Life Can Be Filled Only With Great, Awesome Things

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

TLDR: The author asserts that brainwashing is a good thing. Ridding the brain of negative beliefs creates a corresponding increase in positive experiences, says the author, until life becomes an ongoing, ever-getting-better experience.

“In every life a little rain must fall.”

“Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies.”

“We must take the good with the bad.”

Certainly these “pearls of wisdom” sound familiar. For sure we can think of many others. They all convince people that they must accept the facts: There will always be experiences they won’t like.

What’s curious is, those who don’t accept these beliefs don’t experience experiences they don’t like.

That’s right. Some, to use another pearl of wisdom “have their head in the cloud.” Doing that, they discover what I’m writing about today: that in their life, only good shows up.

Yep. That’s right. Life needn’t contain a SINGLE negative thing. Hard to believe but it’s 100 percent true. I should know: I’m living that life. My clients are increasingly doing the same.

So how can this be? Are people who live like I live brainwashed? Are their heads in the sand? Or is something else more profound happening?

Let’s take a look.

Brainwashing: A good thing

For sure things that seem inherently bad happen. When they happen, though, are they really bad? And how do people living similar to me and my clients interpret such happenings? These are good questions.

To answer them, let’s take a look at “brainwashing”. At first is sounds like a bad thing. But, like bad things happening, maybe there’s a different way to look at that concept. Maybe there’s a more empowering way to look at “brainwashing”.

First, the word itself. “Washing” the “brain” sounds like a great thing. Is washing our bodies a bad thing? Of course not. When we bathe we’re removing dirt and grime. We’re removing old skin cells and other material from our bodies. We’re removing things we no longer want on us. After a bath or shower, we often feel refreshed. So we typically want to bathe or wash frequently.

The same can be true for washing the brain. In washing the brain, we’re removing things we don’t want in us. So what do we not want in us? Well, those who’ve shown themselves enough evidence that thoughts create reality don’t want in them thoughts creating realities they don’t want. Washing the brain, therefore, is a great thing. And, just as with bathing our bodies, after the brain is washed of those unwanted things, we feel refreshed. We feel refreshed mostly because, when thoughts creating realities we don’t want are washed away, our reality reflects that pure, clean inner state back to us. That reflection is one including only great, awesome things.

So brainwashing is a great thing. It gets a bad rap though because of the word’s common context: when an authority does it to a hapless victim.

It’s in our best interest to wash our brains. (Photo by David Maltos)

Context matters

What’s interesting though is, this common context is humans’ everyday experience. They’re constantly subjected to authorities conditioning their inner state with thoughts. Thoughts that, if they thought about them, they wouldn’t want in there.

By “authorities” I’m not only talking about bosses and politicians, teachers and parents and church leaders. I’m also referring to the media, commercial marketing, and society in general, what I call “the peanut gallery.”

I’m sure you’re familiar with most of those “authoritative” sources. But let me give you an example of how “the peanut gallery” can exert powerful influence on people’s inner state.

Two of my clients recently experienced different negative situations. While both situations are different, the origin of those situations was the same. The first client was experiencing extreme mental and emotional abuse from her daughter. I won’t give details, but, believe me, the daughter’s treatment of her mother was horrendous…by human standards. The second client struggled with his self-torment. He believed he must suffer in his marriage rather than create one that works for him. He suffered so much he contemplated killing himself. But the same origin of his suffering kept him from doing that. I’ll clarify that in a moment.

First, however, let’s look at the client with a hellion of a daughter.

A hellion of a daughter

Extremely positive reasons are responsible for my client birthing a child-devil. I won’t get into those reasons though because that’s not the point of this post. After years of this young lady savagely abusing my client, my client finally had had enough. Of course, anyone who loves themselves would have ended that relationship decades ago and handed the imp to her father.

What kept my client sticking to all this abuse? The Peanut Gallery, aka other people’s opinions. Beliefs like “A good mother never deserts her child” and “Mothers should love their children no matter what” and “You can’t leave your daughter, that would make you a bad mother” and “What kind of mother would do that?”

Now read this carefully: what’s really interesting was other people in my client’s life were telling her she should cut ties with the daughter. So where were “other people’s opinions” coming from? That’s right! They were all in my client’s head! Her own beliefs, in other words.

But they aren’t really “hers”. Well, they are, but that’s not where they came from. She allowed herself to believe these beliefs as a result of living life and allowing herself to “take in” or conclude beliefs based on her experience. Her experience with all those other authorities I mentioned above including a not-so-good upbringing from similar-minded parents.

So “the peanut gallery” typically isn’t actual people telling us what to do or not do, although it can be. It usually is, however, our own thoughts we use to judge ourselves in advance for behavior we’re inspired to take. We’re inspired to take that action because it will make life better for us. But we often talk ourselves out of taking that action.

Let’s look now at the second client.

Frozen to the point of suicide

He too, has a Peanut Gallery going on and on in his head. What he really wanted at the time was a different marriage. He considered divorce, but his Peanut Gallery wouldn’t allow that. “I have to stick it out” and “I’d be a bad person to divorce her” and “what kind of husband deserts his wife, especially one who doesn’t work and is ill?” all racked his brain.

The problem was as he stayed in the marriage, thinking thoughts amplifying his negative experience, he got to thinking about ending it all. But even there, the Peanut Gallery stopped him. Thoughts like “What would people think if I did that?” and “What would my wife do? She’d be devastated” froze him in his tracks.

Now, suicide is not a bad thing. It’s like the death penalty, which isn’t bad either. When a person dies, whether at their own hands or the hands of another, they return to nonphysical, are instantly removed from their suffering and return to a state of sublime bliss. So it makes total sense a person in deep despair, pain or other intense suffering would make that choice.

There are other ways to relieve such suffering, however, which my client now is realizing. He’s no longer thinking about leaving his marriage or killing himself. But what’s really interesting is, as he washes his brain free of his Peanut Gallery, he’s finding an interesting experience: happiness and empowerment. Even with his marriage not changing a bit.

Empowerment is intoxicating

The first client too got a glimpse of that extremely liberating state that is empowerment. After she washed her brain free of disempowering beliefs, I asked her “how would you feel after cutting ties with your daughter?”

She immediately answered with one word: “Relief”.

Now relief isn’t the greatest, but it’s a start. And after amplifying her awareness of how much better her life could be without her daughter in it, she too found herself empowered. Empowered enough to take the action.

She’s still getting ready to take that action. But more than ever before, she’s seeing not only the wisdom of that new thought, she’s also feeling more and more the empowerment that will be increasingly hers after she takes it.

Empowerment is so intoxicating. It’s rarely felt by humans. But it’s supposed to be our natural state as we move through life experience.That partly explains its intoxicating nature; it feels so good because it’s so rarely felt. Even when it’s felt for a while though, it can become addicting: once one gets a taste no other life condition will do.

And when a person lives in that state for a while, life must reflect that state back to them in the form of ever improving life situations. Is must, because that’s what life is: a reflection of our inner state.

Everything is good

And that’s why I assert that life can only contain good things. That and because I’m living the experience. My clients are living that experience too, increasingly. It all happens when we wash our brains of thoughts life reflects back to us making us see the bad things happening.

Now there are two things to note about this phenomena: one, bad things do happen. We see them every day. But those things needn’t be interpreted as bad. Being able to see them as good is possible.

For example, if you know what you’ve read here, we could say such things, when they happen, happen because the person they happen to is figuring out through life feedback how to think better. Two, just because they happen to others doesn’t mean they must happen to us. In other words, this time-space reality is filled with VARIETY. Variety of EVERYTHING. Including life experience.

Abraham sharing their wisdom.

And that’s another way we can wash our brains, thus enabling us to see only good: by recognizing that that variety is a great thing. Not only does it act as feedback for us, but it also allows us to select from the variety experiences we want to have.

Now, it takes a while to produce such a life because others have trained us into accepting that “In every life a little rain must fall” and “Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies” and “We must take the good with the bad.” But once we wash our brains of those thoughts, we discover a new world dawning. And in that bright light of dawn we find our bliss. The bliss of empowerment.

Why Client Results Are So Powerful And Life Changing

TLDR: The author explains why every client gets the same life-changing results by practicing positivity; through the power of their improved thoughts, they prompt All That Is to reflect back to them improved lives. Then the evidently-improved lives convince them to practice more, triggering a “virtuous spiral” of life-changing improvement. The author argues every person inherently possesses the ability to create the life they desire.

A powerful reason explains why every client eventually gets near identical, consistent results through the Positively Focused practice. It’s because the practice is based on how the Universe actually works.

It’s based on how the Universe actually works and how humans interpret being in it. Essentially what the practice does is lessen influence coming from beliefs contrary to how the Universe works. When that happens, the results promised show up automatically.

That’s because they’re already there, happening automatically. But contrary beliefs will conceal them. Or they cause the automatic function to create experience confirming those beliefs. When that happens, people get confused about what’s happening.

And when that happens, people become hopelessly inured to believing the physical world is separate from them.

Interpreting through he best narratives possible

They’ll think the Universe is separate from them and a random collection of events. Some will believe this life is all we have. Still others may believe they can’t have what they want because the world is random and beyond their control. The’ll see only evil people getting what they want; often at the expense of others. So they’ll conclude life is not fair.

Underlying all those inaccurate beliefs operates a highly consistent system comprising All That Is. That system is biased towards great abundance, positivity and joy. And it will deliver anything a point of consciousness focuses on because of that. Even if that consciousness— a human for example — consistently focuses on what it doesn’t want, that’s what the All That Is will deliver.

Which argues for interpreting this reality in the most positive narratives possible.

In the Positively Focused practice we show people how to do that, among other things. As they master this, they uncover their divinity: their powerful ability to create reality then comes under their conscious control. Then they realize that, no, reality is NOT separate from them, nor is it random.

From there everything is possible.

Questions holding people back

This process can be diagrammed. In graphic form it appears very simple. At mastery levels, it sure looks simple. But in practice, that simplicity only comes with consistent, determined practice. It’s not “hard work”. But it does take applying one’s in self every moment.

The diagram below shows the trajectory common to all clients. It starts with accepting that one has many vibrational frequencies serving to dampen one’s natural high speed vibration. Along or associated with this dampening effect are thoughts common to nearly all beginners.

They come out as questions and objections, usually about topics beginners aren’t ready to fully understand. They ask, for example, how is it that a human would choose to be born with a life-shortening disease. Or, why would someone choose to be born in war-torn countries. Clients usually also hold disempowering thoughts about money, thoughts that bind them to the working world; because they believe money only comes from jobs, and that they must trade their time or intelligence in a job to get money.

These questions and disempowering beliefs nearly everyone holds. But beginning Positively Focused clients, when they start looking at life through the practice, begin questioning those assumptions. When they do, interesting things start happening.

(1) Clients start in a status quo life. This life contains some of what they want and some of what they don’t want. But their dreams, those things they really want, remain elusive. (2) Then they start the Positively Focused practice. From there, (3) evidence is almost immediate. That evidence triggers improved moods, which trigger more evidence of improved lives (4). Along this point (5) life begins dramatically improving, and that improvement is never ending, nor does it have an upper limit. Here also is where clients begin soothing their fear of death (6). Evidence is overwhelming that they are eternal. Life gets better and better, and dreams they had once given up on become realized. Gradually, clients’ lives take on the magical quality I call the Charmed Life (9).

The fear of death

The biggest challenge is people’s fear of death. That fear expresses itself in many forms. Someone who believes time is running out for them fears death. A woman who at 42 believes she’s getting too old to find a partner fears time running out. Another who believes he’s too old to follow his dreams also fears running out of time, or, dying before he can “make it”.

But death is not real. Death is a moment in the endless eternity we all are. It’s no different than walking from inside a home, out into the bright light of the day. But philosophers, religions our friends and families and civilization at large convince us death is something worth fearing. All the while, we don’t realize that fear tells us something that, if we knew that thing, we wouldn’t fear that death at all.

Almost immediately, once attention is brought to these thought distortions, the client manifests for themselves highly convincing evidence proving these distortions as distortions. Since it happens in their daily life, the evidence can’t be denied. Maybe one or two experiences can be explained away as coincidence.

But when these experiences come in plentiful numbers, the client must then start examining what they really believe. Even a small shift in one’s vibration will trigger this experience. That’s because All That Is wants us knowing what we really are. It wants us knowing what this reality is really made of (thoughts turned into things).

So that evidence begins cracking the shell of disbelief. Disbelief that once created “truths” consistent with it. The more that happens, the higher frequency the client starts vibing to. Soon they get to a point where their life gets so good, they begin (emphasis on “begin”) to relax. This state of relaxation is crucial.

Who wouldn’t want a better life?

But when they reach that crucial stage, life reflects more and more their improved vibration. In time, their life gets WAY better than before. Friends and family members start noticing. They may even want to become clients.

And as life reflects more and more their improved vibration, clients then want even more. So they practice more. That’s the virtuous cycle inherent in the practice. It’s the same virtuous cycle that is inherent in All That Is, which is why All That Is is biased towards great abundance, positivity and joy. The more of that that happens, the more of that happens.

By the time clients see evidence all around them that this is how the Universe is, they have made their reality consistent with their improved beliefs. What really happened is the same thing that was happening before starting the practice, only it was happening in-deliberately back then: They formed beliefs, then held those beliefs long enough for reality to prove the beliefs “true”.

If you understood that last sentence, then you can see that every person is capable of creating any reality they want. It starts with their thoughts. From there, life starts “life-ing”; all that is begins moving in the direction of the trajectory initiated with those thoughts. The more that person holds those thoughts, the more energy flows, until those thoughts must turn to things.

That’s a powerful outcome. It’s an outcome that changes lives. It’s an outcome that can literally change people we interact with. And that’s why clients’ results are so powerful and life changing. They literally change lives for the better.

And who wouldn’t want a better life?

The False Truth The Bible Makes Christians Believe

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

TLDR: The story looks at how the film “1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture” reveals that a mistranslation in the Bible to include “homosexual” has deeply affected LGBTQ perception within Christianity. This error, from a 1946 translation team, has fueled generations of discrimination, despite evidence challenging its legitimacy. This story also looks at the intersection of faith, belief, and the potentially transformative power of reexamined truths.

Some Christians will dispute this, but the Bible itself seems clear on the issue: God hates gays. At least that’s what Christian evangelicals will tell us. As does the Bible. I mean, it’s clearly stated many, many times throughout the “good book”.

But does god really hate gays? Or is something else afoot, like human error?

I’ve always seen the Bible as something other than the word of god. It can’t be the word of god because god didn’t write the Bible. No matter how a theologian will try explaining it, god did not pen the Bible. Man did.

This post is about a new documentary I watched. It’s called 1946The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture. The film takes on one of the biggest bombshells Christianity dropped on humanity and the massive destruction that bomb created.

Well, not really “Christianity”. It was “some Christians” who dropped it. The problem is, what they dropped shaped the world we see today. One where a lot of Christians don’t act very Christian. One where a lotta Christians persecute LGBTQ people, believing they’re doing “god’s work”.

Let’s dive in.

The original intent was pure

The film is great. It offers extremely compelling evidence supporting its contention. Its contention is the white, presumably straight, men who translated the most popular versions of the Bible got it wrong when translating two critical terms. While translating the Bible from Greek to English, they conflated those two terms to mean “homosexual”. Then, publishers used that conflation to fill the entire Bible with the word “homosexual”, thus creating the weaponized version many evangelical lay persons and their leaders use to condemn LGBTQ people today.

The difference that conflation created sent human civilization on a totally different trajectory than if that translation error never happened.

Not only does the film offer proof, it offers proof that’s extremely compelling. Turns out 20 white men in 1946 were translating the Bible from Greek. I believe all these men were theologians. It’s clear from factual examination of these men’s own notes that their intentions were pure. After the conflation happened, however, another man saw the group’s translation. This other man happened to also be a theologian.

But something else about this guy made him the perfect person to get involved: he also was gay. And he also was a pastor.

This person wrote a letter to the group. He urged them to reconsider the conflation. What’s amazing, given today’s Christian perspective on gays, is the group’s leader was super interested in this guy’s opinion. The two exchanged extremely cordial letters about the conflation. In the end, the group leader agreed with the gay pastor: the translation was wrong.

A question that can change the world. From the film’s website.

Sacrosanct words meet politics

However, our process-driven society amplified the problem. Some years would pass before revised translations could get published. In those years, publishers published two other versions of the Bible. Those versions contained the mistranslation.

Then Billy Graham and Jerry Falwell popularized those translations. Right about this time, Ronald Reagan became president. Politics and Christian values birthed the Religious Right. And that was all she wrote.

Needing a foil to keep Christians agitated and engaged, the Politicized Religious Right focused on gays as “the enemy”. Right around this time AIDS happened. AIDS was the perfect example of homosexual depravity. The Religious Right claimed AIDS was divine retribution for homosexual sin. Momentum took over from there.

This explains why, today, the Bible contains the word “homosexual”. Accurately translating those two words would put the Bible in a completely different standing on gay people. Proof the documentary offers attesting to this is undeniable. Unless you believe the Bible is the word of god.

And yet, many Christians will not consider this proof. Even though it comes directly from the men who did the translations. Again, many Christians believe the book is the word of god. It is therefore infallible. They don’t consider these words the words of man, translations prone to error.

The power of belief and momentum

The film maker’s family shows how powerful belief in the book as the word of god can be. The film maker is lesbian. Her father is an evangelical pastor. He swears the Bible is the word of god. As such, he believes what the Bible says about homosexuals. Even when presented with proof documentarians found, he’s unwilling to budge. It’s the word of god, he says. End of story.

Not only does this pastor’s example show how powerful Christian belief is, even when it’s based on distortion, it also shows how powerful beliefs in general are. Beliefs and momentum literally create our realities. So many Christians believe like this pastor does. Other pastors believe this too. And they pass that belief on to their flock, using oratory fire and brimstone, thereby creating even more fervent believers.

And so generations have believed this false truth as truth. Generations of congregations and generations of Christian leaders too.

Even some gay Christians find themselves believing. They can’t reconcile who they know themselves to be with what their religion tells them. Indeed a central figure in the film is another theologian. Like the pastor who challenges the conflation, this central figure is gay. At one point, inner conflicts drove him to nearly kill himself. In the film he says his life is significantly diminished compared to what it could be had the Bible not been translated the way it was. He claims the Bible destroyed his ability to form intimate bonds with people.

Our beliefs matter. They literally shape reality. Some literally shape society and culture. They are not trifling matters. Decades have passed with many tragedies happening because of this one translation error. A translation error picked up and weaponized by fanatical politicians as well as religious fanatics.

There’s hope

And yet, this documentary can potentially alter our future. I’m holding space for it to reach those who can do something about this egregious sin perpetrated by so many who have come before us. So many claiming to be Christian.

I also hold space for people to watch the film. Some of it is hard to watch. Especially interactions between the film maker and her father. I know after his transition, he’s going to be shocked when he discovers how wrong he was.

And yet, I must offer both the father and the film maker kudos. Despite this enormous difference between them, they maintain a relationship. One seemingly based on love and….tolerance of one another….if not outright acceptance. That’s not something I could do.

I prefer a life where life is peaceful and joyful. People with gross distortions, such as the film maker’s father, don’t appear in my life.

I like it that way.

Whether you’re Christian or gay or otherwise, watch this film. It’s powerful.

How To Destroy The Scary Old Trope Called ‘Original Sin’

Photo by Jack B on Unsplash

TLDR: This post delves into the concept of original sin in Christianity and its impact on individuals’ beliefs and actions. It questions the notion of sin and advocates for a shift in perspective. The writer offers support for those seeking to release themselves from disempowering beliefs.

In a recent Advanced Session Group session, the subject of Christianity came up. I wrote about one aspect of that conversation in a previous post. In this post, I’m exploring another aspect.

That aspect is Christianity’s idea of “original sin”.

The idea is that we are born into sin. It’s unavoidable. Because of that, Jesus died on the cross in atonement for that, and other, sins. His act, therefore, makes us right in God’s eyes.

Not all of us though.

Only those who believe in Jesus and Christian teachings get that grace. So a very large portion of the population exists outside of Jesus’ apparently selfless act of sacrifice.

In the Advanced Session Group meeting, one client, who is Christian, mentioned how her religion accords with the Positively Focused Way. But another client contested that. She pointed out two divergent and crucial ideas that are inconsistent with The Way: one was this idea of original sin. The other: that a god exists, separate from us, which we must curry favor from or be damned to hell. Forever.

Our essential flaw?

It’s extremely hard to feel secure with these two ideas in one’s head. Not only because both ideas distort what’s actually happening, but because both ideas can’t help but generate insecurity in ourselves.

We’re naturally going to have desires that fall outside Christianity’s prescribed bounds of behavior. Which is why so many Christians “fall” so often. Including Christian “leaders”. It’s inevitable that we’re going to want to go beyond what has been. That’s a basic tenet of All That Is: Continual expansion is its nature. And we are All That Is.

That desire to go beyond explains why gay and lesbian people exist. It’s why some are transgender and intersex. People who enjoy anal sex aren’t sinners. They’re expanding the consciousness of All That Is. And all these examples are just about sex! On every subject consciousness is constantly going beyond what has come before.

Now, it’s possible Christianity meant that we are all born into a world encouraging us to lose our connection with our Broader Perspective. That, for sure, is accurate. One definition of “sin” does mean “to miss the mark” after all. And when we’re displacing our Broader Perspective knowledge with what other humans teach us, we miss the mark. We can’t rendezvous with our unfolding desires, unfolding on their own for our benefit.

This is not what Christianity espouses, however. There’s an essential flaw in humans, it says. It’s this sin.

Nearly all our god concepts suffer from enormous distortions. Including Christianity’s version.

A more accurate picture

So what’s really happening when a human comes into the world? Is it really a “fallen” act?

Coming into physical reality is a divine, blessed and courageous act. Here divine beings of limitless ability choose to incarnate into perceived limitation. They make the choice because doing so, they know, will expand All That Is. So the very act of coming here expands All That Is! How can that be sinful?

Pro tip: It’s not.

As we said, however, most who do come here get off track. They miss the mark in their focus. Instead of remembering they are eternal beings, they buy into what they’re sold. Their parents, teachers and siblings put on sales pitches. So does society at large. In fact, nearly everything in physical reality perpetuates distortion.

Not everything, of course. This blog, for example, espouses the universal law-based premisses that form existence on this plane. Some movies do too. As does some music. Other forms of art do as well.

Animals, plants and other points of consciousness do too. Which is why life continues happening on this planet. In fact there’s far more going right on Earth than that which humans think is going wrong.

That which is god is not separate from us. And it’s only love. Only Love.

Real freedom from sin

Original sin, then, is a distortion. But it’s a powerful one. It enjoys the momentum of an entire religion. Several actually. So what can a person do? How can one free themselves from this automatic damnation?

It has nothing to do with accepting Jesus as your savior.

The idea of Original Sin is a belief. It’s an idea. As a result, it’s going to create associated realities. Most of those realities are going to be unwanted, because the whole idea of Original Sin is contrary to how the Universe works. And things in opposition to how the Universe works, generally, produce undesirable outcomes.

So the way out of all this is displacing the belief in Original Sin with a better-feeling belief. Beliefs begin as thoughts. Held long enough, those thoughts will become beliefs. But first, the thinker must soothe momentum of existing beliefs. Did I write above that Original Sin as an idea enjoys tremendous momentum?

I did.

That means it’s going to take a while to extricate oneself from realities consistent with Original Sin. Including the reality of an underlying sense of insecurity. My client who is Christian is slowly making her way through unraveling this. But it’s going to take a while.

In the mean time, she sees a lot of progress on other subjects. So much so that evidence is bolstering her determination to let go of her Christian beliefs. Beliefs she believes shape the foundation of her life.

Right now they do do that. And in doing that, they create a lot of emotional turmoil for my client. She’s beginning to see that. That’s a good thing.

Moving beyond Original Sin is possible

Another client faces a similarly trajectory. But his orientation to Christian belief is much more traumatic. He’s queer. And, of course, much of the Christian Religion says that, too, is a sin. So he’s struggling letting go of that judgement he’s taken on as his own self-condemnation, while also rejecting the whole concept of hell, damnation and sin. But it’s taking him a long, long time to free himself from that momentum.

It can be done though. My clients prove it’s possible. It’s not easy though. Which is why someone like me can be a great help. Want help freeing yourself from such disempowering beliefs? I’m around.

Thank “God” We’re All Eternal. That Makes Life Awesome.

The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo (Public Domain)

This week in the Positively Focused advanced practice group session, clients and I came upon a surprising view of humanity. It gave me a greater level of appreciation that we’re all eternal.

The conversation started with a client’s question about being a foster parent. Often, foster children she takes in come from difficult situations. Some worse than others. The client shared how she encourages these kids to “buck up”. She said she instills a sense of responsibility, of them needing to get up each day and overcome their laziness.

It was an awesome prompt. One that clarified for all of us how humanity perpetuates civilization-wide beliefs. Beliefs that discourage connection with our eternal selves. Beliefs perpetuating the world we see around us.

It’s a miracle humanity thrives the way it does while holding such beliefs. Especially given how unconscious we are of the power of our eternal nature. Without that eternal nature, humanity would have burned out long, long ago.

That’s why I thank “God” we’re all eternal. Of course, we’re all god in human form. So I’m actually thanking you, me and everything else. That includes animals, insects, plants and even “inanimate” matter, all of which is quite conscious and also god in physical form.

We can express our creative powers…now

Our divine natures is what makes humanity thrive. Indeed, it’s so powerful, it creates from the worst of us, the best of us. It creates the very futures later generations enjoy. Which explains why civilization improves generation after generation. Our worst moments, mass shootings or war, for example, are seeds of those futures.

But we don’t need tragedies creating better futures. Better futures can come out of joy too. Humanity still has a way to go to understand this. That’s ok, though because we’re all eternal. We have plenty of time to learn this.

But you and I can enjoy better futures today. We don’t need to wait generations. Nor need we suffer through tragedies. Human experience is recursive. What happens at macro levels, happens in identical ways at micro levels. So we individuals can create improvement for ourselves. Even while those around us struggle.

In doing so, we become shining examples of what’s possible. That’s the altruistic aspect of learning we’re god in human form. By transforming our lives into the Charmed Life, we live as examples for others. Then others, inspired by our example, strive for their Charmed Life.

Because we’re god in human form, we enjoy eternity and invincibility. There’s no doubt about this. Evidence is everywhere. But seeing it requires looking where the evidence is. That’s the conundrum.

Because if we don’t believe we’re eternal, that evidence escapes us. It’s there. We just don’t see it. To see it, we must believe it’s there. That’s because, as gods in human form, our creativity gets expressed in how we think and believe.

We are the “gods” creating life.

We forget…on purpose

When we come to earth, we come from some place. In that place we know our eternal nature. Of course, entering earthly existence requires blanking out that knowing. It also requires blanking out knowledge that earthly existence is as insubstantial as any other created reality. How else are we to take it as serious if we don’t do that? We must feel life on earth as real, all it’s dangers, all its tragedies, to enjoy the purpose of putting ourselves in the experience in the first place. So we forget our eternal status and accept earthly existence as all there is.

We needn’t KEEP forgetting though. Indeed lots of clues exist on earth to remind us what we forgot on purpose. This post, for example, is a clue.

Many enlightened people live alongside us. They offer clues too. Most of those folks aren’t famous. And they don’t push what they know on us. They remind us only when we’re ready.

Most of humanity, however, never gets ready. So they miss the clues. They see those enlightened people…and ignore them. Meanwhile, their insecurity focuses them on believing and doing what they’ve been told to believe and do. What they’ve been told then is what guides people for much of their lives, if not all of it.

Perpetuating the mediocre

The trick of human existence is a lot of us get stuck in the forgetting. Thank god we’re eternal though. That gives us all the time in the world to figure out the trick. Still, getting stuck believing earthly life is all there is becomes practically problematic. It causes us to miss life’s incredible offerings. Instead, we focus on life’s challenges. Doing so, we foster insecurity within us.

Then, as parents, we pass that insecurity on to the next generation. That generation does the same. We pass on bogus beliefs about life. But those beliefs, like all beliefs, create reality consistent with them. So it seems true that we should, for example, work hard. It seems true that we shouldn’t be lazy. It seems true people should earn a living. It’s just a fact that things aren’t free. Some are lucky, but I’m not, we think. There are rich and famous people, but I can’t be one. Etcetera, Etcetera.

Life then becomes mediocre for most of humanity. We enjoy it because that’s our nature. People will adapt to nearly any condition.

But we’re not here to adapt! We’re here to cause reality to adapt to our desires! After all, even when we adapt, that’s what’s happening. We believe “this is the way life is”. That belief creates reality consistent with it. Then we live in that reality, accepting it’s “true” while not knowing we created it. Not knowing life can be different.

In this way we perpetuate mediocre. We teach it to our kids. Then they do the same to their children. Then human civilization gets better, but at a much slower pace than it could.

But we individuals, at any time, can do life differently. We can remember!

What are we perpetuating?

Our purpose here isn’t to eke out a ho-hum life, while numbing ourselves with stimulants and depressives. Each of us is here to create something that’s never been created before. And when we do that, life becomes awesome.

But getting into human earthly existence requires coming through humans who precede us. So when we get here, having forgotten, through other humans who also have forgotten, there’s no one to remind us when we most need it: when we’re most impressionable. Nearly all parents are “bad” parents in this respect.

But how long must we keep believing what we were told? The answer: as long as we refuse to question what we believe. As long as we don’t question, we teach our kids as we were taught. We may offer some improved lessons. But the main ones remain: life is scary. People, especially strangers, are too. You have to earn your worthiness. You must please others. Money doesn’t grow on trees!

They say money doesn’t grow on trees. That’s because those folks don’t believe it does. (Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

Well, yes, money does grow on trees. It does if you believe it does. What does this money aphorism mean? It means money isn’t freely available, right?

Rubbish! Money IS freely available. The world is awash in it! And there are some people getting it with no effort at all. It isn’t luck. It isn’t coincidence. Their beliefs make is so, as Shakespeare once wrote.

We create reality individually and collectively. That’s it. When we learn to see how we do that, we can make money grow on trees. We can fill our lives with love. Life can be a rambunctious adventure. There are no limits!

Getting it means testing it

Christian teaching admonishes us to not test God. Have faith instead, it says. The Positively Focused approach says the opposite. It says “test the hell out of it!”. It says “test your creative powers! Watch how powerful you are. Prove to yourself you stand at the center of the Universe and watch the Universe bend to your commands, because it does!”

In time, evidence from your tests will grow so voluminous, faith isn’t necessary. By testing it, you come to believe it. And when you believe it, you’ve got it. You then step into the world as a newborn. You’re born again. Not in the Christian sense, but in the sense of remembering your eternal nature.

That’s the bliss of the Charmed Life. We live as God in Human form, creating life as we live it. Enjoying and reveling in our creation as the Christian God did. We’re proud and appreciative. And we see others as eternal too. Even as they struggle.

Abraham says we can’t get sick enough to help someone get well. Nor can we get poor enough to help someone get rich. In the same way, we can’t convince others they are god in human form.

But we can show them.

We show them through our joyful example. That example doesn’t come overnight. But as it does, it becomes obvious. And along the way, we’re having fun.

Having fun. That’s life’s purpose.

Still with me? Then come on, let’s have fun together. Become a Positively Focused client and discover your eternal nature. Contact me, let’s get you started.

The Best Advice To A Life Worth Loving

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

The Universe can be a harsh taskmaster. Or it can be our genie in a bottle. It all depends on what we believe. And, what we do with that.

A lot of people uninitiated in the Positively Focused practice get angry when I say everyone creates their experiences. Some even go so far as to claim I advocate “toxic positivity”. Others say I’m victim blaming.

But my assertion is undeniable. Even people with chronic illnesses create such experiences. However, chronic illnesses sometimes originate in past lives. Positively Focused Mastery Level clients learn about past life phenomena. Then they learn how past lives effect present life experience.

The fact that past life action can impact present life offers something important. It shows why being Positively Focused brings tremendous benefit. Not only do we create our current reality, our past-created realities still influence our now. That means not only can we create a Charmed Life in this life. But a Charmed Life created today, benefits us immensely in the future too.

And, get this: while it’s hard to believe, creating a Charmed Life in this life, also changes the past. How that happens is beyond the scope of this post though.

There is nothing a person experiences that isn’t that person’s creation.

Available to everyone

The premise upon which “you create your reality” wouldn’t hold up if people who experience things like rape, sexual abuse or chronic illness didn’t create those experiences. But the premise does hold up. Evidence abounds in the lives of my clients proving the premise valid. Evidence abounds in my own life too. This blog is full of said evidence.

Some people ask, so why can’t people cure their chronic illnesses? The can’t because they don’t believe it possible. I had a long conversation with someone on Medium who comes from that perspective.

Belief is everything. If a person doesn’t believe something possible, then, for that person, it’s not.

Abraham putting it plain. Much of what we don’t think can happen doesn’t happen simply because we don’t believe it can happen.

However, when a person begins believing, all things become possible. Instead of feeling blamed for their life situation, they discover their empowerment in “you create your reality”. After all, if a person can create a shitty situation, they can create a dreamlike one too.

That’s the beginning of the Charmed Life I write about. Belief gets it all going.

A Charmed Life awaits anyone. Anyone ready and willing to see life through the mind and eyes of God. Since we’re all aspects of God in human form, we all can see that way. The question is are we ready? And will we?

If you think you’re ready and willing, I can help.

Magic Happens When People Follow Divine Advice

Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

The perfect unfolding is the unfolding that keeps unfolding. Manifestations never stop manifesting. Everything is becoming more. On the way to that “more-ness” a human being can experience extreme delight. That delight needn’t be a one-time thing.

I tell all my clients, and anyone else who will listen, that people can have everything they want. But they can’t have something others have a say in if others don’t want that. For example, someone I spoke with recently strongly argued for “Civil Rights”. She is a minority and has many experiences with discrimination. So her strident call for “Civil Rights” comes stained with painful interpretations of her past experience.

That’s why, when she clamors for “Civil Rights” extreme duress accompanies her clamor. Her painful experiences are so present, they create a reality opposite what she wants. While her words argue for Civil Rights, in other words, her much more powerful vibrational emanation argues for oppression.

In that alignment, she aligns with those who find satisfaction in oppression. And, she, perpetuates what she doesn’t want.

The good life

Meanwhile my clients who align themselves with their desires experience something different. They practice telling better stories about their past. And doing that, they find liberation from painful experiences in the past. Indeed, they actually change the past. They turn it from something painful to something that served them. Then they learn to follow their impulses. That’s when they step into the Charmed Life I write about. Like this client:

A client changes his past…right before his eyes…Then finds delight in the present moment unfolding.

Life is magical. Those not experiencing that will dispute that assertion. But that’s because, for them, life ISN’T magical. And that’s because they put too much attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they create more of what they don’t want.

But life is still magical for those people too. Their lives, like my clients, reflect back to them what they put their attention on. If only they’d put their attention on what they want, then they’d get more of that. Then they’d see the magic. The good life.

Impulses always lead to magic

But when someone focuses on what they don’t want, their impulses will run them. They’ll take action and that action will rendezvous them with more unwanted. Just like magic. Meanwhile, those who take charge of the process experience something different. The process is exactly the same. They still act on impulses. They still have the rendezvous.

The difference is, because they focus positively, they rendezvous with magical wanted experiences. Experiences that don’t bring oppression, but joy. Like the client above.

It’s no wonder so many life ho-hum lives. They don’t know what they’re doing. Not consciously anyway. Meanwhile, those who make the process conscious, then master it, discover how good life can get.

Are you ready for the good life?

Making Peace with “What Is” Results In Better Futures

Photo by Alvin Engler on Unsplash

A fundamental I encourage Positively Focused clients develop is accepting “what is”. Accepting what is makes all the difference. If we want our desires to manifest, we must stop resisting them.

But one way we resist has nothing to do with our desires. This resistance happens subtly. Not realizing we’re doing it can cause great delays in creating lives we love.

Meanwhile, Law of Attraction, the process by which thoughts become things, still happens.

Ever wonder why life comes at us with a mix of good and bad? It’s usually because our thoughts contain a jumble of “good” and “bad”. We can enjoy lives full of nothing but goodness. Most don’t believe lives containing only good stuff are possible. But as Yoda says, we fail because we don’t believe. 

Yoda telling it like it is.

Seth says such lives happen rarely because they require great levels of focus and discipline. Most people aren’t willing to put in what’s required. That said, the Charmed Life requires no great amount of focus and discipline. It does require some. But those levels exist well within the reach of most people.

Pernicious non-acceptance

What most people have standing between themselves and their Charmed Life, where everything happens in line with their desires, is that subtle resistance I alluded to above, among other beliefs.

That resistance will slow down every manifesting desire. That resistance looks like any time we do not accept what is happening right in front of us. That’s right, whatever our currently reality is, must be accepted. That is, if we want something different to show up.

Here’s an example of this resistance’s subtlety. If we want something else to show up instead of what IS showing up, and because of that desire, we feel impatience or even a desire for something different, we’re resisting what is. That resistance retards change.

Because, as Abraham has said over and over, when we say “I don’t like this”, the Universe hears “give me more of this.” In other words, whatever we put our attention on is what we get more of.

Abraham once again delivering the gold.

So cultivating a state of being that accepts what is, is crucial. Then we must go beyond that and find a joyful acceptance not only of what is, but also of what is becoming, but hasn’t fully blown out into our physical life experience…yet.

That state feels like something. It’s something crucial to allowing that which we want to flow effortlessly into our lives.

Here’s a clue to what that state feels like. Ask yourself: “How do I feel about things I really enjoy that I already have?”That’s an inquiry worth making. It can open doors to tremendous possibility.

How My Selfishness Creates Better Lives For Other People

Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash

The more selfish I am, the more joy I bring to other people. It’s uncanny, unbelievable perhaps, but true. That’s because the more selfish I am in living my life, the more I empower others to be that way too. And the more selfish people are, the better their lives get.

Everyone creates their reality. There are no exceptions to this. It’s why I assert with my clients that “reality” is 100 percent subjective. If it weren’t, none of what I offer my clients would hold as accurate. And life experience would be perilous indeed.

No one can create for us. No one can come into our experience and do something we don’t invite. Such statements present precarious situations for some. People in “victim mode” will argue for their self-imposed limitations, saying such statements are irresponsible. Similar people feeling equally insecure, but from a different perspective, claim such statements “blame victims”.

But there are no victims. Well, there are victims. But perpetrators and victims are one in the same. That’s because everyone creates their experiences. That is the one rule for which no exceptions exist.

We stand alone in our created realities

While some stridently disagree, others will (rightly) find tremendous freedom and empowerment in such statements. For if every person creates their reality, then each person can enjoy any kind of reality they want. The only limitations on such enjoyment are those each person creates for themselves.

Think of it. No one stands between where we are and what we want. Our experiences stream from our awareness just as automatically as our legs move when we decide we want to walk from one place to another. The mechanism of walking is exactly the same as reality creation. So it makes sense then to understand how “walking” happens, what’s involved and how to leverage that process more deliberately.

Once that happens, one discovers the fantastic nature of reality: that we each stand in our separate, but overlapping, created realities. We’re sovereign in our existence. And in our sovereignty, great joy awaits.

Great joy: that’s what I offer my clients.

Abraham asserting that which I know is the case for all reality.

Little by little, life improves

Now, the great thing about physical reality is, nothing happens instantly. What we have happened gradually. It came into existence as an unending stream of manifestations. So too will that which we want. To get what we want, we must know it won’t happen at once. Like our life as it is, the new life will come gradually.

The uninitiated don’t understand this. So they wobble in their focus. Then they get wobbly results. Or more of the life they already have. But the initiated learn to hold fast on what they desire. They don’t wobble in their focus. As a result, their life gradually resembles or reflects, everything they want.

Getting there should happen effortlessly. But because most of us forget this life way, we’ve cultivated habits running counter to that effortless life; that Charmed Life I write about constantly. Showing clients how to soothe such habits forms the primary steps of my client work.

The power of selfish living

But no one needs me to discover joyful living. All one need do is adopt new habits and hold them over time. New habits aligned with outcomes people want. Abraham recently offered guidance on this in an email:

It sounds easy. But for many, it’s not. That’s why people like me exist. I offer support for folks. Through a client relationship, I see things about people they can’t see. I use that insight in service, gradually pointing out, then offering alternatives to disempowering ways of being.

In time, everyone gets that for which they came. Some get more than expected, to their great delight and wonder. I especially enjoy working with those clients. That’s because their delight and wonder amplifies my version of those feelings.

And that’s why I do what I do. My purpose is selfish. In serving others in this way, I serve myself. I amplify my own focus and practice, further cultivating beneficial habits. Habits which get reflected back to me in my own created reality.

As a result, I enjoy the Charmed Life. So in sharing my Charmed Life experience, I get more of that. While also helping others develop their version of what I enjoy.

Is there really a better life than that? I don’t think so.

Join us if you feel so inclined.

The Best Case For The Easy Life

Photo by Jordan Bauer on Unsplash

Western culture worships a false idol. It’s called hard work. Look around. So many people on average spend upwards of half or more of their time awake working. Some dedicate far more of their waking hours to working hard.

Americans in particular are known for their workaholism. A client of mine on vacation in Spain talked with someone, a Spaniard, who described her opulent and leisure lifestyle. In doing so, she said “Americans live to work. We Spaniards work to live.“

There’s no honor in Americans venerating working hard. If we knew more about how life works, our work life preoccupation would dramatically decrease, with no corresponding decrease in production, believe it or not.

Indeed, the easy life carries far more productivity potential. That’s because when one takes it easy, following both intuition and passion instead of doing what others expect of them, remarkable things happen. And they happen because them happening expresses nature’s grace for all living things.

Runaway success is natural

Take a look at the paradox described by “working hard“. Many people work very hard in their lives and barely get anywhere. The working poor are a great example. But so are many of the middle class. Many people in the middle class struggle mightily working hard and just barely cover their means. Or they get far enough to amass material pleasures. But since many middle class people finance such things, they end up working even harder to pay off credit cards, big mortgages and car loan debt.

Others enjoy a smattering of success evidenced by promotions, vanity titles or a real supervisory role. But those “successes“ usually lead to more work as well.

And when it comes to runaway success, an even greater paradox exists. Some of the most successful put in hardly any work at all and find success near immediately, while others work very hard in the same field and get comparatively nowhere.

Take the case of Sir Lewis Hamilton, the first brown-skinned Formula One driver. He is described as a “prodigy“ race car driver. From a very early age, his parents saw his instinctual attraction to racing. Everyone saw it. So everyone supported him as he rose far beyond others. Others working equally hard, and some working even harder.

Racing prodigy Sir Lewis Hamilton owes his racing prowess to something more than hard work. Indeed, people marvel at his avant-garde approach, which includes forays into music, fashion and enjoying life instead of working hard like others in the sport. (Photo By Morio)

Hamilton could easily do behind the steering wheel what others rarely or never could do. Indeed, his “hard work“ was more about further developing his natural gifts, his passions, not struggling to achieve “success “ or accomplish anything.

Something else must be happening

I was just about to write “not to diminish the effort Hamilton put into becoming a skillful driver”. But my desire to write that evidences my own indoctrination into our collective distortion; the distortion that “hard work” is the key to success. If it were the key to success, if it were instrumental in things going the way we want, why are so many working so hard not successful?

Which leads me to the following. Something else must be happening that allows some people to succeed with little effort and others, despite lots of hard work, hardly ever get anywhere. This is the case for something larger having more influence on one’s success than how much effort or action one dedicates toward that goal.

Why is it some people who work so hard achieve comparatively little?

I assert the answer has nothing to do with their hard work. Instead, it has far more to do with their attitude.

But even that is too superficial. It’s less about “attitude“ and more about resonance, or lack thereof, one feels for whatever it is one decides is “success“. One’s image of oneself, what one believes is possible, and what one chooses to do from those perspectives shapes everything.

Action of any kind means comparatively little.

The easy life for all

That resonance giving rise to inevitable success feels a certain way. And that feeling indicates a gradually emerging life that, initially, feels better than what it feels like when working 40 or more hours a week. It feels like freedom, adventure, positive expectation and empowerment on a consistent basis.

Most people experience such feelings infrequently or not at all. Such experiences explain why so many struggle or live mediocre lives or lives of compromise. Such people haven’t cultivated a resonance atmosphere within which success comes easy. They’re too busy trying to get there by copying what others do: trying to get there through action and hard work. They won’t slow down and get in touch with that which will make their life easy. They think the easy life is being lazy. So the Charmed Life I describe eludes them.

We all enjoy free will. All That Is wants us focusing our time and action living the easy life. That’s because doing so adds to or fulfills that which we each as individuals came to fulfill. And in that fulfillment, All That Is becomes more.

People who struggle contribute to more too. But how many of those people – were they in their right mind instead of the mind that has them indoctrinated into hard work – how many of those people would trade what they have for the easy life? I would argue that, in their right mind, everyone would make that trade.

The easy life creates a path filled with joy ease and fun. It’s a life wherein you can leave hard work behind. (My artwork)

That’s because everyone knew that’s the life they would live before coming into the world. That easy life. The life Jesus proclaimed in his sermon on the mount. I wrote about this two posts ago.

Nature wants you happy

Instead, so many of us choose lives of struggle. We all have free will, as I’ve said. We are all also eternal. So eventually, each of us, as individuals, learn to give up the hard life for the easy one. For many, that takes several lifetimes.

But for a select few, it can happen in this lifetime. By “select few“ I don’t mean to imply that someone else, like some god, blesses the lucky ones. The select few select themselves. They are those who connect with paths such as the one offered here at Positively Focused.

And when those people plug-in, their life becomes the easy life. In time, they leave hard work behind.

Many of the struggles we see in the world stem from people working hard and in doing so becoming discouraged and bitter. They’re disconnected from who they knew themselves to be. I suggest we give up all of that. And when we do so, we will realize a global society based on the Charmed Life I advocate.

When that happens we can give up worshipping the false idol that is hard work. Then get on with living lives we came to live.