he stayed in the marriage, thinking thoughts amplifying his negative experience, he got to thinking about ending it all. But even there, the Peanut Gallery stopped him. Thoughts like “What would people think if I did that?” and “What would my wife do? She’d be devastated” froze him in his tracks.

Now, suicide is not a bad thing. It’s like the death penalty, which isn’t bad either. When a person dies, whether at their own hands or the hands of another, they return to nonphysical, are instantly removed from their suffering and return to a state of sublime bliss. So it makes total sense a person in deep despair, pain or other intense suffering would make that choice.

There are other ways to relieve such suffering, however, which my client now is realizing. He’s no longer thinking about leaving his marriage or killing himself. But what’s really interesting is, as he washes his brain free of his Peanut Gallery, he’s finding an interesting experience: happiness and empowerment. Even with his marriage not changing a bit.

Empowerment is intoxicating

The first client too got a glimpse of that extremely liberating state that is empowerment. After she washed her brain free of disempowering beliefs, I asked her “how would you feel after cutting ties with your daughter?”

She immediately answered with one word: “Relief”.

Now relief isn’t the greatest, but it’s a start. And after amplifying her awareness of how much better her life could be without her daughter in it, she too found herself empowered. Empowered enough to take the action.

She’s still getting ready to take that action. But more than ever before, she’s seeing not only the wisdom of that new thought, she’s also feeling more and more the empowerment that will be increasingly hers after she takes it.

Empowerment is so intoxicating. It’s rarely felt by humans. But it’s supposed to be our natural state as we move through life experience.That partly explains its intoxicating nature; it feels so good because it’s so rarely felt. Even when it’s felt for a while though, it can become addicting: once one gets a taste no other life condition will do.

And when a person lives in that state for a while, life must reflect that state back to them in the form of ever improving life situations. Is must, because that’s what life is: a reflection of our inner state.

Everything is good

And that’s why I assert that life can only contain good things. That and because I’m living the experience. My clients are living that experience too, increasingly. It all happens when we wash our brains of thoughts life reflects back to us making us see the bad things happening.

Now there are two things to note about this phenomena: one, bad things do happen. We see them every day. But those things needn’t be interpreted as bad. Being able to see them as good is possible.

For example, if you know what you’ve read here, we could say such things, when they happen, happen because the person they happen to is figuring out through life feedback how to think better. Two, just because they happen to others doesn’t mean they must happen to us. In other words, this time-space reality is filled with VARIETY. Variety of EVERYTHING. Including life experience.

Abraham sharing their wisdom.

And that’s another way we can wash our brains, thus enabling us to see only good: by recognizing that that variety is a great thing. Not only does it act as feedback for us, but it also allows us to select from the variety experiences we want to have.

Now, it takes a while to produce such a life because others have trained us into accepting that “In every life a little rain must fall” and “Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies” and “We must take the good with the bad.” But once we wash our brains of those thoughts, we discover a new world dawning. And in that bright light of dawn we find our bliss. The bliss of empowerment.

Trump Assassination FAIL: A Sign Of Things Getting Better?

Illustration by Adam Cuerden

TL;DR: The author asserts a balancing effect taking place on Earth is prompting fear, insecurity and powerlessness among its human inhabitants. They therefore call on people to embrace positivity as a way of balancing forces creating chaos at this auspicious time in humanity’s unfolding.

It’s Sunday morning, July 14. I just finished a two-hour meditation. I don’t typically meditate that long each morning.

But this morning I considered special. That’s because yesterday, someone tried to assassinate former president and 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump. Dreams over the last few nights proved consistent with this manifestation. They’ve been quite “dense”, “detailed” and featured experiences indicating the need to soothe great upheavals or transformations.

I’m not a clairvoyant. There is something, however, about coming into the world at just the right time that my vibrational awareness builds at the same time this country goes through what it’s going through right now.

But the United States is not going through it alone. A pendulum is swinging, once again, between light forces and something else all across the globe. That’s important to know. And for people like me, it’s important we do something. Better said: it’s important we “be” something.

Let’s take a look at why and what that is we should do.

This is not new

It’s interesting that in the last week I wondered what I would write about. No clear inspiration came over these days. Feeling no inspiration, I felt no worry. I knew something would show itself.

So yesterday, I took a nap. I woke an hour later, opened YouTube to watch something entertaining and saw the news, in near-real time, of the assassination attempt. News reporters claimed this was an uncommon thing in the United States. I didn’t know if they meant a political assassination or gun violence. I figured the former.

But plenty examples exist of political assassination attempts and successes in the United States. They start with Lincoln and go all the way up to the attempt on Reagan’s life, with a smattering of others in between, including JFK’s assassination.

This is not new. Nor is it uncommon.

What’s really interesting, however, is what these violent acts point to. People are scared. People “on both sides.” It’s interesting the assassin was a paradox of political action. He was a registered republican, but donated to a democratic PAC. So it’s unclear right now what his motives were.

That’s not surprising.

Artist’s rendition of the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. (By Adam Cuerden)

Ambiguity is no surprise

It’s not surprising to me because it really doesn’t matter. From a vibrational standpoint, in order for someone to resort to gun violence, they must feel extreme powerlessness, intense fear or some other extreme negative emotion in order for them to take such violent action.

A lot of people are at that point around politics these days. Both presidential candidates are triggering such people. Many people are feeling fear and insecurity about America’s future too. Especially because one candidate openly intends to turn the country into an Authoritarian State. And he has an army of people getting ready should he be the electoral victor.

For some that IS scary. So I’m not surprised someone would act the way the shooter had. And I won’t be surprised if it happens again. Here’s why.

Rage is logical

A client with a lot of the Positively Focused practice under her belt, recently wanted to confront an ex-boyfriend at gunpoint. This guy had secretly installed cameras throughout her house when he had a sense she was going to break up with him. Those cameras captured the client having sex with her new boyfriend among other very personal situations.

This ex was and is in extreme insecurity, grief, despair and feeling powerless around the client’s decision to break up with him. His surveillance plan apparently was to try to figure out what the client would do after the fourth time she discovered him consuming porn; something he promised to stop consuming.

One of the many girlfriends he was cheating on the client with contacted the client one day after she broke up with him and told her what he’d done. The guy for some reason showed the girl footage of the client having sex with her boyfriend. The client, who has deep shame and insecurity herself around her body, sex and privacy, reacted as anyone feeling this way might: she wanted to demand that he give up the recordings…at gunpoint.

Powerlessness is a very dangerous vibration. No one likes feeling bad and powerlessness is the epitome of that. Everyone will try to get out of such feelings. And usually, that means taking extreme action. Even violence.

Believe it or not, rage feels better than powerlessness. Which is why those who feel powerless or extremely insecure, often become violent. The action, such as trying to kill a presidential hopeful, may seem irrational to those not feeling what the killer is feeling. But for the killer, it’s a very logical next step.

A balance in the force?

Whether you’re a head of state feeling powerless over the loss of your country’s stature (Putin), a guy feeling powerless to avert the loss of a girlfriend, or a kid feeling powerless over…whatever…resorting to violence feels better than feeling powerless. And that’s why we’re seeing so much of it in the world.

Authoritarianism is on the rise planet-wide. Putin now has his version of NATO, with China and North Korea agreeing to join forces with Putin if Russia is attacked. France just narrowly averted a right-wing takeover of its government. Germany recently foiled a planned coup lead by right wingers.

The United States is in the throws of its own authoritarian roots bearing themselves. That’s right, this isn’t new. Authoritarians have been trying to turn the US into a fascist state for a long time.

Project 2025, therefore, isn’t new. It’s just the newest iteration.

The good news is, this very strong global trend where authoritarians are trying to wrest control over societies makes this a very interesting time to be alive. That causes beings from nonphysical to want to be here, both to experience it, and also to shape it.

Balance is the order of the day in All That Is. So we can expect these extreme events foretell a balancing that is about to occur. One that is occurring.

A balancing is taking place on Earth. What side are you weighing in on? (Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash)

A positive appeal

I wrote years ago for another blog I own that things are going to get worse before they get better. I wasn’t kidding. It’s happening at the global level. It’s happening at the individual level, for some. And it’s happening everywhere in between.

Meanwhile a lot of good is happening too. Mexico just elected its first woman president who happens to be a liberal. The UK’s liberal party just wrested power from a decades-long conservative rule. I think we’re going to see the paradox that is physical reality bring more such surprises. The key is for all of us to be as positive as we can as all this unfolds.

It’s important people sensitive to vibration cultivate a high state of fast moving, positive frequencies. This means being as positive as possible about what’s happening. Abraham nails it when they say one person tuned in is more powerful than millions who are not. And more than one person tuned in represents an unstoppable force.

The world is unfolding. How that happens, what it looks like, matters to us all. Some came for the chaos. Others came to balance that. More than ever, the world needs the balancers. If you’re reading this, you may be one of those people.

Everything is always working out. Even when it looks like it’s not. Be the change you want to see; speak less, be more. Focus on the outcome you desire, the ones that make you feel good. What you resist, persists. These statements aren’t just pablum, they’re fact. Now is the time and the balance needs you.

Why Client Results Are So Powerful And Life Changing

TLDR: The author explains why every client gets the same life-changing results by practicing positivity; through the power of their improved thoughts, they prompt All That Is to reflect back to them improved lives. Then the evidently-improved lives convince them to practice more, triggering a “virtuous spiral” of life-changing improvement. The author argues every person inherently possesses the ability to create the life they desire.

A powerful reason explains why every client eventually gets near identical, consistent results through the Positively Focused practice. It’s because the practice is based on how the Universe actually works.

It’s based on how the Universe actually works and how humans interpret being in it. Essentially what the practice does is lessen influence coming from beliefs contrary to how the Universe works. When that happens, the results promised show up automatically.

That’s because they’re already there, happening automatically. But contrary beliefs will conceal them. Or they cause the automatic function to create experience confirming those beliefs. When that happens, people get confused about what’s happening.

And when that happens, people become hopelessly inured to believing the physical world is separate from them.

Interpreting through he best narratives possible

They’ll think the Universe is separate from them and a random collection of events. Some will believe this life is all we have. Still others may believe they can’t have what they want because the world is random and beyond their control. The’ll see only evil people getting what they want; often at the expense of others. So they’ll conclude life is not fair.

Underlying all those inaccurate beliefs operates a highly consistent system comprising All That Is. That system is biased towards great abundance, positivity and joy. And it will deliver anything a point of consciousness focuses on because of that. Even if that consciousness— a human for example — consistently focuses on what it doesn’t want, that’s what the All That Is will deliver.

Which argues for interpreting this reality in the most positive narratives possible.

In the Positively Focused practice we show people how to do that, among other things. As they master this, they uncover their divinity: their powerful ability to create reality then comes under their conscious control. Then they realize that, no, reality is NOT separate from them, nor is it random.

From there everything is possible.

Questions holding people back

This process can be diagrammed. In graphic form it appears very simple. At mastery levels, it sure looks simple. But in practice, that simplicity only comes with consistent, determined practice. It’s not “hard work”. But it does take applying one’s in self every moment.

The diagram below shows the trajectory common to all clients. It starts with accepting that one has many vibrational frequencies serving to dampen one’s natural high speed vibration. Along or associated with this dampening effect are thoughts common to nearly all beginners.

They come out as questions and objections, usually about topics beginners aren’t ready to fully understand. They ask, for example, how is it that a human would choose to be born with a life-shortening disease. Or, why would someone choose to be born in war-torn countries. Clients usually also hold disempowering thoughts about money, thoughts that bind them to the working world; because they believe money only comes from jobs, and that they must trade their time or intelligence in a job to get money.

These questions and disempowering beliefs nearly everyone holds. But beginning Positively Focused clients, when they start looking at life through the practice, begin questioning those assumptions. When they do, interesting things start happening.

(1) Clients start in a status quo life. This life contains some of what they want and some of what they don’t want. But their dreams, those things they really want, remain elusive. (2) Then they start the Positively Focused practice. From there, (3) evidence is almost immediate. That evidence triggers improved moods, which trigger more evidence of improved lives (4). Along this point (5) life begins dramatically improving, and that improvement is never ending, nor does it have an upper limit. Here also is where clients begin soothing their fear of death (6). Evidence is overwhelming that they are eternal. Life gets better and better, and dreams they had once given up on become realized. Gradually, clients’ lives take on the magical quality I call the Charmed Life (9).

The fear of death

The biggest challenge is people’s fear of death. That fear expresses itself in many forms. Someone who believes time is running out for them fears death. A woman who at 42 believes she’s getting too old to find a partner fears time running out. Another who believes he’s too old to follow his dreams also fears running out of time, or, dying before he can “make it”.

But death is not real. Death is a moment in the endless eternity we all are. It’s no different than walking from inside a home, out into the bright light of the day. But philosophers, religions our friends and families and civilization at large convince us death is something worth fearing. All the while, we don’t realize that fear tells us something that, if we knew that thing, we wouldn’t fear that death at all.

Almost immediately, once attention is brought to these thought distortions, the client manifests for themselves highly convincing evidence proving these distortions as distortions. Since it happens in their daily life, the evidence can’t be denied. Maybe one or two experiences can be explained away as coincidence.

But when these experiences come in plentiful numbers, the client must then start examining what they really believe. Even a small shift in one’s vibration will trigger this experience. That’s because All That Is wants us knowing what we really are. It wants us knowing what this reality is really made of (thoughts turned into things).

So that evidence begins cracking the shell of disbelief. Disbelief that once created “truths” consistent with it. The more that happens, the higher frequency the client starts vibing to. Soon they get to a point where their life gets so good, they begin (emphasis on “begin”) to relax. This state of relaxation is crucial.

Who wouldn’t want a better life?

But when they reach that crucial stage, life reflects more and more their improved vibration. In time, their life gets WAY better than before. Friends and family members start noticing. They may even want to become clients.

And as life reflects more and more their improved vibration, clients then want even more. So they practice more. That’s the virtuous cycle inherent in the practice. It’s the same virtuous cycle that is inherent in All That Is, which is why All That Is is biased towards great abundance, positivity and joy. The more of that that happens, the more of that happens.

By the time clients see evidence all around them that this is how the Universe is, they have made their reality consistent with their improved beliefs. What really happened is the same thing that was happening before starting the practice, only it was happening in-deliberately back then: They formed beliefs, then held those beliefs long enough for reality to prove the beliefs “true”.

If you understood that last sentence, then you can see that every person is capable of creating any reality they want. It starts with their thoughts. From there, life starts “life-ing”; all that is begins moving in the direction of the trajectory initiated with those thoughts. The more that person holds those thoughts, the more energy flows, until those thoughts must turn to things.

That’s a powerful outcome. It’s an outcome that changes lives. It’s an outcome that can literally change people we interact with. And that’s why clients’ results are so powerful and life changing. They literally change lives for the better.

And who wouldn’t want a better life?

An Ode To The Awesome Joy Clients Experience

TLDR: The author tells the story of two new Positively Focused Clients who vividly express their joy about their lives after having begun their Positively Focused practice. The two became clients after witnessing dramatic changes in a relative. The author further asserts that this is a natural result when a person taps into their Broader Perspective. It’s also part of the joyful journey underlying all life experience.

Two recently new clients and their reactions to the Positively Focused Way are leaving me in awesome appreciation. They both show how effective the practice is.

Of course, my own experience shows this too, as does other client experiences. But these two are so emotionally expressive, I just loved hearing from them. Even when they were struggling.

That’s right. Every client starts with struggle. That’s because all new clients start the practice by first realizing that their beliefs prevent a tremendous amount of joy that’s otherwise available. But in short order, they start figuring out how to soothe those beliefs. And when that happens, joy shows up in abundance.

Which is exactly what happened with these two clients. What happened after that was really satisfying. Satisfying for them, and for me. It’s also a testimonial about how powerful we all are as gods in human form.

Let’s check out what happened. But first some background.

Ripples run deep

The two new clients are married. The husband is the brother of a more seasoned client. Both new clients became clients after seeing shifts in the sister. Those same shifts caused the sister’s husband to become a client too.

This happens often. And, it’s a testament to the power of people when they tap into their Broader Perspective. Positive change — what I call expansion — shows up so powerfully, others in the clients’ lives can’t help but notice. Especially family members. Then those people want what the client is getting.

Ripples of expansion…I love that result!

It’s one thing to evangelize or proselytize. But that can only go so far and ultimately doesn’t work that well. The real test of a life way is how people respond to changes they see in the person. And people respond very well to changes in Positively Focused clients. Which explains why so many clients’ family members become clients too. They become clients because their relatives produce astounding results. So clients don’t need to say anything. They need only be.

And that’s the thing; being speaks more powerfully than words. So when clients change, it’s no wonder their husbands, wives, siblings and friends become clients too.

Ripples from the Positively Focused Way run deep. Rather than reaching a lot of people in society — going wide, in other words — it affects society at the smallest level: individuals. But then it goes deep. It penetrates entire families too. And families are the Source from which society emerges. It makes sense then that the Positively Focused Way transforms society by transforming individuals who then transform their family.

Which brings us back to the couple in question.

The power of positive vibration

The husband, who I’ll unimaginatively call Jon, started practicing after he contemplated suicide. Jon becoming a client was a direct manifestation of his sister (the seasoned client) creating her reality.

That’s right, clients not only learn how they create their reality, but they also learn how they create people in their reality too. The sister dreaded Jon taking his life. Rather than trying to do something to stop that, I suggested she “be” different about it. As a result, Jon came to his senses, then became a client.

The details of how that happened require knowing how the Universe works. But in shorthand, as I describe it to clients, Jon collapsed into his sister’s powerful vibrational focus in exactly the same way as photons do in the famous physics experiment where photons collapse into waves or particles depending on how an observer focuses their attention.

The Universe is consistent from top to bottom. Every part of it follows basic principles. “Every part of it” includes relationships between people. In every exchange with another, we’re either collapsing into the other’s vibrational momentum, or they’re collapsing into ours. Which outcome shows up depends on whose focus has the most momentum. And whose focus is more aligned with fast moving vibration. The fastest-moving vibration is always positive. And positive vibration enjoys inherently more powerful momentum.

Positive vibration so powerful, it can change another human being. This is what Jesus did when he cured the sick. His powerful focus only saw well versions of those people. And his focus was so dominant, the unwell person’s vibration had no choice but to collapse into Jesus’ more powerful focus of well being.

This is exactly what happened between Jon and his sister.

Jesus “curing” a leper. He cured the sick by causing a collapse of vibration. (By Unknown author – photo taken by Sibeaster, Public Domain)

Abundance is a given

Jon dramatically changed after becoming a client. So much so, his wife became a client too. Now these two people are extremely powerful. Together, when aligned, they are unstoppable. But when they focus that power on disempowering stores about themselves or each other, that power turns their lives into hell.

That’s what happened recently when I got a text from the wife, who I’ll more imaginatively call Alley.

In her text Alley complained bitterly about wanting to bail from society. She felt overworked, tired and tired of hearing everyone’s complaints. Little did she realize this is how someone feels when they don’t keep up with their abundance.

Abundance is the order of the Universe. Everything in it expresses itself along those lines. And since humans are powerful creators, no matter what they’re doing, in a little while what they’re doing will generate abundance.

“Doing” includes working a job. So when people complain about having too much to do at work, I often respond by asking “how does it feel being unable to keep up with your abundance?” For that’s what’s happening; the person focused so much on work, they’ve created abundance that looks like being overworked.

Rather than appreciating that, however, the vast majority of people are conditioned to complain about it. When they do that, they create even more abundance that looks like being overworked.

Then they need a vacation!

Holy Shit!

After a quick check-in via text message, Alley found her alignment. I don’t know what happened next. Presumably her husband found his alignment too. I presume that because in rapid succession I received a text from Alley, then one from Jon:

My response to Alley in that first exchange is important. In a little while, clients discover how “dark moments” signify an impending shift. They signify a moment just before a vibrational leap forward happens. Once a number of these happen, clients learn to appreciate rather than dread them, or feel they’re a struggle while in them.

That’s an important shift. Because when that happens, clients discover those special moments are HUGELY POSITIVE. They tell the client that they are on track, that all is going well, that their expansion is happening.

Most people, however, won’t interpret these moments this way. So they don’t make the connection between such experiences and experiences they’re wanting.

We don’t need long, intense negative experiences to enjoy hugely positive ones though. We can enjoy the latter from just a niggle of the former. That takes practice though. But the time put into practicing it is worth it, obviously.

Joy borne of eternity

Both Jon and Alley experienced what it’s like for every client who assiduously practices the Positively Focused Way. It doesn’t take long. Jon’s only got 11 weeks under his belt. Alley’s been at it for nine.

So it doesn’t take long before clients produce evidence the practice works. That’s why I offer a guarantee. Nearly every client gets results after the first session. The more they practice, the more profound and more abundant the evidence gets. Before long, clients start challenging long-held-limiting beliefs. Beliefs that had them to give up on their dreams and instead become “realistic”.

Then clients want to actualize their rediscovered dreams. That doesn’t happen over night though. But that’s no problem either because we’re all eternal. We have all the time in the world. And besides, fulfilled dreams aren’t the goal, although that’s what happens.

What is the goal is the joyful journey on the way to the fulfilled dreams. There will always be more dreams to fulfill than dreams that get fulfilled. We are eternal after all. And since our very existence gives birth to new desires/dreams, we’ll never ever get all those dreams fulfilled. That’s why the journey, the joyful journey, is the goal.

I like knowing that. So do my clients when they get it. It’s the awesome joy that burst forth from Jon and Alley. And I’m appreciating being a witness to their joyful expression.

An Awesome Update On My Teleportation Results

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TLDR: The author recounts an experience asserting it to have been a precursor to occult abilities. They say what’s remarkable about this experience is another person witnessed the whole event. An ER visit negated any medical explanations, even though doctors, who dislike saying “I have no idea what happened”, diagnosed what happened as vasovagal syncope. The author then expresses eagerness at a future full of super humans based on their example.

What happened this week is truly remarkable. I’m glad another person experienced it with me, so his account could support my own. What happened was a definite sign of me manifesting the ability to realize all my occult aspirations. Aspirations including teleportation, shape shifting, astral travel and more.

But that’s not all that came from this awesome experience. It also showed me the power of this Positively Focused practice. The practice offered, in this really amazing experience, an awesome gift. One that I know my clients will someday also experience. One promised as part of the Positively Focused Way.

More on that later. First, here’s what happened.

It prompts an emergency room visit

My good friend Mark and I planned to meet for lunch. I was eager about that because we hadn’t eaten where we planned in years. In fact, I was surprised the place remained open after COVID. That’s one reason we decided to meet there; as a kind of celebration that they’re still around.

I also planned the meal as a celebration. Five new people have become clients since this past January. These days, I celebrate new client arrivals by taking myself out for a nice meal. So this lunch was part of that celebratory ritual. We must amplify our successful manifestations by celebrating them, yes? Thus this practice.

I rode my bike downtown. Upon arriving I saw Mark walking towards the restaurant. We arrived at almost the exact same time. As he went in and grabbed a table, I locked my bike. We greeted each other and sat down. I wanted a better seat so I suggested we move to where we both could look out the windows.

The server brought us water and menus as we caught up on our lives. Then, as we talked over what we would order, something strange started happening in me. Here’s what I wrote, directly from my private journal:

A stroke? Or a supernatural experience?

My Broader Perspective tells me what happened today was a mystical event. I wound up in the Veteran’s Administration (VA) emergency room. I was with Mark. He and I thought I had a stroke. Here’s what happened.

I went to the gym. I ran one mile, overdoing the pace to the point where I strained my calves. Then I performed my regular weight workout. That felt great. 

Before that I ate an egg on bread and drank tea. 

Then I rode my bike downtown. I got there right on time, locked my bike and went in the restaurant. Mark already got a table. We moved to a better table then talked about his beach house and the glass house that startup guy made.

While Mark talked about it, nausea swept over me. Then I felt like I needed to vomit or poop. I went to the toilet and popped a bit, then returned to the table. I felt better but when I sat down the symptoms returned but with greater force. As far as I know, no external “triggers”, like smells or sightings of things like blood, caused this.

The next thing I know, Mark is holding a cup of water to my lips with his hand on my shoulder. I had no fear or worry. I just felt I had gone “somewhere” and returned. 

Mark said I suddenly “wasn’t there”. My eyes were open, he said, but when calling my name I was unresponsive. I did feel I had gone “somewhere” but I don’t know where and have no recall of where I went. 

Checking…just in case

I once again felt I needed to use the bathroom. Then I broke out in a cold sweat again, and felt odd in my body. Mark helped me to the bathroom, then, when I returned, he gave me aspirin and told me to swallow them as it looked to him like I had a stroke. 

Not understanding what this was I felt it a good idea that we go to the VA emergency department ASAP. So we bee-lined it there. 

I was treated with first-class service as usual. They asked Mark and I to recount the experience. Then they took my vitals. In the emergency room they took an EKG, blood and did a neural responsiveness test, which I passed. While waiting for the blood results, they also did a CAT scan. 

Both blood test and scan returned normal/healthy readings except one which looked as though I wasn’t eating enough. They also gave me IV fluids. 

The doctors diagnosed me as having had a vasovagal syncope episode, which essentially means I had a fainting spell. But there was no trigger….

Asking my Broader Perspective this evening if this was a mystical experience, they returned a very strong affirmative indication.

A mystical experience indeed!

I’m writing this a couple days after the event. The nausea and “odd” sensations came and went twice. Then suddenly I was “out” of physical reality. That’s the moment Mark noticed me “not there”. I mean, obviously, my body was there. But my consciousness was not. That part of me that is “I” departed physical reality.

That’s why I didn’t “see” Mark get up from his side of the table. Nor did I feel him put his hand on the shoulder of my body. I wasn’t there after all. I “came back” with him standing beside me on my right, his left hand on my shoulder and holding a cup of water to my lips in his right hand.

Again, I have no idea where I went. But I speculate that this event was the first in a gradual series of experiences not dissimilar from how I soothed resistance keeping me from clearly perceiving dream reality.

Durning the process of clearly perceiving dream reality, I at first didn’t recall any dreams. Prior to this, like many clients, I didn’t even believe I dreamed. With the right suggestions however, I began gradually experiencing snippets of dream reality. Snippets that finally coalesced into the long-form, super-vivid and highly satisfying dream experiences I now enjoy. Experiences I can recall almost at will any time.

I believe what happened in the restaurant represents the next step in a similar process. One that will eventually have me able to do all the things I mentioned in the first paragraph of this story. It’s a process beginning with waves of Kundalini energy clearing away energy blockages in my physical and ephemeral body. And now this experience where I “departed” physical reality, leaving my body behind, in front of someone who could verify what happened. Astounding!

What this definitely means

What’s also interesting is I experienced NO FEAR AT ALL about dying or about having a stroke. I was completely fine about it all. I wonder if that’s because I knew it wasn’t a life-threatening health event. Instead, it was the continuing unfolding manifestation of my desire to be able to do these things…

Instead of fear, I feel strong curiosity. Curiosity and eagerness for the next step. I’m eager to be able to be conscious of that place I “go” to so I may then direct my consciousness to another physical location, then have my body appear there.

That’s how Seth describes the process of teleportation. According to Seth, we can project our consciousness, the essence of that which we are, out of our bodies. Then we can “move” to another location. It doesn’t have to be on earth. Then, holding our intention in the new location, the body in our old location will dissolve and reconstitute in the new place our consciousness exists.

It’s happening! (Photo by Warren Wong)

Imagine what that will be like! Imagine being able to teleport to any location, anywhere. The implications are astounding!

I also believe this initial phenomena is a kind of nexus for the other skills. Astral travel, of course, means traveling outside of the physical body. Shapeshifting too, it seems, would require temporarily separating from the body so the body can reconstitute along the lines of the consciously-held desired physical form.

Perhaps this is how the shape shifter avoids feeling pain associated with all that reconstitution. It’s not that the body turns into another one. Rather, the existing body is replaced by a new body, a vibration assembly that’s coherent to the new image consciousness holds!

An astounding future for humanity

The VA emergency room doctors said I experienced a “vasovagal syncopic episode“. Doctors don’t like saying “I have no idea.” I don’t think this was a vasovagal syncope experience. In such experiences, a trigger typically fires off the episode. According to the link above, typical triggers include standing for long periods of time, heat exposure, seeing blood, having blood drawn or fear of bodily injury.

But none of those happened. And while the experience seemed involuntary, I’m confident future ones will come with more volition.

In the meantime, many more, more serious implications arise with such abilities. One could, for example, go places “off limits” to unauthorized personnel. I could visit secret military installations, for example. Area 51 here I come! (jk)

I’m more interested in traveling to different countries without needing the “travel” part. Think about that! Near instantaneous transportation. The ability to travel ANYWHERE. That’s pretty intriguing. I’d like to see what it’s like on a habitable planet light years from ours…

But what’s most cool about this emerging ability is being an example for others to follow. An example that expands what it means to be human. That’s what I came into physical reality for: to expand past preconceived notions humanity holds and to open the door to a completely new reality for the human race. A race of super humans.

Prospects of that thrill me to no end. Let’s see what awesome results happen next!

The Amazing, Good Life Lesson Of Donald Trump

By The White House – Official White House Facebook page, Public Domain

TLDR: The author claims Donald Trump’s life epitomizes the power of Law of Attraction. They show how by “telling it like he wants it” Trump created a life of his own design. Yet, these days, the author claims, Trump is creating a reality he doesn’t want by focusing on precisely that, thereby proving a basic principle of Law of Attraction

This story is neither a critique or a praise piece for the former president and 34-count felon. Instead, it’s an examination of how the Positively Focused practice, applied to his life, proves itself.

For despite all his lies and machiavellian actions, for the most part, Donald Trump has gotten what he wanted. I attribute that to his willingness to ignore others’ opinions. In other words, Trump achieved much of what he has over his life because he focused. And in focusing, he got what he’s wanted. Including a stint as POTUS.

Unfortunately, though, the moment Trump went into politics, he started shooting himself in the vibrational foot, which explains his current set of judicial predicaments. Judicial predicaments are not new for Trump. But this new batch is much more detrimental.

Let’s look at how Trump used what we talk about in the Positively Focused Practice to literally change the trajectory of his life for the better…then for the worse.

Focusing on what he wants

Despite many run-ins with the legal system, Trump has always told it like he wants it to be. And, when contradicted by others, or the facts, he continued sticking to his story. As a result, Trump enjoys tremendous momentum in his focus. Yes, practically thinking, many of his hustles, deals, projects, whatever you want to call them, may seem nefarious. But it’s hard to deny that the man has a way with getting what he wants. Especially when it comes to money.

Is this because he has all the right people in all the right places? Obviously not, because his nefarious acts seem to get out no matter how much “fixing” he tries to employ. But no matter; in the aggregate, Trump as an individual, enjoyed an immense winning streak, making himself known throughout the US and the world. And this was before becoming president.

Speaking of becoming president, if you go back and read what he said about both parties before he ran, you’ll see he understood politics pretty well. Trump isn’t dumb, therefore. He knows what he’s doing. And he does it well.

The New York Times once praised Trump’s ability to shake off legal challenges. A Time Magazine article, confirmed his ability to adroitly use the legal system to get his way. He successfully delayed most of his most recent legal troubles so that he could take another shot at the White House this year. This is no fluke. He calls it like he wants it. And he gets his way.

Classified intelligence material found during search of Mar-a-Lago. Will Trump get away with it? We’ll see. (Photo By United States Department of Justice – Public Domain)

It’s about focus

Everyone can enjoy similar success at creating a reality matching one’s wildest desires. Nothing is off the table. Not even the White House, apparently. But it requires focus. And, if anything, Trump has that in spades.

Nothing is wrong in all the Universe. It’s humans who create “right” and “wrong”. The Universe doesn’t see physical reality that way. Instead, it sees it as all good. That’s because every expression of physical reality contributes to the “more” that is All That Is. The more the better.

Even All That Is would get bored with everything being one way. Surprise and delight are orders of the day. So is diversity of everything. And you can bet there are things in All That Is that it delights in that humans would call “wrong” and even “immoral”. Tragedy and abhorrence, therefore, are just as valid expressions of All That Is as the most saintly and pious acts.

This means anything you can conceive of enjoying you can enjoy as your experience. But be careful how you think about what it is you want. Because how you think about it can put the kibosh on what you’re wanting. I talk about this a lot in this blog.

And that’s what’s plaguing Trump now too. As a result of entering politics, he’s gotten himself into a train of thought, a way of storytelling, that doesn’t serve his interests. It’s because of that that All That Is inspired people like Fani Willis, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen and others to come out about Trump and his….predilections.

Setting the stage for his downfall

The moment Trump entered the White House, actually slightly before, Trump started focusing on things he didn’t want. He focused on staying in the White House by focusing on “not losing”. He focused a lot on his “enemies” rather than those who support him. Trump focused on “rigged” political and legal processes that he claims are out to get him. As a result, all of those things became more prominent in his experience.

The more one focuses on what they don’t want, the more of what they don’t want will show up. The more detailed and intense those things will get too. This explains why the media, known for uncovering the whole story, really began scrutinizing Trump after he won the presidential election. He attacked the press in retaliation, while at the same time currying favors from and sidling up to other media organizations such as Fox News and American Media Incorporated.

In time, these organizations would find themselves wrapped up in similar legal troubles. Especially after Trump triggered the Jan. 6 insurrection.

And that’s the other trouble with Trump’s focus since winning the White House. He aligned himself with people whose dominant focus is extremely negative. That caused his vibration to mix even more with theirs. It’s no wonder, for example, that Trump loves Putin, the North Korean dictator and other nefarious characters. It’s also no wonder he’s sidled up with far right people too. And that others like him are replicating his behavior around the world.

Yes, Trump sees them as his supporters. But he also sees these people as vibrational equals in terms of the way they focus: mostly on themselves as victims. Trump sees himself as the ultimate victim, and thus as his fellow victims’ saviors. It’s this alignment that set the stage for his downfall.

The pitfalls of focusing on “unwanted”

Of course, there are no victims. Everyone creates their reality, including experiences that come their way. That’s a harsh thing to hear when considering certain subjects, such as sexual abuse.

But there’s no way around it because the universe is recursive, meaning, every particle of it functions under the same principles. So to say victims exist would mean the principles apply to only certain situations. But the principles apply to every situation, no exceptions.

So as Trump more and more blames others for his troubles, he will get more evidence that that, in fact, is true. Why? Because life will verify any belief as true.

Another way he digs a hole for himself is by trying to solve his problems through action. Doing appears to be the way things happen. If that were the case, then, again, there’d be an exception to universal principles.

Vibration and attraction is how things happen. Action or doing is the penultimate manifestation just prior to the full-blown fulfillment of a desire. Action is what brings the person to the point in time and space where the their desire fulfills itself.

That’s how when a person focuses on something they don’t want, such as the story “I’m unlovable” their relationships will consistently give them evidence supporting that. Then the person will act in unlovable ways, thus creating circumstances in which partners leave.

It’s not the unlovable acts creating the results. It’s the story that prompts or inspires unlovable acts.

A perfect example

I’m eager to see where Trump’s life trajectory takes him in the next 18 months. With another massive state lawsuit on the horizon, and several other federal ones, he’s created quite a ride for himself. And, with the election coming, it will be interesting to see how reality collapses around what he focuses on.

In the meantime, I’m eager too that all this mess has caused people to ask for more. And the Universe is delivering. So much being out of whack in the United States, especially our political climate, foretells of a great rebalancing coming. A rebalancing that could create a future far better than the present we currently have.

Make no mistake though. Some people thrive no matter how bad it gets. Those are the people whose focus is consistently on what they want, not what they don’t want. Millions of others may suffer no matter how good it gets too, for the opposite reason: focusing on what they don’t want.

Yes, it would be nice for all those suffering to not have to suffer. But since the Universe responds to individual vibration, we can’t do much to alleviate others’ suffering. Even if we fix all the problems, some people would still suffer.

You and I don’t need to suffer though. Trump is giving us a great example of how to do it right…and not so right.

How To Bend The Government To Your Will

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash

TLDR: The author uses their personal experience using the power of deliberate creation to influence their government to suggest that everyone can do the same. The example shows how individuals hold the ultimate power. Not governments.

The power of government, like the power of everything, lies within you. You can shape the government to your desires. Doing so, however, requires high-level alignment to All That Is. That is, you cannot push against the tide of All That Is. And All That Is is progressive.

All That Is is constantly expanding into more. It voraciously moves in the direction of the undiscovered. All That Is seeks that which is new, that which has never been done before. So if you’re trying to thwart something you think is unfair, immoral or “against nature” or even “against god”, then you push against the tide of All That Is.

Humans have a way of thinking they understand what All That Is is about. They’ve written books about their thinking and called those books “the will of god”. But the god they think is god isn’t that. Sure, there’s wisdom in those books. After all, humans are god in human form.

But because of the nature of “human” a lot of distortion lies in those books too. The trick of getting at the wisdom is knowing the difference between the wisdom and the distortion.

This story details an unfolding thrilling me these last few days. It’s evident of everything you just read. You are the creator of your reality. All of it. That means your government too. Here’s an example of how you can shape it to your will.

Let’s dive in.

Shaping your government flows from your focus

First we must realize the government we experience is uniquely ours. It’s not the same government others experience.

That’s because every point of consciousness exists in its own reality. And that reality emerges from and reflects back to it, the consciousness experiencing it.

This explains again why trying to force others to accept your version of what you want brings difficulty and resistance. People inherently know they create their own reality. So they’ll naturally resist something that isn’t their creation.

And yet, those who don’t know what you just read are willing stooges. Others can easily dupe them into following a “leader” because those people live mainly in a subtle, yet pervasive sense of insecurity. An insecurity that has them reaching for relief from that insecurity through a source external to them. This is what we see with both major political parties and politicians in general. Politicians are happy to be that external source. But politicians also are insecure, which explains why so much churn exists in politics.

But you don’t need involve yourself in any of that to enjoy a government that supports what you desire. You only need to focus on what you want. Focus on what you want purely and with a delicate form of nonchalance, and the government will bend to your desire. It won’t happen instantly, but it must happen if you hold your focus.

That’s what happened with me over the last three years.

Many think god will line up against their enemies. They claim that being is on their side. They couldn’t be more wrong.

Deliberate creation springs from one’s emotions

Back in 2021 then president-elect Biden ran on a platform which included forgiving student loan debt. He wasn’t the only one. Several other progressives at the time argued for doing the same. Existing provisions in federal law offered paths to student loan debt forgiveness. But Biden wanted to expand that.

As a holder of student debt myself, I was all for it. The moment candidates began talking about this, I was on board. Indeed, I had a strong sense my student debt would be forgiven. So I held lightly the idea and doing so pleased me. So did the idea. This is a positive sign.

Nearly every new client, when asked the purpose of emotions, gets the answer wrong. Which tells me people don’t understand emotions’ purpose. But this is a crucial bit of information! Without it, humans literally are adrift on a sea of emotions, bobbing around on waves with no control, no rudder, no way to steer a course. Without course selection ability, they remain buffeted by the waves. Waves coming in the form of the latest “breaking” news, or the latest “leader” trying to get their attention, their vote, their money or all of the above.

But those who understand emotions’ purpose enjoy tremendous influence. Not influence over others, although that happens, but influence over their reality. They can literally shape their reality to their desires, thereby becoming deliberate creators.

That’s what I was doing by noticing how pleased I felt while entertaining the idea of the government forgiving my student loan debt.

Biden expressing his intents on student loan forgiveness back in 2020.

The soft focus creates manifestation

Now, emotions don’t create reality. Reality emerges as vibration energy assembles about itself along frequencies matching the core vibration. All that happening doesn’t feel like much at first.

Not long after momentum ensues, however, vibration becomes thought. And our brains are designed to interpret evolved or expanded vibration that is thought into thought form. That’s what happens in the process humans call “thinking”.

Our job as humans is to hold that focus on that evolved or expanded vibration. Doing that, we add our own momentum to the unfolding. In time, that focus must move that vibrational expansion into a manifestation; a manifestation our senses interpret as “physical reality”.

So as I felt pleasure thinking this idea of the government forgiving my debt, I focused on the pleasure and the idea. Not with a rigid death grip on the idea, but a soft focus similar to what martial artists practice at advanced levels. Doing that, I could feel momentum increase. What happened next was part of the unfolding.

The following year I had a dream. In the dream I stood in line with others who all were getting their student loan debt forgiven. Here’s my journal entry recording the experience.

A dream where I am fulfilling my desire!

Dreams are an important aspect of deliberate creation. Knowing their role adds confidence to the whole process. So the fact I had a dream about having my student loan paid off helped bolster my belief in what was happening.

Nothing can resist momentum

Of course, most republicans were not OK with democrats proposing what they were proposing. In fact, many right wingers even now oppose the idea. Those who claim people should “pull their own weight” and “pay their debts” have no idea what’s happening in All That Is. They’re literally clueless.

I wonder, what did conservatives who think people should “earn their living and pay their debts” do to “earn” their place in reality? How did they earn their being born into the world? How are they earning the air they breathe, or the energy of the sun that warms them and the planet for their benefit? I often wonder how they earned the results of all those who came before them; who dedicated their lives and energy to creating the future; the things and ideas that these people today enjoy?

If conservatives really looked at what’s happening in physical reality, they would see they earn none of what matters most in their lives. Indeed, these things flow to everyone equally in a state of massive abundance. An abundance that is constantly becoming more.

So when republicans started trying to put the kibosh on Biden’s plans to forgive student loan debt, even when their efforts got to the Supreme Court, and those nitwits ruled Biden’s first attempt unconstitutional, I held my focus. I knew this was evidence of “what is” pushing back against what is becoming. And so I stood my vibrational ground, knowing all would unfold as I desired.

Nothing can withstand new momentum once it gets underway. Including momentum of what is. Indeed, because of this, the deliberate creator can experience the “push back” inherent in “what is” not as resistance, but as a sign of things going their way.

How physical matter works

What is, the state of reality in physical, is vibrational momentum at a state actualized into reality. Humans think this state — what is — is the now, the present. But it’s not the present. What is, is the past. It has manifestED. What’s manifestINGis the present moment, the now. And that always trumps “what is” eventually because All That Is ALWAYS wants more.

But what is, the energy inherent in it, enjoys its own momentum. So it kind of pushes back on that which is becoming. That’s a natural part of how physical matter works: it will resist somewhat that which emerges from it. That’s right, what’s becoming ALWAYS emerges from what is. This state of emergence is the contrast Abraham refers to so often.

The problem with human perception is we amplify what is by focusing on it. We also amplify it by reacting to it. Amplification causes what is to persist.

The key to having anything improve is not focusing on physical reality therefore. When we instead focus on what we desire as an emerging reality, we add momentum to and amplify that. Then that happens faster and easier.

That’s what I did when the SCOTUS ruled against Biden’s plans. I knew even the “highest court in the land” can’t stand against that which I create.

The SCOTUS ruling was just last year. More than two years had gone by. I was determined in my focus. I know how reality happens. So I didn’t allow myself to feel daunted by the SCOTUS ruling. Instead, I felt even more committed that my debt would be forgiven.

What happened next convinced me even more.

It’s always about the journey

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden took a different tack. He found a way around the ruling, thus forgiving some $48B in student debt the same year the court struck down his earlier attempt.

I knew this was a positive sign. Momentum ensued further and by February this year the administration had forgiven over $138B in student loan debt. By this time, I knew the government would forgive my own debt soon.

And that’s exactly what happened.

The best indicator showing that your desired reality is flowing into your experience is that you aren’t thinking about it hardly at all. And when it happens, it just feels like an “of course”. This is especially true for those big manifestations we’re wanting.

That’s because by the time momentum has built to the point of manifestation, you just know it’s happening. After all, this manifesting business isn’t about the manifestations. It’s really about the journey to the manifestation.

Manifestations’ value lie in their unfolding. When we hold a desire, we summon life force through us. That feeling of life force flowing is what puts the eternal in eternity. So the more desires we have, the more we contribute to All That Is. This explains why people have so many desires!

The problem for many people is they don’t know what you’re reading. So they don’t know how to line up and receive what they’re creating. And that explains why things often take a long time to improve: people aren’t lining up with their desire. So they die without real-izing their desires. Meanwhile, future generations get to experience them. So it’s all good!

Feeling great feels great

All the while, as the administration forgave people’s loans, they said eligible people would get an email from the Department of Education. So on Friday, when I received my email, I wasn’t surprised at all. Instead, I just felt really, really pleased. Pleased and confident that “I did this.”

My email from the Department of Education.

It was an “of course” when I saw it in my inbox. But it also indicated something else. With the doubling of my clients, and the increase in the rate I’m charging clients, I’m doing very, very well in manifesting money in my life. Indeed, I’m on track to enjoying a six-figure income from my client practice.

In addition to that, I have other manifestations in the works regarding money. Really big, exciting manifestations. And I know this student loan forgiveness manifestation is a stepping stone along that path to financial abundance.

With this forgiveness I’m officially debt-free. That feels great. My plans for my financial future are HUGE. And thinking about them, like I thought about this student loan forgiveness manifestation, means they, too, are unfolding…all in perfect timing.

But what really feels great is the feeing of feeling great. It is the epitome of life experience. The Charmed Life I write about is the feeling I’m describing here. Sure, the manifestations are fantastic. But what really feels great is the ongoing feeling of improved mood. A feeling of joy, of confidence, of clarity.

Clarity that I am a deliberate creator. One who creates their reality deliberately. There’s nothing better than that.

What Happens When I Share Advice Of My Eternal Being

Photo by kat-j on Unsplash

TLDR: The author’s experience with their higher consciousness results in a transformative outcome for their client who struggles with not wanting to be seen as a “cry-baby”.

Wisdom flowing from my Broader Perspective delights everyone who hears it. Clients often talk about “golden nuggets” I share during sessions. These nuggets represent peals of wisdom coming from All That Is. All That Is being expressed by my Broader Perspective.

This happens, of course, because now I’m chronically tuned to my Broader Perspective. That’s the aspect of All That Is that is the larger part of me — That part of me that remained in nonphysical while another part of me incarnated in this body.

By allowing that Broader Perspective connection as a dominant aspect of my consciousness, I can feel its communication. That communication feels deeply satisfying. And when I receive communication, accompanying it is a strong urge to express it.

That expression is what sounds like “golden nuggets”. Sharing such a nugget is what happened recently, to the delight of a newer client. Let’s take a look at what happened.

Some background

This client, like many people, came into the world through a family of “no nonsense people”. Her mother, and her mother’s mother…and so on through past generations…believed crying to be a sign of weakness. Compounded upon that belief are stories about what it means to be a woman.

So this client, as many clients do, came to her beginning sessions with a lot of resistance about letting go of resistance. One natural way we let go of resistance is through crying. Crying represents a manifested form of abundance. It’s what happens when variation inherent in life experience is so abundant, and our focus on that so acute, we go into a state of overwhelm.

Now my clients recognize the value of the emotion “overwhelm”. All emotions give us crucial information. But the majority of people don’t know this, which explains why so many people think crying makes someone a “cry-baby”.

If that natural expression doesn’t happen, emotional build up within the human body can get so strong, it can cause other physical and mental manifestations. Manifestations like disease, for example. Or anxiety.

In fact, most “disease” results from this. Medical science is beginning to recognize that fact. In a later post, I’ll write about discoveries science is finding. Discoveries confirming what spiritual adepts like me have known since ancient times: That our bodies are manifestations of our beliefs.

In short, it’s important to release resistance. Doing so serves many goals. For one, it contributes to physical well being. Secondly, it allows us to live lives where things we want happen with little effort on our part. Other reasons support releasing resistance. But these are two big ones; at least as far as humans are concerned.

Ok, back to this client.

A beautiful communication

So this client expressed strong knee-jerk reactions to my suggestion that she should let her tears flow. “Andersons [not her real surname] don’t cry” she kept saying. It was a mantra for her, even while we spoke about her father’s passing, a subject over which she had a lot of resistance. Indeed, as if in spite of this mantra, tears began flowing down her face. What a juxtaposition of manifestations!

This conversation would continue into the next session. Meanwhile, the next morning, I came out of the dream world with communication from my Broader Perspective on this topic. The communication came fully-formed. Along with it came a strong impulse to share it. So I made myself a reminder to send the client a text after my morning rituals.

When my reminder popped up, I sent the message. It was a while before the client responded, but I knew the message hit its mark. It was from my Broader Perspective after all. And my Broader Perspective’s wisdom is unerring. Here’s what I sent. The client’s response follows:

Resurrect your wisdom

When I received the “download”, as many new agers call this communication, its beauty astounded me as well. After writing it, I too, like my client, read it and re-read it. It does flow with amazing clarity and grace. It’s almost poetic.

This is the kind of thing that’s available to all of us. We are eternal beings experiencing human conditions as a way of expanding what we are. In doing so we also expand All That Is, including humanity and this world.

Most humans live through this experience as humans. But some come into the world with strong enough clarity to want more. They know this is not all there is. And in that knowing, they spark within themselves a rebirth, usually after some time spent as an ordinary human. This process is what Neville Goddard referred to as “the resurrection.”

I like that way of putting it.

Resurrection is a glorious experience. All that follows that experience fills one with such delight, words can’t get close to describing the expeirence. I encourage anyone with an iota of interest in the spiritual, anyone who sees themselves as a seeker, to pursue their interest; to become a finder. Tap into your Broader Perspective communication, receive delightful messages of beauty and wisdom. Then see your life transform.

What Happens When People Speak Truth About The Bible

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

TLDR: The author shares their reaction to people who commented on an article they wrote about mistranslations in the Bible. They use this opportunity to assert that “truth” springs from one’s beliefs, thereby making anything one believes true for that person. They then suggests that Christians may find greater satisfaction in learning to discern the Bible’s distortions from its wisdom.

The Bible. It’s a book. It has inspired a lot of hatred and killing…ironically. But it also has inspired and does inspire a lot of love.

And this is the point of physical reality: We see what we train ourselves to see. Furthermore, once we’ve trained ourselves, it’s very hard to see anything else. That’s definitely the case when it comes to the reality that is the Bible.

But we can choose what we see. Even after our “seeing” rigidifies. Whatever we choose to see shapes what we see. It also prevents us from seeing anything else.

This past week, I wrote a story about a documentary. The documentary moved me. That’s why I wrote the story. The film told of a distortion in the Bible, a mistranslation made in the Revised Standard Version (RSV). The documentary is powerful. My characterization of it in my blog echoed that power. It also asserted that while this mistranslation was not malicious, it still created tremendous suffering, and does so even today.

Some things change. Others remain the same.

That previous story ranks as one of my most popular. In this story, I look at some responses people made to that story. The responses show exactly what you’ve just read: Our world springs from our beliefs. And the more we hold to those beliefs, the less open we are to seeing the world differently. Which suggests we should be very careful about what beliefs we adopt, doesn’t it?

There is no one “truth”

Some responders thought my story was about me trying to change people’s world view, especially Christian people. Perhaps that’s why a few commenters pushed back rather hard, calling my supposed attempt to change people’s minds “ridiculous”. One person even advised I “get on my knees” and ask “God to show you what is truth”.

Little do these people know, I once was a fundamentalist Christian. I belonged to no church, but I carried my Bible everywhere and believed Jesus was my personal savior. That was my truth at that time.

Today, however, after navigating through many “truths”, I’ve come to my own thinking on spiritual matters, as well as “truth”. A direct, personal, private conversation with Infinite Intelligence supported that navigation, which is primarily responsible for my client work today as well as the Positively Focused Practice or Way.

Since I’ve walked this path, I see that word “truth” brings a lot of danger if it’s misunderstood. No “One Truth” exists. Thinking that way gets people into a lot of trouble. One only need look around to see that. Whether in politics, religion, families or love, people who think they know the truth, while also thinking others don’t, sow the seeds of conflict.

There is no one truth. Any belief anyone holds will become “truth” FOR THAT PERSON. That’s why people do really outrageous things, like blowing themselves up as an expression of religious truth, or shooting up a pizza restaurant while believing something truly nefarious goes on behind the pizza ovens.

In fact, for every point of consciousness there exists an infinite number of truths. Which truth is true? All of them are, for that point of consciousness holding them. What we believe creates reality. Reality becomes truth, but only truth for those holding beliefs which gave rise to the reality. When it comes to the Bible, a lot of people believe they have the truth.

Make truth non-threatening

Of course, holding our intimate truths born of our beliefs is harmless to others. That is, until we believe our truths compel us to push them onto others. That’s when trouble starts. And unfortunately for many Christians following what they think the Bible teaches, those people believe their job is making others adopt what they believe is the truth.

On a walk the other day, I came across a group of very young women. They offered people passing by Italian sodas. When they offered me one, I declined.

Then I changed my mind. My soda came with a Christian flyer. I refused the flyer, not because I disliked the message, but because I didn’t want to carry a piece of paper. One I’d later probably throw away.

Instead of accepting the flyer, I invited any of the young women to give me the 30-second Christian pitch. One person did, and boy, she knew her truth. She ticked all the boxes: original sin, saved by the blood of Jesus, etc. But not once did she offer anything relevant to me. Not once did she ask me any questions to make her pitch relevant. What is the saying? “Know your customer”. She was utterly clueless.

Which brings me to a comment on my story last week. This one was brilliant. The person writing told a great story about his experience with a conservative pastor on the subject of evangelizing:

The point is, if we think our truth matters more than others’ (they don’t, but whatever) it makes sense to offer our truth in non-threatening ways or in a way that resonates with the listener. I don’t fault the young ladies for their naiveté. They are young. They have very little life experience.

I don’t even fault commenters who asserted the documentary, 1946, was inaccurate, even without having watched it. Or people who think I need to get on my knees and ask god for the truth. Our truths are powerful. As I wrote above, our truths will not allow anything other than what we believe “in”.

That’s why I didn’t write the story to change anyone’s mind. The story was about a film that moved me.

It’s all good

Several commenters wrote in support of what they thought was the purpose of the story. I believe they thought it was about condemning the Bible, Christianity and, more generally, religion. I appreciate their support.

That’s not what the story was about though. It was about a documentary that moved me. A documentary that fleshed out something I didn’t know before. The documentary moved me because I am queer. When I was a Christian, I didn’t believe the crap from churches that I was condemned to hell. I knew better. I also knew the Bible was a book written by man and subjected over time to a ton of interpretation.

Therefore misinterpretations must exist in the book, I thought. That this documentary came along confirming my thoughts, I saw as a manifestation of a long-held knowing. That’s why I wrote the story. I felt moved.

I don’t dislike or hate Christians. Nor do I dislike or hate religion. Religion, like science, is based on beliefs. Beliefs create our realities. So, therefore, what’s to dislike or hate? Instead, I revel in the variety of life experience. That phenomena gives rise to enormous diversity, something I call “expansion”. And all of it is good.

And isn’t that what the Bible says god said when “he” created the world? It was all good. Indeed.

Which brings me to one particular comment that struck me. It was so complete, clear and on the mark. The details the writer, Tom Gough, expressed moved me as much as the documentary did. I want to conclude with it because it sums up a lot of what the documentary said, yet, didn’t explicitly say.

Followers of Paul, not Jesus

Tom responded by affirming that mistranslation exists in the RSV, then he continues:

“This was the RSV which, problematically, is a translation depended upon by Liberal Christians and loathed by Evangelicals. The texts in question should never have been translated as homosexual, (which is a term of identity rather than a specific activity), but -arsenokoites- is a word of Paul’s own construction that literally means “Male Beds” and has historically been translated as “Men having sex with men.” Paul also used the word -malakos- which means soft or effeminate and, again historically, has been used to imply a catamite or other male receiver of male sexual attention.”

“So, while it would be nice to imagine that all the anti-gay rhetoric coming out of the various church institutions is a matter of unfortunate translation, it isn’t. Paul was never a Pharisee but a gentile who attached himself to the Sadducee’s High Priest , and thus devoted to ritual and sexual purity. More than that, Paul is a homophobe. He is also an erotophobe who finds every form of sexual expression to be icky and only tolerates sex in its absolutely least offensive form in marriage. “You may have a child together, but otherwise do not touch yourself or anyone else ever.” Paul clearly has issues. He is also not Jesus. Jesus never said bupkiss about gay folk, and in fact appears to have a much more expansive and inclusive attitude toward the variety of sex and gender expression than the culture in which he lived (Matthew 19:12 for example).

It is pointless to try and rescue Paul from his own pathology. The real question (apart from why believe any of it?) is why Evangelicals, and other Christian Authoritarian institutions, so clearly prefer to follow Paul rather than Jesus. It’s because they are themselves, by nature, Sadducees seeking wealth and oppressive power, just like Paul – and because Jesus asks too much tolerance, compassion, and love from his followers, while Paul gives his a broad and vicious invitation to prejudice in the the name of purity.”

Still holding out hope

That last paragraph is spot-on in my opinion. It’s pointless trying to change anyone’s mind, until they’re willing to have their mind changed. Changing people’s minds, therefore, was the farthest thing from my intent in writing last week’s story. Evangelicals and other Christian Authoritarians ARE following Paul instead of Jesus. They are sycophants lusting after as much power as they can get. That’s antithetical to what Jesus offered.

Which explains why some of the most vocal, political Christian leaders do not offer messages of tolerance, compassion and love. Especially towards gay and trans people.

But I don’t think these people hate gay and trans people. I think, actually, that they don’t care at all about them. What they care about: amassing power, wealth and the attention of religious sycophants. Their focus on gays and trans people will end, as soon as they realize the religious sycophant tires of that as a polarizing issue.

And tire they will. Because consciousness doesn’t like staying in one place. Anyone who has ever tried meditating knows this (LOL). So, in time, these people will all move on to another group. And the world will be better for it. The LGBTQ world at least.

In the meantime, I still hold out hope for more Christians to realize their main text contains distortions. It’s also full of divine wisdom. And so I also hold hope that more Christians will learn to discern the latter from the former. When they do, the world will be better off.

What Happens When We Trust Spiritual Advice

Photo by Harpreet Singh on Unsplash

TLDR: Trusting in a “Broader Perspective,” the author describes heightened outcomes from aligning with a broader view of life’s trajectory, seen through personal and client experiences, where decisions informed by this perspective lead to positive transformations in emotions and situations.

There’s nothing better than receiving gifts. Especially gifts from the Universe as it collaborates with our Broader Perspective. I get these all the time. I especially enjoy trusting my Broader Perspective to coordinate my day. Its advice is always spot-on.

Every morning these days, when I just wake up my Broader Perspective immediately gets in on the act. Usually, right after my morning meditation my Broader Perspective advises me. It suggests an agenda for the next few hours.

It knows better than I do what will thrill me. What will delight me best is always at the top of its agenda. It knows better than I do because it has a broader view of my life trajectory.

In other words, it can see my future choices. And it can guide me to make choices best aligned with my fulfilled desires. Following my Broader Perspective agenda always has me feeling passionate about my days. So I trust that advice. And as I follow that advice every day, and doing so delivers wonderful outcomes, how can my life not be filled with wonderful outcomes? And what’s better than a life like that?

But what’s also cool is seeing my clients getting similar experiences. I’ve written this many times in past stories: Their experiences confirm my own. That confirmation boosts my confidence that my Broader Perspective is real.

I don’t need that boost these days. I KNOW it’s real. Still, it’s nice seeing my clients getting in on the act. That’s what I want so share today: two instances of that happening. Two instances where two advanced clients chose the path laid out by their Broader Perspective and what happened next when they did that.

Let’s get into it.

Deciding not to tell his sob story

The first happened with a client I’ll call Kevin. He has struggled a bit with the practice. That’s because he has a LOT of negative momentum in his life needing soothing. Lately though, Kevin has come around, which is allowing him to enjoy remarkable experiences. Including the one I’m about to share.

Kevin enjoyed a long-term affair with a woman I’ll call Madge. Recently, however, because of his practice, Kevin disengaged with Madge. He found being with her triggered too many negative emotions. And he knows emotions are very important.

But Madge keeps reaching out to him from time to time. She misses him. That’s not really what’s happening at a vibrational level though. At that level, Madge’s vibration wants continued energetic focus from Kevin, which he’s no longer giving. In other words, Madge looked to flings with Kevin to give her energy. When she got it she felt worthy, loved. With that gone, she can’t bear it. So she reaches out hoping to rekindle their affair.

The most recent moment came last week. She said she felt sad. Now, it just so happened that in the same week Kevin also experienced something that had him feel the same way: He lost a job he really liked. With assistance from me, he didn’t wallow in all that though. Not too much, anyway. So when Madge reached out, Kevin had a couple options.

“I initially wanted to say to her ‘I can relate,’ and then tell my own sob story”, Kevin began. “But then I knew that was not a good idea. So instead I just remained silent.”

Sometimes its best to remain silent. (Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash)

Following his Broader Perspective agenda

After their call, Kevin went into another call. This one with a tech entrepreneur. It was a call he was expectant about. That call excited him. And, in his excited state, he received an impulse from his Broader Perspective. It was an agenda. The agenda was: here’s what to say to Madge.

Kevin knew at that moment exactly what to say to her. Ultimately, what Kevin wanted from Madge was to experience her as happy and light. Not sad and heavy. He didn’t like the version of her that was buzz-killing his vibration. He wasn’t going to stand for that, which is why he remained silent in the first call.

But buoyed by his Broader Perspective guidance, he reached back out to her.

“I shared with her all the wonderful things she’s done as a mother and wife,” He said. “By the time I finished, her mood improved a lot.”

So what happened here? Kevin followed his Broader Perspective agenda. Doing so, he saw each choice available to him comprised a fork in his trajectory. He could go the direction of amplifying his own delight. Or he could go in the direction of aligning with where Madge was. Choosing the former, he looped back around and rendezvoused with a version of Madge who matched who he was being, instead of who Madge started out as. As a result, he got exactly what he wanted: seeing Madge as happy and light.

It’s wonderful perceiving then following Broader Perspective guidance. Kevin’s experience was awesome. The next experience was too.

The set-up comes on Sunday

This other client had a similar experience while deepening her meditation. Meditation represents a large part of the Positively Focused Advanced Practice. This client, I’ll call Maddy, found that following her Broader Perspective as she practiced meditation significantly amplified her satisfaction. Let’s see what happened.

“I did something crazy today,” Maddy started. “It’s crazy, crazy-awesome and that’s actually what I like most.”

Maddy woke feeling overwhelmed the day before she texted me. She felt that way because she had the whole day to herself. Her partner spent the last two days with his family. It was Sunday, so Maddy didn’t have work. As such, she had nothing else to do other than be with herself. That confronted her with a kind of abundance she was ill-prepared for.

“There were so many things I could do,” She said. “So many things I got overwhelmed by all the things that I could possibly do. I didn’t know what to focus on. That felt overwhelming.”

Overwhelm is common for humans. It happens when a person perceives abundance as something other than that. In this case, Maddy saw “opportunity abundance” as “too many things to do”. The feeling “overwhelm” was telling her something important. Because of her Positively Focused practice, Maddy knew that.

And that’s where her Broader Perspective stepped in, she said. After breakfast she got the impulse to meditate before doing anything else. She said she looked forward to it.

“Typically I would reach for my watch and set a timer for 15 minutes,” She explained. “But my Broader Perspective said, “hey what if you did 30? That could be fun!” and I said “oh yeah let’s do 30!” 

Meditation can be way more than a source of stillness. (Photo by Dingzeyu Li on Unsplash)

She connects with her Broader Perspective

Maddy said after deciding to do a 30 minute meditation, “…there was a brief literal like split second, where I thought ‘that could be scary.’ That’s a long time. What if I don’t get through it all?”

“But then I said ‘well we’re gonna try it,'” she explained. “We’re gonna see what happens.”

So she settled in for her meditation and let herself go…

Before she knew it, her 30 minute timer went off!

“I was like ‘oh man I’m still, I’m still in this’ like my body felt like it was still not in the physical yet. Like I was still in the non-physical, in my meditation,” She said excitedly. “So I said ‘I’m just gonna hit this 30 minute timer again.’ And I meditated for another 30 minutes! I did an hour of meditation!”

Up to this point Maddy had never meditated anywhere close to an hour. This was a big step for her. But that was just the beginning, Maddy said.

“I felt really good,” She said. Right at that moment, she described how her Broader Perspective delivered to her another agenda.

“Somehow I created in my mind a list of things [to do]! I’m like ‘well they’re not in any sort of format. But these are the things that my Broader Perspective helped me realize are the most important that I could do today for the most impact.’” She explained.

She was right.

The crazy goodness of inspired productivity

Maddy wrote the list on a whiteboard. Instantly after doing that she realized she could take action on a few things right away.

“I got those done and then I came down and crossed off a few more,” She said. “And just suddenly everything felt really good and doable and possible. And then I sat and wrote not just the 750 words that I would normally write (each day). I was so inspired, I wrote 1500 words — twice as many!”

This is the thing about our Broader Perspective agenda. It offers things to do that will thrill us. And in doing them, we become thrilled! Then we kinda go crazy in that high vibration. That usually looks like extremely high productivity.

For example, by the time I got Maddy’s text, I already had two other ideas for blog posts this week. Getting her text added a third. Of course, I’m feeling extreme delight listening to her voice text message, so of course I’m going to turn it into a blog. Then, my Broader Perspective reminds me about Kevin’s awesome experience, so I included his story in this blog too!

It IS crazy how productive one can get by listening to one’s Broader Perspective. Crazy productive and crazy satisfied, which just feels so crazy good!

Great examples begetting great examples

I love hearing my client stories. They always inspire me. And they amplify my own stories. I also enjoy them because I know my clients share these stories with people they know. As a result, more people come to me, inspired by what they hear. Then they create their own versions of surprise, satisfaction and thrilling experiences. Just like my current clients.

That explains why mothers and their daughters, wives and their husbands, friends and their friends become clients. Nearly all my clients come by word of mouth. I do no advertising. And it’s not words coming from my mouth that draw these people in. It’s stellar experiences my clients share with people they know. Because, why wouldn’t they? When life feels as good as it does when one is Positively Focused, it’s hard to contain the joy.

It’s the joy of All That Is, which is what we are. We all are joyful beings, being as part of the expansion of All That Is. And when we get that, then live from there, some really awesome things start happening. We start receiving awesome free gifts from the Universe. Nothing beats that!

Tap into your Broader Perspective and create your own experiences like Kevin and Maddy have. If you’d like some assistance with that, I can help.