So fun. I came out of dreams this morning feeling wonderful. Then, while enjoying my latest post online, I received a block of thought from nonphysical.
I was going to create a formal blog around it. But instead, I’m going to share what came as best I can, as straight from Source as I can, as immediately as I can. Rather than surrounding it with context.
I think it’s important others to know this.
The best teacher is life experience. But I know me sharing this will touch one person enough that they will start thinking about how they can have similar experiences. One person is all it takes to change the world.
It doesn’t have to be me. I’m not special.
So here’s the block of thought I received, translated into words as best I can. The “you” in this block is not you. It’s speaking directly to me, so “you” means, me:
“The are infinite ways to get things done. The dominant way looks like this (in business, for example):
- You get an idea
- You have to find customers
- You need money, so you have to get investors
- You have to advertise, commercialize, generate a profit, mind your “P”s and “Q”s, cross your “I”s and dot your “T”s while keeping your nose to the grindstone
- Sacrifice
- And maybe, you’ll be successful.
The dominant belief in physical reality (among nearly all humans) says making anything happen looks this way. Struggle, sacrifice, effort, action.
Another, broader perspective approach, is this: the reality (the idea) I desire already exists in non-physical. Tuning into that reality will literally bring that reality into full, physical form.
Take your body. Your body is full of points of consciousnesses delightfully collaborating to create the reality that is your body. They do so willingly and moving “forwardly”. There is no obstruction to your body’s “creation”. It happens naturally. Unless you get in the way with worry -– about your weight, about some mark on your body that wasn’t there before you make significant through “worry” – the body takes care of itself, creating its image in the image of your deep knowing that your reality is sovereign.
Every other reality you want is created the exact same way. By focusing on what you want, purely, with no contrary thoughts about it, you gradually draw the “cooperative elements”, the points of consciousness that are joyfully associated with that thought and eager to see that thought’s full expression.
Together we (All That Is) collaborate creating the most forward expression of thought. The most fulfilled expression of desire. For all desires become manifest. Or at least all desires seek full expression. Which manifest in your reality depends on where you put your attention…and your awareness capacity.
And so, as you line up with those points of consciousness, as you become the final cooperative component falling into place with the desired thought, that thought’s full-blown physical manifestation must reveal itself to you.
Just like your body. This is how reality becomes real.”
What’s fantastic about this block of thought is how it came. And how everything in my life right now demonstrates the block’s accuracy. This isn’t magic. Things are happening over night and instantly. But also gradually. Life is gradually getting better and better. I see no end to how “better” it’s going to get.
Everything is cooperating to create the reality I want. With no resistance in that forward movement. The only resistance in the mix is my own distracted, indeliberate focus.
But I am getting better at focusing on what I want instead of what I don’t. And that’s why my desires are being realized by me faster.
It’s interesting because as I sit “in” this block of thought, it’s vibrational reality, the ideas in it are so clear. They come as visions and as “signals”…not words. Putting the block of thought into words….”slows down” the nonphysical essence of it. I think that’s necessary. Because physical reality, which is where words exist, moves slower.
Expressing thought blocks in words requires more words than what exists in the block’s non-physical state.
The cool thing is how faithfully my reality experience proves all this.
The secrets of the Universe are constantly being revealed to all of us. The question is, am I putting myself in the predisposition to receive them?
I am. And that’s how I get things done these days. By letting the Universe do all the work.