TL;DR: The author recounts a client dream which featured them and uses the experience to assert that humans are more than human. They are eternal aware-energy beings.
A lot happens in nonphysical. “Nonphysical” is a better description of what humans call “Dreaming”. In that state, while the body refreshes itself in bed, our consciousness flows into the exact same place we come from before birth and return to after what humans call death.
Our “consciousness” is what we ultimately are: conscious aware energy.
While the body rests in sleep state, the aware energy that we are cooperates with innumerable other energetic beings in the massive co-creation that is universal expansion. Nearly every human knows nothing about this. Even those we vaunt as successful and highly educated. Indeed most humans think dreams are nothing more than the brain processing the day’s activities.
Nothing can be further from what’s really happening.
What’s really happening is each of us participates in the sacred process of creating more and more of All That Is. In that sacred process, we glorify ourselves and each other in a massive act of love. A massive act of loving ourselves. And through that act, that expression, out of us spring more joyful, unfolding realities.
So when clients get to the point of the Positively Focused dream work where they start experiencing the majesty of what they really are, that indicates remarkable-worthy progress.
Let’s look at what happened this week when a client met me in nonphysical and what happened next. And let’s look at what that means for him, for me and for the Universe at large.
What happened
The client, let’s call him “Jim”, talked about his experience in the beginning of our session. It happened that same morning, in the early hours, he said. In the “dream”, Jim said, we both walked into a large hall. Jim said he was part of “my followers”. As we entered the hall, two other beings entered as well accompanied by their followers. In the dream Jim recognized me and the other two as “spiritual leaders”.
The three spiritual leaders, me and the other two, sat at a large table. Our followers, Jim said, sat behind each of us. Then the spiritual leaders talked about plans underway. After the conversation, the three of us also talked about next steps. Jim then described how the spiritual leader he interpreted as leading the meeting entrusted me and the other leader with next steps. He said the presiding leader exuded tremendous confidence that me and the other being would complete the project.
So that was the experience as Jim described it. What does it mean? What’s the significance of an experience like that, one that humans would describe as “just a dream”? Was it just that? Or was it something more?

It was something more.
This was an important experience for Jim. It also was an important experience for me. Here’s why.
Way more than our physical bodies
Jim’s experience represents the second event a client shared in which the client and I interacted in nonphysical. The first happened a few weeks ago, when a client in Hawaii confirmed my Astral Travel experience. In that experience, while in a hypnopompic state, that client felt my consciousness arrive in her awareness. She allowed me to ride into and alongside her consciousness and experienced “me” in her awareness.
This happened while I was, at the same time, in meditation. I felt my own version of what she described. And so this experience confirmed by another that I’m progressing in my ability to travel as pure energy. If you’re interested about that experience, I wrote a whole blog post about it.
The fact that a second client now experienced me in their nonphysical state shows great promise for these two clients and for me. It confirms for me that these experiences aren’t just delusions I’m experiencing. Indeed, as Seth affirmed, they are real, actual experiences available to all of us. Because all of us are way more than our physical bodies.

We are pure, positive energy beings, as Abraham likes to say. I, for one, took those words seriously, as well as those of Seth. So I’ve focused a lot of my life over the last 10 years to discovering how far this You Create Your Own Reality Business (YCYORB) goes. What I’m discovering is, it can go as far as we want it…limited only by our beliefs.
And this is the benefit of Jim’s experience for him. It’s showing him, like mine are showing me, the true breadth and depth of who and what we are. And the feelings coming with such experiences are astounding in how good they feel.
Unlimited benefits
Jim fascination with that dream matched my own. The details are important because they confirm many things Abraham told me about my trajectory.
A lot happens in nonphysical. Even when we’re awake, parts of us remain active in there. We can perceive that active part of us, but it takes practice. That’s only because most humans condition themselves out of believing they can perceive that way.
The same holds true for perceiving nonphysical while the body sleeps. Again, most people don’t believe dreams mean anything. Those beliefs must be soothed before we perceive what’s really happening. Jim is a perfect example of what happens when we do that soothing. So are my experiences.

Perceiving these alternative realities is our natural state. That’s why when I calm my mind, I can experience other dimensions in which I’m active. Of course, my awareness during sleep state is extremely keen. I remember a large number of dreams every night. And waking from them I feel the deepest joy and empowerment. I’ve written about those in previous posts. And I’ll likely write about more in the future.
The thing is, we are far more than human. Benefits that come from that broader awareness are unlimited. Through that awareness we can deliberately create any reality we want.
We’re all creators
Jim’s dream, as I wrote above, confirmed many things Abraham told me about my trajectory. I am an emissary of what’s possible. I’m here to show humanity what it’s capable of. And I’m here holding the space in which humanity is expanding.
I’m not the only one. As Jim’s “dream” showed, I’m accompanied and am co-creating with numbers of others, others who have cadres of humans here, on earth, assisting our collective intentions.
All of us have similar experiences. We may not all be “spiritual leaders” yet. Abraham, in a public event called me a “world leader”. It is a title I now embrace given all I’ve experienced. Like Neo in The Matrix, I now believe not only who I am but what I am and what I’m here for.
No, I’m beyond believing. I’ve experienced so much, I just know. I know what and who I am. And as I expand further into that knowledge, more and more becomes available. My expansion is boundless, as is yours, dear reader.
And so I invite you to discover what my clients and I are discovering: that the world is our creation. As such we can create whatever we desire. The only thing limiting us is our imagination. No political situation, no physical perceived limit holds sway. All of those bow before us.
Because we are creators. And when I appear in my clients’ dreams, they realize they are too.
Speaking of creators, you’re invited to a 90-minute online event on March 1 at 10 a.m. Pacific Time called Belief Constellations: Politics, Relationships And Our MAGNIFICENT Future. I’ll give a deep dive into what Belief Constellations are and how to use them to align with the fabulous future on the horizon. It’s only $15. Grab a spot, or, if you’re a MeetUp member, go here.