What Happens When I Appear In Client Dreams

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author recounts a client dream which featured them and uses the experience to assert that humans are more than human. They are eternal aware-energy beings.

A lot happens in nonphysical. “Nonphysical” is a better description of what humans call “Dreaming”. In that state, while the body refreshes itself in bed, our consciousness flows into the exact same place we come from before birth and return to after what humans call death.

Our “consciousness” is what we ultimately are: conscious aware energy.

While the body rests in sleep state, the aware energy that we are cooperates with innumerable other energetic beings in the massive co-creation that is universal expansion. Nearly every human knows nothing about this. Even those we vaunt as successful and highly educated. Indeed most humans think dreams are nothing more than the brain processing the day’s activities.

Nothing can be further from what’s really happening.

What’s really happening is each of us participates in the sacred process of creating more and more of All That Is. In that sacred process, we glorify ourselves and each other in a massive act of love. A massive act of loving ourselves. And through that act, that expression, out of us spring more joyful, unfolding realities.

So when clients get to the point of the Positively Focused dream work where they start experiencing the majesty of what they really are, that indicates remarkable-worthy progress.

Let’s look at what happened this week when a client met me in nonphysical and what happened next. And let’s look at what that means for him, for me and for the Universe at large.

What happened

The client, let’s call him “Jim”, talked about his experience in the beginning of our session. It happened that same morning, in the early hours, he said. In the “dream”, Jim said, we both walked into a large hall. Jim said he was part of “my followers”. As we entered the hall, two other beings entered as well accompanied by their followers. In the dream Jim recognized me and the other two as “spiritual leaders”.

The three spiritual leaders, me and the other two, sat at a large table. Our followers, Jim said, sat behind each of us. Then the spiritual leaders talked about plans underway. After the conversation, the three of us also talked about next steps. Jim then described how the spiritual leader he interpreted as leading the meeting entrusted me and the other leader with next steps. He said the presiding leader exuded tremendous confidence that me and the other being would complete the project.

So that was the experience as Jim described it. What does it mean? What’s the significance of an experience like that, one that humans would describe as “just a dream”? Was it just that? Or was it something more?

It was something more.

This was an important experience for Jim. It also was an important experience for me. Here’s why.

Way more than our physical bodies

Jim’s experience represents the second event a client shared in which the client and I interacted in nonphysical. The first happened a few weeks ago, when a client in Hawaii confirmed my Astral Travel experience. In that experience, while in a hypnopompic state, that client felt my consciousness arrive in her awareness. She allowed me to ride into and alongside her consciousness and experienced “me” in her awareness.

This happened while I was, at the same time, in meditation. I felt my own version of what she described. And so this experience confirmed by another that I’m progressing in my ability to travel as pure energy. If you’re interested about that experience, I wrote a whole blog post about it.

The fact that a second client now experienced me in their nonphysical state shows great promise for these two clients and for me. It confirms for me that these experiences aren’t just delusions I’m experiencing. Indeed, as Seth affirmed, they are real, actual experiences available to all of us. Because all of us are way more than our physical bodies.

We are pure, positive energy beings, as Abraham likes to say. I, for one, took those words seriously, as well as those of Seth. So I’ve focused a lot of my life over the last 10 years to discovering how far this You Create Your Own Reality Business (YCYORB) goes. What I’m discovering is, it can go as far as we want it…limited only by our beliefs.

And this is the benefit of Jim’s experience for him. It’s showing him, like mine are showing me, the true breadth and depth of who and what we are. And the feelings coming with such experiences are astounding in how good they feel.

Unlimited benefits

Jim fascination with that dream matched my own. The details are important because they confirm many things Abraham told me about my trajectory.

A lot happens in nonphysical. Even when we’re awake, parts of us remain active in there. We can perceive that active part of us, but it takes practice. That’s only because most humans condition themselves out of believing they can perceive that way.

The same holds true for perceiving nonphysical while the body sleeps. Again, most people don’t believe dreams mean anything. Those beliefs must be soothed before we perceive what’s really happening. Jim is a perfect example of what happens when we do that soothing. So are my experiences.

Dream state offers a peek into all that we are. (ChatGPT interpretation prompted by me)

Perceiving these alternative realities is our natural state. That’s why when I calm my mind, I can experience other dimensions in which I’m active. Of course, my awareness during sleep state is extremely keen. I remember a large number of dreams every night. And waking from them I feel the deepest joy and empowerment. I’ve written about those in previous posts. And I’ll likely write about more in the future.

The thing is, we are far more than human. Benefits that come from that broader awareness are unlimited. Through that awareness we can deliberately create any reality we want.

We’re all creators

Jim’s dream, as I wrote above, confirmed many things Abraham told me about my trajectory. I am an emissary of what’s possible. I’m here to show humanity what it’s capable of. And I’m here holding the space in which humanity is expanding.

I’m not the only one. As Jim’s “dream” showed, I’m accompanied and am co-creating with numbers of others, others who have cadres of humans here, on earth, assisting our collective intentions.

All of us have similar experiences. We may not all be “spiritual leaders” yet. Abraham, in a public event called me a “world leader”. It is a title I now embrace given all I’ve experienced. Like Neo in The Matrix, I now believe not only who I am but what I am and what I’m here for.

No, I’m beyond believing. I’ve experienced so much, I just know. I know what and who I am. And as I expand further into that knowledge, more and more becomes available. My expansion is boundless, as is yours, dear reader.

And so I invite you to discover what my clients and I are discovering: that the world is our creation. As such we can create whatever we desire. The only thing limiting us is our imagination. No political situation, no physical perceived limit holds sway. All of those bow before us.

Because we are creators. And when I appear in my clients’ dreams, they realize they are too.

Speaking of creators, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.

My First Astral Travel Confirmed By Another Person!

Photo credit: Warren Wong

TL;DR: The author recounts an experience of astral travel wherein their consciousness flowed into the consciousness of another, and that other person realized then reported on her experience of what happened, thus confirming the author’s experience.

An awesome confirmation of my Astral Travel aspirations happened this week. It’s evidence of my moving into more expansive capabilities, capabilities I’ve intended for some time now.

It’s taking a while because, as I’ve mentioned many times before, we don’t instantly get what we want. Especially when it comes to what we believe are supernatural or “unbelievable” abilities. That’s because those very beliefs, that it’s impossible, supernatural, unnatural, or unbelievable, resists our ability to allow these abilities into our experience.

So some time must pass while we learn to soothe those beliefs and replace them with beliefs more aligned to our desire. The same holds true for any desire. Whether it be a better job, a partner, a bunch of money or a better life condition, we must become a match to it before we receive it.

And the main thing keeping us from becoming a match to what we want are our existing beliefs that run contrary to what we want.

I’ve been focusing into my experience these “occult” experiences for about a year now, I think. That’s not very long considering what I’m wanting, the results I’m producing and how many people believe such results aren’t possible.

Let’s take a look at what happened this week, how it happened and the confirmation I received from my client.

The experience

It was a Tuesday morning. Typically, every morning I meditate for at least an hour prior to my day getting underway. This morning, as sometimes happens, I meditated twice. Once in the early morning for about 90 minutes, then again after waking, for another hour.

Both these meditation periods were deep and intense. I’ve described sensations happening now in meditation in previous posts. Those sensations confirm my budding shape-shifting abilities, but they also confirm that my consciousness leaves my body too.

During the second half hour of that second meditation period, my consciousness left my body. I felt myself “go out”. The experience happened so briefly, I couldn’t get my wits about the experience. I only know I was “gone”, then I was back in. What I did experience was seeing a vague sense of the surroundings where I landed. But I couldn’t make out more than that vague sense.

This meditation happened about an hour before my first client session. That session started at 9 a.m. The client I see lives in Hawaii. Hawaii is two hours behind my time zone. So 8 am is 6 am in Hawaii. My client would be just waking up. That time differential set up everything that happened next.

Surprise and delight

Since many of these kinds of experiences have happened, I reveled in this one, but didn’t make much more about it. That’s because other similar past experiences were much clearer, more vivid and longer lasting than this one. Usually, I’ll experience several smaller, rather insignificant sensations or departures in between the really profound ones. So this experience, given its brevity and vague perception, I figured was one of the less meaningful ones.

I was wrong.

And that’s great because part of the joy of life is the surprise and delight inherent in it. We can’t know how the Universe will set up situations in which we get what we want. The Universe is far more resourceful, and broader in its abilities than our minds can fathom. Which is why it truly is unfathomable. So when we do manifest something, it usually comes in a surprising and delightful way.

That way makes sense too because when we least expect something to manifest, we are best prepared to receive it. That’s because we aren’t resisting its showing up. We’re not resisting it with thinking we’re thinking about it when in fact we’re thinking about not having it. We’re not yearning for it to happen. Because our minds are off what we want, we unconsciously allow the unfolding.

That’s what happened here.

The confirmation

After meditating that morning, I went through my normal day preparations. Then I signed on to the call with my client. The moment I did, the client shocked me with a question:

“Did you visit me this morning?” She asked.

Her question piqued my interest. And since I know what I know, I knew something was afoot here. Something we both would enjoy. There was no confusion about what she was asking. Instead I felt only curiosity.

“Why do you ask?” I said.

The client then described how she was in her bed and suddenly, she felt my presence. My curiosity spiked then and I asked her when she had this sensation.

“About an hour ago,” she said. That would have been around 6 am her time. Right about the same time I had the departure experience in meditation.

I then went from curious to excited. For the next few minutes we talked about what happened as a way of amplifying for both of us the real-ization of this experience. The fact that what happened with her matched what happened with me, at the same time, delighted both of us.

We then went on with the rest of the session.

Having affinity and no doubt

Two days later, and I have no idea why she did this, the client sent me a text message. Even though I don’t know what prompted her act, when I read the message, I knew it was further confirmation of what happened. It also represented a natural unfolding that lead directly to this post. Had she not sent this text, I probably wouldn’t have written this story. But receiving it delighted me so much. Her message, to me, came out of the blue. So I knew my client’s Broader Perspective encouraged her to reach out.

Here’s what she texted:

Look at that message!

It’s so detailed. And it describes a specific process wherein this happened. Notice it wasn’t something that happened against her will. I was “announced” and then she allowed “me” to
“slide over [her] energy”.

I wondered if others could confirm such experiences. It’s one thing to have the person leaving their body talk about the experience. But when another can confirm the experience from their perspective, that takes it to a whole other level!

Of course, my client couldn’t have had this experience had she not some affinity with the ability. I perceived the client’s vast potential for such abilities. In one of our early sessions, I wondered if she had witchcraft in her ancestry. She mused about my question, but recently asked me about why I asked.

I told her I sense great affinity within her and very little doubt. So she’s susceptible to these experiences.

Everything is possible

And that’s the key right? Our beliefs create our reality. Anything is possible. But our beliefs mitigate that accurate statement. If we want to experience something and we doubt it can happen, it’s not going to happen.

And yet, all kinds of accounts exist where, just as an example, a mother in a car accident lifts her car off her child who is pinned underneath. That kind of event can happen in such crises because, in that moment, the woman’s desire for saving her child overwhelms any doubt. Indeed, doubt isn’t even present when she takes action.

The same holds true for anything. Whatever we want, we can experience or have. It all depends on how much doubt we bring to the table. The more we bring, the less possible our desires become.

Which is why a Positively Focused perspective is the best perspective. For not only does everything become possible, we also create all the evidence we need to confirm what was once impossible now no longer is.


I once thought it impossible that the world would get better if Trump won. Well some really amazing things are happening right now, even with Trump becoming president. Indeed, because he became president…and I voted for Harristhe future is going to be magnificent. How do I know? Consider joining this event I’ve planned for March. Have a MeetUp account? Go here.

How One Client Turned Misery Into A Joyous Mystery

Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author uses a client’s surprising example to show how astonishing life can be, they say, when one realizes thoughts and beliefs create reality and puts that realization into action.

I shouldn’t be astonished when clients produce mysterious-seeming joy in their lives. But every time it happens, I am astonished. That’s because how it happens is aways astonishing. It confirms how resourceful the Universe is in giving us what we want.

A client this week experienced something truly astonishing. He proved to himself how he creates his reality with help from a vast array of nonphysical beings. Beings focused on making his life a joyful journey.

What happened left him speechless. It also left him feeling deep wonder. What happened engaged nearly every aspect of the Positively Focused Way. He created which reflected back to him extremely disempowering beliefs about an important subject. In response to that, he then created an astonishing manifestation in a grocery store. Then, a series of dreams he had brought home an extremely powerful message; one the client couldn’t miss. In getting the message, the client soared to new, until-now unattained heights of fascination.

How this all happened reflects the power inherent in all of us. We are all gods in human form, folks. We’re here experiencing a human experience for the joy of it. The joy and satisfaction inherent in expanding All That Is is our birthright. There’s infinite power, pleasure and possibility in that. That power, pleasure and possibility also is within us. And when we choose expressing those three things deliberately, like this client did, then our lives reflect the miraculous inherent in the entire Universe.

Let’s look more at what happened.

Getting unstuck

This client once struggled with strong suicidal thoughts. Those thoughts came from extremely disempowering interpretations of his early life experiences. None of those past experiences were bad. Experience never is. Instead, they clued him in on aspects of himself he hadn’t known before. Aspects that would later bring him into alignment with the joyful life he knew was his.

Back then, though, the client, who I’ll call John, didn’t interpret those experiences this way. Instead he interpreted them as extremely negative. Over time, those negative interpretations built momentum within him. John made all those negative interpretations about himself. As a result, he hated himself. In time, those interpretations became beliefs about himself, which is why he wanted to kill himself.

Wanting to kill one’s self is a natural thing. It happens when someone builds up negative momentum born of negative interpretations that eventually become negative beliefs. Those beliefs then create real world experiences proving them “true”. When that happens, those experiences become more and more one’s reality. This process happens on any subject.

When a person finds themselves stuck in extremely strong, negative beliefs, especially about themselves, wanting to end it all often is the best outcome. Especially if the person can’t find a way out of that torment. And many can’t.

Even so, everyone can get unstuck. They came into human form for a reason. That reason didn’t include checking out early, even though some do. John was someone who found his way out. He happened to do so through the Positively Focused Way.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves…

Projection is common

Like many people stuck in self-hatred, John projected his self-hatred out into the world. Projection happens a lot in humanity. It makes sense if you think about it. Very few people realize where their external reality comes from. They don’t know the external reality they see comes from their inner state of being. It makes sense then that if a person doesn’t know their external reality springs from their inner state – thoughts and beliefs – then rather than doing something about their thoughts and beliefs, they’ll blame their external reality for their troubles.

That often includes blaming other people. But people, like everything else in our lives, are reflections too. Versions of people we meet reflect back to us what’s going on in us. So if we meet a lot of angry people, for example, we must have anger in us. Meet a lot of loving, cuddly dogs? There’s love in us. Yes, it’s that simple.

The target of John’s projection was obvious: women. He blamed a lot of what he didn’t like on the fact that women wouldn’t give him attention. John didn’t realize women spurning him was happening because he spurned himself. So he blamed women. He projected his self-hatred on women, in other words.

It’s vibration, momentum and attraction…not effort

While projecting his hatred onto women, John also wanted women. More directly, he wanted sex. But his approach to women reflected the mixture of his beliefs and desires. He wanted sex. And he believed the kind of sex he wanted came from women. But he hated women as a projection of hating himself. So every time he tried to woo women’s attention, they would, in his words, reject him.

No wonder! The women were reflecting all of John’s self-rejection back to him. It’s also no wonder that John started paying (a lot) for coaching on the subject of “the art of seduction”. A particularly popular offerer of that content caught his attention. Before long, John was thousands of dollars into this approach.

But it never worked for him. Women kept spurning him.

I tell clients many things over and over. So much so I sound like a broken record, I know. But as one client said recently “Perry, sometimes it takes time for what you tell us to move from our heads to our hearts.” I totally get that because I was once in my clients’ shoes. So when you read what you’re about to read, I get that it won’t likely sink in. Ready? Here it comes:

Taking action doesn’t make ANYTHING happen. Everything happening is a result of vibration, momentum and attraction.

This explains why John’s indulgence in “seduction coaching” wasn’t working. All the action in the world, all the money in the world, can’t overcome negative momentum. Abraham puts it plainly:

Misogyny: projected self hatred

It’s no wonder John’s inability to get what he wanted through “seduction coaching” deepened his self-hatred. It seemed the more he tried, the worse he got rejected. At his wits end, he discovered Positively Focused.

It took a while, but John discovered several things about himself. One thing he realized was he had turned into a misogynist. He doesn’t like admitting this, but it’s accurate. In fact, I’d argue most misogynists have some self hatred going on. They’re projecting that hatred onto women and that makes them hate women.

But that’s another story.

One day, John expressed wanting to go out with a woman. This was after a long period of focusing on other priorities through the Positively Focused Way. I suggested he do so as a way of seeing how he was doing soothing his old beliefs. I told him the woman he would meet would be a perfect match to where he was now in soothing his self hatred. He’d learn a lot too, I told him.

He did learn a lot

The woman he met, let’s call her Meg, was quite a bit older than John. They decided to go on a hike. John was super clear with Meg about his disinterest in dating or even a relationship. He was, he said, exploring and really looking for a casual hook-up. Meg told him she was open to that, but she wasn’t ready just yet.

The hike went well. At the end of the day though, Meg hadn’t contacted John. When John reached out, Meg said in a text that she liked her time with him but didn’t think they were a match.

As you can imagine, this sent John into a tail spin. It triggered all his past beliefs about himself and, through projection, about women. Over four days, John doubled down on these old beliefs making himself more and more miserable in the process. As far as John was concerned, Meg was, in his words, a crazy bitch, a cunt and liar and more. All the while John felt more and more unwanted, rejected and miserable.

What John had trouble understanding over those days was the following. John wasn’t miserable because of what Meg did or didn’t do. John was miserable and angry, for sure. But those emotions told John something he really wanted to know. They told him beliefs he held about himself and women are not the same beliefs his Broader Perspective knows about those subjects.

This is an important bit of information and I’ll dive a bit deeper next because it’s important to understand. Knowing this information also helps us appreciate what happened next.

The valuable message of our emotions

Physical reality is, as I wrote above, a reflection. But a lot of people don’t know this. They also don’t know they come equipped with a hugely beneficial tool to help them move through this reflection towards a reflection full of everything they want. That tool is their emotions.

Every human is, of course, more than human. We are all eternal beings. We’re also much more than can fit into a single human body. So when we become human, we put a portion of us into the human body. Meanwhile the vast majority of what we are remains in nonphysical; the place from which we come.

When we sort of split ourselves up like that, that part of us remaining outside our bodies enjoys a birds eye view of our lives. That part of us can see all the choices we might, will and will not make. It sees the alternate probable future realities flowing from all those choices. Yes, even the ones we will not make. All of these futures fulfill our main purpose for being, which is expanding All That Is and ourselves in the process. So our Broader Perspective is keenly, always, seeing what’s happening as uber positive.

It also delights in wherever we are in the moment because it can see how where we are is the perfect place for us at that moment. So it always sees our present moment in the most positive light. When we don’t see our present moment that way, we feel negative emotion.

So emotions help us integrate the part of us in our bodies with the part of us that remains where we come from. I’ll share why that integration is important next.

It’s all about inspired action

Because our Broader Perspective enjoys that birds eye view, and because it knows what we want at all times, it constantly sends us messages – clues or gut feelings – which will lead us to what we want. But to receive those messages, we must open ourselves to perceiving them. We do that by integrating ourselves, matching our perspective of life in our physical bodies to the perspective of our life our Broader Perspective has. Do that and we can “hear” the messages.

Follow the messages and our life unfolds in a seeming magical way. Everything we want comes easily, often with no effort. Remember what you read above about action? Action doesn’t make things happen. What action does do is, when we take it, that action positions us in the reality coordinates of time and space where the final unfolding of what we want appears.

Inspired action is action taken as a result of hearing our Broader Perspective’s messages. When we get a message and we follow it immediately, we rendezvous with a delightful unfolding. But All That Is is always in motion. So if we delay, if we hesitate when we get a message, then we miss the rendezvous. Taking inspired action immediately then, is key.

So emotions, are guides. They help us know, at any given moment, how aligned we are with our Broader Perspective. That tells us whether we can hear messages we send ourselves. And, when we hear the message and take the inspired action, we rendezvous with the ongoing Charmed Life I write about here. The life where everything happens with very little effort.

Let’s turn back to John’s story now.

A huge gift given to himself

It took a long time for John to understand what I was telling him when I told him, in response to his vitriol, that Meg was actually an angel he created for himself to see how his beliefs are making himself miserable. And that his misery, which is an emotion, was also a huge gift he was sending himself.

Can you see how it was a huge gift?

And for sure, Meg was an angel. Another way of putting it is, Meg was a reality John created for himself as a reflection, so that he can do something about his beliefs. She was, what we call a cooperative component to John getting what he wants. For he can’t get what he wants if he’s not integrated with his Broader Perspective. And “misery” tells him he’s not integrated!

So his experience with Meg was a huge gift.

As I told him before, Meg was also a perfect match to John. She was unsure of what she wanted as much as he was. She reflected his self-rejection back to him by expressing no future interest in him. Again, it wasn’t something John wanted to hear. I’m so glad therefore that the Universe stepped in and offered John an experience that brought that message home. What happened next was astonishing.

An astonishing unfolding

John felt a bit better after our talk. It took a while, but we’re all eternal, so how long it takes doesn’t matter. One day he got the inspired action to go to Whole Foods. He didn’t realize this was inspired action though. He just thought he was running an errand. That perspective was about to completely change.

While shopping, a little girl came up to John and, as he describes it, started a delightful conversation with him. John described her as “sweet” in a text he sent me just after the encounter.

But what really surprised me was what John texted next. Mind you, he was feeling much better after venting his vitriol at someone (me) who could channel that energy to his benefit rather than amplify it. Here’s his interpretation of that Whole Foods rendezvous:

Isn’t that an astonishing interpretation? Of course, when John shared that he couldn’t help but feel extremely positive emotion about himself, about the girl and about the experience. That’s because this interpretation was spot on. It also was exactly why the Universe brought him and the child together: so that he could further soothe his bogus beliefs. Beliefs about women and about himself.

John said he didn’t have words to express how delightful that experience was. He felt a shift happen in him, something that he hadn’t felt before. And he couldn’t believe it happened the way it did; through an experience with a child.

What happened next surprised John even more.

Dreams are critical

Over the next several nights, John had a series of dreams. These dreams took him to new heights of wonder and amazement.

Dream work is a big part of the Positively Focused Practice. That’s because dreams are a big part of life. Ninety-five percent of what’s necessary for us to have what we want happens in nonphysical. “Dream state” is another way of describing nonphysical. When we dream, we leave our bodies in bed. We join all the cooperative components in nonphysical. There we witness and interact with those components as they assemble everything needed – people, events, resources – so our desires unfold.

The reason I include dream work in the Positively Focused Practice is because conscious awareness of what’s happening when we sleep builds confidence and trust that all we want is happening on our behalf. Conscious awareness of dream activity is also extremely satisfying.

Another reason dream work is important is because it makes us aware that we are far more than our physical bodies. We become acquainted with all the other dimensions, the alternate and probable realities, in which we are active, just as we are active here in this reality.

Acquainting ourselves with our broader activities also lessens our fear of death and increases our belief that we are eternal. So dream work is a critical part of the practice.

John’s crucible

I ask clients that they record their dreams so we can interpret them together. This helps clients become more familiar with the dream world. It also softens their resistance to perceiving dreams.

Everyone dreams, but for important reasons, most people don’t know they dream. Many who do often forget them the moment they wake.

John fits in this category. Even so, he realized over several dreams in the ensuing days that he was sending himself an important message as evidenced in his text:

In our next session John and I marveled over these dreams. They were cluing him in on the process he’s going through, which very much feels to him like a crucible. Interestingly, John had never heard of the word before this. A crucible is something, usually a process something or someone goes through, that includes a severe trial. And through that trial a purification process happens.

So John realized these dreams were about soothing himself around the idea that he’s doing the work. Doing the work and benefitting from the work he’s doing. John was stunned in how applicable his dreams were. And he marveled the whole session about how well he was doing.

The unfolding in totality

I would love to end this story here, but that would be disingenuous. For as much as this experience moved John, he’s still struggling with reality as created by him, according to his still dominant negative belief momentum.

To understand what happened next, we have to recap what happened over the week I’m sharing about. John took my advice to test out his current vibrational state on the subject of his self-hatred and projecting that self-hatred onto women, by going out with one. That experience matched him with a person perfectly matching his vibration, Meg, who reflected perfectly back to John where he currently is.

John struggled over the next few days, but was able to finally soothe some of his negative momentum on the subject of himself and women. Soothing himself, he came into alignment with his Broader Perspective, which nudged him into Whole Foods where he rendezvoused with a fabulous amplification of the ongoing learning, which came in the form of a child.

Meanwhile, John further soothed himself in dreams in which he realized he was moving through a crucible.

But the Universe and his Broader Perspective weren’t done. In the marvelous, astonishing experience with that child, John integrated even more with his Broader Perspective. And so, the Universe brought him another gift.

A sick thrill

As we expand, the Universe will deliver more opportunity to expand even further. This is the never-ending process of expansion for ourselves and All That Is. It can’t be stated strongly enough: this is a NEVER-ENDING PROCESS. It’s that process of never-ending expansion that gives birth to our eternity.

John was in a strong post-expansion state of awareness in his realization of how profound his Whole Foods rendezvous was. So, John, the Universe and his Broader Perspective served up another opportunity for expansion. What that looked like was a surfacing of a series of old beliefs John has which also must be soothed for continued expansion.

These beliefs involved two subjects John has a lot of negative momentum around. One has to do with friends who, in John’s telling “rejected”, “disrespected” and “marginalized” him during what he would say was a time of need in his life. The other has to do with how he felt, again, disrespected, used and marginalized, by a transgender woman for whom he has extremely strong positive feelings.

But John didn’t see the surfacing of these beliefs, and their associated negative emotion, as an expansion opportunity. Instead, he let these beliefs trigger even more powerful, negative emotions. Until he found himself in the depths of powerlessness, grief and, again, self-hatred:

John sent the text above two days our session in which we talked about his dreams and after doing exactly what his text described over those two days.

It’s good we’re eternal

Many clients struggle with this. This “you create your reality” business is serious. It can be fun too, thrilling even, when you see everything you want happening with no effort on your part.

But until one builds evidence of that happening, it can be a real slog.

We can’t create a new reality without soothing the reality we’ve created. And if that created reality is extremely negative, then it’s going to take a while to soothe it. And, that reality will keep asserting itself, not as punishment, but because of momentum. Which is why it’s a good idea to see it reasserting itself as a positive thing.

This is another reason why it’s a good thing we’re eternal. There’s no rush to John soothing his hold momentum, wherein he’s numbing himself and feeling suicidal. He has all of eternity to do it. And he is doing it.

The empowering news is, he’s the only one who can do it. No one else will or can stand in his way and prevent the work from happening. No one but him. For just as he’s the only one who can do it, he’s also the only one who can keep himself from doing it. That applies to every client. It also applies to every person.

No one prevents any of us from having what we want. We all do that to ourselves. That’s why it’s so important to get that our reality springs from our thoughts and beliefs. Armed with that knowledge, we can create any reality we want. We can literally turn misery into a joyous mystery.

An Update On My Shapeshifting Progress

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

TL;DR: In this, the latest update in a series, the author updates their progress in their aspiration to become a shapeshifter, including recent accomplishments showing them they are on track.

It looks like the last update I shared on becoming a shapeshifter was more than six months ago. It’s time for another one. A lot is happening as I soothe resistance inherent in limiting beliefs about being able to shapeshift. As a result, I’m realizing a LOT of indications shapeshifting is coming.

And not only shapeshifting. For along with that desire, I also set the intention of being able to travel outside my body, and teleport, meaning, moving my body from one location to another in an instant. Interestingly, I’ve had more concrete success with these last two than with shapeshifting.

Rather than feeling disappointment about that, however, I’m feeling excited. That’s because I know all manifestations do two really important things: one, manifestations further soothe resistance inherent in limiting beliefs. They also act as signposts; they tell me I’m on the way to everything else I’m wanting. And, as these other successes happen, with traveling outside my body, teleporting and the other manifestations I write about in this blog, I get more confident becoming a shapeshifter is happening too.

I’m going to share about all these successes and what they mean in this brief post.

So let’s go!

Results prove progress

Anything we have the ability to create in our heads we can create in reality. That’s the promise. It’s the promise of every leading “you create your reality” advocate. I’ve realized so many things promised to me by Abraham and Seth. So much so, I’ve become an advocate myself. So when I assert that I can become a shapeshifter, I’m serious about it. I know it’s possible. I know because I’ve created other really astonishing outcomes. Including creating other people.

There’s nothing different in creating a simple thing, like an event, versus a complex thing, like a person or something seemingly unbelievable. The steps are the same. As I’ve written in other parts of this series, however, the main ingredient is belief. If we disbelieve what we want, we can’t create it.

I know my disbelief is soothing. I know it because of everything else I’ve already created. Particularly my “occult” creations. Let’s look at traveling outside my body, for example. My most recent results show I’m already doing this. I’m just not able yet to control where I end up. But my awareness that I have traveled, and my ability to remain in the new reality longer and longer shows improvement.

My teleportation results are the same, although not as profound…yet. The “roiling” I felt, which I wrote about in previous updates, has long since disappeared. What’s replaced it is a sense of deeper awareness, a steadiness of sensation, a soft, coursing of energies moving through my body that settles in one of three places: my forehead, the area of my cerebellum or my solar plexus. This and a recent experience allowed a crucial shift of self. I’ll explain that next.

A shift in self

I believe shapeshifting requires reorienting our identity. It demands that we give up our focus on “us” as our bodies. This makes sense. We are eternal. At death, with our body in the ground or in a jar somewhere, our personality and self live on. We still exist in our nonphysical states of being, equipped with far greater perception than when in a body.

But many of us believe the “I” in our bodies includes, at least, in part, our bodies. That is not the case, however, as dreams clearly show. In dream state we experience other realms while our body sleeps. So our identity must not be with our bodies. We must be something more.

So lately, in meditation, I’ve been soothing the belief that “I am my body”. Instead, I’ve been focusing into “I am the aware energy flowing to and through this body.”

Why is that important?

I think identifying with the body makes shapeshifting impossible. For one, combined with the fear of death, which is exacerbated by identifying with the body, if the body starts to shift, the shift will trigger panic if we identify with the body as what we are. Panic will immediately shut down a shift. I think this is a major reason such abilities are not possible. That and believing they aren’t possible in the first place.

Shifting my identity to the energy flowing to and through my body, rather than on the body, comes with another benefit: it feels really good. I feel more….aware of what I am, if that makes sense. My awareness also has gotten extremely still. When in meditation, focusing on my “self” as energy, my “mind” almost totally stops.

That stillness, I believe, may be crucial for all the occult experiences I’m after.

It’s in the belief

All of this is a long-term project of course. There’s a lot of resistance in me to soothe. And that’s why so few try what I’m trying, I think. Every day “priorities” get in the way. It being a long-term project is also why it’s important to focus on and celebrate unfolding along the way. For one, they keep me inspired. Two, they offer evidence I’m making progress. And three, it’s just really fun seeing all the great stuff happening.

Having a bunch of clients in the early Positively Focused Practice producing their version of what advocates promise helps too. It’s one thing to have my own results. But seeing and hearing their results also inspires me. Especially my advance clients, who are in the dream work and meditative parts of the practice.

So there’s good progress. The biggest being how it feels to shift my identity to me as energy rather than the body.

All this is happening intuitively. There’s no guide I’m aware of. But I have great support from my Broader Perspective and my intuition.

I’m no longer accepting clients as my roster is full. But if you have a question about all this, I’m happy to answer them in the comments section. In the meantime, consider this: All of us are much more than what society, our schools, science and leaders, especially religious leaders tell us. We are unlimited beings of unlimited possibility. Reach for that possibility, just a bit, and we open up whole new worlds. Worlds that offer an unlimited, vast landscape of unbelievable ability.

But it’s only unbelievable to the degree we believe it is.

I’m finding soothing that belief. I hope this inspires you to do the same.

How Apple TV’s Dark Matter Nails Alternate Realities

Photo by Eliška Motisová on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author shares their admiration for the Apple TV series and compares it to experiences they have had with alternate dimension travel.

There’s a lot to like about Apple TV’s mind-bending series Dark Matter. Indeed, a lot of people are raving about the show. It enjoys a solid 83 percent on Rotten tomatoes and IMDB rates it at a very near 8 on its user-review scale.

Admittedly, I’m only at the first season’s fourth episode. Still, the story is well-grounded in excellence. The writing and acting are great. I’m enjoying the storytelling too. But what’s blowing my mind so far is how Dark Matter’s creators have nailed the process of visiting infinite dimensions comprising what they call the Multiverse.

And while the series’ story, acting, writing and technical aspects merit accolades, I believe the series’ success rests largely in another aspect of the show. That is, Dark Matter resonates with deep knowledge humanity possesses. Its creators, consciously or not, are urging humanity to expand beyond its limiting beliefs.

There’s a lot to explore here. Let’s jump in.

What is Dark Matter (the show)

Before we get to the fun stuff, I realize some may not have seen Dark Matter yet. It first aired on May 8 this year, so even I’m late to the party. I didn’t know about it until a client raved about its premise.

Like me, the show surprised her. That’s because the show’s “technical” details of alternate dimension travels accord very much with what she’s learning in her Positively Focused practice.

She said I should watch it. I just started watching this month. So if you don’t know about the show, here’s a brief, non-spoiler explanation. At least as far as I know it.

Dark Matter is about a science teacher in our present dimension. An alternate version of him succeeded in traveling through alternate dimensions through an invention the science teacher imagined, but didn’t follow through on. When the teacher chose not to follow through, physical reality forked to where a version of him did follow through, thus creating the breakthrough in an alternate reality.

But the version of the teacher who made the breakthrough is unhappy. He regrets decisions he made. So he travels to the science teacher’s dimension and abducts him with plans to replace him in our dimension. He leaves the teacher in his reality, bewildered and alone and surrounded by people demanding his genius.

That’s all I know so far.

Evidence proves it accurate

What you just read already reveals how accurate this series is. For indeed, every move we make in this reality creates multidimensional forks in “time”.

From that fork, infinite versions of what happens next come into being. Each of those versions include choice(s) we didn’t make, thereby allowing All That Is to explore all possible versions of reality.

Now, I know, it’s hard to accept what you just read as actually happening without evidence that it’s happening. That’s why, in the Positively Focused practice advanced sessions, we introduce meditation and dream work. Through meditation and dream work, we’re introduced to all these alternate versions of ourselves. We get to experience those alternate dimensions forking from our actions. With practice, we can visit those dimensions at will.

Doing so requires pretty heroic focus. It takes an unusual desire to get this far in the practice. Several clients are at the beginning stages of that level and what they’re finding is astonishing them.

What I’ve found astonishes me still. But that’s another story.

A deeply satisfying adventure

Dark Matter astonishes me too. It’s astonishing to me because it puts out there, right in the open, an invitation for human beings to expand beyond what they are. I write about this all the time and tell my clients the same.

Those ready to receive the invitation don’t see the show the same way those not ready to receive it do. The latter group just finds the show an engaging escape, an entertaining sci-fi drama that delivers. For the former group however, they find themselves inexplicably moved. Some of the moved ones will dismiss what’s happening.

But a small number of those might question what they’re experiencing. They might go so far as to try out for themselves perceiving their alternate lives. When they do, they begin a path that is irreversible. Irreversible and deeply satisfying should they continue.

And I believe this is the deeper message behind all good art. Artists offer themselves as conduits for All That Is. And their art communicates deeply accurate messages about reality, the Universe and ourselves. Moving pictures are some of the most powerful art.

Dark Matter offers a highly accurate communication. Its premises are real. As are the possibilities. But like all communication, distortions exist in the show. I want to look at those next.

They’re not fatal

Remember, I’ve only seen four episodes. So there’s probably more in store for my experience. Still the distortions, once understood, can be dispensed with. Do that and the message becomes far more accurate.

Many distortions in film, for example, involve good intentions of the creators. They’re making entertainment after all. So they often overly complicate the story to keep it engaging. They also include a lot of violence that’s not as reflective as what’s really happening. Another thing they do is include random acts that don’t make sense in the context of what’s really happening in the world outside of the show.

For example, it wouldn’t be possible for an alternate version of me to come into my reality, abduct me and take me back to his reality. Many reasons explain why this is so.

Firstly, subatomic particles comprising our bodies are the same ones comprising our alternate versions. Such particles not only vibrate, but also blink “on” and “off” in our reality. When they’re “off” here, they are “on” in our alternate realities. And when they’re “off” in those realities, they’re “on” here.

So it wouldn’t be possible for an alternate me and me to exist physically in the same reality. And that’s where things get really….interesting.

Alternate dimension travel gets real…interesting. (Photo by Eliška Motisová on Unsplash)

We are conscious energy

It gets interesting because if that’s the case then the alternate reality in which I meet myself must not exist, which means not all alternate realities happen.

But hold on, partner. That reality does exist. It just doesn’t exist in such a way that we can do what the Dark Matter characters do in the series.

[So I’m getting more and more exited writing about this because doing so is opening so many avenues to explore. I realize I must keep this post as short as possible, so I’m doing my best not to get too excited!]

We are not our bodies. We are what Seth calls the “Gestalt consciousness” that rides in, among and through the collective consciousness that is our bodies. That collective includes subatomic particles in our bodies, each of which enjoys consciousness as well.

It has to be true that we’re not our bodies, because at death, we continue existing even though the body deconstructs.

TThis is obvious in what humans call dreaming. There, we can see, hear, taste, communicate and even think and move around. We’re obviously doing all that outside our bodies. For as we engage in what we call the dream, our bodies are back under the covers in our beds!

What we are is conscious energy. We are vibration beings living a much bigger and more interesting experience than the ones we put ourselves into through these bodies.

In the dream state then, and in other altered consciousness experiences, we can visit our alternate selves. We do that every night when we dream. And Positively Focused clients are also learning to do that consciously, while awake.

But there’s even more happening. Something that also makes the Dark Matter plot fall apart. Let’s look at that next.

Nesting doll reality of All That Is

Each of our selves, living in each of these dimensions, live there while simultaneously connected to every other self. Not only that, each of those selves are constantly communicating and influencing one another. That makes sense when we consider the nature of our Broader Perspective.

Our Broader Perspective is that part of us that gave birth to us from a fork in its experience. It is that larger part of us remaining in nonphysical and guiding us through our human experience. It is us, as we are us in our bodies. It’s just a broader part of us.

That broader part of us also has a Broader Perspective. Like Russian nesting dolls, this lineage of Broader Perspectives run incessantly, all the way “back” to the original being that got all this All That Is started. Of course, there was no beginning. All That Is has been and always will be.

The point of all this is that there’s no need for one of our selves to come take over another of ourselves. That’s because each of us experiences viscerally in the dream state and other consciousness levels all that the other selves experience. We literally can feel their experiences. And that’s why living positively in this experience has such huge ramifications.

How we be in this life affects every other “life” that is ours in these other dimensions. And when we live this life positively, not only do we enjoy positive experiences as reflections of that inner state, we also influence all our other selves in their dimensions. Indeed, they affect us too, which is why sometimes we might find ourselves inexplicably sad, or pensive…or happy.

Our Broader Perspective relationship resembles Russian Nesting Dolls. (Photo by Didssph on Unsplash)

Thoughts are powerful, but momentum more so

There’s another distortion that happens I’m almost sure was because the show creators wanted to make the show exciting. In another part of the show, the teacher and a mental health practitioner begin exploring alternate dimensions through the device the other version of the teacher created. Their travels are chaotic and harrowing. Every alternate reality they find is a post-apocalyptic rendition of Earth.

The characters realize at one point that their thoughts just before opening a door are what causes them to enter said renditions. This is hogwash. To understand why, we must consider momentum.

Momentum is the basis of thoughts turning to things. That includes any kind of thought about experiencing supernatural abilities. Everyone naturally understands momentum. We talk about how it takes a long distance to stop a freight train, or how a cargo ship can’t “turn on a dime”. In other words, the more momentum an object has, the less likely that object will change direction.

The same is true with thoughts.

Since every human is first a pure, positive energy being, each enjoys an extremely strong momentum of positive orientation. This especially holds when considering most of us have lived very large numbers of previous lives. Our thoughts and intentions have a lot of momentum therefore.

This includes beliefs about whether it’s even possible to visit another dimension. Most of us don’t believe that’s possible. That explains why most don’t recognize having such experiences.

So a blithe thought one moment isn’t going to have enough momentum to move someone into another reality, especially one that is frightening, like a post-apocalyptic alternate reality.

But there’s a caveat.

Thoughts and momentum work together

In nonphysical, where alternate realities intertwine, very little resistance exists. As a result, it is very easy to get momentum going within the relatively small resistance levels there. But even then, it would take more than a passing thought, while in that altered state, to manifest or draw to us a harrowing alternate experience.

We can experience such experiences, but they usually happen after we’ve focused a bit on an unpleasant scenario. Another way such an experience can easily happen is if a lot of negative momentum exists around dominant negative thoughts and beliefs. This explains why in our practice we strive to live as positively as possible. Because when we do transition, whatever thought-momentum we possess we take with us in our return to nonphysical. That can be a problem.

For example, a Christian who fears going to hell and is unsure whether they lived a godly life will experience the content of their focus: hellish conditions. Someone who believes strongly that there is no afterlife, that life just ends and we blink out of existence when we die, will experience that too. They will have no experience of an afterlife.

The good news is, this is temporary. After a time guides will come to assist such people out of their torment and beyond their limiting beliefs.

The point is, it’s not possible to visit a hellscape version of reality off the bat. Unless the explorer already has a lot of thought-momentum about such realities. Thoughts alone can’t buck our existing momentum. And both characters seem to be somewhat positive people.

A gift All That Is inspired

As you’ve read, there’s no reason for one of our selves to take over another self’s life. Even if it wanted to, which it doesn’t, it can’t. But it sure makes for an engaging show!

Each self enjoys an intimate, visceral experience of every other self. Those selves also are in communication. That’s right, even though we don’t usually have conscious experience of this communication, it’s happening constantly.

In the Positively Focused advanced practices we learn how to hear this communication. With practice and tests, we can come to trust such communication. Indeed, it’s that communication that has me living the life I currently live, free from working for a living and enjoying the spiritual life I enjoy as a spiritual “teacher”.

Thoughts, beliefs and momentum are, in a sense, the basic building blocks of All That Is. We enjoy this reality because of them. But there’s so much more we can explore!

There are many other distortions we can talk about in Dark Matter. But I think it’s more important to enjoy the show for entertainment’s sake while paying attention to any cues one might have urging one to lean in the direction of exploring alternate realities. Those cues are not only important, they can be an immense source of deep, profound satisfaction.

Dark Matter is a gift inspired by All That Is consciousness. It gets a lot right about what’s really going on in the multiverse.

The World Just Gets Better and Better

TL;DR: The author shares an example of a client who created so much evidence “Wishful Thinking” works, the client moved into greater trust and belief that “you create your reality” is accurate. The author then asserts everyone can experience their Charmed Life: a life where they create any experience they want, through the Positively Focused Way.

Every time a client texts me with wonderful manifestation results, I delight in the receipt. That’s because I know when they send me such messages, they’re having the time of their lives. It’s also delightful because their manifestations amplify my own trust in this “you create your reality” business, aka (by some) “Wishful Thinking”.

When some people use that “Wishful Thinking” moniker, they’re being pejorative. They don’t believe this “you create your reality” business is real. They believe that because this “you create your reality” business is working for them. It’s just reflecting back to them the manifestation of their belief: that this “you create your reality” business doesn’t work, is pseudoscience or new age quackery.

The jokes on them though because this “you create your reality” business is working, just like it does for me and all my clients. I love that!

But I love more when clients text me with their wonder. That’s what I’m writing about today.

Beliefs defending themselves

This past week a client finds himself as wonder-filled as I am. Except, he’s finding himself so dumbfounded by his manifestation results, he sometimes slips into disbelief.

I love when that happens too because it means that client finds himself in a Belief Confrontation. A Belief Confrontation is when All That Is shows us something at odds with our beliefs. When that happens, the juxtaposition of our belief, and the reality we’re experiencing at that moment, is so jarring, our belief “defends” itself.

Our belief doesn’t put up its dukes and get into a fist-fight with the reality. It’s not human after all. But the energy and momentum comprising our belief is strong. And that strong momentum, when confronted with another momentum of energy or vibration, experiences a kind of polarity push. Kind of like when you try putting two magnets together and they resist one another.

When that polarity push happens in a human, the human feels an emotion. Typically the emotion is negative. That negative emotion comes on instantaneously and can feel so strong it can compel the human into a psychologically defensive stance. They’ll resist that which doesn’t accord with their beliefs. Or they might willfully ignore it.

Our civilization is full of examples illustrating this process underway. And it’s underway all the time, everywhere.

It really works

After clients get some of the Positively Focused Way practice under their belt, force accompanying Belief Confrontations ease, allowing the client to feel the force without it taking them over. That’s what happened with this client. He deserves some praise because he’s significantly soothed his Belief Confrontations around the fact that he’s in the driver’s seat of his life, no one else, and that he can create any life he wants.

So when he texted me, he briefly expressed some disbelief, but followed that up with a string of evidence showing this “you create your reality” business works. And that balance — between the brief disbelief and the litany of evidence — amplified within him his growing momentum aligning with the belief that “this “you create your reality” business really works!”

Here’s what he texted me:

A client amplifying his belief in this “you create your reality” business by sharing his powerful results.

There’s no evidence proving this “you create your reality” business doesn’t work. Even for those who think it doesn’t work, it’s working. Again, it’s working by showing those people a reality in which their belief “‘you create your reality business’ doesn’t work”, doesn’t work. Because that’s what they believe!

But for those willing to soften that belief, those people’s worlds will increasingly show them that this “you create your reality” business does work. And as that evidence grows, the person will come into their own power. The power they knew they had when they first incarnated as human.

The Charmed Life

We all came here in our human experiences to enjoy our creative power. We all are incipient gods becoming more in a framework we create as a part of the consciousness of All That Is. That sure sounds like a circular statement. But that’s only because All That Is is circular in its awareness and purpose.

All That Is is all about one thing: knowing itself through expanding its awareness of itself. That’s its purpose. And it joyfully prosecutes that purpose. We are physical expressions of All That Is seeking to expand its self-awareness. As such, we too can joyfully create our experiences as we move through our human lives.

We don’t have a choice about the expansion or the experience. But we do have a choice in how that experience happens, what’s included in it and what’s not, and how much we enjoy that experience. That’s our innate gift we give ourselves.

And when we choose to deliberately create experiences which bring us joy, then our human experience just gets better and better. Just as my clients are seeing in their lives…and I’m seeing in mine. It’s the Charmed Life. And it’s available to everyone.

How “Wishful Thinking” Creates “Fuck Yeah!” Results

Photo by Frank Leuderalbert on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author tells how a client, who is a musician, relaxed in the face of a cancelled gig and, as a result of that relaxation, created a surprising and delightful outcome. The author also says “wishful thinking” is real, and can be used to create extraordinary lives, but only for those who know how it works.

Holy smokes. I might as well turn this series into a permanent thing. So many clients are getting happy results from their “wishful thinking”.

“Wishful thinking”, of course, is not what I call it. I call it the Positively Focused Way. “Wishful thinking” is what people who don’t know anything about what they’re talking about call this “you create your reality business.”

They’ve never tried it. Or if they have, they’ve done so under shoddy conditions, conditions which were bound to have them fail. Or they’ve tried it without someone helping them figure out how the “business” works, so they missed it actually working.

Meanwhile, lots of people, under the right circumstances and under a someone who knows this “business” are finding happy lives and happy life results putting this “wishful thinking” to work.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about two examples. You can read those stories here and here. I still have two more to share. This one is short but really sweet.

Let’s get to it.

In disbelief dreams are uncomfortable

This client I’ll call “Gus”. He’s been practicing this “you create your reality business” for 14 weeks. Through weekly sessions and the homework, he’s learning that the Positively Focused Way produces astonishing outcomes, just like I promise. Just like AbrahamSeth, Neville Goddard and many others promise also.

Gus is a musician. He performs covers at his local famers’ market. Like many musicians, he dreams about becoming successful and playing before thousands. However, Gus’ beliefs, like many, many artists of all kinds, block that success. Even though he’s already created that success for himself —  that success awaits Gus in a probable future reality —  which can be his future as soon as he lines up with it.

But 15 weeks ago, Gus didn’t realize any of this. That’s why he avoided his dreams. Thinking about them was too uncomfortable. Whenever he fantasized about being famous, his old beliefs would say “get real!” “be realistic!” and “grow up!” Then he’d imagine the thousands of artists, maybe hundreds of thousands, that aren’t successful at their art.

That lack of success he saw as his future. No wonder his dreams made him uncomfortable. He didn’t believe they’re possible.

Our itches will lead to joy

It’s true, of course, that many, many artists aren’t successful, if you measure success by how much income they get from their art. Yet, even by that measure, there are plenty who are successful. The only thing differentiating the latter from the former are the two groups’ beliefs.

That’s right. It’s not talent, contacts, “lucky breaks” or any other factor keeping a person from whatever success they want. The only thing doing that is what the person thinks and believes about being successful.

For example, Gus can not fathom how he could replace his current six-figure salary he gets working at a utility company. The reason why he can’t fathom it is because it’s not Gus’ job to figure out how that happens. That’s the Universe’s job. Gus’ job is to line up with his desire, feel good in doing that, which tells him something really important, then watch as the Universe delivers the probable future in which he swaps his utility salary for a performing one.

In the meantime, Gus hits farmers’ markets and the occasional spot gig to scratch the itch. Yes, it’s an itch. We know we have desires because those things catch our attention from time to time. They’re our Broader Perspective encouraging us in the direction of our joy.

But most of us will ignore those itches. Or worse; we’ll talk ourselves out of them in favor of living in “the real world” as one reader of my stories calls it.

Life just gets better and better

The thing is, there IS NO REAL WORLD out there. The only world we exist in is the world reflecting back to us our thoughts and beliefs. And if we believe that that world is full of disappointment and things we must confront and struggle against…well that is the world we see and experience.

Meanwhile, there are a ton of people living in other worlds. Worlds where life is easy. Where life is good. Worlds where people are happy and joyful. And in their happiness and joy, they’re getting everything they want effortlessly.

Gus is figuring out how to turn his current world into the world you just read about. It all starts with “wishful thinking”. When a person starts thinking wishful, their world instantly starts changing. Actually, what’s really happening is, the person begins phasing out of their current probable now, and phasing into an adjacent probable now. One aligned with all their desires. One where probable futures connected to that probable now contain all they desire. So the person’s life gradually gets better and better.

It doesn’t happen over night because this “you create your reality” business isn’t magic. But consistency and application of easy processes makes the phasing happen effortlessly.

The wife creates a better Gus

Gus started using those processes 14 weeks ago. In doing so, the Universe showed him all the beliefs he holds which keeps him in the reality he currently is reflecting back to himself. I won’t go into those details, but suffice it to say it was a life he didn’t want. It was so unsatisfying, he left his wife and considered killing himself.

Meanwhile, his wife, a 65-week client, used this “you create your reality business” to create a better version of Gus. As a result of her focus and intention, Gus changed his mind about killing himself, moved back into his marriage and is seeing that marriage blossom.

In fact, it was evidence his wife was producing in her way of being that had Gus try the Positively Focused Way in the first place. And she became a client because she saw her mother radically transform. Her mother is a 174-week client. The mom’s son also is a client. In fact, her mother’s intention and focus was that her children would begin practicing too. That’s happened.

So this “wishful thinking” stuff is powerful. It delivers everything one wants. Including ideal versions of people we interact with.

Ok, back to Gus.

As Gus’ wife’s experience shows, there’s something behind this “you create your reality” business. (Photo by Frank Leuderalbert on Unsplash)

Vibration attracts

He sent me an audio recording last week. It was two days after our session. He was super-stoked about what happened and wanted to share “the cool experience” he just had.

Gus said he had a gig scheduled at a local bar. But the owner called him to tell him they needed to cancel.

“They didn’t have enough patronage to cover what me playing there would incur for them,” he said in his message. Gus described how he used the Positively Focused Way to manage his emotions about this message. That’s crucial if one wants to have what one wants.

That’s because emotions act like a compass. They tell us in what direction we’re headed relative to our goals. Negative emotions tell us we’re heading in the opposite direction, generally speaking. Positive ones do the opposite. Emotions happen as a result of thoughts we think. Most people don’t understand this. They think emotions happen as a result of something that happens outside us.

That’s not what’s happening.

Emotions are physical manifestations of vibrational focus.

We are all energy that is aware. Like all energy, we vibrate and our vibration attracts. We set our vibration through focus and that focus creates thought, which is a forward evolution of vibration. Hold that thought long enough and it will manifest as an emotion. Keep holding that thought and the thought will manifest as physical reality becoming the reflection of the vibration we’re holding “in” us.

When it does that, most people will see the physical manifestation and think it happened randomly or coincidentally. That’s because they don’t know what you just read.

Events are not random nor coincidental.

The “fuck yeah” manifestation happens

All physical manifestation happens from our focus. And when we focus on what we don’t want, that’s what shows up in physical reality – which again is just a reflection of our inner vibrational state.

Ok, back to Gus’ message:

“I didn’t react [negatively],” he continues. “I was just like ‘hey, that makes sense, I’ll see you on the next one. It’s all good! I wasn’t feeling disappointed at all. It would have been cool to play and have engagement with those folks, but it will happen again.”

Not being upset, again, was critical. Gus did well here. It’s no surprise then what happened next.

The next day, Gus gets a text from someone who also plays at the farmers market. Gus describes what they said:

“[The message said], I have this person that wants me to play music for a private party but I can’t do it the day they’re looking for. Are you available and interested?” Gus explained.

Gus continued: “Long story short, I am going to play this gig for these people, and it’s going to be for more than [what I would make at the cancelled gig], for less time, and it’s amazing and I just wanted to share that all of this shit is so good; my feeling about [negative energy] and just like, vibrational alignment and stuff, I’m just watching all these things that are coming back to me…and it’s just like you said about thinking about [reality] like a game. It’s all free flowing, there are always other opportunities…Fuck yeah!”

It’s all a happy game

Gus’ experience is typical of all my clients. The world of “wishful thinking” is the world everyone wants to live. It creates “fuck yeah!” experiences all the time. But if we think “wishful thinking” is stupid, or that it’s “not a life strategy” like many, many people do, including that person who commented on my previous post, then such people live in lives that, in her words, suck.

I’m happy I don’t live in that world. My clients are finding new, happier worlds than that one exist too. One by one, they’re finding this “you create your reality business” not only results in happy worlds and happy lives, they allow one to live in any world one wants to live in.

That’s because we all are divine, eternal beings enjoying a human existence. One we tailor ongoingly to our desires through vibrational focus. For many, their existence comes filled with some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t want.

But that’s because they aren’t using the “you create your reality business” deliberately. Instead, they’re doing it unconsciously. So they don’t get what they want; they get what they focus on. And a lot of people focus more on what they don’t want than what they want.

When they start doing the latter though….wow. For those people, the world becomes, in Gus’ words a happy “fuck yeah!” game.

How “Wishful Thinking” Actually Creates Results People Love

(Photo by Dayne Topkin and Mohamed B. on Unsplash)

TL;DR: The author offers another example of a client proving to himself that “wishful thinking” actually works.

I recently started a short series of stories – testimonials really – of how clients used “wishful thinking” to create magnificent manifestations. I’m using the term “wishful thinking” because that’s how people describe this “you create your reality business” when they have no clue about it; how it works, why it works or why EVERYTHING in physical reality happens through that seemingly simple phrase.

Those who know that this “business” is the basis of the Universe call it something other than “wishful thinking”. Abraham calls it “Law of Attraction”. Seth says “you create your reality”. Neville Campbell says “reality springs from your wonderful imagination”.

How ever those who know describe it, it’s inevitable, meaning, there’s no way to avoid the accuracy of these statements. That’s because it IS how the Universe works. And those who tap into that awareness become powerful creators; while the rest of us bump around creating reality unconsciously. That explains why so much suffering and tragedy exists in the world today.

In the last post I talked about “Kevin”, a comedian now living his dream. This time, let’s look at a client “Jake”, and his example.

It’s not magic

Now Jake’s story will be different from Kevin’s because Jake’s experience shows an important aspect of this “you create your reality” business. It shows that even when one creates their reality deliberately, it’s not magic.

In other words, things don’t just instantly pop into reality as though reality manifests on a blank slate. No, we all instantly begin creating the moment we’re born – well before that actually – and as we do that, our reality springs into our awareness. When that happens, we all tend to focus on that physical manifestation, which then amplifies and makes it more “real”. Momentum ensues and soon, to us, it seems reality comes first, then we say that reality is “how it is”. And that reinforces realities we see, thus creating more of what we’re observing.

It’s no wonder then why we begin thinking or believing what we see is “true”. But it’s not “true”. It’s just what’s been created. When we want to create something new, however, we must first sooth away the prior momentum that’s creating our “how it is”. Because of this, it can take some time before our new reality emerges from our “how it is” — our past creations — which we interpret as present reality.

So we must be patient with our new manifestations. Or, we can look for evidence of their emergence where evidence first exists. That’s right, evidence our new manifestations are happening shows up immediately. But we must know where to look to see that evidence.

Most don’t know where to look so they don’t see it. Then they conclude this “you create your reality” business doesn’t work. But it does work. Every time.

“Wishful thinking” works. But only if you know how it works (Photo by Dayne Topkin)

Our beliefs create our world

Like Kevin, Jake is an artist. Jake is multi-disciplinary though. He writes novels and short stories. He composes music and also performs on piano too.

But Jake, like Kevin, also harbored extreme negative beliefs about his life, mostly stemming from his childhood. I cannot over state how negative his beliefs were. Those early-stage beliefs, again, reflected back to him in a unique-to-Jake way: Jake could never get people to take his artistic expression seriously. Every time he would put out something – music or words – he’d get crickets in return.

He also struggled to keep a job and therefore a steady income. And his relationship with women was poor…at best.

In time, his frustration about all this and more tumbled into blame. He blamed everything, not only about his life, but about the world itself, primarily on capitalism and how, in his words, it forces people to earn a living thereby giving no one a chance to express their authentic, artistic selves. Nevermind that there are literally thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people doing that worldwide, with many of those people earning quite good incomes! Especially in capitalism.

But that’s the thing about being human. We can’t experience a world outside our beliefs, beliefs that create the world we experience. Our beliefs literally blind us to experiences not fitting our beliefs. So Jake couldn’t see evidence proving his beliefs as not-necessarily-true.

Frustration turns to bitterness

So when Jake first came to me almost five years ago, he was in a strong, bitter, blaming state. His marriage was ending. He was having an affair and he was broke.

None of those are impediments to the Universe giving us what we want, however. In a short time, after lining up with our Broader Perspective, we can turn even the most dire circumstances around. That’s what Jake did.

Again, it took him a while. That’s because Jake, like many people, for a long time used “doing” and trying to “make it happen” to get “success”. He believed “doing” was what would bring him what he wants. That doesn’t work though, when our beliefs run counter to what we want. In other words, doing isn’t powerful enough to overcome beliefs drawing to us what we believe. And if we believe we aren’t worthy enough to deserve what we want, no amount of doing will give that to us.

That’s why so many people, especially many artists, don’t succeed. It’s not because their art isn’t good or that there are a lot of other artists or that they don’t have the right connections.

They don’t succeed because they don’t believe they deserve success. In other words they feel unworthy, like many, many people. The right connections and the people who will appreciate one’s art come easily when we line up with the success that already is ours. We “line up” by seeing our lives the way our Broader Perspectives do. That’s what Jake learned over those five years.

Now, mind you, Jake is over 63. So he’d been practicing disempowering beliefs around his art for five plus decades. Compartively, five years is no time at all. And it took that little time for him to create what happened next.

The turnaround begins

After giving up doing and instead focusing on being aligned with his Broader Perspective, Jake gradually let go of trying to “make it happen”. He stopped trying to make people or demand that people appreciate his artistic expression. Jake gave up trying to find a publisher for his books too, as well as trying to find someone who would play his compositions.

In giving all that up, Jake allowed the Universe to do all that work. He relaxed into enjoying his creative expression for the sake of the expression rather than seeing it as the path to financial fortune. As he did that, his creative juices flowed and his output increased dramatically.

Doing that also got Jake out of the way. That’s when he started seeing signs the Universe was on his side, which it always was.

One day, the local newspaper called Jake. The reporter wanted to do an article on a composition he was going to perform at a concert in town. To Jake this came “out of the blue”. But this small form of notoriety resulted from Jake soothing his negative momentum.

But wait, there’s more!

Instead of just reporting on the concert, the reporter did a complete story about Jake…and all the creative things he’s up to including his books. Jake had never had that kind of publicity.

But then it got even better.

About a month later, a music teacher at the local college reached out to tell Jake he was teaching one of Jake’s scores in his class. Jake doesn’t remember how the teacher got the music piece. He called me one day in his car outside the college. Jake was taking a break from hearing the practice. Weeks later, the class performed the piece in concert:

“Jake’s” piece performed.

Tides turning?

The orchestra also played several pieces from other local composers, but members of the audience told Jake they liked his best. Of course, Jake was over the moon. But this is just what happens when people relax and line up with their Broader Perspective. More and more of what they want comes, in effortless, delightful and surprising ways. Then even more stuff starts happening.

And that’s exactly what happened with Jake. That’s when the really big thing happened. Or at least it seemed that way.

Jake has paid hundreds of dollars in trying to get his writing published. Many unscrupulous purveyors of publishing scams have taken his money as a result. That’s just what happens when our beliefs tell us the world is unfair: we create those experiences as reflections of our thoughts.

These things happen so we can see what we’re creating, then use those as vibrational, navigational aids to chart a better-feeling course. By this time, Jake had given up on trying to make his writing successful. Months passed without him mentioning trying to get publicity for his work, which I presumed meant he wasn’t doing anything about his writing other than enjoying writing.

Then, again, seemingly out of the blue, Jake got an email.

The email was from a literary agency. It begins with “[We] would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on receiving a commendation for your book [title of one of Jake’s books] from our Book Scouts.” It goes on to explain how the agency works and inviting Jake to a conversation about the agency representing his literary work. Best of all, the email explains the agency is a commission-based firm.

It is law

For Jake’s that was big. That’s because in all his attempts at doing or trying to make it happen, he believed he always had to pay people to represent him. I knew this is not the standard way agents work. Real agents take a commission on jobs they land for those they represent. But Jake’s beliefs didn’t allow him to rendezvous with such agents. Why? Because he didn’t believe he deserved such representation. He has a LOT of momentum behind that belief.

Jake expressing shock that it’s really happening with no effort on his part.

Notice he didn’t have to “work” at “deserving representation”, nor do ANY of us need to work at deserving what we desire. The moment we desire something IT’S OURS.


What we do have to do, however, is line up with the receiving of our desire. How? By relaxing, enjoying life the best we can and appreciating what is. Then, in time, we must receive that which we desire. As Abraham says: “It’s Law”.

The agent email came early last week [at the time of writing this]. Later in the week something happened that shows an important element of this “you create your reality business.” Let’s take a look at that because it causes many people to miss out on the full-blown manifestation of their desire.

A temporary “SNAFU”

The agent set a phone appointment that same week. As the day approached, Jake was excited. I didn’t hear from him until after the day of the call. Here’s what he wrote:

Notice a couple things about this message. The phone service going down on this exact day was no coincidence. His dominant existing momentum of beliefs and his still strong sense of unworthiness about his creative expression caused the phone service to go down. This was a crucial moment. A moment for Jake to double-down on the joy of rendezvousing with an agent. It was not the time to get all poopy about this seeming communication mishap. That’s because it’s not a communication mishap. It’s an opportunity to double-down on what he wants!

Notice also the doubt he expresses about this being real or not. This also is his dominant belief, stemming from so many times where he got scammed. It’s also key to what happened next. So this is how I replied. It’s a gentle admonishment that landed as I intended:

Thankfully, Jake trusts what I offer, which he should after five years! Here’s his response, wherein he comes up with better-feeling explanations for the disconnect:

As you read, they’ve rescheduled.

Due diligence uncovers something important.

In the next week, more happened showing Jake exactly where he is relative to his desires and his creations. The agent and Jake talked live via phone call. But something bothered Jake. Something, he said, wasn’t right.

So he started doing, in his words, “my due diligence”. He looked into details of the company, the website and the agency location. What he found wasn’t encouraging. Many of the links on the website went nowhere. The company wasn’t listed (by that name) on any New York registries.

Then, in a follow-up conversation, the agent stipulated that Jake would need to pay a large sum of money as a retainer to move forward. By then Jake had a strong sense this wasn’t what it appeared to be.

But his response was excellent. He recognized that his beliefs, expressed in the text above, that this wasn’t real, pointed to something he wanted to know. Not that this was not a real deal, but that his dominant beliefs remain on “I’m not worthy of getting what I want”.

When Jake realized this, he wasn’t disappointed. In fact, he was proud of how positive he was about all this. “In the past something like this would have sent me into a rage,” he said. “But I’m feeling pretty good that I did my due diligence.”

Indeed, all successful people have, as a part of their professional tool box, the ability to do their due diligence. This wasn’t a set back. It was an opportunity for Jake to develop important skills, so when the real offer comes, he’ll be able to appreciate it.

But most important, Jake is continuing to soothe his disbelief. And in the wake of that soothing, he’s discovering a gradual, steady stream of manifestations, manifestations he’s been wanting for a while.

It comes gradually

Jake’s story is not an isolated incident. All my clients are discovering they are blessed, that the Universe showers them with reflections of what they emanate, and that getting what they want is easy. All they need to do is align their “emanation” – their vibration – with what they’re wanting instead of what they’re not.

When they do that, gradually, life tunes to that new emanation. Then their experience of life gradually includes everything they want. It doesn’t come all at once. That would be overwhelming. Instead, it happens in a wonderful cadence, one in which we can revel, savor and enjoy the unfolding.

I wrote before about Kevin’s wonderful coming into his comedic dream. Jake’s trajectory is no different. Both are long-term clients who started with really strong, super-negative belief momentum. And in a relatively short time, they both are now living their creative dreams.

I still have two more stories to tell. But they must wait for the next installment!

“Truth” Enslaves All People, But Slavery Can Feel Like Joy

Photo by Michael Carruth on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author asserts that “truths” people limit human potential. Then the author offers a way out of those limitations: by seeing “truth” in a whole new way.

“Truth enslaves people…” That’s a provocative headline. It’s not click bait though. Instead, it is a representation of what underlies human experience. That representation explains why churn often characterizes human civilization, especially in the realm of politics and culture. “Truth” creates many of our problems, in other words.

For example, it’s “true” that what other people think of us matters. That statement is true for nearly every human. So is the “truth” that “other people’s opinion matters because we must all get along”.

But both statements, while true, also cause a lot of suffering. Especially for people who come into the world expressly intending to march to the beat of their own drum. Like transgender people, for example. And here’s the thing: every human comes for that purpose.

But if we believe other people’s opinion of us matters, and we’re not expressing ourselves in ways others accept, then we’re in trouble. We feel bad about ourselves. We second guess who we are. Worry becomes our go-to emotion, then anxiety and insecurity. Before we know it, we’re bound by truths we cannot seem to escape and our lives become severely limited.

Today, let’s look at “truth”, unpack it, understand it and therefore find libration, joy and freedom from it instead of enslavement, anxiety and insecurity. Every person reading this has the ability to free themselves from all negative emotion and unhappy experiences. But to do so they must first find liberation from “truth”.

Let’s dive in.

How I know this is for real

For those people new to my writings, I’m queer and trans-attracted and a person of color. Over the last ten years or more I’ve found the liberation I described above. I’ve helped a lot of people find that too, including people like me. So I know what I’m talking about and I have the results to prove it.

The most powerful results, however, are those we create for ourselves. No amount of words can convince as powerfully as evidence we create for ourselves proving that this “you create your reality” business is real. A new client’s experience shows this.

This client is a Chief Technology Officer of a major multinational manufacturer. As you can imagine, he’s serious, realistic, believes in science and, therefore, is not at all into “woo”. He reminds me of some decrying what I offer as “circular logic” and “new age mumbo jumbo”. Like them, he was ignorant about what I offer.

His wife, however, is into “woo” and became a client almost a year ago. Since then, changes in her way of being were so profound, the husband/CTO thought she had joined a cult. So he went to the source – me – to get some answers.

What he learned in that one call was enough for him to become a client. Once I answered his questions, which showed beyond doubt that what I offer is not a cult, he had to acknowledge evidence his wife is producing was impressive. So much so he wanted his version of her results.

A startling, life-changing experience

Thirty weeks after that call, the CTO had what he called a “startling” experience. Someone poking him on the shoulder one night roused him from sleep. But when he woke, no one was there. He looked around the darkened room and saw no one (he and his wife sleep in separate rooms). So he went back to sleep.

Before drifting off, however, he heard, in his words, “as clear as if someone were right beside [him]” a woman say “Jason, wake up!”. He sat bolt upright in his bed, turned on the lights and walked the entire second floor of his home. He knew it wasn’t his wife calling because, he said, the voice was not hers.

Eventually he did return to sleep. But the whole experience unnerved him. He had never had such an experience before. Yet it was so real. Of course, it absolutely was a real “occult” experience.

Today, this client is as committed to this practice as his wife. In part because of this “occult” experience, but also because, in the 30 weeks since he started, he’s produced a tremendous amount of more prosaic, practical evidence proving this “you create your reality” business works.

So if you say this is “new age mumbo jumbo”, and you haven’t tested it yourself, under the tutelage of someone who knows what they’re doing, then you literally have NO IDEA what you’re talking about.

Which brings me right back to the point of this story.

I’m literally writing this post at a local park…at 9:38 am on a Thursday. I can do this because I know this “You create your reality” business works. It has enabled me to create income without a job. Where’s your evidence proving it doesn’t work? Oh, right. You don’t have any.

Truth: it’s enslavement, not freedom

The “truth” will not set you free, as the saying claims. Instead, if you align to a “truth” that doesn’t serve you, then “truth” will enslave you.

That’s right. There are many truths, not just one. There are as many truths as there are points of consciousness, making “truth” as diverse as the rest of All That Is.

For example, every Far Right Christian Nationalist who believes the world is against them experiences the enslavement I described above. So do all liberals who think Far Right Christian Nationalists are trying to turn their country into a dictatorship. Every Republican who believes the world is going wrong is equally enslaved. All these groups are enslaved to nearly the same truth, generalized by the statement “What other people think is important” and “they must think like I do.”

Like actual enslavement, getting out of truth’s enslavement isn’t easy. But it’s so worth doing! In doing so one literally can choose ANY truth. After all, ALL TRUTHS ENSLAVE. So it makes sense to pick ones whose enslavement serves us.

To better understand this, let’s look closely at what “truth” actually is. We’ll do that in the next section.

So what is truth?

It starts with vibration

Let’s use physics to figure that out. We’re not going to use science’s version of physics though. That will tell us nothing. Instead, let’s use the physics of spirituality.

I know, some readers will balk at this. But the problem is, science is based on the “truth” that an objective physical reality exists separate from us and is thus objectively observable by us, which is why science itself is enslaved, like many humans, in the bogus truth limiting all science seeks to understand. So let’s instead use the unlimited nature of spiritual physics, which is based on how the Universe actually works.

All “truth” begins as an idea. An idea is a thought. All thought is vibration. This should be obvious to everyone, so I won’t spend a lot of words trying to flesh that out. If you want to flesh it out, let’s do so in the comments.

What differentiates a thought that is “true” from one that is something other than that is the amount of attention points of consciousness give to the thought. Points of consciousness, of course, include more than human consciousness, but let’s just focus on the human type for now.

Human consciousness is purposefully very powerful. It’s also the source of nearly all our truths. Including many, many limiting ones.

The more attention we give to any thought, the more “true” it will become. That’s because giving attention to a thought adds manifesting momentum to that thought. That thought, plus the momentum, evolves that thought into further forward manifestation, until that manifestation becomes observably physical. When that happens, humans call that thought “true”.

So that’s how “truths” become so. And when truths become so, they impose limits on what’s possible. But only for those believing the truth.

A 4-minute mile? Impossible!

For example. Prior to 1954 very few humans thought it possible to run a mile in less than four minutes, even though many had done it “unofficially”. By “unofficially”, I mean the cis-white-het hegemony wouldn’t acknowledge those who had done it before, including a Pawnee called Big Hawk Chief who did so as early as 1876.

Indeed, one bastion of the cis-het world, The Harvard Business Review, tells the story of the 4-minute-mile “barrier” as a daunting limit…until it was surpassed, “for the first time” by white guy Roger Bannister in 1954. Indeed, the author describes how “experts” thought they knew the “truth”. Their collective opinions — their attention on the “truth” that the 4-minute mile threshold was indeed insurmountable — said that truth could only be breached under the right circumstances (another truth), circumstances prescribed by the very same experts:

“The experts believed they knew the precise conditions under which the mark would fall. It would have to be in perfect weather — 68 degrees and no wind. On a particular kind of track — hard, dry clay — and in front of a huge, boisterous crowd urging the runner on to his best-ever performance.”

Never mind that Big Hawk Chief had none of that. Nor did several others claimed to have ran faster miles before. Even Bannister’s accomplishment happened in conditions other than those experts prescribed.

The point is, “truth” is literally in the eye of the consciousness thinking the thought. And the more attention brought to that thought, the more true…and limiting…that truth will be.

“Truths” establish limits within which we live.

So pick truths that serve

And once that “truth” becomes true or observably physical, it’s exceedingly hard for those believing it to accept another idea. You can test this by trying to convince any MAGA enthusiast that “MAGA” is bullshit. For such people “MAGA” is true.

The North Carolinian who took an assault rifle to a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C. was convinced the “pizzagate” conspiracy theory was true. So true, he saw himself as a hero attempting to save children suffering under a criminal pedophilia ring. That “truth”, that thought became his reality. It enslaved him. So much so, he took action. Action that could have resulted in many deaths.

Every school shooter is enslaved by truth. So is every freedom fighter. We’re all enslaved by truths. The question then, is, what truth are we allowing to enslave us?

Which brings me to you, dear reader. What truth we allow to enslave us will either feel like bondage or liberation. It will make us feel fear and insecurity, or joyful freedom. We therefore must choose our truths with discernment.

We can’t be free of truth. That’s the paradox. We can only choose truths that make us free. Truths that serve us in other words.

Abraham laying it out plain.

Feeling bad is a sign

That sounds like circular logic, but many statements in the realm of spiritual physics sound that way because that’s how All That Is is. All That Is is self-referential!

You are a point of consciousness, here to express your unique perspective and in doing so create more of All That Is. You do that through creating truths: you attract vibrations resonant with what you are. Those vibrations become thoughts to you, which, when you put your attention/focus on them, you cause those thoughts to evolve into things, i.e. physical reality.

But if/when we accept other people’s opinions, which are their truths, not ours, then we become enslaved in those truths. We know when that happens because when it does we always feel bad.

That’s because we’re not here to enslave ourselves to others’ opinions, we’re here to create our own reality, one aligned with our truths. And in doing that, paradoxically, we give room for others to do the same. And when they take that room, the world and All That Is expands.

So suffering and struggle and worry and such are purposeful. They show us where we’re doing something we shouldn’t be doing. Something that doesn’t serve us. What we should do when that suffering happens, is look at what truth we’ve aligned with and give it up…in favor of our own.

How we do that is a subject I write about every week.

We not different

Now, I get how hard this can be. After all, we’re all needing money. We need housing, medical care. We all live in a nation of laws. Most of us believe money comes from jobs and to get one of those, we must please other people. But, believe it or not, all of that meta stuff is subject to our truths!

I’m queer and trans-attracted and a POC. I live in a nation of laws. Like you I require certain things. But all those things come to me with ease. I don’t have a job anymore and yet money comes to me in a fun, life-expanding way. I’m no different from you. IOW, you can create for yourself your version of what I enjoy. It’s not easy, at first, but you CAN do it.

If you ask me, it’s a way better life. And it’s a life that is in your best interest. Because when you create it, all your interests will be served with no effort on your part. My clients are discovering this. Including that CTO.

All That Is wants you to live your truths. That’s why when you live others’ truths you suffer. Suffering doesn’t have to feel like physical pain. It can feel like anxiety, depression, fear, insecurity and even anger or rage. None of those emotions feel good, which is why people use alcohol, weed, tobacco and other methods to soothe those feelings.

But appreciation, empowerment, hopefulness, joy and happiness do feel good. Very good. And when a person realizes and aligns with their truths, not others’, especially other people’s truths about money, religion and culture, then their life reflects all those positive emotions and then some. Their life also includes everything that person wants.

If you ask me, there’s no better life than that.

This Is How “Wishful Thinking” Really Works

Photo by Michel Grolet on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author asserts that the concept of “wishful thinking” is the basis of how the Universe works. They give an example of a client’s experience, someone who once considered killing themselves, but now is living a life they love. The author then suggests readers reconsider what they think “wishful thinking” is.

A lot of people call what I teach “wishful thinking”. They’re not being complimentary when they call it that.

I take it as a compliment though. I know “wishful thinking” works. When people use that phrase, they don’t really know what they’re talking about. Usually that’s because such people have never tried out this “You create your reality” business. Or, they have, but sabotaged the test. So they think this “business” doesn’t work.

But it does work 100 percent of the time. That’s why I’m stoked this week. I’m stoked because my clients are stoked. So many produced amazing (to them) manifestations showing them they create their realities. As a result all are amazed their “wishful thinking” produced exactly what they wished for.

Of course, I’m not amazed. This is just how the Universe works for each and every one of us.

But to see it working that way, we must believe that’s what’s happening. Otherwise we get what we see. That’s why “I believe it when I see it” cuts so many people off from a wonderful life. Being realistic, being serious, growing up and being an adult creates sucky lives. It’s better to “see it because I believe it”, like a child does. Then, we open the door and all we wish for flows into our lives.

Let’s take a look at the wonderful things clients produced this week and why I’m so stoked with their results. In this first of several posts, I’ll share Kevin’s story and how he went from wanting to kill himself to living his dreams.

Curmudgeon creates suck

Interestingly, all but one of these clients are long-timers. Two are going on their fourth year as clients. The third is on her second year. What’s also interesting is, the long-timers both started with extremely negative world-views. As a result, they had extremely negative lives.

And that’s just how it works. We can’t enjoy happy lives while being a curmudgeon about life. Negative beliefs about life create corresponding life experiences. The negativity needn’t be that strong either. Pessimism about life in general or a vague sense of annoyance about life or things in it – people, our political leaders, the climate – will give us lives that suck.

Of course, for most people that sucky life will just feel normal. That’s because such people grow accustomed to such a life. They don’t realize life is supposed to be fun and joyful, with everything we’re wanting happening in our lives all the time. Instead, they come to expect that things going wrong sometimes, is just normal. It’s not.

And, the longer we hold to that idea, the more momentum that focus gains. It’s no wonder then that many in old age face debilitating diseases and chronic pains. These aren’t the result of old age. They are the result of a long time suffering negative world views. I’m preparing a whole separate blog about the connection between thoughts and physical illnesses, a connection which science is [finally] acknowledging exists. Illness doesn’t come from no where. Our thoughts create them. Just like they create everything else we experience.

It’s not magic

Changing those negative world views and their corresponding momentum requires persistence and commitment. Creating our reality isn’t magic. We don’t go from unsatisfying life to joyful life in an instant. We first must soothe that negative momentum created from years of persistent negative thinking and believing. The good news is, soothing that old momentum doesn’t take as long as it took to create it. Forty or fifty years of chronic negative thinking can turn around quickly. But it doesn’t happen overnight. As I said, this “you create your reality” business isn’t magic.

That’s what these advanced clients are finding. And though it’s not magic, results they’re getting sure seem magical. It seems that way because none of these clients did ANYTHING in the world of action to create what you’re about to read. Instead, the Universe did it all for them. It did that as an expression of how worthy each of these clients are.

You are just as worthy. And since the Universe has unlimited creative capacity, you can enjoy any life you want. All that’s required is you lining up with it. Just like these clients did.

Now let’s take a look at the first client’s experience.

From suicide to stage

The first client I’m going to call Kevin. Kevin’s been a client more than four years. About three years in, he let his ego get the best of him and quit the practice in anger. He thought he could do the practice better without a guide. And while some can, most people cannot. Which explains why so many who try to prove to themselves this practice doesn’t work, get that result. Guidance from someone who knows how the practice works is essential.

(Above) “Kevin” realizing having guidance is essential. (Below) Kevin reacting to a session we had shortly after his return. This practice is powerful. It puts us in the driver’s seat of our lives better than anything I know.

When he first came to me, he struggled with suicidal ideation. That came from interpreting his childhood experiences in really negative ways, ways that had him hating himself. That caused all kinds of follow-on life experiences which reflected back to him his self-loathing. So much so, Kevin wanted to end it all.

But Kevin also came into the world to express leading edge human experience. His particular expression is on-stage performance. As an early-stage emerging comedian, he feels alive and invigorated. But his disempowering beliefs about his past and his doubling-down on negative interpretations of the follow-on life experiences had him instead indulging in drinking, whoring, pornography and angrily confronting and blaming friends and family until he found himself pretty much alone.

All the while he never developed a comedy routine.

Kevin’s destiny is being on stage. But first he had to create a better life-experience, which means thinking better-feeling thoughts. (Photo by Felix Mooneeram on Unsplash)

Transformed right before my eyes

All that started changing in the first part of our time to gather. But in the second half, Kevin was really ready. Changes came quite quick. Before long, my Broader Perspective told me he was ready to get on stage as a comedian for the first time. A little encouragement from me had him start preparing a five minute routine.

Some false starts ensued as his old negative momentum asserted itself. That happening is just part of the path. Old momentum asserting itself can act as booster rockets propelling us toward our desire. Most people don’t understand this though, so when old momentum asserts itself, most people will double-down on that, thus creating futures consistent with that old momentum.

For example, Kevin worried what people would think about his comedy. He worried about his mother’s criticism of him being a comedian. She told him he should stop dreaming and get a real job. These worries had Kevin doubt his path and believe his mother, which made him feel like shit, because he’s not meant to work a “real job”. With some help, Kevin figured this out.

So instead of collapsing into his old momentum and giving up on his dream, Kevin leaned in to his dream. By our next session, he read me a two minute version and….OMG…it was spectacular! It was funny, insightful, and relevant. Most of all it was hilarious. But what was really remarkable was how Kevin’s demeanor shifted as he read the routine. He became a totally different person! He was invigorated, excited, animated. His confidence poured out of him. After reading the routine, he couldn’t stand still. He paced around his apartment full of himself.

This is exactly what it feels like being in tune with our Broader Perspective. We are literally so full of ourselves, sitting still is impossible. We want to move, express, revel and bask. That’s what Kevin did the rest of our session.

Everything is possible for everyone

In the days that followed, Kevin sent me texts about how high-flying he was. It was a remarkable shift between how he expressed himself before. Instead of spending hours at the bar or watching porn as he used to, Kevin literally poured himself into his comedy routine, extending it to five minutes. The more he worked on it, the more confident he got. Here are some texts offering progress reports:

Kevin raving about his routine.

Kevin is for sure on the path to his deepest desire. And his artistic expression shows it. But even more evident is how he’s feeling. There’s nothing better than the feeling of joy and empowerment. They are the pinnacle of what’s possible for humans. From there, everything is possible.

I’m stoked at what Kevin has done. He’s literally gone from wanting to kill himself, to now being eager to get on stage and deliver his routine. I know he’s going to knock them dead…figuratively speaking of course!

Remember, none of this is special. Kevin’s experience can be anyone’s. It is everyone’s experience, even for those wanting to kill themselves. That’s because the Universe is ALWAYS reflecting back to us what we’re creating. And it’s “wishful thinking” that gets that ball rolling.

“Wishful thinking” is justice

A reader of my stories once said this “you create your reality” business is totally unjust. They couldn’t understand how people could experience such pain and struggle she sees around her as their created reality. I told her nothing is more just than getting exactly what you’re emanating. And when one tunes their emanations such that they match their desires, they get lives full of that — their desires. Nothing can be more just than that.

People just need to realize they’re at the center of their lives, creating it as they go along, either by default or deliberately. Most are doing it by default. But everyone can do it deliberately.

Next week, we’ll look at another awesome story of another client, this one also an artist, who used “wishful thinking” in a way that the Universe delighted them.

In the meantime consider rethinking what “wishful thinking” is for you. Doing so could create a life for you that you once thought impossible.

Because everything is possible for every one of us. Including you.