The power of being Positively Focused shows up most when feeling negative emotions. The following true story shows what to do when one feels such emotions.
I woke Sunday morning to powerful, clear dreams, but also felt negative emotion. It doesn’t matter what the emotions were about. What matters is what I did.
Here’s what I wrote in my journal in response to this realization. Doing something like this anytime negative emotion shows up makes a ton of difference:
Right this moment I am at the same time present to my powerful expanding self and my currently active beliefs.
I know the more I lean toward the first, not only do I create more of that, but the second soothes into its rightful place: subordinate to my dominant powerful desire. I appreciate therefore the combination, because in the combination I get to choose.
- I get to choose leaning toward my desires
- I get to choose focus, deliberate focus
- I get to create a reality consistent with what I want
- I know focusing feels really good as it does now
- I know focusing on my desires is the gift the negative emotion brings
- Therefore I appreciate the negative emotion
- I know negative emotion was once positive belief
- I can appreciate the negative emotion
- I know the negative emotion is indicating beliefs I still hold are active
- This is purposeful and good
- I know those beliefs once served me
- I can appreciate the negative emotion
- I can appreciate the beliefs too
And as I sit here in my bed, first thing in the morning, I feel the power of my focus. I feel the shifting of the balance of my belief and desire.
- I like what I’ve just done
- It feels subtle but sure
- I feel the shift from slight dominant negative focus to slight dominant positive focus
- I appreciate that my positively focused practice allows me to recognize the subtle distinction
- For now I can shift my entire reality experience toward more and better
- This feels really good
- This feels like positive emotion
- “I’m feeling happier”
- But that statement still contains a little bit of negative emotion
- My happiness is relative to my previous negative feelings
- “I feel happy”, feels better
- It is focused specifically in the now, with no relation to the past
- This is the work and I love it
- My happiness now has turned to appreciation
- Now my appreciation has turned into eagerness and passion
- I love feeling eagerness and passion
- Now my eagerness and passion has turned to love
- I love feeling love.
So in this process I just went through, I received inspiration from previous awarenesses, which allowed me to know that the combination of negative belief and positive expectation will always be. For the combination allows an eternal being ensconced in the body, which is what I am, to choose.
To choose what? To choose what’s next.
So much happened in the last four minutes doing this practice. I love how much better I feel now just by speaking these words
- I love how good I’m feeling
- It feels really really good
- It feels like joy
- It feels like self transformation
- If feels like fun
- It feels like self love
I know the more I do this, the better my life gets. I also know the better my life gets, the better it can get, for there is no upper limit on how good things can be.
I feel so much better. I feel positively focused. I’ve literally changed my reality. I feel in love with life and in love with myself.