Every Positively Focused client gets the Charmed Life I promise. Some clients, however, want more. That’s why I created an Advanced Practice level. That practice takes one’s joy to places which amplify the Charmed Life beyond people’s wildest dreams.
I like working with Advanced Practice clients. Because with them, I can share things other clients aren’t ready to believe. Then we can together practice making those unbelievable things happen in our lives.
It’s taking “you are God in human form” and making that a real life experience.
An advance practitioner recently suggested I convene a group session of people who, like her, enjoy advanced practices so much, they want to share their experiences. So I started a monthly group session practice two months ago.
The results so far are astounding.
Limitless possibilities
Participants are starting to see how no limits restrict how wonderful life can get. The Charmed Life I promise clients represents an unlimited upward spiral of delightful life experiences. These experiences get better and better, causing one to wonder “what else can I do, be or have?”
I think that’s why the client suggested starting a group session. She figured she could amplify her own Charmed Life through listening to others’ stories. Of course, she was right.

Notice what Lisa said above?
Sometimes people hear about Positively Focused and ask whether it’s like counseling. But Lisa’s right. The Positively Focused practice is not at all like counseling. First, it’s based on deep, accurate knowledge of how the Universe works. This spiritual knowledge when put into action, creates results so convincing and so powerful, one can’t help but feel the way Lisa described herself here. Second, we’re not trying to fix something wrong or broken. And third, I don’t know of any counseling theory based on the premise that we all are God in human form.
Positively Focused is not counseling. Instead, it’s a confirmation of what everyone is: God in human form, here to express and create as such.
More than the price of admission
But that’s the nature of all reality. We’re all creating our own experiential Universe. And when we get a handle on that, we can powerfully create anything we want. The only limit: What we believe.
The more a person does that, the stronger, happier and more empowered one feels. That’s worth the price of admission! And all my advanced clients agree.

Getting together with people, all whom are discovering they’re God in human form, takes this “you create your reality” business to a whole other level. When a person experiences another’s experience through that other person’s new Positively Focused perspective, entire new realities open up.
What’s more, this practice changes people. They exude something special others pick up. It’s a calmness, a certainty, a clarity that’s unmistakable. That unmistakeable reality of presence is attractive. Clients who experience it want more.
The upward spiral
Clients experiencing the group session feel their presence reflected back to them by other advanced participants. It’s here that clients really get the power of the practice. When they see it in others, they can feel it more in themselves. When that happens, when they see it happening in others’ lives, they want it more in their lives.
That’s the upward spiral I write about often. It happens in every practitioner’s life. But when an advanced practitioner sees it happening in another’s life, it’s just more confirmation the practice works.
And that’s the wonderful gift Lisa offered to other advance practitioners in suggesting we meet monthly. So far, it turns out she was onto something.
I’m glad I listened to her suggestion.