Leverage that comes from your broader perspective makes living sweet.
When someone discovers how invincible they are, it’s impossible to live any other way. And, there’s no ceiling limiting how great life can get.
By leverage we mean having life do things for you, instead of you having to do it all yourself.
That doesn’t mean sitting in bed thinking positive thoughts will bring everything to you. You’re in a physical reality.
You have to do things.
It does mean lightly indicating what you’re wanting. Then watching as life puts the pieces together. At the right time along the way, you get an impulse to act. Following that impulse is your “doing”. Your doing doesn’t make anything happen. It’s all happened already.
Your “doing” puts you in the perfect place, in time and space to receive what you’re wanting.
Summarizing: figure out what you want. Life will coordinate circumstances. When they’re ready, life will tell you to act. Your acting doesn’t make it happen. The impulse to act is an invitation. It’s saying: “do this now”. Your action puts you in the right place at the right time. There, you receive what you want.
Life always works this way for everyone. So why doesn’t it look that way for everyone? Why doen’t it occur that way for everyone?
Three reasons:
- Hardly anyone realizes they have broader perspective.
- Hardly anyone does what they need to to see life through that.
- Too many people try to make what they want happen, instead of letting life do it.

So what is this “broader perspective”?
“Human” is a projection. It’s an experience you are projecting into yourself. The experience is the best way to know what and who you are. That’s why you’re experiencing this experience.
Everything in your experience is also your projection. You perceive into existence other people, circumstances, even your body. Existence looks like an “objective reality”. So much so, you think it’s separate from you. That’s because you organize your physical senses too. That way they experience the projection as objective, separate reality.
Your senses can’t see the projection any other way.
Your senses are part of the projection.
“Behind” your physical senses, you have another set of “senses”. These are not constrained like your physical senses. Yet, they correspond with them. You see, hear, smell, taste, touch through these “nonphysical” senses. The same way you do with physical ones.
Seeing life through these senses, is “broader perspective”.
The more you see life through them, the more curious you get. You start understanding how much creative control you have.
Ever had a dream feel real as f*ck? How could it have “felt” real, if you didn’t have senses capable of perceiving in that nonphysical place? Dreams are not hallucinations. They’re as real as you and us.
Science claims dreams are “all in the head”. Science is a big stumbling block. It prevents people from having real leverage.
Science is real though. It has validity and purpose. But science is in no way the final arbiter of what is “real” and “not real”. And, nonphysical reality informs science like it does with everything else in physical reality.
If it weren’t for nonphysical reality, there would be no physical reality. And no science.
A person deciding for themselves what is real and not real finds they are the final arbiter. And of course they are. They are the ones doing the projecting.
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A projector has to have a place to stand and also something on which to project. It has to have something to project too.
You “stand” in the spacious now. The spacious now is outside time and space. It is not bound by what science calls “the laws of physics”.
Neither are you, by the way. Your body is. You’re not.
Your body is part of the projection. You are broader perspective.
We also call the spacious present “nonphysical” reality. Nonphysical reality is “where” you, the projector stands.
You are also the projector screen. So all that you experience is “inside you”. That’s why you can perceive it. There is a lot “outside” you too, out there in nonphysical reality. But it is irrelevant to you, until you expand yourself enough so that it becomes you. And thus relevant.
So you’re the projector and you’re also the projector screen. What is it you are projecting? Everything that you are. Primarily you are projecting a consistent stream of values comprising your essence. You fulfilled some. Others are in the process. Many more your birth nearly every moment.
Everything that is you is being projected by you out into your real life. It is being projected into you and perceived through physical senses you organized. That way it looks separate from you. That way you can observe it “objectively”.
Until you’re done doing that.
All this is happening so you can become more self-aware.
Realizing this is also “broader perspective”. It is one of many insights that come with seeing your life extraordinarily. When you realize your broader perspective, insights like this come naturally. These insights aren’t available when you don’t have broader perspective.
The broader perspective you have, the more clearly you perceive your projection. The more of your projection you perceive, the greater understanding you have.
Understanding of what? Everything.
Put differently: the less you know about what you’re doing in this thing called life, the more “ordinary” life looks.
Joy, ecstasy, wonder, freedom, invincibility result from living from broader perspective.
Life is extraordinary.
It feels that way when you “see” differently.
“Broader perspective” lets you see “all” that you are. But it’s limited by what you’re capable of realizing. The more you live your life from this perspective though, the more capable you become.
This has immense practical benefit.
So much so, it’s a wonder so few live this way. Broader perspective’s leverage is so great, it looks magical.
But it’s not. We call this leverage.
It’s how life is for one who gets it.
Take Perry’s recent experience.
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Now, Perry has been at this for many years. He is getting better and better seeing life through his broader perspective. So he sees more examples of extraordinary happening, nearly every moment.
Everything is possible in and through your broader perspective.
Perry’s ambitions reflect that statement.
One of Perry’s ambitions is evolving capitalism out of existence. He has realized better system for resource management and distribution. He knows it’s possible because he’s seen it.
So he focuses his energies in this direction.
One way this energy focus shows up is hiring talent through the “gig economy”. Perry met a wonderful animation team on an online gig economy match-making service. This team already created two animated videos describing Perry’s economic idea. He has plans for ten more videos. Perry wants this same team to create the other eight.
Like many online services, this gig economy match-making service takes a part of the sales that happen on its website. They also discourage members from offering and accepting payments “off community.”
Paying someone else for brokering an initial transaction is great. But when you’re planning to buy a lot more, that transaction fee can add up. Especially at $1500 a video on average.
So one day this Spring, while contemplating his animated video library, Perry got an idea.
“It would be great,” It said. “If I could work with this team directly rather than through this community. I’d save all those fees on the next 10 videos.”
“And,” The thought continued. “Since I’m wanting to do so many, maybe the team would give me a volume discount!”
Perry loved this idea. It came and went in a flash. Three minutes tops. He felt good thinking it. He didn’t think it was impossible. But he knew the community discouraged this. So, instead of taking action, he sat with it.
Fast forward to October. Perry’s ramping up the next videos, preparing the scripts. One day he gets the impulse to send a message to this team via the community. Here’s the conversation that happened:
Perry had no idea what the guy was going to send via email. But Perry sent his email address. The next day the following conversation happened via email:
Of course this was a great turn out. But notice what happened here. Perry didn’t have to do anything to get what he wanted. Life coordinated it all for him. Then sent an impulse when it was all ready.
This is leverage.
It is available to everyone.
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If you dismiss this as “coincidence” you’re doing yourself a disservice. Dismissing it as coincidence denies (for you) your broader perspective. In denying your broader perspective, you obscure your perception. You relegate yourself to having to make it all happen.
That sucks.
We want to write “you cut yourself off from your broader perspective”, but that can’t happen. Your broader perspective is you. You can’t cut “you” off.
But you can create a reality wherein you do not perceive your broader perspective as real. That’s what you do when you dismiss such events as “coincidence” or “random chance”, or “confirmation bias”. When you do dismiss them, you get a life experience reflecting your dismissals. In other words, life looks comprised of events that seem random or chance or coincidence. Not within your control.
But it’s all in your control. The moment you adopt your broader perspective.
Like Perry.
And remember: there is no upper limit on anything about this.
Life can be, a continual, moment-by-moment experience of getting everything you want.
Perry is getting there. He has done this work for a long time. Today he is seeing events like this happening all over. But he’s wanting to get to the point where he’s seeing them continuously.
He’s close.

Anything you can think of wanting you can have. You are creating your life experience. That’s the purpose of it. To realize how much say you have.
There is only one relationship giving you everything you want. The relationship between your ordinary conscious experience and your broader perspective. Attend to that. Everything else is attended to for you.
Gradually realizing that you are invincible is intoxicating. Realizing you can have anything you want is intoxicating. Realizing you can be anything, or do anything frees you from limitation.
But when you do do whatever you want, when you do get what you want, and when you become what you want….that just can’t be described in words.
The leverage you have in your life is immense.
Don’t you think it’s time you start using it?
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