When clients first start their Positively Focused journey, they come with many questions. As their questions get answered and they continue with their practice, results they get lead them to want to practice more.
Before they know it, they discover their Charmed Life – the life Universe wants for everyone. Everyone knew the Charmed Life awaited them before coming into physical reality. That’s why everyone comes into a body.
Why do so few live that life?
Because nearly everyone’s attitude gets corrupted by those around them. Conclusions people make about life also contribute, creating pessimistic, cynical beliefs about life. Such attitudes and beliefs contradict and block the Charmed Life. Even though it’s available to everyone, most stand apart from it because of how they think.
At Positively Focused we fix that.
Evidence becomes obvious
As results pile up and resistance fades, life gets better and better. Before long, clients want more results, which inspires them to more consistent practice.
In the following video, Chris describes his own journey. His illustrates what every client gets through the Positively Focused approach. Even things some believe are impossible, or at least inadvisable, become possible. Even getting off “mood stabilizing” medications. Take a listen:
Chris’ example shows why I love practicing with clients. When they produce these kinds of results, they amplify my own knowing. I enjoy seeing their results as confirmation of my own.
The Charmed Life awaits anyone who trades common, pessimistic and cynical human attitudes about life for a positively focused attitude. That’s because the Positively Focused attitude reflects what All That Is knows about life on Earth. Everything happening happens on purpose, and that purpose creates more of All That Is, which is unconditionally loving.