The Love Life Shows Me Every Day

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Thursday, Apr. 15, 2021

I love being on my freedom adventure

I love finding what I like, attending to it, then watching it reveal itself to me. I like soothing resistance so what I like reveals more of itself to me. I like pointing out what I want, seeing Universe shape to that, then seeing that show itself to me.

I like when it happens in dreams. I like when it happens in wake state. When it happens in wake state I like it even more. Wake state realization feels great. Dream state feels best though. I know that’s because little resistance happens when I’m there, but I also know I can enjoy dream state feelings in wake state to the degree I soothe my resistance….particularly resistance I have about resistance.

Life affirms me and my desires

I like so many things showing themselves to me. I appreciate appreciating that. Seeing those things tells me I’m succeeding at lowering my resistance. That feels good knowing that.

But it’s even better-feeling seeing results of lowered resistance. In lower resistance I see what I want, happen.

That’s affirming.

My life is affirmed. Love Universe has for me is affirmed. My deservedness is affirmed. My worthiness is affirmed. My divinity is affirmed. I am affirmed.

My life: eternally more

And in all that affirmation, I know, for certain, I create my reality.

There’s always more to know, there’s always more joy to come, there’s always more to appreciate. More is my eternal life, always moving into more. Always seeing fruits of my desires showing themselves to me.

And so I relax in my now, increasingly clear. There is no rush. There is no pressure. There are no deadlines. All is well. Life is good.

And so am I.

I Love Living With My Head In The Clouds

I awoke in bliss. I’m laying here in my bed feeling wonderful. I just finished the practice I advise my clients do each moment they have an opportunity to amplify vibrational momentum.

I came out of dreams, reveled in their detail, beauty, and meaning, then reveled in the wonderful feeling I feel being aware of my dreamscape, how expansively loving and custom curated dreamscape experience is.

Next, I focused on my feelings. I amplified those feelings by riffing off of how good they feel when I feel them. In doing so, the feelings amplified themselves. Now I’m floating in the clouds. There I see cool things. Like this.

I love when nature bares her beauty to me.

Living in the clouds signifies strong connection with All That Is. I love feeling this. I love knowing this. I know also when I do this and feel this I set the “tone” for the day. My day reflects the Charmed Life I’m living.

It also makes feeling this way more accessible next time. Before long it’s my dominant being state.

I love knowing all of this.

I’m Enjoying My Unlimited Capacity

Positively Focused creates power journal

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Sunday, Jan. 9, 2021

I know I perceive All That Is in all dimensions. I also know I project myself into this physical reality, into this “avatar” humans call a “body”, to experience this time space reality.  So perception through the avatar occurs limited.

But it occurs limited only because I learned to believe it to be that way.

The more Positively Focused I become, such limits melt away. Like molten wax flees the flame’s brightness and the heat of its intensity, these limits flow out of my awareness. In their place, my unlimited perceptive capacity reveals itself and I see with the mind and eyes of god…in human form. 

I love knowing this is possible. I love life experience even more as it fills with moments of increasing capacity, increasing awareness, increasing clarity, certain of my eternal nature, certain of my boundless perception and certain as I witness all my desires fulfilling themselves. 

Mastering Life Mastery Creates Better Living Experiences

Positively Focused Journal entry branding
Positively Focused Journal entry branding

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Monday, January 25, 2021

Waking this morning to the cacophony that is my being. The more I focus into all that I am, I discover so much more of what I am. I know this will never end. Sometimes I feel limited in my ability to accept my reality.

It’s just so much happening, all now, at the same time.

But then things happen, things like this morning, things like what happened in my dreams last night, things that just work out, and things that I have experience that allow my consciousness to stretch forward toward exactly what I think is limited. And in that stretch forward the limits fall; I find myself in a new perspective with an even broader view than before.

I’m finding comfort in the combination of that which will always be: simultaneous awareness of positive awareness, indicating satisfaction and joy in the now, and a reaching for more of what humans called “negative emotion”.

When examined, that phenomenon “negative emotion”, feels more like stress, or tension, a combination of two realities that when combined propel me into the more. So that feeling is a good thing, not a “negative” one at all.

I can tell the more I see this combination this way, the easier it is to break through or move through limits thereby allowing broader perspective and the increased momentum of feeling desires.

This is the process of deliberate creation and life mastery. I’m wanting to master life mastery. I know I am on the way to doing so, because all desires are done deals. My job is lining up with the fulfilled desire by enjoying the process of allowing the fulfilled desire into my awareness.

That’s real-ization.

It’s subtle, yet a distinct and important differentiator.

The Way My Life Is Supposed To Be

positively focused, the way life is supposed to be
Positively focused: the way life is supposed to be

This a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Monday, Jan 4, 2021

I feel my expansion. It feels lovely. I like finding this place early in the morning, then holding it for 15-20 minutes and watching that become my dominant perspective throughout the rest of the day.

It feels wonderful having that perspective early in the morning. And I know, even though that perspective may diminish as the day goes on, I am creating a crease, setting or condition which eventually will extend from one morning to the next. That’s right, a full day’s experience of positive focus. Then a full week. Then a full month.

I’m already well along the way. I feel that condition dominating life experience. As it does, I see the world around me shaping to that. It’s wonderful creating reality, knowing how it’s done, doing it that way instead of by default, and witnessing my own god-being express itself all around me.

It’s the way life is supposed to be. It’s the way I knew it would be.

Playing this morning

This is the series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Wednesday, Dec. 9, 2020

Enjoying my full plate. Enjoying guidance pointing to fulfilled desires. Enjoying seeing fulfilled desires emerge into awareness, on their own volition, eager, anticipating the delight I’ll feel when they blossom full-blown into reality.

Anticipating joyful experiences today like yesterday, only better because my life gets better and better day by day.

Fulfillment, joy, fun and adventure know no bounds. Each day seduces my attention, for my attention is each day’s origin, and my days appreciate my attention as a child appreciates its mother. Love courses between my creation and me like mother’s milk, me nurturing the unfolding, the unfolding delighting me, all in the context of the mind and eyes of God: pure bliss, joy, love and honor, watching my creation expand All That Is.