Why Positivity Matters So Much In Today’s World

Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash

TL;DR: The author submits this petition asking that readers purposefully choose the future they’re creating rather than creating the future by default. They explain how this can happen, then encourage all readers to join them in creating the optimal outcome for all of humanity.

It’s important at this time in society’s unfolding, to hold a gentle, nonchalant even, intention about what we, as individuals, want — what we want in a society, what we want in our countries, what we want from leaders.

Maybe you’ve noticed a rising tide of nationalism and authoritarianism worldwide. A certain timing is happening in which we are subjecting ourselves to greater levels of “contrast”. People not tuned into the Positively Focused Way would call this contrast “a lot of bad shit happening”. 

And yet, all this contrast is good. It prompts us to create futures in the probable future reality-scape containing all that we want and none of what we don’t.

For such futures to become our now, however, we must line up with them. Otherwise, those ideal futures remain in the future probable reality-scape, awaiting points of consciousness that will allow it into their reality. This explains why “improvement” generally takes so long.

Why positive change takes so long

Most people can identify what they want. But they’re more practiced at knowing what they don’t want. In knowing what they don’t want, they’ll also identify what they do want, even if they’re not aware of it.

But most people will keep their attention on what they don’t want. Doing that, they draw more of that — what they don’t want –– into their experience. Then they look at the newest iteration, and amplify more that they don’t want it, which then creates even more unwanted.

In other words, by keeping their attention on what they don’t want, they align with and allow or create more of that in the probable future reality-scape, which then, because they’re aligned with that through their attention, becomes more of their current reality.

Nearly everyone does this. 

Meanwhile, a lot of “good” or “wanted” remains in nonphysical waiting for us. Usually all that “good” shows up. But often that’s long after those who put it those things in nonphysical pass away.

Deja Vu all over again. It happened in 2020…it’s happening again this year. (Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash)

One person can change the tide

Take today’s politics for example. A lot of people are focusing on what they don’t want. They don’t want senile, old Joe running, for example. Or people don’t want Trump, or any republican, as president.

The problem with focusing on those unwanted things is exactly as I said above: doing so creates probable future realities wherein those things do happen. Again, keeping attention on the unwanted outcome, those doing that put more of that in the probably future reality-scape. Continued attention increases the probability that those unwanted outcomes will become their reality. They become our reality too. Especially if we’re not purposeful in our own focus.

But it only takes one person doing it differently to change the tide. Which is why I’m offering this petition. I’m one of those people. I’m focused on allowing my desire, purposefully. I invite everyone reading this to do the same.

One of my clients who is learning what you’re reading asked what happens if two people want opposite things. Abraham answered this before. Here’s what they said:

How the universe delivers on all desires. Even those seemingly in conflict.

Everyone gets what they want…eventually

I reflected the same wisdom. Here’s what I said in that text conversation. It’s a long series so bear with that:

In essence, everyone gets what they want. But the one with the strongest positive momentum prevails in the details. And the more one aligns with that strong, fast moving energy, the more powerfully such a person becomes.

We’ve seen authoritarian forces held at bay across the world. They’re making some strides, but they cannot prevail against the positive energy at our disposal. One person is all it takes. And two, lined up together, are unstoppable. Abraham has also spoken about this:

As we enter national elections in the US, I invite my fellow Americans to align with an outcome best serving us all. That doesn’t mean Biden keeping the White House. Just because we’re presented with only two options, that doesn’t limit what’s possible. What we believe sets the limits. 

So what do you believe?

I believe anything is possible. I KNOW this. And so I intend a positive outcome in this years’ elections. One in which progressives keep the seat.


Hours after writing the first draft of this post, Joe Biden, while infected with COVID, dropped out of the race. He’s endorsed Kamala Harris. The Universe acts in ways mysterious only to those who don’t understand how it works. I know how it works, so it’s not mysterious at all.

Life Can Be Filled Only With Great, Awesome Things

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

TLDR: The author asserts that brainwashing is a good thing. Ridding the brain of negative beliefs creates a corresponding increase in positive experiences, says the author, until life becomes an ongoing, ever-getting-better experience.

“In every life a little rain must fall.”

“Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies.”

“We must take the good with the bad.”

Certainly these “pearls of wisdom” sound familiar. For sure we can think of many others. They all convince people that they must accept the facts: There will always be experiences they won’t like.

What’s curious is, those who don’t accept these beliefs don’t experience experiences they don’t like.

That’s right. Some, to use another pearl of wisdom “have their head in the cloud.” Doing that, they discover what I’m writing about today: that in their life, only good shows up.

Yep. That’s right. Life needn’t contain a SINGLE negative thing. Hard to believe but it’s 100 percent true. I should know: I’m living that life. My clients are increasingly doing the same.

So how can this be? Are people who live like I live brainwashed? Are their heads in the sand? Or is something else more profound happening?

Let’s take a look.

Brainwashing: A good thing

For sure things that seem inherently bad happen. When they happen, though, are they really bad? And how do people living similar to me and my clients interpret such happenings? These are good questions.

To answer them, let’s take a look at “brainwashing”. At first is sounds like a bad thing. But, like bad things happening, maybe there’s a different way to look at that concept. Maybe there’s a more empowering way to look at “brainwashing”.

First, the word itself. “Washing” the “brain” sounds like a great thing. Is washing our bodies a bad thing? Of course not. When we bathe we’re removing dirt and grime. We’re removing old skin cells and other material from our bodies. We’re removing things we no longer want on us. After a bath or shower, we often feel refreshed. So we typically want to bathe or wash frequently.

The same can be true for washing the brain. In washing the brain, we’re removing things we don’t want in us. So what do we not want in us? Well, those who’ve shown themselves enough evidence that thoughts create reality don’t want in them thoughts creating realities they don’t want. Washing the brain, therefore, is a great thing. And, just as with bathing our bodies, after the brain is washed of those unwanted things, we feel refreshed. We feel refreshed mostly because, when thoughts creating realities we don’t want are washed away, our reality reflects that pure, clean inner state back to us. That reflection is one including only great, awesome things.

So brainwashing is a great thing. It gets a bad rap though because of the word’s common context: when an authority does it to a hapless victim.

It’s in our best interest to wash our brains. (Photo by David Maltos)

Context matters

What’s interesting though is, this common context is humans’ everyday experience. They’re constantly subjected to authorities conditioning their inner state with thoughts. Thoughts that, if they thought about them, they wouldn’t want in there.

By “authorities” I’m not only talking about bosses and politicians, teachers and parents and church leaders. I’m also referring to the media, commercial marketing, and society in general, what I call “the peanut gallery.”

I’m sure you’re familiar with most of those “authoritative” sources. But let me give you an example of how “the peanut gallery” can exert powerful influence on people’s inner state.

Two of my clients recently experienced different negative situations. While both situations are different, the origin of those situations was the same. The first client was experiencing extreme mental and emotional abuse from her daughter. I won’t give details, but, believe me, the daughter’s treatment of her mother was horrendous…by human standards. The second client struggled with his self-torment. He believed he must suffer in his marriage rather than create one that works for him. He suffered so much he contemplated killing himself. But the same origin of his suffering kept him from doing that. I’ll clarify that in a moment.

First, however, let’s look at the client with a hellion of a daughter.

A hellion of a daughter

Extremely positive reasons are responsible for my client birthing a child-devil. I won’t get into those reasons though because that’s not the point of this post. After years of this young lady savagely abusing my client, my client finally had had enough. Of course, anyone who loves themselves would have ended that relationship decades ago and handed the imp to her father.

What kept my client sticking to all this abuse? The Peanut Gallery, aka other people’s opinions. Beliefs like “A good mother never deserts her child” and “Mothers should love their children no matter what” and “You can’t leave your daughter, that would make you a bad mother” and “What kind of mother would do that?”

Now read this carefully: what’s really interesting was other people in my client’s life were telling her she should cut ties with the daughter. So where were “other people’s opinions” coming from? That’s right! They were all in my client’s head! Her own beliefs, in other words.

But they aren’t really “hers”. Well, they are, but that’s not where they came from. She allowed herself to believe these beliefs as a result of living life and allowing herself to “take in” or conclude beliefs based on her experience. Her experience with all those other authorities I mentioned above including a not-so-good upbringing from similar-minded parents.

So “the peanut gallery” typically isn’t actual people telling us what to do or not do, although it can be. It usually is, however, our own thoughts we use to judge ourselves in advance for behavior we’re inspired to take. We’re inspired to take that action because it will make life better for us. But we often talk ourselves out of taking that action.

Let’s look now at the second client.

Frozen to the point of suicide

He too, has a Peanut Gallery going on and on in his head. What he really wanted at the time was a different marriage. He considered divorce, but his Peanut Gallery wouldn’t allow that. “I have to stick it out” and “I’d be a bad person to divorce her” and “what kind of husband deserts his wife, especially one who doesn’t work and is ill?” all racked his brain.

The problem was as he stayed in the marriage, thinking thoughts amplifying his negative experience, he got to thinking about ending it all. But even there, the Peanut Gallery stopped him. Thoughts like “What would people think if I did that?” and “What would my wife do? She’d be devastated” froze him in his tracks.

Now, suicide is not a bad thing. It’s like the death penalty, which isn’t bad either. When a person dies, whether at their own hands or the hands of another, they return to nonphysical, are instantly removed from their suffering and return to a state of sublime bliss. So it makes total sense a person in deep despair, pain or other intense suffering would make that choice.

There are other ways to relieve such suffering, however, which my client now is realizing. He’s no longer thinking about leaving his marriage or killing himself. But what’s really interesting is, as he washes his brain free of his Peanut Gallery, he’s finding an interesting experience: happiness and empowerment. Even with his marriage not changing a bit.

Empowerment is intoxicating

The first client too got a glimpse of that extremely liberating state that is empowerment. After she washed her brain free of disempowering beliefs, I asked her “how would you feel after cutting ties with your daughter?”

She immediately answered with one word: “Relief”.

Now relief isn’t the greatest, but it’s a start. And after amplifying her awareness of how much better her life could be without her daughter in it, she too found herself empowered. Empowered enough to take the action.

She’s still getting ready to take that action. But more than ever before, she’s seeing not only the wisdom of that new thought, she’s also feeling more and more the empowerment that will be increasingly hers after she takes it.

Empowerment is so intoxicating. It’s rarely felt by humans. But it’s supposed to be our natural state as we move through life experience.That partly explains its intoxicating nature; it feels so good because it’s so rarely felt. Even when it’s felt for a while though, it can become addicting: once one gets a taste no other life condition will do.

And when a person lives in that state for a while, life must reflect that state back to them in the form of ever improving life situations. Is must, because that’s what life is: a reflection of our inner state.

Everything is good

And that’s why I assert that life can only contain good things. That and because I’m living the experience. My clients are living that experience too, increasingly. It all happens when we wash our brains of thoughts life reflects back to us making us see the bad things happening.

Now there are two things to note about this phenomena: one, bad things do happen. We see them every day. But those things needn’t be interpreted as bad. Being able to see them as good is possible.

For example, if you know what you’ve read here, we could say such things, when they happen, happen because the person they happen to is figuring out through life feedback how to think better. Two, just because they happen to others doesn’t mean they must happen to us. In other words, this time-space reality is filled with VARIETY. Variety of EVERYTHING. Including life experience.

Abraham sharing their wisdom.

And that’s another way we can wash our brains, thus enabling us to see only good: by recognizing that that variety is a great thing. Not only does it act as feedback for us, but it also allows us to select from the variety experiences we want to have.

Now, it takes a while to produce such a life because others have trained us into accepting that “In every life a little rain must fall” and “Life isn’t all rainbows and butterflies” and “We must take the good with the bad.” But once we wash our brains of those thoughts, we discover a new world dawning. And in that bright light of dawn we find our bliss. The bliss of empowerment.

Traveling Outside My Body: A Wonderful Update

Photo by Andrew Spencer on Unsplash

TLDR: The writer discusses their journey to master astral projection through soothing resistance and believing it’s possible, as recent deliberate steps lead to significant progress and heightened spiritual awareness.

As mentioned in previous posts, I’m soothing resistance so that I can enjoy “astral projections”. By “soothing resistance” I mean letting go of beliefs preventing being able to leave my body.

Since everything is possible, doing this is easy. We all do it, after all. Every night we “dream” that’s what we’re doing. We’re traveling astrally.

So projecting my consciousness outside my body isn’t something to “learn”. Rather, it’s something to “allow”. How do we allow? We do it by soothing beliefs making doing so seem impossible.

This post updates my progress so far.

Let’s dive in.

Moving beyond mind

Previous out of body travels were predominantly involuntary experiences. They came unexpectedly. One minute I’d be in my body. The next, I was out. These mostly happened while sleeping or meditating. That makes sense because resistant beliefs aren’t active in those mind states. Especially beliefs that trigger fear of the experience.

Meanwhile, my Broader Perspective knows how to work around those beliefs. This is the case with all desires. Broader Perspective wends its way through what Abraham calls “the cracks of least resistance”. These are pathways through our resistant beliefs, beliefs standing between where we are and what we want. In this way our Broader Perspective knows better than our ego awareness how to manifest desires. This explains why it’s not our ego’s job to figure out how something must happen.

Besides, ego consciousness isn’t equipped to do that. That’s why when we focus on the how, we usually get bogged down in our befuddlement. Brains are physical manifestations of ego consciousness. They are not equipped to understand the how.

Traveling outside the body necessitates leaving all that behind. I must be getting better at doing that because my recent results are astounding.

Deliberate baby steps…

Since I had an adverse reaction long ago to a particularly powerful awakening moment, my Broader Perspective is easing me through the “how”. This process therefore feels extremely gradual. My Broader Perspective knows which of my beliefs could shut down my experience. I can feel that awareness working in me.

Just to clarify; our Broader Perspective isn’t outside is. It’s not a god or other divine being separate from what we are. Our Broader Perspective IS us. It is that aspect of us which remains in nonphysical. It remains there so as to guide the other aspect of us which comes into these physical bodies.

It’s therefore a mistake to picture Broader Perspective as separate from us. Doing that can introduce distortions in beliefs. Distortions that can make what I’m up to difficult or impossible.

Since I’m not making that mistake, I’m finding progress towards leaving my body happening consistently as weeks go by. It’s still gradual. No earth-shaking, amazing occurrences are surprising me. Instead, expansion into astral travel abilities feels like deliberate, baby steps to eventually sojourning through creation while my body lies in repose on my bed.

I’ll share what those baby steps feel like next.

Perceiving the ephemeral

It’s 4:06 as I’m writing this. I just came out of a pleasing meditation. I typically meditate for between an hour and 90 minutes around this time every morning. Usually between two and four AM. I believe those hours hold special energies for such practices.

Coming out of meditation, I received an impulse to write this post.

While prepping for bed last night, I felt familiar urging of my Broader Perspective. It encouraged me to settle my mind and focus in ways that heighten spiritual awareness. Doing so, I can feel varying degrees of vibrations. It’s extremely subtle. Perceiving vibration this way results from a rigorous spiritual practice involving of a lot of meditation and other Positively Focused practices.

I really did write this in the early morning!

While in that heightened awareness and perceiving those frequencies, I also felt my Broader Perspective guiding me to “feel” my ephemeral presence, my “spirit body”, or that ethereal body that is my inner energetic being. I know all that sounds extremely “woo”. But how else can I explain it? It really is a “you had to be there” moment. In other words, having the experience is a better way of explaining this than trying to explain it.

Anyway, while focused on that energy body, I didn’t have to really do anything other than focus on it. Not with a “hard” focus though. Instead I do better perceiving it when I focus like I do when using peripheral vision. Or maybe seeing things in really low light. I’m not looking directly at the thing, but see it anyway. Does that make sense?

I hope so.

Gaining comfort with the ephemeral

As I focused on that energy body, I felt it/me becoming more and more distinct from my physical body. And this is where the progress happened.

Rather than try to will a travel experience, I instead decided to focus on “feeling” or “witnessing” that ephemeral feeling; the feeling of what that energy body feels like. It was like running my physical hands all over my physical body. Only I was doing that with “energy hands” over my “energy body”. I knew this was the step to take because it would accomplish two things.

One it would amplify the experience by confirming what was happening. It would also soothe resistant beliefs. After all, I can’t disbelieve an experience I’m actually having, can I?

Second, it would give me greater control, comfort and familiarity with this new-to-my-ego experience. That was important. It was important because my ego is responsible for violently shutting down that powerful awakening experience I had long ago. And I didn’t want to repeat that experience.

Enjoying the peak moment

So I remained in that state feeling myself for probably 40 minutes. It felt amazing! And in doing that I also felt the “boundary” between my physical body and this energy one. It literally felt like the two were slightly out of sync. Which is exactly what it should feel like as one separates from the other!

Then, at one moment, I decided to try coming back into the physical body. When I did, my legs “jiggled” and I felt an electric wave move through them. It was like the body was receiving into itself the energetic sensation of “me” returning to “it”!

I’m sure you can imagine how amazing that experience felt.

After a few more of these moments, I decided to fully re-enter the physical body. When I did I noticed something very peculiar. And this was the peak moment of this whole experience.

In my body I didn’t feel cold. But when I touched certain parts of my body with my physical hands —my knees, the top of my feet, for example— they felt VERY cold. Again, I didn’t feel cold in my body. But parts of my body, when touched with my physical hands did feel cold.

The cold surfaces correlated with parts of the body I would have left “last” as I “rose” out of the body. I was on my back. The parts I touched were all parts at the upper most part of my body in repose.

This all happened while laying toasty under a fleece blanket, a fleece top sheet, fleece bottom sheet and a down duvet. There was no physical-reality explanation for feeling cold. Especially in the locations where I felt cold!

You had to be there!

Ok. So I get this may not sound very thrilling. I swear you need to have the experience to really get it. Nevertheless I’m THRILLED with these results.

While writing this, I’m eager about experiments I want to run to further improve my awareness. I want to visit friend’s locations, observe things I could only see were I there, then call my friends and report what I saw. Then I want to travel to distant places and see what I can bring back.

That’s right, Seth says I can even travel to such places and actually bring back physical artifacts from those destinations. Can you imagine!?

I can!

I’m eager for more of this. And I deeply appreciate All That Is and my core intention, both of which are leading me on this auspicious trajectory.

Maybe my journey is inspiring you to take your own. If so, I can help, obviously. Become a client! Let’s do this.

How Dreams Offer The Best Solutions To People’s Problems

Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

TLDR: A series of vivid, emotional dreams led to a deeply cathartic experience, resolving internal struggles with a sense of homecoming and fulfillment. This transformative journey left the writer feeling great and eager for more extraordinary living.

Wow. It’s 0736. I just woke feeling wonder. There’s a massive smile on my face. Happiness flows through me as well as a sense of powerful worthiness.

Worthiness is an important feeling. All my clients start out far from feeling worthy. A lack of worthiness plagues all of humanity. It’s complicated, but that unworthiness feeling explains all the drama humans create as a species and as individuals.

For me, however, my worthiness is growing by leaps and bounds. This morning offered yet another expansion of it. An expansion I am conscious of. And that consciousness, that awareness, is why I’m feeling wonder.

Here’s what happened.

Unpleasant is communication

Over the last few weeks, I noticed decisions I’ve made that resulted in less than desirable results. I won’t describe what the decisions were. That’s because I’d rather amplify vibrations associated with what’s having me feel wonder and worthiness. And focusing on the decisions will amplify that old momentum.

Suffice it to say the decisions were ones I noticed brought me unpleasant manifestations. Looking from the outside, you might describe these manifestations as extremely minor. Not like my newest client, who yesterday got T-boned while driving her cat in her Tesla to the Vet. No, my unpleasant manifestations these days are minuscule compared to that.

But like all unpleasant manifestations, they came in a cluster. A cluster of increasingly intense events. That intensity cluster was good. It caught my attention. And in that, I could do something about what was unfolding. If we don’t see what’s happening, we can’t do anything about it. I’m so glad I can see what’s happening.

So last night, I made a different decision. I decided I wanted to change my trajectory.

That’s what happened. But how it happened was extraordinary.

Leverage found in sleep

What happened all happened in dream state. While everyone dreams, hardly anyone understands what happens in that state. Even those who interpret dreams and those who do “dream therapy” likely don’t understand dreams. What’s happening in dreams is far more sophisticated than we know. And far more powerful.

What humans call dreams actually exist on many planes. These planes or dimensions are so numerous, the human brain can’t comprehend what’s happening. But our Broader Perspective, that larger part of us, understands it fully. What’s more, that part of us guides dream activity.

What we do while awake informs that activity. But dreams influence our waking experience in return. When a human can directly, deliberately use dream influence, life gets really interesting. For then we can use that influence to improve life experience.

That’s what happened last night.

It feels like it happened for me, instead of me making it happen. And that’s the yumminess of worthiness. Because everything that happens happens for us. In other words, we’re not making anything happen. We set our focus, then the Universe coordinates outcomes. Outcomes best fitting our focus or intention.

I got a direct experience of that last night. And, frankly, it feels AH-mazing seeing it unfold!

The “topography” of last night’s dream experience.

Proficiency produces powerful dream experience

I had three “segments” of dreams. The first came before my mid-night meditation. The second happened after that mediation. The third immediately followed the second. Several dreams comprised each segment. In total, I dreamed at least 15 dreams. All were extremely vivid and real, just like being awake. But the emotional “tone” or “flavor” of them was far more intense than waking reality.

Seth talks about senses we use in the dream state. Some correspond with our waking senses; seeing, hearing, etc. But some senses don’t correspond to waking senses. Perceiving through emotion is one of those. I can attest to the power of this sense. It feels absolutely intense. And whether it’s unpleasant emotion or pleasant emotion, it is that way…intense.

Which is why nightmares frighten us so.

In the first segment, I found myself in several different realities. I was in a suburb with houses, streets, sidewalks. But the place was nothing like waking reality. Where I was probably doesn’t even exist on this plane.

These first dreams all featured me making choices. While making them, I felt confused. I couldn’t decide what to choose. For example, I was in someone’s home. I was trying to choose a ball. The homeowner offered a variety from which to choose. There were many kinds of balls – basketballs, dodgeballs, etc. Some were old. Others were new. But, for some reason, I couldn’t choose.

On the way to that person’s home, I drove on a highway. While following traffic, I noticed I needed to follow the highway to the right. I didn’t do that though. Instead, I curved left. But I knew I wanted to go right!

Both of these are examples of me making decisions that resulted in unpleasant outcomes. You can see that they mimicked what I did while awake.

The set up continues

In the second segment, I walked through a dance club. To get there, I had to drive through an unfamiliar city at night. I parked my vehicle in the parking lot, then went inside. Inside, I met several unseemly youths. After those encounters, I decided to leave. But when I got outside, I noticed my vehicle was gone. I had just bought it. But then I realized my bad purchase decision: I bought a truck that was easy to steal.

Coaxing the youths to tell me who took it didn’t work. They took it, I knew, but they weren’t admitting it. At this point in the dream series I tried mightily to fix my decisions. Doing so got me feeling really intense negative emotion. Emotion that also was highly disempowering. It felt like despair, a wanting to give up. Highly uncharacteristic of me!

And this is another value of dream reality. It’s like a testing ground. It gives us experiences we won’t want in real life. There, we can experiment with them, and learn from them without having to live the dream “for real”.

I remember waking from the first segment feeling really clear those dreams were about my recent choices in waking reality. Waking from this second segment, it was clear how choices in the dream aligned with beliefs I have. Beliefs I’m wanting to change.

After that I went into the third segment. What happened next prompted this post.

Non sequiturs create resolution

In the third segment, I realized the purpose of this whole process. And the feeling I felt associated with that was extraordinary.

The dreams involved me being in the company of a beautiful being. I felt great comfort in their company. “Comfort” doesn’t do the feeling justice. Words can’t describe the power and pleasure of what I felt. We sat with others who watched a sporting event on television. I felt I belonged among these beings.

One of them, a female, stood before me. She had a beautiful body. Tattoos covered every inch of it. She said, without using any words, that she wanted to remove them. And that’s what she did. She peeled them away one by one with her fingers. As she did this, I felt something…a kind of release….

Then I was in an open area of low-lying buildings. My older brother stood beside me. Beneath our feet was a hand-woven rug of Middle Eastern origin. These fantastic planes flew above us. One after another passed over us and, as they did, I spoke to my brother in Farsi about how we can make use of this “campaign” to resolve differences between our country and others…

I know that doesn’t sound at all like the resolution I asked for. But you had to be there!

I’m including the major dreams only. Otherwise this post would be a TLDR experience. Suffice it to say, each one flowed one into the other with perfect cohesion. Still, I get they sound like non-sequiturs.

A perfect compendium of catharsis

The last dream I experienced before waking was the kicker. I stood in a shower. The shower wasn’t mine. Outside the shower window I heard children playing happily. Beside me, in the shower was a beautiful small-breasted woman. Her body was….nothing short of extraordinary. The water ran down both our bodies and all I remember besides what you just read was a feeling of HOME. It was a feeling of all being well, of release after climax, of ecstasy or completion.

Then a series of dreams happened that took this experience to a new level. It’s hard to describe exactly what happened. That’s because language doesn’t align with what happens in nonphysical. And the dream state happens in nonphysical.

Nevertheless the series involved me experiencing situations in which I “paused”. And in the pause, I did something that translated as resolving the process or beliefs or momentum that had me make decisions producing dissatisfying results. I knew that’s what happened, but it’s hard to make direct connection between what I saw and experienced in the dream and my translation of it.

All I can say is it was extremely cathartic. Especially after the climactic dream I experienced before that.

This entire process was such a fulfilling experience! When I woke it was just before 0730 and I knew, I just knew, what I asked for had been resolved on my behalf.

How did I know?

The joyful catharsis I felt directly stemmed from my dream experience. (Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash)

Emotions: Indications of expansion

Because I felt GREAT. But that’s not all. I also felt FOR SURE that what you just read happened. I recalled ALL OF IT. Including the emotions, the associations with wake state experience prior to going to bed…all of it.

Before I started writing this, I amplified everything you’re reading by affirming how great it feels. I affirmed this new day. A new day unburdened by old belief. I expressed appreciation for, and felt joy in the expressing, my expanded awareness. I also expressed how blessed I felt by my cadre — the innumerable beings in nonphysical that support every desire I create as a result of being human.

Re-reading all this, I’m in awe. It’s this kind of experience that gradually becomes available to all my advanced practice clients. I feel blessed to lead the way. The way to extraordinary living. It certainly feels extraordinary. And I’m eager for more.

Want to experience your expansion into the extraordinary? Become a client.

When A Scam Is An Awesome Gift Of Love

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

I suppose most people think being scammed is a bad thing. But a scammer taking advantage of you tells you something really good.

No, it doesn’t tell you you’re stupid. Or that you should be more aware…although you probably should. What it is telling you is that there is something happening inside you that makes you a match to that experience.

Yes, the scam “victim” draws that experience into their life. Being scammed isn’t a random event. No event is. Instead, it’s a reflection of an inner state, a vibrational state. The event vibrationally matches that inner state, so it shows up in the scammed person’s experience as manifested reality.

This is exactly what happened with a client recently, although she caught it early enough to avoid being scammed. Just like I did before.

I wrote about what most people would say was the positive side of this experience last week. But this week I’m going to share another positive side. A side most would probably think was “negative”.

But it’s not. It’s very, very positive.

Desperation: a great money maker

As I wrote last week, this client finds herself attached to a certain guy. This guy waffles in his affection for her. The client knows she deserves better. But because of beliefs causing her attachment, she can’t pull herself away from the guy. I mean, she could, but she feels compelled not to.

As a result, she wants him to change. But he won’t change. That’s because her focus remains on his waffling behavior. She doesn’t like that behavior. But because she fixates on it, it persists.

Not only that. It’s getting stronger.

And as it does, her desire for it to change gets stronger too. So the two amplify each other. That amplification leaves my client feeling desperate. And desperation is what the vibration feels like that makes one a match to scammers.

Especially scammers who use the potential of finding love as their leverage.

No where are people more desperate than in their pursuit of love. They’re willing to spend thousands to get it. They’re also willing to kiss a lot of frogs.

Meanwhile, the endearing, unconditional love they seek in the world around them exists closer than they think. It’s right there inside them. It’s the connection between them and their Broader Perspective. And when a person connects to that, love from another human pales in comparison.

The irony is, when a person has this inner relationship front-and-center, human relationships get better. And love one wants from another human gets better too.

Conditional love or unconditional love?

The client in question doesn’t have this Broader Perspective relationship front-and-center though. Instead, she’s allowed her relationship with Mr. Waffle to displace that relationship. And this is why she feels desperate. Because love from another human always comes with conditions. Broader Perspective love, however, is unconditional.

Displace that unconditional love with conditional love and the immediate feeling is insecurity. Keep it there long enough and insecurity turns to worry, concern, fear, jealousy and even hatred. These emotions happen when that unconditional love another human brings to the table bears out as unconditional: when they get mad at us for not meeting their expectations. Or for doing something they don’t like.

Our Broader Perspective has no conditions we can’t meet. It doesn’t get mad at us. We don’t irritate it. It just loves us, period.

A person trying to rely on conditional love can develop feelings of desperation when everything they try fails to coax their partner into behaving the way they want. That’s what was happening with this client. And that’s why she was feeling desperation.

Finding her way

So last week when those four new perfectly-matched dating options showed up, the client was overjoyed, at first. As she explored one of them more deeply, however, he turned out to be a scammer. A scammer preying on people desperate for love.

This revelation had the client feeling angry, then sad. But what was happening wasn’t sad. It didn’t have to be anger-inducing either. That’s because the experience showed my client exactly where she was vibrationally. And if she didn’t know where she was vibrationally standing, she couldn’t do anything about it.

Thankfully, the client’s Broader Perspective got her attention well enough to trigger skepticism about this person. She looked into it a bit more, then discovered the plot.

She’s still struggling though. She hasn’t yet found her way through disempowering stories on various subjects. Stories that have her feeling vibrationally low. And creating circumstances, events…and men, projecting that low vibration back to her.

And yet, improvement is on the horizon. So long as one persists in their focus, their desire to improve their vibration, that will happen. Then the world must reflect that improved vibration back to her in the form an improving life experience.

In the meantime, this client already has created enough evidence on other subjects proving the Positively Focused Way works. So she’s going to persist. Which means she’s eventually going to get everything she desires. Including a satisfying relationship.

The Universe Is The Best Dating Service

Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

On my other blog, I encourage readers avoid online dating. It’s costly. It rarely succeeds. And it’s not very fun. Especially for BIPOC.

Recently, a Positively Focused client came to her own understanding of this. She realized, unconsciously, as most clients do, that the Universe is a wish-granting jewel. It constantly fulfills every desire.

Just because it does that, however, doesn’t mean we receive every desire fulfilled. To receive, we must be tuned in. We must be on the same frequency of the fulfilled desire. That means, of course, following Broader Perspective impulses. If we do that, we end up at the perfect place and time to real-ize fulfilled desire.

However, most of us don’t know how to hear impulses. So we move through life haphazardly. Or we rely on “doing”. We try making things happen. Instead of allowing them to happen.

That’s what lead to my client’s epiphany.

Attachment breeds unconsciousness

My client currently is in love. Rather, she thinks she is. Actually, she’s in very strong attachment. Attachment over this guy she thinks is “The One”. The problem is, no person is that. The only “The One” in our lives is us. In other words, we each are our own “The One”.

Most of us don’t realize this though. That’s because society talks us out of our inner knowing. We then forget we are eternal. We forget we are eternally loved, loved by us, and that no other love can compare to that. Especially conditional love from another human.

This client finds herself thus. She’s struggling, therefore. She’s struggling because she’s experiencing things she doesn’t like about this guy. Every time they spend time together and get close, for example, he freaks out. Intimacy frightens him. So he’ll waffle. One day he’s all Lovey-dovey. The next day, he “needs space.”

This pattern may sound familiar.

The problem for my client is her attachment. She wants so bad for this person to change. But he can’t change when she focuses so much on his behavior she doesn’t like. Behavior reflecting her own waffling way of being.

That’s right, my client realizes in this guy’s behavior that she was this way in relationship for decades. So she is having her dominant way of being in relationship reflected back to her.

I told her this was the purpose of this relationship: to have her see what’s happening inside her, vibrationally. Seeing that, she can then change her frequency.

But she’s not having that. Which has her suffering in indecision and strong resistance. Resistance she thinks is desire. She’s struggling in attachment too. Attachment she thinks is love.

But it’s not.

Which is why what happened next is so compelling.

The Universe delivers

While my client holds onto attachment for dear life, her focus on what she doesn’t want already has created what she does want. The Universe already answered her desire for a better relationship, in other words.

Still, her attachment has her pining for this one guy, rather than going with the flow of her unfolding.

“I was on my Facebook profile,” she explained one session. We were talking about her dating possibilities and how the Universe keys up an infinite stream of increasingly better quality men for her. “I rarely visit it. So when I did, I noticed I had 150 new friend requests.”

She continued: “I’m on eHarmony. None of the men I see there are attractive to me. It’s depressing.”

The client said she wondered while pursuing her online dating profile if she should date only widowers. She thinks such men would be better matches. That’s because, supposedly, they had long, enduring relationships, right up to the bitter end! Then she said she also thought she should date only engineers, since she gets along with such guys easily. She used to work in an engineering-heavy industry.

“So when I looked at the friend requests,” She explained. “Four of them were really handsome men. All four were widowers and all were engineers! That’s so weird.”

“Weird” means “I’m oblivious”

“Weird” is a common client refrain. Like most people, clients don’t get how consistently Universe delivers on all desires. So they don’t experience enough evidence of it. When I point out the evidence, they can’t believe it’s how the Universe works. They instead see these experiences as standing out. As strange. As “weird”.

In time, anyone will move beyond “weird” to just accepting that the Universe does this. But until then, people just can’t accept that these “coincidences” are how the Universe works. In other words, they’re oblivious. And that obliviousness blocks them from seeing their desires fulfilling themselves, like this client seeing the Universe give her matches without her having to do anything.

This obliviousness is why people are trying to find their match via online dating. And trying to “make” other things happen in their lives too. They think “doing” is the key to getting what they want. When in fact, relaxing and trusting will make it happen easier and with more fun.

People make a lot of money out of other people thinking “doing” is the only way.

I encouraged my client to get this: That the Universe knows better how to deliver what she wants. And that no amount of doing can replace the power and leverage of the Universe.

But she’s still attached. So she’s still struggling. Meanwhile, the wonder wasn’t wasted on me. I reveled in the awareness giving me insight into the gift the client received. Even if she can’t enjoy that awareness fully…yet.

I know, in time, should she continue, she will. It’s the natural unfolding of All That Is. All That Is, which is what we all are.

Discover how the Universe is serving you with utmost loyalty. Contact me. Let’s get you started in your own practice.

How To Create Other People Easily

I know. It sounds like an impossibility. Other people are individual persons. They’re subject to their own whims and desires, right? We can’t create other people! They have free will and all that!

Not so fast…

It’s accurate that others are their own creation. But they’re also a co-creation. We all participate in each others’ becoming. And, as I’ve stressed before, the people we experience aren’t the same people those people actually are. Instead, they’re our creations. Which explains why sometimes people get defensive when others criticize them.

But this is a positive post about how I created another person in my reality. It’s not about being defensive. In fact, it’s really about being joyful. Because what happened was such a delightful, and yet, expected, surprise. And it offers a perfect example of how we create others. Including potential partners.

The setup was awesome

One day this past summer while riding my bike, I came across a celebration. Portlanders – in their weird way – were riding around on old-style roller-skates. Dressed in costumes and carrying signs, these folks were partying over something I didn’t understand.

I did understand they were enjoying themselves, though. That was obvious. As a mobile DJ blasted tunes, the revelers wound their way along a circular path cones outlined on the street.

As I rode past, I noticed a woman on her bicycle. She was tall, with dark hair to her shoulders. She drew me to her with an enthralling quality. So much so it took me aback. The moment happened so quick. I saw her, rode past, then focused on the revelers.

Still, riding away, I chastised myself. Why didn’t I stop and say hi? But in my self-reproach, I realized what I was doing. So, instead of staying in that belief constellation, I decided I would create a future reality where I’d see her again. I therefore casually said to myself “Wouldn’t it be nice to see this person again?”

Then I focused on how pleased I would be to rendezvous with that probable future reality. One where I’d see her again.

Notice: I did this casually, lightly and only for a moment.

You can probably guess what happened next…

We create everything we experience

As creators, we are the only beings in our reality. Everything we experience, therefore, is a reflection of our massive, eternal awareness. We constantly create new realities as we move through our created reality. This gives rise to multiverses science is only recently coming to acknowledge exists.

We create people in our realities as we create everything else. The versions we create are cooperatively created along with the entities those people are in their reality. So it’s not like we’re doing anything against anyone’s will.

What this means is, we have complete control over experiences we have with other people. But usually, we let our observations reign over what we create. Especially when it comes to other people. Rather than creating them deliberately, we let our observations do it. So people occur as individuals totally separate from us. We experience physical reality the same way for the same reasons.

When we realize, however, that we create our reality, including others, we come into tremendous power and leverage. We can literally call people back into our experience, provided those people are willing to have that experience too.

That’s what happened here.

After affirming a future rendezvous with this person, I dropped it. I let the idea go into All That Is, knowing the Universe took hold of it.

Hearing inner guidance

Yesterday, over three months after seeing her, I got the impulse to go for a walk. I had just meditated for an hour and was vibing really high. So I put on warm clothes and headed out.

I knew I was vibing high because of how I felt. But also based on people’s reactions. They were super friendly. Strangers stared at me. When you’re vibing high, you stand out like a sore thumb. People notice you. I greeted those people and they were friendly in return.

As I wound my way back towards home, I started crossing one of the bridges spanning the river bisecting downtown Portland. On the way across I spotted a person coming the opposite direction. She was walking a Corgi. Something about her was very familiar.

About 20 meters away, we locked eyes. I said hi. She smiled and nodded. I felt a jolt of clarity. I recognized a connection between her and I in that moment.

We passed one another. Then my Broader Perspective suggested I stop, so I did. I leaned against the rail and took stock of my inner awareness. Something important happened that I wasn’t catching. But my Broader Perspective’s signals were strong enough to give me pause.

The bridge where I first saw her…

Then the big reveal

I looked back and saw her walking in the distance. A part of me wanted to catch up with her. It wanted to introduce myself and strike up a chat. Another part didn’t. It wanted to go home. It was getting dark. Soon it would be too cold for the clothes I wore.

Screw it, I decided. I wanted to follow through on the first part urging me to go introduce myself. By now she was a good 500 meters away. I turned back and went to catch up with her.

About 50 meters away, for some reason, that’s when she decided to stop and sit on a park bench! It was a perfect set up! I was so pleased this happened because it worked perfectly for me to approach her. When I did, I introduced myself. She invited me to sit and talk.

After talking with her a while, it struck me: This was the girl I saw last summer! In my excitement I told her so, but she didn’t remember. Most people don’t remember much about things they consider insignificant, so that wasn’t surprising. Inside though I knew this was the Universe responding to my request.

Long story short, we talked for 30 minutes. She gave me her number. We’re talking about seeing each other again.

The more we believe, the more we see

It’s so fun meeting people this way. It’s so fun I wonder why people rely on online dating to help them meet people. This is way more fun. The serendipity, the surprise, the unfolding are all wonderful characteristics of cooperating with the Universe to meet people we want to meet.

And it’s so easy.

Moreover, if we’re relaxing into the desire, it happens relatively fast.

But a lot of people don’t believe anything you just read. Or they believe what you just read is just a big coincidence. I’ve had this exact experience happen too many times though. So many I’m convinced this indeed is what’s possible. Not just for me. But for anyone.

We create our realities. That includes other people. The more we believe that, the more we’ll see that bear out in the world we experience. That means we can have anything in our reality: lovers, wonderful rendezvous, and everything else we desire.

It’s just how the Universe is organized.

Try it for yourself. Test the Universe and watch it deliver. Need help with the how? I’m available.

Here’s Definite Proof Manifestation Is A Thing

Photo by Frank Alarcon on Unsplash

We are literally surrounded by evidence proving manifesting is a thing. Why so many think it’s not real astounds me.

Every man-made object first started as vibration which turned into an “idea”. An idea is a thought. Such ideas usually come in a burst of inspiration. “Inspiration” is communication from one’s Broader Perspective.

Then a person acts to make the idea real. These actions come from impulses to act. Impulses come from one’s Broader Perspective.

After a time, the object is “manifest”. It becomes real.

It’s the same in nature. Things manifest first as vibration. The consciousness in nature translates that to a thought. Then it acts on its impulses until manifestation happens.

Our entire physical world is manifested evidence that thoughts turn to things. Why people deny it baffles…

….Then again, beliefs create reality. So if one believes manifestation is fake, the Universe will create circumstances proving that belief “true”. Meanwhile, it’s proving other beliefs “true” too.

In fact, there’s so much room in the Universe, any belief held long enough will assemble cooperative components proving it true. That’s how the universe expands: vibration becomes thoughts. Those thoughts become things.

So a person claiming “you create your reality” is false proves it true. They create a reality for themselves wherein the universe gives them proof that they don’t create their reality!

But your reality needn’t be theirs…

Beliefs create experience

It’s no wonder then when a client talked about her sister, we discovered more “truth”. The client, who I’ll call Mary, has a sister I’ll call Jane. Jane celebrated the birth of her child recently. That’s cool. But what’s even cooler was Mary’s experience.

According to Mary, Jane is kind of a worry-wart. She believes in preparing for all contingencies. When it came to having her child, therefore, Jane believed it a better choice to give birth in a hospital. When she did give birth, complications resulted which necessitated a cesarean intervention.

A week after the birth, Jane re-admitted herself to the hospital with post-birth complications. She’s been in the hospital for a week now.

In our session, Mary asked if all this resulted from Jane’s belief in preparing for the worst. Yes, I told her. But also, it represented a manifestation of Mary’s beliefs about Jane. How else could Mary have had the experience of seeing Jane go through this?

We all create our realities. We do that through our beliefs about reality. That includes beliefs about ourselves and beliefs about others. However, something very important plays a role too. That is the dynamic of co-creation.

Collapsing into another’s momentum

Each person experiences others they meet as versions they create. No two people experience a third in the same way, just as no two people experience the same reality. Even when two people experience the same situation, they each have their version of that situation. There is no shared reality.

That’s true for people in our lives too.

When it comes to experiencing others, belief momentum is everything. Whether you experience someone the way they experience themselves or the way you experience them depends on this belief momentum. For example, Mary and Jane are related and Jane is older. Mary’s experience of Jane is almost entirely the result of Jane’s momentum. In other words, Mary’s beliefs about Jane largely come based on her observation of her. That seems normal, right?

After all, we all get to know people based on what we observe, then conclude based on those observations. But we can also create versions of others independent of our observations. In the same way we can create whole new realities independent of what we observe of reality. In that same way, we also can create whole new versions of other people.

Usually however, we “collapse into the momentum” of another’s belief momentum. We allow ourselves to accept the emanation of thoughts and beliefs people have about themselves. That’s what happened between Mary and Jane.

These days, Mary is questioning all her beliefs. That’s having her see things she hadn’t before. Such as realizing that her sibling’s birth complications weren’t random situations. Instead, they sprang from her beliefs. Mary’s beliefs too.

The purpose of life

This offered Mary tremendous evidence supporting her Positively Focused practice. Evidence proving for Mary that she is literally surrounded by things made real by her through her beliefs.

How else could it be? Who else is creating her reality? No one else is creating your reality either, other than you.

What that means is, we all possess tremendous potential. Potential to create really daring and satisfying realities. Realities offering whole new experiences. For us, for the world and for the Universe.

That’s the reason we come into the world in the first place. We come to participate in universal expansion. Doing so, we expand too. And, through our example, we encourage expansion in others.

It’s the Great Game that is life experience. Expansion, joy and growth is its purpose. What could be a better purpose than that?

A Practical Example Of How Thoughts Create Life Experience

Editors note: Many links in this post connect to my other blog, The Transamorous Network, where I offer Positively Focused material, oriented to the transgender community. This story also describes an experience a Transamorous network client experienced recently. It’s being shared here due to its revelatory nature.

Often clients offer great examples of how our thoughts create our reality. That happened just today (at the time of writing this).

This client’s experience also shows how faithfully our beliefs play out in our behaviors. In the behavior of others too. Even so, these often are invisible to us. Because we can’t see them, we can’t do anything about them. So having them show up in our reality is the best way to figure out what our beliefs are.

“Reality” includes our own behaviors. So in addition to how we feel and what we think, another great way of discovering beliefs creating our reality is by looking at how we act. And how people act toward us.

By doing that, we can deliberately create paths to everything we want, with very little effort on our part. This is the basis from which I work with clients. On the way to getting all they want, clients become empowered. They also become happy. This client is a perfect example.

Let’s take a look at the wonderful experience she offered.

Creating her dating reality as she goes

My client is using the Positively Focused practice to improve her dating life, among other things. Recently she stopped using online dating. I don’t encourage anyone to use online dating. Here’s why.

Besides, it’s just more fun meeting your perfect match through serendipity.

Anyway, the client, who I’ll call Sarah, now has several men she’s seeing. Most of them are casual. And a few of them involve actually going out on dates. That’s great because Sarah, who is transgender, has very strong beliefs about men not being willing to take her out. But because she’s changed those beliefs, men now take her out. Go figure!

One guy I’ll call Cleo, wants to take Sarah out. But he’s scared. He still resists his trans-attraction. So, he’ll text Sarah, telling her he wants to see her. Or text her about taking her out. Sarah likes getting these messages. But it irks her that he won’t followup. She wants him to take her out. He doesn’t though.

I explained to Sarah that Cleo represents a stepping stone along the path to the relationship she ultimately wants and will have. I also said the more she focuses on positive aspects of what Cleo offers, the more she becomes a match to that relationship she ultimately wants.

Sarah’s working on this. Some days she’s better than others. But what happened in today’s session was instructive. First some more context.

A relationship to beat all relationships

Sarah loves a man she really wants to be with. She and this guy, I’ll call Paul, have talked on and off for years. Paul really likes Sarah. But he too fears his trans-attraction. Yet he keeps coming back to Sarah. Sarah really wants to be with Paul. I assure her constantly she can be with Paul and will be. Once she becomes fully a match to him and vice versa.

But beliefs Sarah keeps active about relationships, about Paul and about herself keep her from becoming a match. I am working with Sarah to identify and soothe these beliefs.

One belief she has is, if she told Paul about her dating experiences, Paul will get angry at her and cut her off. Even though Paul has consistently told Sarah she should date other people. I told Sarah she should share what she does with these other men. Not to manipulate Paul, but, instead to authentically express what she’s doing. Which is something Paul already encouraged her to do. Paul would appreciate knowing she took his advice, I said. 

So Sarah really wants to be with Paul. Paul likes Sarah a lot and wants that too. But both keep beliefs active that keep the two apart. And Sarah won’t communicate authentically with Paul because she’s afraid she’ll lose him.

Ok, that’s the context. Now, back to Cleo. Keep in mind what you just read. See if you can put the pieces together about beliefs and how they created the reality you’re about to read before I explain it in the section after this next one.

Perfect manifestation played in real time

One day Cleo texted her. He complained that a lot of older cis-women were coming on to him. He said he had lots of opportunity to fuck these women. But he didn’t know what he wanted to do. Sarah told him he should enjoy these women. He should have sex with them, she said, if he wants to and thinks he will enjoy it.

The more a person can enjoy life, the more life will yield to them what they want. That’s the general rule of the Positively Focused approach. So I applauded Sarah for telling Cleo this. It’s also spot-on guidance.

A couple days later, Cleo texted Sarah. He shared news that he did actually follow Sarah’s advice. He said he had a great time doing it. Remember, Sarah encouraged Cleo to have sex with these women.

Here’s what happened next, in Sarah’s own words:

“After he told me,” she said. “I got mad. Then I picked a big, giant fight with him. He got really angry with me. Then he stopped talking to me.”

Can you see what happened here? It’s a perfect manifestation of Sarah’s beliefs about Paul and her playing out, in real time, in her behavior, and Cleo’s!

The evidence: plain as day

Sarah is playing out her belief about being authentic with Paul, with Cleo. Here Cleo is, doing what I suggest Sarah could do with Paul. Cleo is telling Sarah authentically what’s happening in his life. Notice how Sarah first responds to his authentic sharing. She’s empathetic. She offers really good advice: do what pleases you.

But then, when Cleo takes Sarah’s advice, Sarah gets pissed. We could replace Cleo with Sarah in this example, and Sarah with Paul. Doing that, we can see how Sarah is creating a reality revealing her beliefs about Paul and her. They’re playing out in perfect view for all to see.

If I tell Paul what I’m doing with these other men, he’ll get mad and stop talking with me. That’s Sarah’s belief about her relationship with Paul. And that belief has Sarah feeling fear. Even so, when Cleo does what Sarah’s afraid to do with Paul, at first, Sarah is compassionate. She offers great advice. But when he follows it, Sarah gets mad and picks a fightexactly what she’s afraid Paul will do if she shares authentically what she’s up to.

What’s interesting though is the combination of realities playing out. At first Sarah is interested and compassionate. This tells Sarah that Paul would be interested and compassionate should she communicate authentically to him. But her fear dominates her behavior as a manifestation. So she gets mad at Cleo after first being interested and compassionate. That tells her she will match a version of Paul who equally gets mad. Unless she changes her beliefs.

The evidence here is as plain as day. It’s playing itself out in Sarah’s reality. Both in Cleo’s actions and her behavior too.

Power and leverage unveiled

This is the kind of thing we uncover in Positively Focused sessions. It’s the gold daily life contains about everything we want to know. Everything that will get us all the love we want. Or all the money we want. Or whatever else we want. Definitely all the happiness we can handle. And then some.

As we can see, physical reality is very sophisticated. The uninitiated have a hard time figuring all this out. That’s because we have a literal constellation of beliefs creating our ongoing, unfolding reality. A reality that includes behaviors of others. Others we create as specific versions for ourselves. As well as our own behaviors. Behaviors we’re often blind to.

All of this gives us clues about our inner-understanding. Our inner world constantly projects outward. It creates our realities all day, every day. Which is why a Positively Focused practice offers so much value. Through the practice, clients learn how to read the clues.

Just because we can’t see all this doesn’t mean it’s not happening. It is happening. And when a person starts seeing life through this lens, they come into incredible power and leverage. Power and leverage allowing one to deliberately create any reality they want. Including one in which anyone can enjoy anything they want.

Maybe you’re ready to get your hands on that power and leverage. Send me a note. Let’s get you started.

The Magic Of Putting Belief Into Affirmations

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Affirmations work, but understanding how they work makes them work. Just repeating words and phrases doesn’t work. Especially if we don’t believe what we’re saying. Or worse: if our thoughts contradict what we’re saying.

Which is why I don’t start with affirming in my client work. That’s an advanced practice. Instead, I help clients first understand who and what they are. We talk about that a lot.

It’s only after a lot of that basic stuff that I introduce more complex ideas. Belief Constellations, for example. Meanwhile, life experience validates the basics. With enough evidence supporting the basics, I then introduce homework. The homework further confirms the basics. Only after all that do we talk about affirmations.

That’s because affirmations only work when we understand why they work. The why boosts belief. It also connects that belief to a powerful source. The source from which all affirmations draw their power.

The power of self-love

For many people, affirmations don’t work, even though they’ll say they believe they work. Why is that? Because few people know whether their belief is authentic. That’s a problem. Hope can feel like belief. But it’s not belief. Which is why beginning Positively Focused clients learn how to tell the two apart. If the affirmation feels inauthentic, that’s something we want to know. But we can’t know if we can’t discern how we feel.

One client, for example, described “feeling phony” when trying to affirm. That’s excellent awareness. Because if we feel phony while affirming, the affirmation won’t work.

And yet, some affirmations work because the subject affirmed upon has little resistance. It’s easy affirming and creating a parking spot, for example. It’s quite a different matter affirming ourselves into a loving relationship, great job, or financial windfall. The goal isn’t the matter. It’s whether we believe it’s possible.

For many humans, the hardest subject upon which to affirm is the most intimate. It also is where affirmations’ powers come from. That subject is affirming our worthiness. Knowing our worthiness is key. Living a Charmed Life necessitates loving ourselves. Self-love is knowing we are worthy.

We don’t need to fully love ourselves before the Charmed Life begins emerging, however. But a lack of self-love often acts as the main hindrance to our already-existing Charmed Life. The Charmed Life is there. But our disempowering lack of self-love blinds us to it.

Which is why, ultimately, a Positively Focused practice is about loving oneself unconditionally. For in that state, our Charmed Life reveals itself to us. And that super-charges our affirming.

Becoming open to Spirit

Self love is analogous to seeing ourselves as the spiritual beings we are. We are literally love. We’re flowing through, to and all around All That Is. Love, of course, is inherently positive and joyful. Living Positively Focused calibrates one to this joyous, love-full way of being. And in doing so, we find self-love. It’s a lovely upward spiral.

From there clients figure out what makes affirmations work. The universe loves us. It’s constantly showering us with what we want. Effective affirmation doesn’t create anything, therefore. It just matches us up with what the Universe already gives us.

All this means by the time I introduce affirming to clients, its foundation is in place.

Here’s an example of a self-love affirmation string. Used correctly, with the correct mindset and attitude, these statements, intentionally made, create an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life.

This affirmation string creates an inner state aligned with one’s Charmed Life. But if repeated with no belief behind it, they’re simply words.

We are amazing power, incarnate

With enough focus, one need only recite this string once. After that, the nuanced practice begins. That practice involves maintaining an open awareness allowing one to witness evidence of the affirmation working. In that maintained awareness the single recitation amplifies. In that amplification, life transforms right before one’s eyes.

Again, most people don’t know how to “maintain an open awareness”. It’s a nuance. So, usually, a practice is required. A practice that allows one to gradually develop that open awareness. An awareness recognizing unlimited potential of Spirit showing up everywhere as it always does. It’s the unlimited potential that is all of us…and All That Is. It’s subtle. Which is why a mentor, coach, someone like me, is helpful.

This lovely affirming string filled me one morning with profound spiritual awareness. I took it direct from my journal and turned it into this meme so you, dear readers, might feel what I felt when I used it to enter the love of All That Is.

Come join me in a Positively Focused practice to learn your truly amazing power through the nuance of positive focus. The nuanced power of creative energy flowing to you and through you is you. And me. Contact me, let’s enjoy this practice together.