The power of being Positively Focused is undeniable. That’s why all my clients are in various stages of seeing evidence of their lives getting better and better, and more fun.
Here, a client fulfills a long-held desire: a wonderful experience with her daughter, the wonder of which even her daughter acknowledged. That acknowledgment surprised and delighted my client.
Not only that, but her grandchildren too got in on the act. They said “We wish you could stay with us all the time.”
How dear. 🥲
After months of struggle with her daughter, the client realizes the struggle is unnecessary. When she does, the struggle disappears. Where did the struggle come from? Where did it go?
It wasn’t always this way
Beliefs create reality. It’s undeniable. Not knowing this, people look out into physical reality, seeing their created reality as something objective, separate from them. They then draw conclusions about what they see.
These conclusions we call “thoughts”. Thought enough times, those thoughts become beliefs. In time, beliefs create realities consistent with them, then fade into the background. Beliefs are forgotten, yet they still exist in physical form, before our eyes as our personal, subjective reality. It’s the only reality a person has access to.
Everyone adopts beliefs from childhood onward. They do this while not knowing such beliefs create realities consistent with them. Before they realize it, a trajectory gets created where beliefs create realities continuously.
My client had entire belief constellations about her daughter formed in exactly this way. The constellation included beliefs adopted from her childhood, her experiences with her grandparents and parents, beliefs that created a version of her daughter consistent with them.
In only nine sessions this client transformed her relationship with her daughter. The struggle? Replaced with joy. You can see her happiness in her face, hear it in her tone and in her words. She ends the video with a statement that gets to the meat of the matter.
You create your reality. Learning how, then deliberately using that process makes everything possible. Including new relationships transformed from the toughest family situations.
Life can be fun and continuously better and better. Happiness, being Positively Focused, is the way.
Addendum: When I showed the clip and asked permission to use it from the client, she said: “Almost made me cry. You have my permission to use this. I hope someone might gain insight from my experience.”
Indeed, I know it will.