I’m Enjoying My Unlimited Capacity

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Sunday, Jan. 9, 2021

I know I perceive All That Is in all dimensions. I also know I project myself into this physical reality, into this “avatar” humans call a “body”, to experience this time space reality.  So perception through the avatar occurs limited.

But it occurs limited only because I learned to believe it to be that way.

The more Positively Focused I become, such limits melt away. Like molten wax flees the flame’s brightness and the heat of its intensity, these limits flow out of my awareness. In their place, my unlimited perceptive capacity reveals itself and I see with the mind and eyes of god…in human form. 

I love knowing this is possible. I love life experience even more as it fills with moments of increasing capacity, increasing awareness, increasing clarity, certain of my eternal nature, certain of my boundless perception and certain as I witness all my desires fulfilling themselves. 

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