Photo by Frank Leuderalbert on Unsplash
TL;DR: The author tells how a client, who is a musician, relaxed in the face of a cancelled gig and, as a result of that relaxation, created a surprising and delightful outcome. The author also says “wishful thinking” is real, and can be used to create extraordinary lives, but only for those who know how it works.
Holy smokes. I might as well turn this series into a permanent thing. So many clients are getting happy results from their “wishful thinking”.
“Wishful thinking”, of course, is not what I call it. I call it the Positively Focused Way. “Wishful thinking” is what people who don’t know anything about what they’re talking about call this “you create your reality business.”
They’ve never tried it. Or if they have, they’ve done so under shoddy conditions, conditions which were bound to have them fail. Or they’ve tried it without someone helping them figure out how the “business” works, so they missed it actually working.
Meanwhile, lots of people, under the right circumstances and under a someone who knows this “business” are finding happy lives and happy life results putting this “wishful thinking” to work.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve written about two examples. You can read those stories here and here. I still have two more to share. This one is short but really sweet.
Let’s get to it.
In disbelief dreams are uncomfortable
This client I’ll call “Gus”. He’s been practicing this “you create your reality business” for 14 weeks. Through weekly sessions and the homework, he’s learning that the Positively Focused Way produces astonishing outcomes, just like I promise. Just like Abraham, Seth, Neville Goddard and many others promise also.
Gus is a musician. He performs covers at his local famers’ market. Like many musicians, he dreams about becoming successful and playing before thousands. However, Gus’ beliefs, like many, many artists of all kinds, block that success. Even though he’s already created that success for himself — that success awaits Gus in a probable future reality — which can be his future as soon as he lines up with it.
But 15 weeks ago, Gus didn’t realize any of this. That’s why he avoided his dreams. Thinking about them was too uncomfortable. Whenever he fantasized about being famous, his old beliefs would say “get real!” “be realistic!” and “grow up!” Then he’d imagine the thousands of artists, maybe hundreds of thousands, that aren’t successful at their art.
That lack of success he saw as his future. No wonder his dreams made him uncomfortable. He didn’t believe they’re possible.
Our itches will lead to joy
It’s true, of course, that many, many artists aren’t successful, if you measure success by how much income they get from their art. Yet, even by that measure, there are plenty who are successful. The only thing differentiating the latter from the former are the two groups’ beliefs.
That’s right. It’s not talent, contacts, “lucky breaks” or any other factor keeping a person from whatever success they want. The only thing doing that is what the person thinks and believes about being successful.
For example, Gus can not fathom how he could replace his current six-figure salary he gets working at a utility company. The reason why he can’t fathom it is because it’s not Gus’ job to figure out how that happens. That’s the Universe’s job. Gus’ job is to line up with his desire, feel good in doing that, which tells him something really important, then watch as the Universe delivers the probable future in which he swaps his utility salary for a performing one.
In the meantime, Gus hits farmers’ markets and the occasional spot gig to scratch the itch. Yes, it’s an itch. We know we have desires because those things catch our attention from time to time. They’re our Broader Perspective encouraging us in the direction of our joy.
But most of us will ignore those itches. Or worse; we’ll talk ourselves out of them in favor of living in “the real world” as one reader of my stories calls it.
Life just gets better and better
The thing is, there IS NO REAL WORLD out there. The only world we exist in is the world reflecting back to us our thoughts and beliefs. And if we believe that that world is full of disappointment and things we must confront and struggle against…well that is the world we see and experience.
Meanwhile, there are a ton of people living in other worlds. Worlds where life is easy. Where life is good. Worlds where people are happy and joyful. And in their happiness and joy, they’re getting everything they want effortlessly.
Gus is figuring out how to turn his current world into the world you just read about. It all starts with “wishful thinking”. When a person starts thinking wishful, their world instantly starts changing. Actually, what’s really happening is, the person begins phasing out of their current probable now, and phasing into an adjacent probable now. One aligned with all their desires. One where probable futures connected to that probable now contain all they desire. So the person’s life gradually gets better and better.
It doesn’t happen over night because this “you create your reality” business isn’t magic. But consistency and application of easy processes makes the phasing happen effortlessly.
The wife creates a better Gus
Gus started using those processes 14 weeks ago. In doing so, the Universe showed him all the beliefs he holds which keeps him in the reality he currently is reflecting back to himself. I won’t go into those details, but suffice it to say it was a life he didn’t want. It was so unsatisfying, he left his wife and considered killing himself.
Meanwhile, his wife, a 65-week client, used this “you create your reality business” to create a better version of Gus. As a result of her focus and intention, Gus changed his mind about killing himself, moved back into his marriage and is seeing that marriage blossom.
In fact, it was evidence his wife was producing in her way of being that had Gus try the Positively Focused Way in the first place. And she became a client because she saw her mother radically transform. Her mother is a 174-week client. The mom’s son also is a client. In fact, her mother’s intention and focus was that her children would begin practicing too. That’s happened.
So this “wishful thinking” stuff is powerful. It delivers everything one wants. Including ideal versions of people we interact with.
Ok, back to Gus.

Vibration attracts
He sent me an audio recording last week. It was two days after our session. He was super-stoked about what happened and wanted to share “the cool experience” he just had.
Gus said he had a gig scheduled at a local bar. But the owner called him to tell him they needed to cancel.
“They didn’t have enough patronage to cover what me playing there would incur for them,” he said in his message. Gus described how he used the Positively Focused Way to manage his emotions about this message. That’s crucial if one wants to have what one wants.
That’s because emotions act like a compass. They tell us in what direction we’re headed relative to our goals. Negative emotions tell us we’re heading in the opposite direction, generally speaking. Positive ones do the opposite. Emotions happen as a result of thoughts we think. Most people don’t understand this. They think emotions happen as a result of something that happens outside us.
That’s not what’s happening.
Emotions are physical manifestations of vibrational focus.
We are all energy that is aware. Like all energy, we vibrate and our vibration attracts. We set our vibration through focus and that focus creates thought, which is a forward evolution of vibration. Hold that thought long enough and it will manifest as an emotion. Keep holding that thought and the thought will manifest as physical reality becoming the reflection of the vibration we’re holding “in” us.
When it does that, most people will see the physical manifestation and think it happened randomly or coincidentally. That’s because they don’t know what you just read.
Events are not random nor coincidental.
The “fuck yeah” manifestation happens
All physical manifestation happens from our focus. And when we focus on what we don’t want, that’s what shows up in physical reality – which again is just a reflection of our inner vibrational state.
Ok, back to Gus’ message:
“I didn’t react [negatively],” he continues. “I was just like ‘hey, that makes sense, I’ll see you on the next one. It’s all good! I wasn’t feeling disappointed at all. It would have been cool to play and have engagement with those folks, but it will happen again.”
Not being upset, again, was critical. Gus did well here. It’s no surprise then what happened next.
The next day, Gus gets a text from someone who also plays at the farmers market. Gus describes what they said:
“[The message said], I have this person that wants me to play music for a private party but I can’t do it the day they’re looking for. Are you available and interested?” Gus explained.
Gus continued: “Long story short, I am going to play this gig for these people, and it’s going to be for more than [what I would make at the cancelled gig], for less time, and it’s amazing and I just wanted to share that all of this shit is so good; my feeling about [negative energy] and just like, vibrational alignment and stuff, I’m just watching all these things that are coming back to me…and it’s just like you said about thinking about [reality] like a game. It’s all free flowing, there are always other opportunities…Fuck yeah!”
It’s all a happy game
Gus’ experience is typical of all my clients. The world of “wishful thinking” is the world everyone wants to live. It creates “fuck yeah!” experiences all the time. But if we think “wishful thinking” is stupid, or that it’s “not a life strategy” like many, many people do, including that person who commented on my previous post, then such people live in lives that, in her words, suck.
I’m happy I don’t live in that world. My clients are finding new, happier worlds than that one exist too. One by one, they’re finding this “you create your reality business” not only results in happy worlds and happy lives, they allow one to live in any world one wants to live in.
That’s because we all are divine, eternal beings enjoying a human existence. One we tailor ongoingly to our desires through vibrational focus. For many, their existence comes filled with some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t want.
But that’s because they aren’t using the “you create your reality business” deliberately. Instead, they’re doing it unconsciously. So they don’t get what they want; they get what they focus on. And a lot of people focus more on what they don’t want than what they want.
When they start doing the latter though….wow. For those people, the world becomes, in Gus’ words a happy “fuck yeah!” game.