We are literally surrounded by evidence proving manifesting is a thing. Why so many think it’s not real astounds me.
Every man-made object first started as vibration which turned into an “idea”. An idea is a thought. Such ideas usually come in a burst of inspiration. “Inspiration” is communication from one’s Broader Perspective.
Then a person acts to make the idea real. These actions come from impulses to act. Impulses come from one’s Broader Perspective.
After a time, the object is “manifest”. It becomes real.
It’s the same in nature. Things manifest first as vibration. The consciousness in nature translates that to a thought. Then it acts on its impulses until manifestation happens.
Our entire physical world is manifested evidence that thoughts turn to things. Why people deny it baffles…
….Then again, beliefs create reality. So if one believes manifestation is fake, the Universe will create circumstances proving that belief “true”. Meanwhile, it’s proving other beliefs “true” too.
In fact, there’s so much room in the Universe, any belief held long enough will assemble cooperative components proving it true. That’s how the universe expands: vibration becomes thoughts. Those thoughts become things.
So a person claiming “you create your reality” is false proves it true. They create a reality for themselves wherein the universe gives them proof that they don’t create their reality!
But your reality needn’t be theirs…
Beliefs create experience
It’s no wonder then when a client talked about her sister, we discovered more “truth”. The client, who I’ll call Mary, has a sister I’ll call Jane. Jane celebrated the birth of her child recently. That’s cool. But what’s even cooler was Mary’s experience.
According to Mary, Jane is kind of a worry-wart. She believes in preparing for all contingencies. When it came to having her child, therefore, Jane believed it a better choice to give birth in a hospital. When she did give birth, complications resulted which necessitated a cesarean intervention.
A week after the birth, Jane re-admitted herself to the hospital with post-birth complications. She’s been in the hospital for a week now.
In our session, Mary asked if all this resulted from Jane’s belief in preparing for the worst. Yes, I told her. But also, it represented a manifestation of Mary’s beliefs about Jane. How else could Mary have had the experience of seeing Jane go through this?
We all create our realities. We do that through our beliefs about reality. That includes beliefs about ourselves and beliefs about others. However, something very important plays a role too. That is the dynamic of co-creation.
Collapsing into another’s momentum
Each person experiences others they meet as versions they create. No two people experience a third in the same way, just as no two people experience the same reality. Even when two people experience the same situation, they each have their version of that situation. There is no shared reality.
That’s true for people in our lives too.
When it comes to experiencing others, belief momentum is everything. Whether you experience someone the way they experience themselves or the way you experience them depends on this belief momentum. For example, Mary and Jane are related and Jane is older. Mary’s experience of Jane is almost entirely the result of Jane’s momentum. In other words, Mary’s beliefs about Jane largely come based on her observation of her. That seems normal, right?
After all, we all get to know people based on what we observe, then conclude based on those observations. But we can also create versions of others independent of our observations. In the same way we can create whole new realities independent of what we observe of reality. In that same way, we also can create whole new versions of other people.
Usually however, we “collapse into the momentum” of another’s belief momentum. We allow ourselves to accept the emanation of thoughts and beliefs people have about themselves. That’s what happened between Mary and Jane.
These days, Mary is questioning all her beliefs. That’s having her see things she hadn’t before. Such as realizing that her sibling’s birth complications weren’t random situations. Instead, they sprang from her beliefs. Mary’s beliefs too.

The purpose of life
This offered Mary tremendous evidence supporting her Positively Focused practice. Evidence proving for Mary that she is literally surrounded by things made real by her through her beliefs.
How else could it be? Who else is creating her reality? No one else is creating your reality either, other than you.
What that means is, we all possess tremendous potential. Potential to create really daring and satisfying realities. Realities offering whole new experiences. For us, for the world and for the Universe.
That’s the reason we come into the world in the first place. We come to participate in universal expansion. Doing so, we expand too. And, through our example, we encourage expansion in others.
It’s the Great Game that is life experience. Expansion, joy and growth is its purpose. What could be a better purpose than that?