TLDR: This post delves into the concept of original sin in Christianity and its impact on individuals’ beliefs and actions. It questions the notion of sin and advocates for a shift in perspective. The writer offers support for those seeking to release themselves from disempowering beliefs.
In a recent Advanced Session Group session, the subject of Christianity came up. I wrote about one aspect of that conversation in a previous post. In this post, I’m exploring another aspect.
That aspect is Christianity’s idea of “original sin”.
The idea is that we are born into sin. It’s unavoidable. Because of that, Jesus died on the cross in atonement for that, and other, sins. His act, therefore, makes us right in God’s eyes.
Not all of us though.
Only those who believe in Jesus and Christian teachings get that grace. So a very large portion of the population exists outside of Jesus’ apparently selfless act of sacrifice.
In the Advanced Session Group meeting, one client, who is Christian, mentioned how her religion accords with the Positively Focused Way. But another client contested that. She pointed out two divergent and crucial ideas that are inconsistent with The Way: one was this idea of original sin. The other: that a god exists, separate from us, which we must curry favor from or be damned to hell. Forever.
Our essential flaw?
It’s extremely hard to feel secure with these two ideas in one’s head. Not only because both ideas distort what’s actually happening, but because both ideas can’t help but generate insecurity in ourselves.
We’re naturally going to have desires that fall outside Christianity’s prescribed bounds of behavior. Which is why so many Christians “fall” so often. Including Christian “leaders”. It’s inevitable that we’re going to want to go beyond what has been. That’s a basic tenet of All That Is: Continual expansion is its nature. And we are All That Is.
That desire to go beyond explains why gay and lesbian people exist. It’s why some are transgender and intersex. People who enjoy anal sex aren’t sinners. They’re expanding the consciousness of All That Is. And all these examples are just about sex! On every subject consciousness is constantly going beyond what has come before.
Now, it’s possible Christianity meant that we are all born into a world encouraging us to lose our connection with our Broader Perspective. That, for sure, is accurate. One definition of “sin” does mean “to miss the mark” after all. And when we’re displacing our Broader Perspective knowledge with what other humans teach us, we miss the mark. We can’t rendezvous with our unfolding desires, unfolding on their own for our benefit.
This is not what Christianity espouses, however. There’s an essential flaw in humans, it says. It’s this sin.
A more accurate picture
So what’s really happening when a human comes into the world? Is it really a “fallen” act?
Coming into physical reality is a divine, blessed and courageous act. Here divine beings of limitless ability choose to incarnate into perceived limitation. They make the choice because doing so, they know, will expand All That Is. So the very act of coming here expands All That Is! How can that be sinful?
Pro tip: It’s not.
As we said, however, most who do come here get off track. They miss the mark in their focus. Instead of remembering they are eternal beings, they buy into what they’re sold. Their parents, teachers and siblings put on sales pitches. So does society at large. In fact, nearly everything in physical reality perpetuates distortion.
Not everything, of course. This blog, for example, espouses the universal law-based premisses that form existence on this plane. Some movies do too. As does some music. Other forms of art do as well.
Animals, plants and other points of consciousness do too. Which is why life continues happening on this planet. In fact there’s far more going right on Earth than that which humans think is going wrong.
Real freedom from sin
Original sin, then, is a distortion. But it’s a powerful one. It enjoys the momentum of an entire religion. Several actually. So what can a person do? How can one free themselves from this automatic damnation?
It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus as your savior.
The idea of Original Sin is a belief. It’s an idea. As a result, it’s going to create associated realities. Most of those realities are going to be unwanted, because the whole idea of Original Sin is contrary to how the Universe works. And things in opposition to how the Universe works, generally, produce undesirable outcomes.
So the way out of all this is displacing the belief in Original Sin with a better-feeling belief. Beliefs begin as thoughts. Held long enough, those thoughts will become beliefs. But first, the thinker must soothe momentum of existing beliefs. Did I write above that Original Sin as an idea enjoys tremendous momentum?
I did.
That means it’s going to take a while to extricate oneself from realities consistent with Original Sin. Including the reality of an underlying sense of insecurity. My client who is Christian is slowly making her way through unraveling this. But it’s going to take a while.
In the mean time, she sees a lot of progress on other subjects. So much so that evidence is bolstering her determination to let go of her Christian beliefs. Beliefs she believes shape the foundation of her life.
Right now they do do that. And in doing that, they create a lot of emotional turmoil for my client. She’s beginning to see that. That’s a good thing.
Moving beyond Original Sin is possible
Another client faces a similarly trajectory. But his orientation to Christian belief is much more traumatic. He’s queer. And, of course, much of the Christian Religion says that, too, is a sin. So he’s struggling letting go of that judgement he’s taken on as his own self-condemnation, while also rejecting the whole concept of hell, damnation and sin. But it’s taking him a long, long time to free himself from that momentum.
It can be done though. My clients prove it’s possible. It’s not easy though. Which is why someone like me can be a great help. Want help freeing yourself from such disempowering beliefs? I’m around.