This isn’t actually the second, but it is the most significant OBE since my first. What’s significant about it relates to my ego’s calibration to the experience. The whole experience confirms my progress. I’m realizing more my eternal nature.
Humans are more than human. We are aware-ized energy. We are that creative energy, creating more of ourselves. Then we expand ourselves into that more. We do that to explore ourselves. We do that to know who and what we are.
While they seem rare, everyone experiences OBEs. Usually, we don’t notice them. That’s because our ego blocks such experiences. But we leave our bodies constantly.
Most common OBEs happen during sleep. We call them “dreams”. But that word cheapens what really happens. There we explore the myriad creations we create. Meanwhile our bodies get left behind.
Each of us exist simultaneously in infinite dimensions. Dimensions outside time and space. Places we create as part of our voracious desire for self-awareness and expansion.
Even those who think they don’t dream do this. The only reason they don’t remember such experiences is because they don’t believe they have them. Advanced Positively Focused clients reacquaint themselves with these experiences. The more they recall, the more becomes possible. Including OBEs.
Being outside: amazing
My second experience happened the afternoon of January 25. My “spiritual body” gently rose out of my physical one. Then it happened. Here’s how I described it in my practice journal:

As you read, I’m new at this. My waking consciousness gets out of whack when I return to “reality”. The conscious part of me experiencing the OBE is not my waking consciousness. Yet, when I “return”, that part of me must integrate the experience. When that happens disorientation shows up. That means I’m just starting to get my “sea legs” about this OBE stuff.
In reality, I’m not learning to leave my body. That happens all the time. What I’m learning is how to be aware of my depatures. And, how to integrate them on return. Integrate them so I remember the experience.
Joyful expansion
I’ve had many other OBEs. Many of them happen in sleep. Because of what I know, I have extremely good recall and retention of these experiences. Keeping a record of these amplifies my retention. Today, my records contain well over 2,000 such experiences. But when these happen, my waking consciousness isn’t with me. I experience them as actual places, but when I wake, the experience doesn’t feel as real.
Eventually, I want to leave my body at will. Seth assures us such experiences are, indeed, in the realm of possibility for us. I’m finding his words accurate.
Sometime I’ll write about the ego and its function. Humanity doesn’t understand it very well. Regarding OBEs, the ego needs grace. It must adjust to an unusual experience from its perspective. Our egos aren’t ordinarily happy experiencing OBEs. That’s because such experiences take it outside its speciality, which is physical reality. This explains why most people don’t consciously know they’re having OBEs. Their ego focuses them exclusively on the illusion that is physical reality.
If you’re intrigued with my experience and want your own, you might consider becoming a client. All my clients attest the price is a bargain for benefits they receive.
Indeed, the Charmed Life is priceless. Ready for yours?