I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
I want to manifest a partner, but I cannot visualize how I want her to be like, etc. What can I do by using the Law of Attraction?
What there is to do now is relax and enjoy the process of drawing this person to you. Not worrying about “visualizing how you want her to be like”. That work already is done.
You’ve already done what you need to do through living your life and having partners who showed you more clearly what you wanted, by being what you don’t want. Your Broader Perspective is now holding that new person “out there” for you.
Your job now is to line up with that person who is “out there”. How?
Now have fun
By enjoying your life, finding things to be interested in and appreciating and expanding into the person who eventually will become a match to this person. The only thing keeping that person “out there” instead of in your bed is, you’re not yet a match to her. Were you a match, she’d be there already.
So enjoy the process of becoming and watch how quickly she shows up.
Each partner you’ve had were stepping stones to this person you want now. Most people don’t like this answer, because they think that turns people you’ve been with into means to ends.
Your nows become better nows
But every now experience is a means to future, better nows. Same goes with people. Your life is a continuing process of becoming more and better in all cases that you don’t resist by thinking contrary thoughts to what you want.
But even contrary thoughts benefit because they will – like all thoughts – create realities matching them. So you can see what thoughts dominate your attention, which tells you want’s coming in your future. That’s how you can track towards futures you want.
Including future partners.
Most people don’t know this though. So they flounder, getting some of what they want and a lot of what they don’t. Including sucky love lives…
Don’t be one of those people.
Find your alignment with what you want. You know when you’re aligned when you find life a wonderful ride on the way to what you’re wanting.
Then you have what you want: A wonderful life. The girl then becomes icing on the cake.