Why Negative Energy Scares People, But Shouldn’t

Positively Focused Q-A

Question, if pure positive energy is infinite intelligence. What is pure negative energy?

That’s a great question. The answer is: there’s no such thing. What people call “negative” energy, isn’t a thing. “Negative” energy is defined by its relationship to positive energy. This requires deeper explanation.

For simplicity, instead of using the word “energy”, let’s use “light”. Using that word, we would say “pure positive light”. Rephrasing your question using our new word, we’d ask: well what is pure negative light? Or what is darkness?

But can you see how that doesn’t make sense? What IS darkness? Isn’t it “the absence of light?” Abraham from Law of Attraction fame uses this analogy often.

To make your bedroom dark at night, or for night to fall, there’s no “darkness” switch you turn on, nor is there something that replaces the sun making it dark. Nope. You turn off the light with the light switch, and the sun simply moves behind the earth which blocks the light.

Negative doesn’t exist

The same is true with energy. There’s no “negative” energy, there’s only the blocking of, or not allowing, or turning away from positive energy. Experiences that then happen when you do that feel bad.

That “bad” experience gets stronger, of course, just like any other “negative momentum” does and for the same reason. It strengthens in order to clue the person in to the fact that they’re no longer tuned to positive energy or no longer in the light.

In other words, when a person turns away from the light, Infinite Intelligence and their Inner Being along with Law of Attraction brings to that person “negative” experiences designed to tell the person what they’re doing.

That way they can turn back to the light, i.e. get back to positivity.

Doesn’t that make such experiences then, of the light?

We think so!

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