All clients starting a Positively Focused path experience life falling apart. That’s because recalibrations happen almost at once.
Those recalibrations happen any time one begins a spiritual path true to universal premises. So “life falling apart” is a good thing, an indicator the path works, a indicator the path contains accurate wisdom.
Still, such recalibrations can be so frightful for some, without a mentor, they will abandon the path. Some even give up even while having someone guiding them.
One such client came to me in great pain. Her living situation sucks. She lives in a strong, patriarchal, Middle Eastern country. Her father sexually abuses this client, who is in her 20s. Neither her mother nor her siblings intervene.
At her wits end, she found Positively Focused, reached out and asked for guidance, which I gladly gave. She began the work with me three weeks ago.
After her second session, she bailed.
Her belief constellations pushed back so hard, she couldn’t handle tension existing between her strong existing beliefs about immediate reality, and her equally strong existing desire for more and better, aka a Charmed Life.
Good news is, “giving up” always is temporary. One way or another, suffering ends. For everyone, death ends suffering. At death we give up resistance to what is and return to pure positive awareness, bliss and unconditional love, which is what we all are.
But for that rare number, suffering ends the moment they take charge of how they create reality. In other words, we need not wait until death to experience overflowing love.
But first one must learn
Tension between existing belief and existing desire is common. Such tension indicates realities one is creating are going to stay the same for a while, rather than become more and better. So it’s important knowing when one has both existing belief and existing desire simultaneously. This is the main reason why physical reality changes so slowly.
Eliminating this tension creates faster realize-ation.
Knowing this becomes obvious once one knows how to see the signs, practices, then witnesses obvious results.
Until then, spiritual seekers will shoot themselves in the feet by attracting thoughts that distract their attention, then express thoughts accurately reflecting their beliefs AND their desire…while not realizing that’s what is going on.
For example, a different client bemoaned his progress because he didn’t experience it as progress. His existing beliefs, the way he sees the world, and his existing desire, wanting more and better according to his circumstances, were in tension. The tension he felt, felt like pain.
What he said (via text) accurately expressed this pain:
But notice how he described his state of “slipping”. He expressed it so accurately and yet, totally missed the clue.
When I showed him the obvious sign, it broke through his resistance. He instantly felt better. Instant emotional improvement indicates massive progress.
Notice his statement’s accuracy. Notice he didn’t say “1 step forward, 2 steps back.” That would have told a different story, one where he was slipping.
But he wasn’t slipping. He was moving forward. He just didn’t see the obvious sign, until I pointed it out.
That’s funny because that happens a lot with people on spiritual paths. They can’t see evidence, even when it’s right in front of them.
It’s hard…until it’s not
Many clients tell me being Positively Focused is hard. It can be, but it doesn’t have to be. Having someone who knows the path helps a lot.
Walking the path without someone showing the way is possible. Some don’t need assistance. But most usually do, which is why I offer what I offer.
It’s painful at first recalibrating to one’s Inner Being, one’s Broader Perspective, rather than being aligned to old stories creating current reality. That pain is optional for those who assiduously use built-in indicators existing for exactly that purpose: making the path not only easy, but fun.
It gets easy for everyone though after momentum builds.
In spiritual practices, early on it can feel like things are going backwards. But even when it feels that way, it’s progress. Knowing that will bring needed relief when feeling frustrated.
I know this from personal experience. So do my clients. Well…most of them 😃.