My Second Great Out Of Body Experience

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

This isn’t actually the second, but it is the most significant OBE since my first. What’s significant about it relates to my ego’s calibration to the experience. The whole experience confirms my progress. I’m realizing more my eternal nature.

Humans are more than human. We are aware-ized energy. We are that creative energy, creating more of ourselves. Then we expand ourselves into that more. We do that to explore ourselves. We do that to know who and what we are.

While they seem rare, everyone experiences OBEs. Usually, we don’t notice them. That’s because our ego blocks such experiences. But we leave our bodies constantly.

Most common OBEs happen during sleep. We call them “dreams”. But that word cheapens what really happens. There we explore the myriad creations we create. Meanwhile our bodies get left behind.

Each of us exist simultaneously in infinite dimensions. Dimensions outside time and space. Places we create as part of our voracious desire for self-awareness and expansion.

Even those who think they don’t dream do this. The only reason they don’t remember such experiences is because they don’t believe they have them. Advanced Positively Focused clients reacquaint themselves with these experiences. The more they recall, the more becomes possible. Including OBEs.

Being outside: amazing

My second experience happened the afternoon of January 25. My “spiritual body” gently rose out of my physical one. Then it happened. Here’s how I described it in my practice journal:

My “second” OBE as described in my journal

As you read, I’m new at this. My waking consciousness gets out of whack when I return to “reality”. The conscious part of me experiencing the OBE is not my waking consciousness. Yet, when I “return”, that part of me must integrate the experience. When that happens disorientation shows up. That means I’m just starting to get my “sea legs” about this OBE stuff.

In reality, I’m not learning to leave my body. That happens all the time. What I’m learning is how to be aware of my depatures. And, how to integrate them on return. Integrate them so I remember the experience.

Joyful expansion

I’ve had many other OBEs. Many of them happen in sleep. Because of what I know, I have extremely good recall and retention of these experiences. Keeping a record of these amplifies my retention. Today, my records contain well over 2,000 such experiences. But when these happen, my waking consciousness isn’t with me. I experience them as actual places, but when I wake, the experience doesn’t feel as real.

Eventually, I want to leave my body at will. Seth assures us such experiences are, indeed, in the realm of possibility for us. I’m finding his words accurate.

Sometime I’ll write about the ego and its function. Humanity doesn’t understand it very well. Regarding OBEs, the ego needs grace. It must adjust to an unusual experience from its perspective. Our egos aren’t ordinarily happy experiencing OBEs. That’s because such experiences take it outside its speciality, which is physical reality. This explains why most people don’t consciously know they’re having OBEs. Their ego focuses them exclusively on the illusion that is physical reality.

If you’re intrigued with my experience and want your own, you might consider becoming a client. All my clients attest the price is a bargain for benefits they receive.

Indeed, the Charmed Life is priceless. Ready for yours?

What Happens When Clients Share Their Amazing Lives

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

Every Positively Focused client gets the Charmed Life I promise. Some clients, however, want more. That’s why I created an Advanced Practice level. That practice takes one’s joy to places which amplify the Charmed Life beyond people’s wildest dreams.

I like working with Advanced Practice clients. Because with them, I can share things other clients aren’t ready to believe. Then we can together practice making those unbelievable things happen in our lives.

It’s taking “you are God in human form” and making that a real life experience.

An advance practitioner recently suggested I convene a group session of people who, like her, enjoy advanced practices so much, they want to share their experiences. So I started a monthly group session practice two months ago.

The results so far are astounding.

Limitless possibilities

Participants are starting to see how no limits restrict how wonderful life can get. The Charmed Life I promise clients represents an unlimited upward spiral of delightful life experiences. These experiences get better and better, causing one to wonder “what else can I do, be or have?”

I think that’s why the client suggested starting a group session. She figured she could amplify her own Charmed Life through listening to others’ stories. Of course, she was right.

Lisa exclaiming about how great the recent advanced practice Positively Focused monthly session went.

Notice what Lisa said above?

Sometimes people hear about Positively Focused and ask whether it’s like counseling. But Lisa’s right. The Positively Focused practice is not at all like counseling. First, it’s based on deep, accurate knowledge of how the Universe works. This spiritual knowledge when put into action, creates results so convincing and so powerful, one can’t help but feel the way Lisa described herself here. Second, we’re not trying to fix something wrong or broken. And third, I don’t know of any counseling theory based on the premise that we all are God in human form.

Positively Focused is not counseling. Instead, it’s a confirmation of what everyone is: God in human form, here to express and create as such.

More than the price of admission

But that’s the nature of all reality. We’re all creating our own experiential Universe. And when we get a handle on that, we can powerfully create anything we want. The only limit: What we believe.

The more a person does that, the stronger, happier and more empowered one feels. That’s worth the price of admission! And all my advanced clients agree.

Some Advanced Praticioners raving…

Getting together with people, all whom are discovering they’re God in human form, takes this “you create your reality” business to a whole other level. When a person experiences another’s experience through that other person’s new Positively Focused perspective, entire new realities open up.

What’s more, this practice changes people. They exude something special others pick up. It’s a calmness, a certainty, a clarity that’s unmistakable. That unmistakeable reality of presence is attractive. Clients who experience it want more.

The upward spiral

Clients experiencing the group session feel their presence reflected back to them by other advanced participants. It’s here that clients really get the power of the practice. When they see it in others, they can feel it more in themselves. When that happens, when they see it happening in others’ lives, they want it more in their lives.

That’s the upward spiral I write about often. It happens in every practitioner’s life. But when an advanced practitioner sees it happening in another’s life, it’s just more confirmation the practice works.

And that’s the wonderful gift Lisa offered to other advance practitioners in suggesting we meet monthly. So far, it turns out she was onto something.

I’m glad I listened to her suggestion.

The Best Evidence Your Spirituality Is Powerful

Photo by Usman Yousaf on Unsplash

I love it when clients get results so inspiring, they confirm what I know about the power of the Positively Focused approach.

Recently, a client came to his session feeling strong self-reproach, self-judgement and frustration. He had a university exam due Friday – it was Monday – and, instead of preparing, he spent several hours binging Star Trek Discovery while also binging on snack food.

Seems like little things, don’t they? But such little things pack a punch when they’re repeated over and over. That’s how life gets out of hand for so many.

In other words, it’s a little thing – a negative thought – thought over and over that eventually creates realities consistent with it. Then life sucks.

My client couldn’t shake his negative thoughts on his own. So we practiced a process that transforms such thoughts into more positive and uplifting ones. By the end, he no longer felt bad about his choices.

Instead, he felt joy at having binged the show. Indeed, when he moved from his negative thoughts into more positive ones, he realized how perfect binging that show was. The main character’s life, he said, mimicked his own. Through the character’s life he saw aspects of his life he could improve.

Other profound realizations came too. He got, for instance, that the same judgement he had for himself about binging, he also had for his mother and his housemate. Both spend a lot of time on the couch consuming streaming media. Both also have poor eating habits and bodies consistent with those habits. My client judged them both harshly. That judgement he also directed towards himself, producing very disempowering results.

No coincidences anywhere

We used the same process to clean up those thoughts about his housemate and mother too, which produced even more euphoria in my client. After all, underneath every person’s negative mindset exists the God in Human Form they really are. Tapping into that feels euphoric.

But negative mindsets block all that. With those things blocked, one cuts oneself off from their divinity. There, they can’t see the beautiful nature of their created life experience.

Instead they see a random world where coincidences happen. Life comes with great risk. It’s scary and unpredictable and so they must protect themself and what they have. Cultivating a Positively Focused mindset clears all that away, then it reveals that everything in life stems from the thoughts you think.

Another client realizing when she deliberately chooses positive thoughts in the morning, the rest of her day reflects that positivity back to her. Life just gets better when one cultivates a positive focus.

Coincidences don’t exist. Everything happening happens for good reasons. People can know what those reasons are. When they do, life turns into a fabulous experience wherein life reflects back to the experiencer wonderful insights and epiphanies.

The good news is, life wants everyone experiencing its wonders. That’s what the Charmed Life offers: a life where every moment contains delights and joys. When a person discovers that life, they recover their power. Then they can use that power to create even better life experiences.

Lovely evidence abounds

By the end of our session, my client felt much better about what he did. Not only did he get epiphanies I described above, he also realized he had plenty of time still to complete the exam. That’s something he couldn’t see while standing in his negative thoughts.

Standing in his negative thoughts he created a living hell where not only was he a bad person for spending hours on the couch, eating junk food, he also feared time to take the exam ran out. He was on the way to that self-fulfilling prophecy. Until he came to the session.

After the session the client felt so much better, he texted me. When the client’s text arrived, it didn’t surprise me. Instead, I basked in the acknowledgment it communicated as a reflection of my own inner state:

Then he followed that message up with this:

Proof in the pudding

A lot of spiritual paths exist. Which offer powerful approaches to connecting with the divine? I prefer relying on Nichiren Buddhism’s Three Proofs doctrine. As the name implies, it suggest a three-step verification process. With it, you can tell whether any spiritual path offers a valid way to spiritual awakening.

The first test is, does the spirituality’s teachings (translating loosely) accord with Universal Laws? Second, the test asks, does the teaching line up with reason and logic? Finally the test says, does the teaching bear out when put to the test? In other words, when you do what the teaching says, do you get the results the teaching says you’ll get?

Speaking about the Three Proofs, the founder of Nichiren Buddhism had this to say:

In judging the relative merit of [any spiritual path], I, Nichiren, believe that the best standards are those of reason and documentary proof. And even more valuable than reason and documentary proof is the proof of actual fact”

I agree. The most valuable evidence determining whether a spiritual path has any power lies in whether or not it does what it says it will do when you put it into action. I know the Positively Focused approach passes all three tests. My clients do too. After all, they’re getting great results!

But the result I love the most is the actual, factual proof I produce in my life, which gets confirmed when my clients produce similar results in theirs.

Theirs, like mine inspire. That inspiration is power. The power to create a happy life. A life I call the Charmed Life.

Ready for yours?

Why Nature Loves To Love Happy, Positive People

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

All my clients who continue a Positively Focused practice, and so far that’s the vast majority of them, enjoy wonderful surprises along their path. One of those wonderful surprises catches many of them off guard.

As they let go of insecurity, fear, and playing victim in their lives, they return to their natural state of harmony with all that is. They feel better about themselves. They feel better about their lives. More and more, they come to realize they love themselves.

Then something happens they aren’t expecting. An advanced indicator of this practice working shows up in the world around them. Animals – dogs and cats, but also “wild” animals as well – start coming out of “nowhere” and putting themselves on display. This happens because higher vibrations of appreciation, clarity and knowing surface within the client. They replace fear and insecurity, which animals pick up. Animals want to be around the Positively Focused person.

Children resemble animals in this way. They haven’t picked up negative beliefs of their parents yet, so their receptors are more “clean”. So when a Positively Focused person goes by, they want to interact with that person.

A client noticing the shift as he advances in his Positively Focused practice.

Positive focus, positive life

Experiences like this create the Charmed Life I talk about. The Charmed Life includes everything you want happening effortlessly. Those are cool. But the Charmed Life also includes you becoming clear that you stand at the center of the Universe. And the Universe shows you its love for you through people and animals who, like you become through a Positively Focused practice, know their connection to All That Is.

The more things like this happen, the more inspired one becomes. They want to practice more because evidence mounts quickly. Before they know it, momentum ensues. Then they want to create things they once thought impossible.

When that happens, the Universe revels. We’re not here to recreate what already exists. We’re here to expand upon what is. The power of our individual perspectives is creating things that never been before. Doing that, we expand the Universe. The more we recognize we all exist as gods in human form, the better our collective lives get.

Nothing beats knowing this. Well, living it beats just knowing, of course. I enjoy this living and from there offer the same to others. Clearly, my clients are getting the results. Are you ready for yours?

Why The Great Results Create Better Futures

Photo by Madhu Shesharam on Unsplash

In part one, “Why Manifesting Great Results Means Going Slow” I introduced natural time and distinguished that from clock or assembly line time. Then I described how natural time works as a function, or interval when one thing turns into another. I described how natural time flexes and flows, with its nature highly dependent on consciousnesses experiencing it.

I also described how desires, existing in nonphysical, become physically manifest with assistance from a fertile mind. As promised in the first part, in this post, I’ll illustrate how natural time works alongside desire and consciousness to allow said desire into full fruition.

I’ll use Copiosis as the example. Copiosis is a private company whose mission is to implement a new Viable Systems Model-based socio-economic innovation, then inspire the world to embrace the future it creates. In that future, all of humanity lives free from debt-based economies, socio economic domination and government control. The planet naturally gets restored and humanity moves into a thriving and resilient future. This idea came to me 12 years ago. When I received it I knew I would steward it to full manifestation. This video gives an overview:

Natural time subjectivity

By the time I declared Copiosis as the global economic reality, that global phenomenon already existed as a full-blown reality in nonphysical. It was a desire evolving from nonphysical into my consciousness.

As I wrote in the previous post, this idea came to many others simultaneously. I know this because since creating Copiosis in 2013, many people have written saying they wanted to do the same thing. This idea seeded itself in many people at once. Apparently, I was the only one willing to take it as far as I have.

The length of natural time, or the interval between my declaration and the full-blown manifestation of Copiosis on Earth, is 100 percent flexible. Whether it takes forever, or sooner than that depends on me and my perception. My “perception” includes whether my mind represents fertile ground for the idea to evolve further into its full-blownness.

Fertile ground means my belief constellation must offer a vibration harmonious to the idea. If it’s not, the interval will lengthen. If I “prune” and nurture the ground, that interval will contract.

One’s belief constellation determines whether or not what is manifesting takes hours, days or never happens.

When evidence is invisible

I also wrote in part one how no two people experience the same interval of natural time. That’s because everyone experiences their own version of physical reality, shaped by their belief constellation. Copiosis illustrates this principle too. Many people think it’s taking forever for it to happen. Like this guy, who thinks Copiosis is impossible:

But others, who at first may have been skeptical or doubtful, now see evidence of Copiosis happening everywhere. I too see enormous evidence of Copiosis happening, including higher-qualified people offering support and other resources coming to us all in divine timing, including millions of dollars.

The point is, when someone receives an idea or a desire, the minute that happens, that desire exists full-blown. But the receiver must believe the desire is possible to line up with and allow that full-blown version into their experience.

And this is where so many people get manifesting wrong. It’s also why so many believe manifesting doesn’t work.

You’ll see it when you believe

Even though Copiosis exists full blown in nonphysical, it can never happen that way in physical reality. An interval of some length must happen. That’s because physical reality includes a built-in resistance which makes all manifestations gradual. That’s on purpose. Instant thoughts-to-things manifestations would make reality quite unstable.

So, yes, the impossible, daunting, unfeasible looks that way when an observer considers something outside of what they believe possible. The message in the picture above comes from someone who doesn’t believe Copiosis is possible. In their disbelief, they can’t find evidence proving their disbelief inaccurate. All they can see is evidence supporting what they believe.

For that observer, Copiosis IS impossible, daunting, unfeasible. But that doesn’t mean it actually is. The perception is the fundamental flaw. Because anything is possible. Even upending our current global economy in favor of a better one.

The reason Copiosis offers value beyond time-constrained feasibility perceptions is because it’s already done and eager for its unfolding. Copiosis as an ideal, like all thoughts, is a living thing. It reaches for its own fulfillment. So its desire facilitates its unfolding. It is therefore inevitable.

Divine timing’s got this

Its value exceeds any limited perceptions. Because limiting perceptions, by definition, introduce resistance in the observer, thereby limiting the observer’s ability to perceive the value. That’s why emancipation, suffrage, political freedom and all these other massively worthy ideals take so long. The observers don’t hold pure focus on the ideal, then let the universe do its work.

Instead, they focus on limitations of the idea, which are being superimposed by the consciousnesses considering the idea. Then they fight against what is, which perpetuates what is. “What you resist, persists”, right?

Heady stuff, I know.

So how much time it takes for Copiosis to flesh out fully, subjectively depends on that through which it emerges. Were I of different contemplations, contemplations which offered less resistance, Copiosis could happen far faster. It’s not a problem that it is taking what it is taking though because divine timing’s got this. 

But we also must consider the readiness of all other points of consciousnesses that will bump into the idea as their perception moves around and the idea emerges. That’s another source of resistance that must soothe.

Those who will try to prevent it from happening – our of fear, jealousy or some other negative emotion – will aid its emergence though. Because anything you resist will get bigger. Our job at Copiosis is not to resist others’ resistance. Meanwhile, Copiosis is becoming known around the world:

Why thoughts become things

A massive element about to fall into place is the remaining element needed to show others Copiosis is emerging. But I don’t need that element in place to know Copiosis is done. I know it’s done because I understand how thoughts turn to things. As Peter Gabriel put it in the song Mercy Street, All all things made solid and real were once just dreams in someone’s head.

Thoughts become things because all thoughts desire to become things. We humans play the role of conduits through which things become so. I love knowing this. I love playing with the process, which includes natural time, and seeing all manner of things becoming real in my life experience.

Showing others how to do the same in their lives takes my evidence body to a whole new level. Their results amplify my own, which bolsters my certainty that anything is possible. The great results I desire are done. And they flow to me, then through me, then from me into the real world as easily as an exhaled breath. Natural, in divine timing and as effortless as breathing.

Why Manifesting Great Results Means Going Slow

Photo by Vu Thu Giang on Unsplash

Why do some things seem impossible, daunting and unfeasible? Are they really? To understand why nothing is impossible, daunting or unfeasible, one must know how thoughts become things.

Peter Gabriel, an English musician, singer, songwriter, record producer and activist gets it. He penned a song called “Mercy Street“. Its first two versus give clues about how reality happens. It’s worth navigating to that site and read the first to lyrics. I removed them here to avoid being sued for using lyrics without permission!

In this post I’ll introduce one aspect of that knowing of how thoughts become things: The nature of time. In part two, I’ll use something I’m creating that some people think is impossible as a model illustrating how thoughts turn to things and nothing is impossible.

It’s important first knowing that all experience is subjective. No two points of consciousness share the same experience, even when two people focus on what they may think is the same thing. In this way, each human creates their unique experience. Time participates in shaping each experience.

Time to know time

“Time” is an important component in thoughts turning to things. If a person wants to deliberately create their reality, they must grok time as a cooperative element.

It’s obvious most people don’t understand time. Look around. Impatience, haste, deadlines and other artifacts of our socio-economic system show how humans push against and fight against time. If they knew what time was, their impatience, haste and eagerness to beat time would vanish.

Understanding time allows a person great freedom and flexibility. That’s because in understanding it, a person finds more joy in life. Such joy eludes those moving through the world using the social construct known as time.

The social construct that is time works against people’s ability to express their natural creative abilities. (Photo by Djim Loic on Unsplash)

So what is time? It is an interpretation springing from a human point of consciousness. As that consciousness considers “what is” becoming something else, natural time happens. Natural time is that interval between “what is” and the something else it becomes. This time is not the same time people most commonly think about.

Nearly every human does this “considering” thing. So everyone thinks everyone else shares the experience they experience. But each person’s experience is unique. Nothing gets shared. Including the interval called time.

This natural time, the interval, has nothing to do with clocks.

Time created in insecurity

The social construct we call time is something domineering humans put in place to regulate how people get things done. Look back at history and what happened when domineering cultures met other cultures still connected with natural processes.

Those domineering cultures often got impatient and angry when those other cultures operated on the natural knowing of time. So those domineering cultures, in their collective insecurity and frustration, forced other cultures to disconnect from what they knew.

Thus we have “monochronic” time. In it, people get things done in a coordinated way, using time increments segmented into small precise units. This coordinated time is called “clock time” (by Eckart Tolle) or “assembly line time” (by Seth). This kind of time is the common, agreed-upon phenomenon through which everyone coordinates their activity all around the world.

But that time is based on insecurity, born of disconnection. It’s why westerners were once highly frustrated with Mexicans, Native Americans or Australian Aboriginals. When such people met, they gathered on natural or polychronic time. They met when moved. This often infuriated insecure westerners impatient to “get things done”. Fury, anger and impatience indicate powerlessness and insecurity.

Variable speed polychronic time

Polychronic time gets closer to the interval that is natural time. Again, this interval happens while a current manifested thing changes into something else. The word “time” doesn’t accurately capture the experience though because the word “time” implies something fixed and linear. “Fixed” and “linear” are attributes of clock time, not natural time. That’s why “interval” fits better.

Clock time possesses three other attributes: apparent past, present and future. Each flows from one to the other. The interval between manifestation, however, is highly flexible, nonlinear, and all happening in the now. One thing turning into another can happen in an instant. Or it can take eons. And since it’s all happening now, past, present and future don’t exist. Clock time creates past, present and future. Natural time is now, now, now.

While you may not have experienced past, present and future as happening at once, I’m certain your experience includes witnessing time’s flexibility. Natural time also enjoys variable speeds at which it passes. How long or short natural time’s interval lasts, depends on the consciousness experiencing it.

How “fast” time passes depends on one’s resistance about what is becoming. With little resistance, one manifestation turns into another quickly. With high resistance, manifestations might never happen. The interval can stretch into forever. Or pass so fast, you’re surprised it’s happened so quickly.

Time, natural time, expands or contracts depending on the consciousness experiencing it. (Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash)

Instantaneous time happens

Natural time exists in infinitesimal quantities in the place from which we come. I call that place “nonphysical”. Everything happens there instantly. That’s because resistance in that place is so low, it’s not worth considering.

You’ve already experienced how time can fly by or crawl. Your state of being shapes the interval. Absorbed in an activity, the interval contracts. When bored out your ass, the interval expands.

The Universe is consistent. So if your experience of natural time shows you its variable speed, stretching and contracting, then a place must exist where time goes so quick things happen in an instant.

We know, then, theoretically a place exists where time essentially doesn’t exist. Everything happens at once there. That place can be experienced. But let’s call it theoretical for now.

Good reasons exist for why time functions differently here compared to in nonphysical. But let’s not bother with that. Instead, let’s see now how putting all this theory to work works.

Simultaneous early manifestation

When a person receives a desire, that desire came from someplace. The desire exists before it shows up in the person’s mind. Where it exists is the same place we come from and where time is practically nonexistent: the nonphysical.

So a desire “manifests” first in the mind of a person. That desire wants full expression. Usually desires show up in more than one mind. That way, it enjoys a higher probability of becoming fully expressed. We hear of stories where one creative sues another. The plaintiff claims defendant “stole” a creative’s idea. Sometimes it’s a film idea, or a book concept or a melody, for example.

Usually, the plaintiff gets angry because they didn’t act on the idea, but the defendant one did. Such situations happen because a single idea shows up in many people’s minds at once. But usually only on person will take it to completion.

The minute that desire shows up in the mind, in nonphysical, all resources needed for its full expression, exist. Resources are like desires. They come from the same place desires do. In that place, everything happens instantly. So when a desire exists in nonphysical, so must all resources needed for its full expression.

The minute a desire shows up in the mind, in nonphysical, all resources needed for its full expression, exist. Deliberate creators know their job is to relax and let the desire fulfill itself. (Photo by Vu Thu Giang on Unsplash)

Fertile ground or dead end?

But when a desire shows up in a mind, other thoughts already exist there. These other thoughts create an atmosphere either conducive or detrimental to the desire. That atmosphere will largely determine whether the person receiving the desire acts or not. “Atmosphere” can also be called “momentum”.

Consider a person who believes life is hard, money comes from working for another, people are greedy and “I am not worthy of my dreams.” Such a person isn’t likely to receive a desire inconsistent with what they believe. But let’s say they do. And the desire they get is “create a nonprofit for dogs.”

Don’t you think that person’s immediate reaction to that desire would likely be one of the following?

  • That’s crazy. I can’t do that!
  • Where would I get the money?
  • No one will support that
  • I’m too busy trying to pay my bills
  • I can’t quit my job
  • How would I do that?

These thoughts exist quite comfortably in the atmosphere created by thoughts like “I am not worthy of my dreams,” life is hard, money comes from working for another, people are greedy. So if the desire shows up, odds are it won’t get expressed.

But for the person who understands how dreams are made real, as Peter Gabriel put it in “Mercy Street”, the desire flourishes. That flourish gets aided by time. I’ll cover how in my next post.

Little Things Lead To And Create Big Things

Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

Some people think when practicing meditation or other manifestation process, that focusing on the big things – manifestations like jobs, money, and relationships – are the goal.

But it’s really the tiny things, those little, moment-by-moment realizations, that make the big things reveal themselves. And without those little things, the big things don’t happen. That’s because the prime objective of such a practice is joy, not manifestations.

For example, a client realized this recently as he advanced in his Positively Focused practice. He’s a musician, and as he thought about his upcoming practice one day, he made a remarkable discovery.

“Before my practice session,” he began. “I had the thought ‘well, what am I going to work on today?’ Then I thought ‘oh that sounds so depressing.'”

“So I said to myself ‘I’m just going to enjoy what happens.’ So I just started improvising and really got interested in this one particular thing and off I went.”

He continued. “What happened was I put the emphasis on enjoyment, and ended up enjoying working on something that needed working on, because of the enjoyment, rather than working on something I needed to work on, which would have been boring and unenjoyable.”

It seems this little realization isn’t much. But don’t be fooled. Such little things are precursors or harbingers of big things. And the more someone focuses on these little things, especially one’s feelings, the sooner bigger things happen.

In this client’s experience he learned that a joy-orientation instead of task-orientation creates outcomes just as powerful, but much more enjoyable, than task-orientation. It’s way more fun too!

It is law. If you’re chronically Positively Focused, your life must reflect that back to you.

The pay-offs are infinite

This kind of awareness, putting joy first, pays huge dividends. The greater one cultivates such an awareness, the more they realize we all live submerged in a sea of blessings, all happening specifically for our enjoyment.

This is the Charmed Life I write about. The experience of life as a moment-by-moment joyful experience. Were eveything one wants happens…effortlessly.

The Universe wants us all living in joy. That’s why discovering it feels so good. This client shared more of his unfolding experience later in the same session:

“There’s been a lot of moments,” he added. “Just in the last couple of weeks, where I’ve deliberately put my attention on the fact that me and society in general are all being pretty much taken care of all the time,”

“Aside from the amazing cosmic set-up allowing all this to happen,” He explained. “Even at the societal level [we’re taken care of].”

He went on describing things he realized indicate this. For example, even simple things, inventions like the rear view mirror, he said, make life so easy for everyone.

“All the things we take for granted, yet they’re made out of compassion the benefit of others…everything, everything is geared up to help each other. It’s amazing!!!”

We live among treasure troves

Indeed, these little things, like roads, traffic signals, standards and conventions, and inventions like rear-view mirrors, reveal how good life is. But only to those willing to take time to appreciate what’s really happening.

With these inventions, every one of us may move through life in relative comfort, ease and joy. We can pursue all kinds of activities. Activities bringing us satisfaction, pleasure and fulfillment.

Afterwards, my client and I marveled in his realizations. And we marveled for a purpose. Because by focusing on these little things, focusing on them and appreciating them for the blessings they are, our perception broadens until life reveals its secrets.

In every life instance, every waking moment, we stand among treasure troves. Troves everyone enjoys, or takes for granted.

But when one focuses on these little things, recognizing and appreciating them, they soothe resistance born of bogus beliefs about life. Those bogus beliefs make the troves invisible. Meanwhile, these little things, things bogus beliefs make impossible to see, add up to larger blessings. They add up to things we desire, like more money, better work, peace and happiness and, yes, even love.

Castles and buttons both seen easy

Over time though, as resistance gives way to a positive focus, one discovers their place at the center of the Universe. There the Universe reveals its conspiracies. There are co-created processes happening all the time that deliver to everyone everything they want.

The revelation transforms human consciousness. It creates in the individual an unshakeable certainty of one’s eternal, invincible and blessed nature.

Only those who line up with what they want get this gift. The giving of which comes through becoming Positively Focused.

Focusing on the little things is the first step. These little things Abraham calls “buttons”. Once they become visible, seeing those things we really care about, the greater manifestations, gets easier. Abraham calls those greater manifestations, “castles“.

But again, perceiving accurately the buttons unfolding in order to see castles unfolding one must cultivate that chronic positive focus. When cultivated, nurtured and maintained, resistance born of negative beliefs fades. Then, like my client, the Positively Focused person sees the bewildering reality of physical reality: the Charmed Life.

From there, buttons cause a giddy delight. Your gaze fills with them. Then and only then, riding on the momentum of evidence your Charmed Life exists, your castles start showing you steps leading to their unfolding. Like this other client expressing his wonder at how well the practice works:

A different client realizing his Charmed Life.

Are you ready?

So by deliberately focusing on life’s positive aspects, one gradually lives a chronic state of experiencing buttons lining a path leading to castles. The bigger, full-blown manifestations waiting for everyone in their version of the Charmed Life exist. The question is, are people ready to experience them?

Whether you are or not, I love being chronically Positively Focused. Like my clients, I see more and more evidence of unfoldings consistent with what I want. Nothing is off limits. Everything is possible. I create a life rich in abundance of all kinds.

It’s gratifying seeing my clients get there too. And when they appreciate getting there, I revel in their appreciation.

For as they do that, it confirms my own process, my own practice, my own expansion. Then our sessions become what they ultimately are: opportunities to revel together in the unfolding or our creation-rich Charmed Lives.

Are you ready for yours?

[Video] Great Results From A Positive Focus

When clients first start their Positively Focused journey, they come with many questions. As their questions get answered and they continue with their practice, results they get lead them to want to practice more.

Before they know it, they discover their Charmed Life – the life Universe wants for everyone. Everyone knew the Charmed Life awaited them before coming into physical reality. That’s why everyone comes into a body.

Why do so few live that life?

Because nearly everyone’s attitude gets corrupted by those around them. Conclusions people make about life also contribute, creating pessimistic, cynical beliefs about life. Such attitudes and beliefs contradict and block the Charmed Life. Even though it’s available to everyone, most stand apart from it because of how they think.

At Positively Focused we fix that.

Evidence becomes obvious

As results pile up and resistance fades, life gets better and better. Before long, clients want more results, which inspires them to more consistent practice.

In the following video, Chris describes his own journey. His illustrates what every client gets through the Positively Focused approach. Even things some believe are impossible, or at least inadvisable, become possible. Even getting off “mood stabilizing” medications. Take a listen:

Chris’ example shows why I love practicing with clients. When they produce these kinds of results, they amplify my own knowing. I enjoy seeing their results as confirmation of my own.

The Charmed Life awaits anyone who trades common, pessimistic and cynical human attitudes about life for a positively focused attitude. That’s because the Positively Focused attitude reflects what All That Is knows about life on Earth. Everything happening happens on purpose, and that purpose creates more of All That Is, which is unconditionally loving.

Are you ready for your Charmed Life?

Why Depression Can Produce Great Good

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: Is there a spiritual explanation for depression?


But first: If you are experiencing life-threatening circumstances and don’t want to die, you should seek professional advice.

Understanding the explanation requires having further background in spirituality. But we’re going to skip that because this answer may already go long.

Depression is a signal the depressed person is sending themselves. Most people don’t understand this, so instead of listening to the signal and doing something about it, they instead “cover up the signal.”

Let’s say you’re coming up to a railroad crossing. A train is coming. The lights on your side of the tracks are flashing red.

Would you cross the tracks when the light says stop? (Photo by Jude Infantini on Unsplash)

Would you ignore the signal and cross the track? Of course not. You’d get killed.

Depression is like the flashing light. It is telling the depressed person something. The depressed person should stop and take action based on what the signal is saying.

Most depressed people receive the signal and don’t know what it’s saying. So they keep doing what they’re doing instead of doing what the signal is telling them to do (in this case, changing the thoughts the person is thinking. More on that in a bit).

What depression tells people

Most depressed people will disagree with this, but it doesn’t make it less accurate: Depression is not that serious. It’s just a really strong signal.

It just so happens that as signals go, it’s one of the most intense. Usually, a person who experiences depression was oblivious to earlier, less intense signals received on the way to “depression”.

In other words, they didn’t listen to the less intense signals, so now they’re getting one of the most intense.

Had they heeded the less intense ones, they wouldn’t have ended up depressed. And, it would have been easier to do something about the signal.

So what is this signal telling the depressed person? It’s telling them they have beliefs and thoughts that are at odds with the “what-is-ness” of life. That’s all it is.

By “what-is-ness” we mean the dominant state of All That Is which includes the spiritual realm and the physical realm. BTW, everything is spiritual. But since people don’t acknowledge that, it’s important to mention both the “physical world” (which is all spiritual) and the “spiritual world”. Sometimes redundancy is needed.

Depression tells the depressed person something important. Most of them miss that message thought. (Photo by Hailey Kean)

Beauty, positivity and joy available everywhere

The dominant state of All That Is is positive expansion, eagerness, enthusiasm, joy, ecstasy, etc. It knows everything is always working out towards positive expansion, fulfillment, expression, awareness, etc. This is not theoretical or just “spiritual”. It is the actual state of things.

Humans create their reality. They can create any reality they want. When they are creating a reality consistent with what they are as physical embodiments of All That Is, they resonate or feel in tune with All That Is.

How does that feel? Positive, expansionary, eager, enthusiastic, joyful, ecstatic, fulfilled, etc.

But when a person creates a reality inconsistent with all the above, they feel consistent with that creation. Anger, frustration, annoyance….all the way down to depression.

Feelings are important. Many people don’t understand their function as signals. They help a person know what they are creating.

Feelings help keep us on track

So a person who feels depressed has chronically created a reality inconsistent with what they are. Reality creation occurs first in vibration, then in thought form, then in a received thought before the creation becomes physical reality. In each of those stages, an emotion/feeling is received by the person doing the creating. This helps the person catch their creation early on, before it springs into physical reality.

If a person keeps creating along lines inconsistent with All That Is, eventually they will get harsher or more and more intense signals…until they get the message.

So depression is not anything mysterious or serious. It is only a signal a person is receiving.

This example may be illustrative.

Let’s say as a child, a young woman was sexually abused by her father. The first time it happened, the child may have felt out of sorts. By the fifth or so time it happened, her internal awareness that something is not right is already in high gear.

Now, she has an opportunity to act. She knows what to do, even though she’s a little girl. But she doesn’t because she’s unclear.

That’s the first signal: unclear or confusion.

Uncertainty momentum creates more momentum

Now, let’s say the father threatens her. Let’s say he says “you tell your mom and I’m going to kill you.” Or something less extreme “honey, keep this a secret between you and me. Don’t tell your mom.”

The young girl knows intuitively she should say something. But now she’s confused because her dad is telling her to keep this secret.

So the situation continues. She starts feeling more uncertainty. That’s a signal.

Note that this little girl’s mood will change. She’ll gradually lose the joy, freedom, happiness and enthusiasm for life. These emotions go away because of her thoughts are turning to beliefs – “conclusions about her world” and about what she has experienced:

  • “this should not be happening”
  • “I don’t understand”
  • “I don’t want this to happen any more”
  • “I feel out of control”
  • “I feel like this is wrong”

Eventually, this clarity will turn on itself and she will begin thinking different thoughts:

  • “I’m angry at my dad”
  • “I hate my dad”

Then she will turn her thoughts on herself:

  • “This is my fault”
  • “I must have done something to deserve this”
  • “I’m a bad person for letting this happen”

The positive, constructive anger expressed at her dad is now turned inward on herself. Action she could have taken to express her anger, or even earlier, her lack of understanding (which is a very light signal), now is not available.

Less intense signals ignored become more intense signals

Self blame, turns to discouragement about life. Discouragement turns to anger (at herself), anger turns to rage (at herself and her dad and perhaps her mom for not noticing and stopping him) which extends to life in general. Rage at life in general turns to insecurity/guilt/unworthiness.

Now, in this “vibration” where signals being received are insecurity/guilt/unworthiness, the young woman, who may be in high school by now, is long into creating a reality matching these signals. The momentum of that reality is so strong by now, it’s pretty much running the show.

As a result, they may experience increasingly “negative” life experiences. But these are just signals too. She may start doing poorly in school. She might show behavior problems. She may start taking drugs. She may dress a particular way, or hang out with people who resonate with this reality she creates.

These life experiences, which she is creating, also generate a feedback loop. The more she remains in this state and does not do anything about the signals, the more of these kinds of experiences she will have.

The process works either way. Beliefs create the world you want to see, or the world consistent with your beliefs. That’s why it’s better to bring into alignment your beliefs and what you want to see.

Vulnerability and insecurity will become physical manifestations

This state of vulnerability might even create situations where she is further sexually abused. She may be raped. She may turn to prostitution. Or she may develop other signals we call “illnesses” such as Fibromyalgia, PTSD, “anxiety disorder” or other “traumas”. All of these are signals, not to others, to herself. Spiritually, emotions are the first level of signal. The other level is “life experiences”.

If she tries to treat the signals, that’s like trying to turn off the lights at the railroad crossing. She doesn’t get to the foundation of all her life troubles: underlying thoughts and beliefs that are being pointed to by the signals both in her physical reality and in her emotions.

If she is oblivious to the connection between her signals and her experiences, she will think the experiences are independent of her and the signals. She’ll compound her problematic beliefs, thinking:

  • “Men are scum”
  • “The world is scary”
  • “I’m afraid”

And create more thoughts consistent with her experience:

  • “I’m a loser”
  • “These are the only friends I can get”
  • “Sex is my only value”
  • “I’ll disappear by eating”

Reversal: omnipresent and available

At any time in this process the young woman can turn all this around. But it’s easier to do it in the early stages than it is after reality begins matching the signals.

By the time one reaches the depression signal, it’s much harder. But it’s not impossible.

BTW, all this is subtle. This is why counseling can help because it uncovers many of the original beliefs and experiences that generated the early stage signals. But a person doesn’t need counseling. They can turn this around themselves by focusing on how they’re thinking and change that while paying attention to the signals they’re getting – their feelings and their physical life experiences.

So hopefully you can see, depression has a spiritual origin, just like everything else in life. It acts as an indicator, helping the creator create life experiences consistent with what they are wanting.

And when they change their beliefs about life experience, life experience becomes the Charmed Life I write about. A text from a client who once was on the verge of suicide shows this:

The interesting thing is, the intensity of negative emotion indicates the equal opposite intensity of desire. In other words, those most depressed possess the potential for some of the greatest joys.

And that’s why “depression”, the signal, can produce great good. For when a person knows what you just read, and takes action based on it, great good will follow. That’s guaranteed because that’s how the Universe works.

Want to learn more? I got your back!

Why Negative Energy Scares People, But Shouldn’t

Positively Focused Q-A

Question, if pure positive energy is infinite intelligence. What is pure negative energy?

That’s a great question. The answer is: there’s no such thing. What people call “negative” energy, isn’t a thing. “Negative” energy is defined by its relationship to positive energy. This requires deeper explanation.

For simplicity, instead of using the word “energy”, let’s use “light”. Using that word, we would say “pure positive light”. Rephrasing your question using our new word, we’d ask: well what is pure negative light? Or what is darkness?

But can you see how that doesn’t make sense? What IS darkness? Isn’t it “the absence of light?” Abraham from Law of Attraction fame uses this analogy often.

To make your bedroom dark at night, or for night to fall, there’s no “darkness” switch you turn on, nor is there something that replaces the sun making it dark. Nope. You turn off the light with the light switch, and the sun simply moves behind the earth which blocks the light.

Negative doesn’t exist

The same is true with energy. There’s no “negative” energy, there’s only the blocking of, or not allowing, or turning away from positive energy. Experiences that then happen when you do that feel bad.

That “bad” experience gets stronger, of course, just like any other “negative momentum” does and for the same reason. It strengthens in order to clue the person in to the fact that they’re no longer tuned to positive energy or no longer in the light.

In other words, when a person turns away from the light, Infinite Intelligence and their Inner Being along with Law of Attraction brings to that person “negative” experiences designed to tell the person what they’re doing.

That way they can turn back to the light, i.e. get back to positivity.

Doesn’t that make such experiences then, of the light?

We think so!