How Great Client Sessions Create Better Life Events For Me

Photo by Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash

I love it when my clients’ experiences highlight my own negative focus, thereby allowing me to do something about that, the doing of which amplifies my Positively Focused practice.

That sounds convoluted. But it rings true in light of what happened in a recent client session.

In the session, my client shared a wonderful unfolding manifestation she created. Weeks ago, she encountered a women’s group called Sisters On The Fly, which empowers women through outdoor adventures. They explore the world in recreational vehicles, on horses, in canoes and more. Through such experiences they create independent, capable women.

These explorations serve as backdrops for building community, camaraderie and lifelong friendships. Fly fishing, horse back riding, camping, hiking, biking and kayaking all are on the agenda.

My client camped, fished and hiked before. But a lot of what these women do, she’s never done, including riding a bike! So Sisters On The Fly offered something special to my client. An opportunity to expand friendships and experiences.

A good story turns great

While listening to my client, I saw that sparkle of passion blaze in her eyes. Little did I know, she was just getting started.

One day, my client said, she called her partner Dale at work. She asked how he was doing. Dale works as consignment manager at an RV dealership.

“Today,” Dale said. “I’m doing great because I’m the customer.”

Dale often jokes with his partner, my client. Some days his joking annoys her. Today was one of those days. But in her annoyance, my client missed clues Dale offered. Clues indicating he had a big surprise for her. A surprise that dovetailed perfectly with Sisters On The Fly. One that would cause my client to soar with joy.

That’s why Dale was the customer that day. He purchased a recreational vehicle as a surprise for his partner. The vehicle he bought? A 1989 Ford TransVan conversion.

Ford used to take ordinary Econoline cargo vans and convert them into recreational vehicles. With only 55,000 miles on it and costing only $3000, this TransVan was a deal Dale could refuse.

This isn’t my client’s but it is what it looks like. See the interior at “Aubernutter” on YouTube here.

Ugly duckling? Or Swan?

When Dale told my client what he was doing, initially, she was not happy about it. She imagined driving a van being unwieldy and uncomfortable. Scary even. A number of other concerns came to mind too. Its looks for example. 😂

But then she dropped those thoughts after realizing what really happened. With no expenditure of either money or effort on her part, she created for herself what she now sees as the perfect RV supporting her desire to play with Sisters On The Fly.

She told me about seeing the van for the first time. My client said she felt herself transform in front of it. It’s quirky exterior and even quirkier interior made her wince at first. Then she imagined wonderful adventures she could have driving this van – sleeping beside rushing rivers, and camping out with a bunch of women who looked fun and adventurous, and learning to ride a bike!

“I would have never considered such a vehicle,” My client said. “But when I saw it, I had to admit, it was really fun thinking about the fun I could have in it.”

Her excitement creates my extraordinary experience

That’s the point at which we had our session. My client bubbled over with joy about the unfolding, all of which happened with her doing hardly anything about it.

But what was really extraordinary for me, was how her story affected my own journey. When she told me about how she got this RV essentially for free from her partner, I experienced envy. Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I endeavor to travel the rest of my life in an Airstream trailer towed by a Ford F-150 truck as I create inspiring stories like this one, and also move Copiosis forward.

So hearing her story offered something special beyond my client’s joy and excitement. I felt “envy” for that reason. Most people don’t realize how such emotions offer HUGE hidden value along with their apparent discomfort. People don’t get that because they don’t understand what emotions are for.

But I know. I know “envy“ tells me something important. And so while listening and reveling in my client’s experience, I also did something about envy I felt. And in doing that I furthered my own fulfilling desire.

Here’s what I did: I thought differently about what my client told me.

The Airstream I’m attracting…
…And the truck that will tow my Airstream.

Creating new thoughts

Resistance I felt which people call “envy” grew from thoughts I told myself. Thoughts like like these:

  • I want something like that to happen to me
  • Why can’t that happen in my life
  • Why is my own desire taking so long
  • I wish I had someone who’d do that for me

In other words, I wanted what my client was getting. Of course, I don’t want a 1989 TransVan. I want a brand new Airstream trailer pulled by a brand new Ford F-150 truck, customized to my desire.

But the fact that I felt envy about my client’s story told me I still had resistant thoughts such as those above. Thoughts not about what my client got, but about what I wanted. And those thoughts slow my desire fulfillment.

My client’s experience therefore offered insight into my own. Insights lighting up resistance I must soothe. My client’s experience was created for me as much as her. For it showed me my own version of what she got revealing itself to me through her.

That sentence is worth reading again.

From that epiphany, I could think better thoughts. Thoughts aligned with my version of what my client got. Those thoughts sounded like this:

  • I’m so glad I had this expeirence
  • It showed me exactly where I am relative to what I want
  • Now I can chart my way vibrationally more on course
  • I love knowing that
  • Seeing this new, more powerful perspective thrills me
  • I love recognizing gifts I’m getting from this story

And in recognizing these new, better feeling thoughts, I felt envy go away. In its place came joy, appreciation and adventure. Exactly those feelings I’ll feel when my own version of my client’s story fully blossoms.

Amplify, amplify, amplify!

I knew feeling joy, appreciation and adventure then, indicated alignment to that unfolding I desire, in which I’ll feel joy, appreciation and adventure in the receiving later. I knew also that that inner transformation meant I’m even closer to that full-blown fulfillment.

Catching all this, then doing something about it created more momentum in me. Pleasure I felt indicated that increased momentum. By cleaning up my thoughts, not only did I find more joy in hearing her story, I found more joy in my own transformational experience. Joy too in soothing resistance, thereby increasing manifestational momentum.

Next, I wrote a journal entry about the experience. That journal entry, the writing of it, further amplified my momentum. Within the entry I did a basic amplification process which amplified the momentum even further. Then I dictated this blog’s first draft.

My Journal.

What happened here?

What happened was my exterior reality, through my client, showed me another aspect of resistant thought slowing down my desire manifestation. My client’s experience also confirmed what is in my future reality. This experience with my client afforded me a chance to soothe resistance I didn’t know I had.

So this whole experience turned out to be a client session for me. A session where I moved forward my own manifestation.

I love seeing and experiencing experiences with clarity. There’s nothing better than clarity. That’s because in clarity I see with pinpoint accuracy where my resistance exists, then do something about it.

The universe cooperates with me giving me experiences which clarify opportunity to amplify momentum, by soothing resistance. In the soothing I move more quickly towards that which I’m wanting.

Put another way: I eliminate resistance standing between me and my manifestations thereby allowing my manifestations to show themselves to me faster. In this way, not only did my client and I enjoy a fabulous session, I benefited from the session as well, as I usually do.

I love client sessions because of this. What we do together creates realities which produce in-the-moment joy and satisfaction as well as eagerness and positive expectation for more such joy and satisfaction in the future. All evidenced by and embodied in manifestations I know are on the way and fulfilling themselves.

This is the Charmed Life. And it’s available for anyone willing to be Positively Focused.

30 Questions To Better Happy, Love and Joy

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Being Positively Focused recognizes Universe’s inherent goodness, its desire to give everyone everything they want. That focus, well-practiced, creates the Charmed Life I talk about in this blog.

What does the Positively Focused philosophy involve? My friend Gheric described it in 30 excellent questions I’ll share shortly.

Life is fun when yes is the default

The Positively Focused philosophy emphatically says “yes” in response to every question. So if a person answers “no” to any question, then a gap exists between what that person wants and what they’re getting.

A simple agreement is not enough. Self-fulfilling desires happen only when someone knows the answers are all “yes”, not just agrees with the answers.

That’s because knowing, believing and thinking are distinct states. Everyone thinks. That’s the default. Think long enough about something and reality serves evidence of what one thinks about. The thinker sees this evidence, then gradually understands this evidence as proving their thought “true”.

Then the person believes what they think. Why wouldn’t they? Reality “proved” what they think. Therefore that person’s thoughts become their beliefs.

Given enough time beliefs recede as evidence replaces “belief” and the “belief” becomes “true”. At that point, the person no longer believes. They know.

So knowing “yes” as the answer requires seeing evidence everywhere.

Life’s road is easier when the answers to these 30 questions is “yes”.

The 30 questions

These questions challenge many people’s beliefs. They also challenge many people’s realities. Both get challenged because one (reality) springs from the other (beliefs). A person who doesn’t know this finds answering “yes” to every question very difficult if not impossible.

The joy inherent in knowing the answer is “yes” is what life is all about. Living lives where everything comes easily depends on it. Therefore, these questions and their answer are important prerequisite to a Charmed Life.

And now, the questions:

  1. Does abundance in all things exist?
  2. Does well-being flow through all things? 
  3. Is evil an illusion?
  4. Is scarcity an illusion?
  5. Is control an illusion?
  6. Do all circumstances work out for good? 
  7. Are negative beliefs a catalyst for positive growth?
  8. Does everyone want a better reality?
  9. Do we create our own reality?
  10. Is everyone free?
  11. Is progress an inevitability?
  12. Can everyone have what they want?
  13. Are all paradoxes resolvable?
  14. Are the specific values of the individual aligned with the general values of the collective?
  15. Are all conflicts illusory?
  16. Is every perspective valid?
  17. Is every perspective valuable? 
  18. Are humans inherently good? 
  19. Can humans be trusted?
  20. Do humans want to be free from control/manipulation?
  21. Do humans want well-being for themselves and for others?
  22. Is humanity currently headed in a positive direction?
  23. Do people want to live by their intrinsic motivations? 
  24. Do intrinsic motivations always lead to good things?
  25. Is it okay to give up on something?
  26. Does everyone have good intentions?
  27. Can efficient and effective organizing structures emerge organically?
  28. Does everything evolve?
  29. Can “bad ideas” turn into “good ideas”?
  30. Is it inevitable that every “bad idea” evolves into a “good idea” given enough allowance for intuitive inspiration?

Finding this a challenge?

If you’re having trouble, you’re not alone. But you can discover bliss in human being-ness by learning to see, then living from, what’s possible when you know every answer is “yes”.

That’s what my clients find. And when they do, they become Positively Focused. Then life gets fun.

After all, who wouldn’t want a life full of desires fulfilling themselves? That’s what everyone in a physical body knew life could be like before they came here.

But many get stuck once they get here. That’s because they don’t remember what they forgot, the forgetting of which is a prerequisite to arrival. No need stay in forgetting mode though.

You can remember. Everyone can. If you aren’t, I can help.

The Love Life Shows Me Every Day

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Thursday, Apr. 15, 2021

I love being on my freedom adventure

I love finding what I like, attending to it, then watching it reveal itself to me. I like soothing resistance so what I like reveals more of itself to me. I like pointing out what I want, seeing Universe shape to that, then seeing that show itself to me.

I like when it happens in dreams. I like when it happens in wake state. When it happens in wake state I like it even more. Wake state realization feels great. Dream state feels best though. I know that’s because little resistance happens when I’m there, but I also know I can enjoy dream state feelings in wake state to the degree I soothe my resistance….particularly resistance I have about resistance.

Life affirms me and my desires

I like so many things showing themselves to me. I appreciate appreciating that. Seeing those things tells me I’m succeeding at lowering my resistance. That feels good knowing that.

But it’s even better-feeling seeing results of lowered resistance. In lower resistance I see what I want, happen.

That’s affirming.

My life is affirmed. Love Universe has for me is affirmed. My deservedness is affirmed. My worthiness is affirmed. My divinity is affirmed. I am affirmed.

My life: eternally more

And in all that affirmation, I know, for certain, I create my reality.

There’s always more to know, there’s always more joy to come, there’s always more to appreciate. More is my eternal life, always moving into more. Always seeing fruits of my desires showing themselves to me.

And so I relax in my now, increasingly clear. There is no rush. There is no pressure. There are no deadlines. All is well. Life is good.

And so am I.

I Love Living With My Head In The Clouds

I awoke in bliss. I’m laying here in my bed feeling wonderful. I just finished the practice I advise my clients do each moment they have an opportunity to amplify vibrational momentum.

I came out of dreams, reveled in their detail, beauty, and meaning, then reveled in the wonderful feeling I feel being aware of my dreamscape, how expansively loving and custom curated dreamscape experience is.

Next, I focused on my feelings. I amplified those feelings by riffing off of how good they feel when I feel them. In doing so, the feelings amplified themselves. Now I’m floating in the clouds. There I see cool things. Like this.

I love when nature bares her beauty to me.

Living in the clouds signifies strong connection with All That Is. I love feeling this. I love knowing this. I know also when I do this and feel this I set the “tone” for the day. My day reflects the Charmed Life I’m living.

It also makes feeling this way more accessible next time. Before long it’s my dominant being state.

I love knowing all of this.

How Great Life Gets When I Let Universe Life Me

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

It’s fun watching my life shape to my Positively Focused thoughts. It feels wonderful seeing my positive thoughts legitimize themselves by creating realities consistent with them.

I know all thoughts do that, of course. Any thought thought long enough will draw to the thinker evidence proving the thought “true”. When enough evidence gets created, the thought no longer is a thought. It becomes reality, then a belief. The belief fades into the background of my awareness. Life then becomes “how it is.”

That’s accurate to say for any thought that has become a belief. Which is why I don’t concern myself with people who disagree with me about what I share through Positively Focused.

Plenty of people out there think “you create your reality through your thoughts” is a bunch of hogwash. But they don’t understand the preceding paragraphs. They don’t know their thought “it’s hogwash” became a belief long ago and is out of their awareness now that it has become a belief, and attracts evidence of its “truth”.

That’s why I don’t spend time trying to convince someone “you create your reality through your thoughts”…unless they’re a client. 😊

Clients are different

A client is open. They’re willing to consider new possibilities. They want to believe. That makes seeing around existing beliefs more likely.

What I love about what I do with my clients is this: It’s easy for me to say “you create your reality through your thoughts” and point to my life, as full of evidence as it is. It’s also easy for people to dismiss such evidence.

But as more clients come to Positively Focused, create extraordinary lives as my current clients are, it gets harder and harder to deny that something different is happening.

Nearly all my clients are extraordinarily excited about their lives. They’re engaged and happy. They’re having fun discovering what I’ve discovered. And in their discovery I find joy too.

Client work then becomes play. It’s a win-win for both parties. My clients enjoy Charmed Lives. I enjoy watching that. And I grow a larger and larger, undeniable body of evidence that Universe loves us all and gives us all for that which we ask.

Evidence like this from a client session:

I’m Enjoying My Unlimited Capacity

Positively Focused creates power journal

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Sunday, Jan. 9, 2021

I know I perceive All That Is in all dimensions. I also know I project myself into this physical reality, into this “avatar” humans call a “body”, to experience this time space reality.  So perception through the avatar occurs limited.

But it occurs limited only because I learned to believe it to be that way.

The more Positively Focused I become, such limits melt away. Like molten wax flees the flame’s brightness and the heat of its intensity, these limits flow out of my awareness. In their place, my unlimited perceptive capacity reveals itself and I see with the mind and eyes of god…in human form. 

I love knowing this is possible. I love life experience even more as it fills with moments of increasing capacity, increasing awareness, increasing clarity, certain of my eternal nature, certain of my boundless perception and certain as I witness all my desires fulfilling themselves. 

The Positive Value Of Negative Feelings

Positively Focused creates a positive life even when sad
Photo by AH NP on Unsplash

The power of being Positively Focused shows up most when feeling negative emotions. The following true story shows what to do when one feels such emotions.

I woke Sunday morning to powerful, clear dreams, but also felt negative emotion. It doesn’t matter what the emotions were about. What matters is what I did.

Here’s what I wrote in my journal in response to this realization. Doing something like this anytime negative emotion shows up makes a ton of difference:

Right this moment I am at the same time present to my powerful expanding self and my currently active beliefs.

I know the more I lean toward the first, not only do I create more of that, but the second soothes into its rightful place: subordinate to my dominant powerful desire. I appreciate therefore the combination, because in the combination I get to choose.

  • I get to choose leaning toward my desires
  • I get to choose focus, deliberate focus
  • I get to create a reality consistent with what I want
  • I know focusing feels really good as it does now
  • I know focusing on my desires is the gift the negative emotion brings
  • Therefore I appreciate the negative emotion
  • I know negative emotion was once positive belief
  • I can appreciate the negative emotion
  • I know the negative emotion is indicating beliefs I still hold are active
  • This is purposeful and good
  • I know those beliefs once served me
  • I can appreciate the negative emotion
  • I can appreciate the beliefs too

And as I sit here in my bed, first thing in the morning, I feel the power of my focus. I feel the shifting of the balance of my belief and desire.

  • I like what I’ve just done
  • It feels subtle but sure
  • I feel the shift from slight dominant negative focus to slight dominant positive focus
  • I appreciate that my positively focused practice allows me to recognize the subtle distinction
  • For now I can shift my entire reality experience toward more and better
  • This feels really good
  • This feels like positive emotion
  • “I’m feeling happier”
  • But that statement still contains a little bit of negative emotion
  • My happiness is relative to my previous negative feelings
  • “I feel happy”, feels better
  • It is focused specifically in the now, with no relation to the past
  • This is the work and I love it
  • My happiness now has turned to appreciation
  • Now my appreciation has turned into eagerness and passion
  • I love feeling eagerness and passion
  • Now my eagerness and passion has turned to love
  • I love feeling love.

So in this process I just went through, I received inspiration from previous awarenesses, which allowed me to know that the combination of negative belief and positive expectation will always be. For the combination allows an eternal being ensconced in the body, which is what I am, to choose.

To choose what? To choose what’s next.

So much happened in the last four minutes doing this practice. I love how much better I feel now just by speaking these words

  • I love how good I’m feeling
  • It feels really really good
  • It feels like joy
  • It feels like self transformation
  • If feels like fun
  • It feels like self love

I know the more I do this, the better my life gets. I also know the better my life gets, the better it can get, for there is no upper limit on how good things can be.

I feel so much better. I feel positively focused. I’ve literally changed my reality. I feel in love with life and in love with myself.

Feeling Better Feels Better

My beliefs create my reality, so I think only better-feeling thoughts.
My beliefs create my reality, so I think only better-feeling thoughts.

I feel myself asking for more. Even in dreams that feeling’s there. It feels so good feeling that. I love how good knowing that feels. Yes, it means my life experience fills with more and more fulfilled desire, but what I focus more on these days is how much better it feels to feel increasingly better-feeling. 

It’s that charmed life I mention.

Happiness Is Getting What I Want

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

I know what I want, when I get it, makes me happy. I also know when I’m happy I set up more future happy moments. 

But since every time I get what I want, I am happy, I can just be happy, even when I’m not getting what I want.

I can be happy now, no matter what is happening.

This is the basis of our work at Positively Focused. I know when I put my happiness first, by telling stories about my life that make me happy, I put myself on a path to living a happy life. That’s because a happy life looks like feeling happy in every moment.

What happens in my life, when I’m not deliberate about choosing happiness, determines how I feel. But life doesn’t have to be that way. I can turn it around. I can choose to be happy, no matter what I’m experiencing, then experience good things always.

I know when I do that my life fills with happy experiences. I know this because I’ve tried it and it has always worked out that way. I also know this because my Positively Focused clients get exactly the same results.

It’s a bit more complicated than that, but in a short while, I’ve created a life filled with happy experiences. So have my clients.

So this holiday season, I appreciate what I’ve realized: That life is happy when I am happy. And the happier I am, the more my life shapes to my happiness. In my happiness, I don’t need my life to change. But because I’m not focused on my life needing to change, because I’m not telling stories about how bad my life is, my life changes.

It’s a paradox, but it’s true.

I’m grateful for what I’ve discovered. And I’m loving seeing people who have come to me seeking relief from anxiety, insecurities, shame and other life problems, find relief and more, simply by telling better stories.

I appreciate knowing life is supposed to be fun, joyful and filled with fulfilled desires. I appreciating having such a life. And I appreciate sharing what I know with others, then seeing their life turn out that way too.

It’s the epitome of living.

Playing this morning

This is the series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020

Enjoying my full plate. Enjoying guidance pointing to fulfilled desires. Enjoying seeing fulfilled desires emerge into awareness, on their own volition, eager, anticipating the delight I’ll feel when they blossom full-blown into reality.

Anticipating joyful experiences today like yesterday, only better because my life gets better and better day by day.

Fulfillment, joy, fun and adventure know no bounds. Each day seduces my attention, for my attention is each day’s origin, and my days appreciate my attention as a child appreciates its mother. Love courses between my creation and me like mother’s milk, me nurturing the unfolding, the unfolding delighting me, all in the context of the mind and eyes of God: pure bliss, joy, love and honor, watching my creation expand All That Is.