How Your Behavior Reveals Practical, But Hidden Life Hacks

Photo by David Matos on Unsplash

TLDR: A man, recently laid off despite positive job feedback, doesn’t realize his negative beliefs attract such experiences. His subsequent “adult tantrum” reveals deeper insight into why he keeps losing his jobs. And shows the rest of us how to benefit from an important life hack.

A client had a disappointing experience: he got laid off. It wasn’t something he was expecting. In fact, when the boss told him, it shocked him because, up to then, the boss said the client was doing a great job. In reality, he should have expected it because he was expecting it.

But he wasn’t aware he was expecting it because he didn’t have access to the hidden, practical hack life had been offering him for decades. A life hack that could dramatically alter his success.

Of course, the layoff wasn’t about the client. The boss, who also is the business owner, had to make personnel cuts. The business wasn’t supporting itself. And in most businesses, employees represent the largest business costs. So someone had to go. Our client had the least amount of students. It made sense the boss would let him go.

But my client didn’t see it that way. He played it cool in the moment, when his boss broke the news. But when he got home, his thoughts and behavior changed, a lot.

This story is about gifts hidden amidst our actions. Physical reality, including our actions, offer great clues about what we’re creating. Understanding this can dramatically change our lives for the better. That understanding, however, comes with practice.

Let’s see what happened next with this client so we can understand how what happened next offered him wonderful hacks that could dramatically improve his life.

An adult tantrum

The client said that upon arriving home he went straight into his tool shed. There, he “kicked the hell out a bucket for a good ten minutes.” While doing that, he cursed his former boss, the business and his “luck” for being the one to lose a job “AGAIN.”

Now, the fact that he mentioned losing another job “again” wasn’t surprising. This phrase indicated two things: one, that he has very strong negative momentum creating persistent experiences of losing jobs. Two, his awareness of the fact that he keeps losing jobs is perpetuating that momentum. I told him this, but at the moment, he was too embittered to hear it.

So I shifted the focus.

I said to him that his “adult tantrum” in the shed offered him a wonderful gift. That caught his attention. I don’t think he expected that. I then explained how our acts in physical reality are manifestations. Just like our desires turning into things, our actions are manifestations reflecting beliefs we hold about the world around us. Furthermore, if we can read what those acts are saying, we can transform our lives.

He wanted to know more. So I told him what his tantrum was telling him.

Actions like tantrums hide within them important clues about what we’re creating (Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash).

A steady diet turns to hate

All of us create our reality through our thoughts. Persistently held thoughts turn to beliefs. Thoughts that become beliefs have gathered enough momentum to complete the process of turning into things. Persist in that belief and that belief will turn into physical reality. Then reality will reflect the essence of that belief back to us. At that point, our belief becomes “true”. When it does, the belief recedes into the background of our awareness. Meanwhile, the belief gets “confirmed” in our experience as “the way life is.”

For this client, “the way life is” is that he can’t keep a job. But that’s not the whole story. For decades, this client fostered a steady diet of anger and frustration about capitalism, money and earning a living. He sees these things as scourges on humanity and the planet. The client resents having to earn a living. He dislikes doing work he doesn’t enjoy. And he doesn’t like needing money to get his basic necessities.

These beliefs took up residence in his vibration many years ago. Jobs he manifested since then showed him more evidence of his distasteful economic reality: those jobs he got paid little. His managers always belittled him. And, of course, they laid him off. One job he kept for some time wasn’t helpful either. He wrote copy for a blog. A blog that critiqued capitalism and the money system.

But you can see how the client was a perfect match to that job. In that job, he amplified his anger and frustration about capitalism, money and earning a living into hate for those things. That is, until owners of that company laid him off too…

Success eluding him

By this time, the client found himself at wits end. His hate over capitalism, money and earning a living overflowed. Finally, he turned to gig work. He delivered meals for a time before going onto social security. That soothed some of his negative momentum, which allowed him to get the last job. The one in which he, again, got laid off.

I told this client his actions in the tool shed told him something important. “Here you are taking out your frustration on something having nothing to do with what happened” I said, referring to the bucket. “The bucket didn’t lay you off.”

In fact, the boss didn’t either. If “you create your reality” is accurate (and it is) then this client laid himself off. The boss only did what was a reflection of the client’s dominant intent. He was a cooperative component to my client’s unfolding understanding, in other words. The intent wasn’t to get laid off. The intent was to reflect to the client where his beliefs were in conflict with his desires.

Despite extremely negative interpretations of the world around him, this client wants a life that’s easy. He even wants money. He’s a musician and writer and one of his great desires is to receive generous compensation as recognition of his talents. Of course, he wouldn’t put it that way. He would say “I DESERVE recognition because of the blood, sweat and tears I’ve put into my art!”

But that way of expressing it creates resistance. It’s more aligned with his hatred of the money system. Which explains why that success continues eluding him.

Putting blame outside ourselves

I told the client this is what his tantrum offers: an opportunity for him to see what he’s doing. He’s literally blaming everyone and everything for his troubles. He’s also blaming “the system” and “money” for his troubles. All the while, he’s ignoring the only Source of power he has…and the only Source from which his experience springs: himself.

“You beating up that bucket,” I told him. “Is showing you how, in your powerless state, you’re projecting your power onto things and people that have no responsibility for your created reality. And in doing that, you feel tremendous pain. Because that pain tells you that your Broader Perspective knows different.”

Our Broader Perspective is clear that we create our reality. No one else does that for us. We do, and only we do. When we blame circumstances or others for an experience, that shitty feeling we experience while doing that is an indicator telling us something important. It tells us our thoughts and behaviors are at loggerheads with what our Broader Perspective knows.

That’s important because if we heed that message, we can dramatically change our lives for the better. And it’s to our advantage to do so. Because no one else will do it for us. That’s because no one else is in our reality other than us.

When beliefs change, life changes

But this manifestation business is not magic. We can’t create around our persistent beliefs. This client has 40+ years of negative momentum he’s going to need to unravel. So for this client, it may be a while before he really understands what’s happening. Before he understands well enough to take productive action.

Every action we take in life is a manifestation. They reflect back to us a belief we hold. Decipher that reflection and we get a clear sense of what we believe. And what we believe creates our life experience.

That means, if we change our beliefs, our life experience must also change. Isn’t that a great thing to know? I think it is. But it’s even better experiencing this in one’s personal experience. Because nothing teaches better than personal experience.

All this means changing our lives is as easy as changing our beliefs. And our actions constantly shower us with clues to beliefs creating our life.

What a cool hack! Examine beliefs and we change life. Tapping into that hack is a powerful resource. The challenge is, understanding what hack tells us about what beliefs we hold can be tricky. It helps to know how to interpret them accurately. Let me show you how.


A wonderful followup needs to be added here. I wrote this story weeks ago. Two weeks after this happened, the client, after I held his feet to the fire about what he was doing, decided to re-commit to the Positively Focused Practice. What happened after a week of rededication is remarkable. But also it’s just what happens when one becomes positively focused.

That pending newspaper interview is a direct manifestation of his desire to gain notoriety for his artistic expression. Is it a coincidence it came to him after rededicating himself to the practice? My clients know the answer to that question is “NO!”.

What Happens When Kundalini Tells You You’re Progressing

Photo by Fidias Cervantes on Unsplash

I’ve experienced strange phenomena in past weeks. Before now, I didn’t understand what they were. In a past post, I described them as “murmurations”. Now I know they represent divine energy that is part of me. They are manifestations indicating an impending spiritual liberation. A liberation born of the “Serpent”.

The “Serpent” is also known as “Kundalini energy”. “Kundalini” is an ancient word describing the body’s energy system. This energy system facilitates the physical body’s ongoing presence. Sensations I experienced recently, tell me I’ve unlocked a higher level of spiritual capability. So says research I undertook in hopes of understanding what was happening.

Triggering Kundalini experiences takes time and dedication according to my research. It usually happens through meditation or yoga under a Guru’s tutelage. My experience differs in that I’ve triggered my Kundalini energy practicing solo. I don’t care much about what that says about me.

What I do know is, my experience isn’t unique. And yet, it is special. Both the experiences themselves and my research confirm my Positively Focused approach works. I currently use no other approach.

So what happens when Kundalini tells me I’m progressing? I get excited, that’s what happens! Here’s more about this phenomenal experience.

More about Kundalini

Sources say Kundalini represents an energy pool of Divine Feminine Energy. That resonates because I perceive myself as mostly energetically feminine. This energy sits at the base of the spine. The energy usually lies dormant. Under the right conditions, however, it activates. When it does, it acts as a catalyst. It transforms the body’s nervous system. The energy “rewires” the body, preparing it for something special. That something special is an ascension into higher vibrational states.

Everyone’s Kundalini experience is unique. This post says it offers a complete list of symptoms. But if symptoms are individually unique, no list could really be complete, could it? I don’t think so.

As the energy moves up the spine, the body must react to the increased flow. Thus the symptoms. Meanwhile, people experiencing these symptoms become acquainted with their subtle body. The subtle body is the pure energy counterpart of our physical or “gross” body. People actually become aware of three different aspects of what they are. Their “gross” or physical body. Their more subtle, energy form. And, finally, their formless self.

This formless self is the “I AM” nature of what we all are. Awareness of the three aspects supports spiritual expansion. Expansion leading to supreme detachment from camouflage phenomena, which then allows a person greater leverage and power in their lives.

Here’s a great, basic description of what Kundalini is:

A wonderful overview of Kundalini energy

My experience

Symptoms I’ve had are included in that “complete” list above. However, I must add something important. During my entire spiritual journey, I have never experienced any significant negative or painful effects. Even during the many ayahuasca experiences I enjoyed, never once did I experience physical pain, nausea or vomiting. The point is, it’s not necessarily so that everyone experiences painful or negative effects of spiritual awakening.

The most prevalent symptoms I enjoy in my experience, include the following:

  • Crushing of the skull: A feeling of intense painless pressure buildup. It feels like my skull is collapsing from the outside in.
  • Body undulations: beautiful, blissful, involuntary fluidic flowing of my body, centered along my spine.
  • Body expansion: a feeling that my physical body becomes larger than it physically is.
  • Levitation sensations: a feeling that my body is preparing to rise off the bed.
  • Out of body preparation: sensing my subtle body preparing to separate from my gross body.

There are other experiences that happen too, including projections of my consciousness. These projections so far typically involve “landing” in random-seeming locations. Like this:

A projection of consciousness that happened on Apr. 9.

All of these experiences I document in my spiritual journal. Recording such experiences is an important part of my journey. That way I can compare my experience with my clients’ as they progress too.

All these experiences tell me I’m progressing. My research now also confirms this. So does my many, many dream experiences. Clarity and vividness of my dreams is now off the charts. So is the duration of dream experiences I enjoy.

I know these all must have practical, everyday value. Already, I experience delightful epiphanies and manifestations. That value is beginning to show itself more and more through manifestations I experience.

The journey: More important that getting there

But I know the most important thing is the journey. Enjoying the journey and signposts along that journey. That’s what I consider these Kundalini experiences. They are signposts, not the destination. I’m not trying to get anywhere. After all, I’m eternal. There’s no “there” to get to. So instead, I’m learning more and more to soothe my impatience.

That’s because when I consider these remarkable experiences, I get excited about future ones. Seriously, if I can experience Kundalini phenomena, other seemingly “supernatural” experiences must be out there. Out there readying themselves. Readying themselves to reveal themselves to me.

I get eager thinking about those. Sometimes, that eagerness turns to impatience. I mean really, wouldn’t you get impatient to do things like levitate, astral travel and teleport? I would. And I do.

But it’s better that I stay focused on progress I’ve made. And feel blessed where I am. Rather than getting impatient about where I’m going. That way, I remain joyful of the journey, rather than feeling impatient. Impatience, after all, introduces resistance. And resistance slows everything down.

Unlocking my Kundalini energy is a pretty cool signpost. I’m looking forward to more signposts along my journey that is my spiritual progress.

What Practical Value Exists In Out Of Body Experiences?

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

I recently had my first Out of Body Experience (OBE), also known as a “projection of consciousness”. In the weeks following that experience I have had many more. In a client session this week, I shared one recent travel. My client’s response was instructive.

“What is the utility of such experiences?” He asked. Meaning, what practical value do OBEs offer?

Well, it’s a good question. While such experiences provide fantastic subjective revelations, their practical value escapes most people. But that’s because most people don’t look very deeply into spiritual matters. And even some who do look miss the value.

Some may know of religious ascetics. These people renunciate the world to explore nonphysical. Such men and woman hole themselves up in monasteries or even caves sometimes. They practice rites and rituals known to trigger mystical experiences.

But the rest of us have lives.

We have careers. Our families put demands on us. Bills need paying. Hobbies and friends consume our time. Who wants to spend their life constantly meditating? Moreover, why?

Again, our lives suggest OBEs hold no practical value. Especially considering the time cultivating them takes. So is there no practical value at all in them?

I suggest the exact opposite. Tremendous practical value exists in such explorations.

The power of tapping in

For sure, experiencing an OBE takes some doing. That’s why I suggest my clients make their Positively Focused practice a full-time job. That doesn’t mean quit day-jobs and families. It does, however, mean they prioritize their practice.

For while the practice’s early stages bring satisfying rewards – increased calm, peace, and general physical, emotional and mental well being – the biggest rewards come at later levels. Yes, early stage practice delivers the Charmed Life a life where everything one wants, happens.

But the advance practice develops “occult powers”. Abilities people think are mystical, supernatural and magical. People think these things because such abilities are rare among humanity.

OBEs are hard to experience. Mainly, it’s because humans have too much resistance going on. Their doubt and disbelief are too great. Their belief constellations are too full of bogus beliefs about life and physical reality. And about themselves. Their thought processes aren’t inclined to ignite desiring such experiences. So tapping into this power, and there is power here, isn’t possible if one’s thoughts and beliefs run counter to the experience.

Achieving OBEs, therefore, is more about letting go of disbelief. Not practicing a new skill. Everyone already has the skill. It’s only masked by beliefs telling the believer such abilities aren’t theirs. Or don’t exist at all.

But those who dedicate themselves develop seemingly mystical power. The power of pure positive energy. The energy that creates universes.

Tapping in requires soothing old beliefs, not creating new skills.

The value: highly practical

My first OBE signifies an arrival. I’m at the point where I’ve significantly cleared away vibrational interference. Interference blocking natural “supernatural” abilities. I’ve turned the key that unlocks doorways. Doorways of multidimensional existence. Existence I can explore consciously.

Moreover, I can explore consciously those dimensions and retain the experience when returning to physical consciousness. That experience expands my understanding of what it means to Be. Because now I KNOW I am more than my body. I’m learning to KNOW death marks a transition, not the end.

For sure many people believe death isn’t real. Or they want to believe that. But few actually KNOW. Meanwhile, OBEs produce confidence one lives eternally by showing the traveller that they are more than their physical body.

The real, practical value of such experiences however, lies in one’s ability to accomplish one’s desires. And to up-level the realm of what’s possible.

Equipped with conscious deliberate connection to All That Is, one can leverage that in the real world. Such a person can accomplish what most think takes a lot of time. Or what nearly everyone thinks is impossible. She can cut out effort and “luck” people rely upon. Such a person can also bypass much of the nose-to-the-grindstone people think responsible for success. And they can do that in whatever field they choose.

Seth puts it plain:

“The responsibility of dealing with manipulation within the physical universe remains, but in some respects the nature of this manipulation changes. It becomes more direct: Physical properties are manipulated more and more on a mental level. Many actual physical intervening steps are cut out.”

The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
Jane Roberts

“Impossible” aspirations

So the practical value of this ability lies not in the ability. The ability is a sign post. The real value lies in leverage power existing in all the Universe in service of one’s desires. That way desires start fulfilling themselves.

That’s highly practical.

Armed with this power and leverage, a person begins questioning his or her limits. She realizes her limitlessness.

Then she starts testing herself. Her aspirations ascend beyond where most can imagine. That’s because most don’t believe OBEs are possible. Let alone what OBEs as signposts signify is possible.

From there the practitioner merges with her Broader Perspective’s perspective. It’s a conscious shift Seth describes:

“The ego becomes more similar to the inner ego than to its old self, comparatively speaking. This altered ego is aware of large portions of inner reality that were previously denied. Structurally it remains intact, and yet it has changed chemically, and electromagnetically. It is able to open up so that inner experience can be received. This is a cornerstone for consciousness and for personality development. It is only a first step, however. Without it, no further development of consciousness can occur.”

Excerpt From
The Early Sessions: Book 7 of The Seth Material
Jane Roberts

Realizing past incarnations

From here, the practitioner can integrate “intimate knowledge of all incarnations”. This realization holds tremendous value. Psychology has us thinking our mental health springs from our present lives. But psychology and medicine in general, fails to account for influences from our experiences in other dimensions. Dimensions happening simultaneously with this one. However, awareness of past incarnations means we can harness that information for positive change now. In this life.

So the Positively Focused practitioner transcends what it means to be human. Then, they accomplish things humans think impossible. When people see this person doing what they think impossible, a new normal gets created. One in which what people thought impossible, now becomes possible.

And in that, they directly aid in human evolution. Human REVOLUTION. An expansion of what it means to be human.

Finally, this explains why achieving such levels appears extremely difficult or impossible, even though it’s not. It appears that way on purpose. Because getting there is impossible until one aligns their way of being with that of All That Is. They must eliminate as much interference as possible. Few will make a go at it. And of those, few will achieve it. Even though everyone can.

The value is more than just clearing away old beliefs clouding what we think is possible. It literally furthers humanity’s evolution.

The potential is vast

That’s a built in safeguard. All That Is can’t have a bunch of undisciplined, mostly negative spirits running around nonphysical. It would create mayhem across infinite dimensions. This development process happens in very slow motion here, on Earth. It is one of the reasons we come here. But that experience can greatly accelerate. And, it can happen in one lifetime.

Think about that. Would you be willing to dedicate a single life time so that in that life time you can achieve whatever you want, effortlessly, while having positive influence on humanity? And then influence all subsequent lifetimes from that same powerful perspective? I would.

I want to know my limitless power. These limitless powers are available for everyone. But accessing them only happens for the few. The few willing to see the world as it ultimately is: love, oneness, joyful and full of possibility. A willingness to see the world from a Positively Focused perspective, in other words.

Maybe you’re ready to develop your supernatural powers. If so, let’s talk.

A Full Positively Focused Session: What Happy Looks Like

I’m overjoyed sharing this video and appreciate deeply my client’s willingness to share it with you too.

It’s deeply touching watching what happens in this full, lightly edited session. I knew when we had it, it offered extraordinary insight into how becoming Positively Focused works.

As my client gets near the end of the session, you can see how deeply the work transformed his perspective.

A session anatomy

The client came after spending the week perpetually in negative beliefs. As such, he characterized the week as negative, sharing only those experiences he had access to – those vibrating at his lower level – as “proof” substantiating his feeling experience.

Of course, life works the other way around. One’s feeling experience creates life experience. It’s something few know.

Showing up the way he did, the client offered himself a wonderful opportunity. By practicing shifting his perspective towards better-feeling beliefs, he discovered renewed freedom.

Then, positive experiences he had during the same week, ones he didn’t mention, returned to his memory. That happened because he resonated with those through his improved, active beliefs, instead of the lower vibrational experiences with which he originally resonated. In doing so his mood changed completely.

This session illustrates so many powerful insights, the most important being: Reality springs from perception. Changing perception produces instant results. In time, those results turn into perceivable reality.

The beliefs I have create the world I see. Not the other way around.

What reality resonates?

The reality one experiences is the one with which they resonate. Life’s harmonics will draw to a person, experiences from the infinite, matching that person’s vibration. He can access no other realities, even though they’re just as real. One’s experience therefore rests completely with how one vibrates.

Every reality exists simultaneously. By shifting one’s vibration upwards, through simple declarative statements, one finds oneself transported to totally different versions of the exact same reality they experience. Only details change because the higher vibration draws details matching the observer.

I love this work. I love showing people how raising their vibration puts them on track to everything they want.

But most fulfilling is the jubilance feel when I see significant positive shifts in people’s vibration – this happens at 00:35:39 in the video – then they feel that shift. That’s the payoff of the work for both me and the client. That and the client realizing their Charmed Life, of course.

We’re all eternal. Manifestations are a dime a dozen. They’re sign posts along a never ending path of personal fulfillment and joy. Life’s purpose therefore doesn’t rest in manifestations.

Life’s purpose fulfills itself in wonderful, delicious, rambunctious feelings birthed from knowing you’re at the center of the Universe. You’re eternal, God in human form. Nothing beats that, as my client here shows.


When Great Good Results From A Bee’s Stinger

Photo by Marc Schulte on Unsplash

A bee stung me this morning. It hurt. Then I got Positively Focused about it and in that moment onward, the bee sting showed a new perspective on my enlightenment.

I typically walk several miles each day. Lately here in Portland, summer temperatures peak at over 110 degrees. So rather than afternoon walks, I walk in the mornings now.

The day I’m writing this though, the mercury showed the day already hot: 80 degrees at 7:30 a.m. with the expected high well over 100. I thought a walk now beats walking on broiling sidewalks. So off I went.

The day shaping up hot with more scorching days ahead!

I walked several circles around one of my favorite parks, then headed 1.2 miles towards another park nearby. This walk nets nearly 4 miles. Good enough for a blistering summer day. I figured after that walk, I’d stay indoors. Like I did through the weekends triple-digit days.

How walks become dreams

When walking these days, especially in the morning, I focus on my Broader Perspective focus. I bring an awareness greater than my ordinary daily awareness to my walks. Doing that, I enter dream state while awake.

It’s an advanced practice I do more of these days. I do it because I know bliss I feel while dreaming represents maximum connection with my broader perspective. After all, as my body sleeps, I know I’m not in my body.

Instead, I’m out of my body experiencing my state of origin. That feeling state matches exactly what my Broader Perspective feels. That’s why it feels so good.

I also know when I practice that feeling while awake, I tune me to that Broader Perspective awareness, which determines how swiftly and easily fulfilled desires show themselves to me.

So practicing bliss while awake makes visible manifestations I otherwise would not see.

Halfway to that next park, I felt a burning sensation on my right leg. It grew in intensity even while I practiced blissful focus. When I looked down, I saw a yellow jacket stuck to my inside calf. It hung there off my calf by its stinger, which was impaled in my leg.

Had I been more present, I’d have snapped a picture. Instead, I smacked the insect off my leg, bent down and searched for the stinger. Thankfully it fell off with the yellow jacket. But the stinging sensation remained.

What happened next amazed me

Instead of wincing in pain, I continued practicing my focus. It didn’t occur to me that I should feel pain, limp or rub the spot where the insect injected its venom. I just naturally thought the sting offered greater focus opportunity. 🤔

Hard to see. I shot this a few moments after getting stung. Maybe you can see the redness (inside the yellow circle).

“I wonder if I could focus myself out of the pain of this sting,” I thought.

So that’s what I did. I heightened my focus on bliss. As I did that, something cool happened.

I didn’t feel the sting!

But the very next microsecond I felt the pain again. So I focused more intently again…and the pain disappeared. But half a second later it came back!

What happened here?

Two things I noticed. One, my focus constantly creates my reality. I mean every millisecond, I either focus where I want, or my focus runs on autopilot. When I focus, say, on bliss and Broader Perspective as per my exercise, I create a reality where pain factors not.

But because focus is literally millisecond by millisecond, I go in and out of that blissful focus.

A natural result of my focus

Months ago I knew I wanted a focus so intent and so aligned with Broader Perspective that I would ongoingly experience as my waking consciousness, what my Broader Perspective knows. Holding that intent, I knew, created a future probable reality experience-able by me. But only if I lined up with that.

This bee sting prompted awareness intensity needed to make my intent my reality. I practiced that intense awareness for a good hour, tuning focus so pain disappeared, then noticing it come rushing back when my focus waned.

I couldn’t hold that intense bliss-focus long. But my desire for that focus level welled up from me like a baby spurting out a vagina: undeniable.

I wanted more focus intensity and I knew this experience, because it birthed this desire, also created a reality wherein I have that focus intensity where pain factors not.

So now, my intent involves “being” that focus intensity, feeling how it feels were I there all the time. Doing that consistently enough will, in time, cause a rendezvous between me and that future wherein I have that focus intensity all the time. That’s just how being Positively Focused works!

In other words, that future I created is a done deal, standing by as my future now experience the moment I tune to it.

I love how a freaking yellow jacket sting created more desire in me for greater focus, as well as a new knowing of the extent to which I can create reality.

Now it’s time to line up with that future I created. That’s the wonder of the Charmed Life: creating what I consider an idealized life, then gradually finding myself living more and more of that.

30 Questions To Better Happy, Love and Joy

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Being Positively Focused recognizes Universe’s inherent goodness, its desire to give everyone everything they want. That focus, well-practiced, creates the Charmed Life I talk about in this blog.

What does the Positively Focused philosophy involve? My friend Gheric described it in 30 excellent questions I’ll share shortly.

Life is fun when yes is the default

The Positively Focused philosophy emphatically says “yes” in response to every question. So if a person answers “no” to any question, then a gap exists between what that person wants and what they’re getting.

A simple agreement is not enough. Self-fulfilling desires happen only when someone knows the answers are all “yes”, not just agrees with the answers.

That’s because knowing, believing and thinking are distinct states. Everyone thinks. That’s the default. Think long enough about something and reality serves evidence of what one thinks about. The thinker sees this evidence, then gradually understands this evidence as proving their thought “true”.

Then the person believes what they think. Why wouldn’t they? Reality “proved” what they think. Therefore that person’s thoughts become their beliefs.

Given enough time beliefs recede as evidence replaces “belief” and the “belief” becomes “true”. At that point, the person no longer believes. They know.

So knowing “yes” as the answer requires seeing evidence everywhere.

Life’s road is easier when the answers to these 30 questions is “yes”.

The 30 questions

These questions challenge many people’s beliefs. They also challenge many people’s realities. Both get challenged because one (reality) springs from the other (beliefs). A person who doesn’t know this finds answering “yes” to every question very difficult if not impossible.

The joy inherent in knowing the answer is “yes” is what life is all about. Living lives where everything comes easily depends on it. Therefore, these questions and their answer are important prerequisite to a Charmed Life.

And now, the questions:

  1. Does abundance in all things exist?
  2. Does well-being flow through all things? 
  3. Is evil an illusion?
  4. Is scarcity an illusion?
  5. Is control an illusion?
  6. Do all circumstances work out for good? 
  7. Are negative beliefs a catalyst for positive growth?
  8. Does everyone want a better reality?
  9. Do we create our own reality?
  10. Is everyone free?
  11. Is progress an inevitability?
  12. Can everyone have what they want?
  13. Are all paradoxes resolvable?
  14. Are the specific values of the individual aligned with the general values of the collective?
  15. Are all conflicts illusory?
  16. Is every perspective valid?
  17. Is every perspective valuable? 
  18. Are humans inherently good? 
  19. Can humans be trusted?
  20. Do humans want to be free from control/manipulation?
  21. Do humans want well-being for themselves and for others?
  22. Is humanity currently headed in a positive direction?
  23. Do people want to live by their intrinsic motivations? 
  24. Do intrinsic motivations always lead to good things?
  25. Is it okay to give up on something?
  26. Does everyone have good intentions?
  27. Can efficient and effective organizing structures emerge organically?
  28. Does everything evolve?
  29. Can “bad ideas” turn into “good ideas”?
  30. Is it inevitable that every “bad idea” evolves into a “good idea” given enough allowance for intuitive inspiration?

Finding this a challenge?

If you’re having trouble, you’re not alone. But you can discover bliss in human being-ness by learning to see, then living from, what’s possible when you know every answer is “yes”.

That’s what my clients find. And when they do, they become Positively Focused. Then life gets fun.

After all, who wouldn’t want a life full of desires fulfilling themselves? That’s what everyone in a physical body knew life could be like before they came here.

But many get stuck once they get here. That’s because they don’t remember what they forgot, the forgetting of which is a prerequisite to arrival. No need stay in forgetting mode though.

You can remember. Everyone can. If you aren’t, I can help.

The Love Life Shows Me Every Day

This is a positively focused series called “journal entries” for when I experience something I write about in my journal I think others might benefit from reading. This is a continuation of that series.

From my journal – Thursday, Apr. 15, 2021

I love being on my freedom adventure

I love finding what I like, attending to it, then watching it reveal itself to me. I like soothing resistance so what I like reveals more of itself to me. I like pointing out what I want, seeing Universe shape to that, then seeing that show itself to me.

I like when it happens in dreams. I like when it happens in wake state. When it happens in wake state I like it even more. Wake state realization feels great. Dream state feels best though. I know that’s because little resistance happens when I’m there, but I also know I can enjoy dream state feelings in wake state to the degree I soothe my resistance….particularly resistance I have about resistance.

Life affirms me and my desires

I like so many things showing themselves to me. I appreciate appreciating that. Seeing those things tells me I’m succeeding at lowering my resistance. That feels good knowing that.

But it’s even better-feeling seeing results of lowered resistance. In lower resistance I see what I want, happen.

That’s affirming.

My life is affirmed. Love Universe has for me is affirmed. My deservedness is affirmed. My worthiness is affirmed. My divinity is affirmed. I am affirmed.

My life: eternally more

And in all that affirmation, I know, for certain, I create my reality.

There’s always more to know, there’s always more joy to come, there’s always more to appreciate. More is my eternal life, always moving into more. Always seeing fruits of my desires showing themselves to me.

And so I relax in my now, increasingly clear. There is no rush. There is no pressure. There are no deadlines. All is well. Life is good.

And so am I.

How To Enjoy The One Thing That Overcomes Split Energy

Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

A common experience among newer Positively Focused clients is “split energy”. Here’s why resolving split energy is not only important, it can be a joyful process and create a life worth loving.

But first, let’s look at what split energy is, why it happens and why so many people don’t know about split energy and thus struggle with it.

What is split energy?

Split energy happens when belief and desire conflict with one another. It can also happen when a person stands in two conflicting belief constellations.

For example, some of my clients want to believe the idea that “you create your reality” leads to a heaven-on-earth life. But beliefs such as “there is an objective reality beyond human control” conflict with that.

Another example: many people want lives where money isn’t an issue, or where they have lots of money. At the same time though, they believe “money doesn’t grow on trees” or “the only way I can get income is through a job”, or “debt is just a fact of life”. These beliefs conflict with a life where money is plentiful. The conflict creates split energy, which feels like confusion, anxiety, uncertainty, or feeling emotionally stuck.

My mentor adds an awesome perspective:

Continuing to tell stories of shortage only continues to contradict your desire for abundance, and you cannot have it both ways: You cannot focus upon unwanted and receive wanted. You cannot focus upon stories about money that make you feel uncomfortable and allow into your experience what makes you feel comfortable. A different story will bring different results: My thoughts are the basis for the attraction of all things that I consider to be good, which includes enough money, and health, for my comfort and joy.

– Abraham

To summarize: Split energy happens when a person wants something, but doesn’t believe it is possible. Or when past beliefs conflict with a desire.

Split energy means having a foot in beliefs that conflict with other beliefs or desires. Split energy often feels like confusion, uncertainty and anxiety. (Photo by Sherise VD on Unsplash)

Why it’s a struggle

Many people struggle with split energy while not knowing they’re struggling, which is why split energy is a struggle. They think negative emotions indicating split energy – confusion, feeling uncertain, anxiety, insecurity – are just parts of life.

But life is supposed to be fun, easy and filled with self-fulfilling desires. Actually, that’s what’s happening all the time, even for someone with split energy.

A person with split energy, however, creates over and over, realities containing and reflecting back to them the combination of their split energy. That’s why nothing seems to change for the person, or why things change, but often stay the same or get worse.

In other words, life SUCKS when split energy dominates. 🙄

It’s more common than you think

Many popular communities generate split energy situations among their members. Religions are a major culprit. Religions as sometimes practiced, contradict beliefs that are normal, wholesome and good. But some people in these organizations create split energy when their natural, normal, wholesome desires contradict religious doctrine.

For example, a person who finds transgender women attractive, but who also is Christian or Jewish might struggle with religious beliefs contradicting their desires. Their religious upbringing keeps them feeling unworthy, fearful, in shame, and in self reproach because religious teachings do not allow or agree that certain desires are natural, normal, wholesome and good.

You are god in a human body

Another example: it’s very difficult for a Christian or a Jew, for example, to believe they are God in a human body creating reality as they move through life. Creating reality is God’s job, religions say. Many also claim a HUGE gap exists between “being human” and “God”. So human thinking they’re God borders on blasphemy!

It’s also difficult for some Christians to accept that they can fulfill all their desires themselves, especially desires Christianity tells them are sinful or bad or will send them to hell.

A major source of split energy are religions combined with an authentic self at odds with religious doctrine. (Photo by Dejan Livančić on Unsplash)

I know some people practicing religious-inspired beliefs do not have that experience. So I’m not saying that religion is bad across-the-board. If you are a believer, a Christian or a Jew, or whatever, and you’re happy, then enjoy your happy life. 😌

People do come to me though from these communities seeking what I offer: freedom from struggle, emotional and physical pain, anguish sometimes and even fear and hopelessness born of split energy generated from their desires conflicting with their religious beliefs.

Clients brought up in religion literally have one foot in their religious beliefs, and another foot testing the waters of something they know holds promise. They want to be Positively Focused.

But their old beliefs, their dominant, practiced ways of being, learned through their religion, conflict with what they feel: that they are an eternal, enlightened, God in human form.

Other split energy sources

Religion isn’t the only source that can create split energy. Beliefs adopted from one’s parents or one’s culture often contradict the Positively Focused approach, or what some of my clients affectionately call the “perrydigm” 😌.

One of my client’s parents, for example, raised her to believe a woman must serve her family to the exclusion of her own desires. She is a powerful woman and is embracing her Positively Focused approach with relish. As a result she is moving quickly through soothing these old beliefs, as these text conversations illustrate.

And yet she finds it fascinating how much her old beliefs cause resistance in her which feels like a “struggle” to her. Her old beliefs tell her being Positively Focused and serving her own selfish desires is bad and wrong. When in fact there’s no better way to be than Positively Focused and selfishly pursuing one’s desires.

Why selfishness is good

Putting both feet in the Positively Focused camp results in maximum connection to one’s Broader Perspective. It is that maximum connection that allows all that one desires effortlessly into one’s life.

It creates joyful, exuberant lives, as Positively Focused people see their lives shaping to new beliefs, morphing from the old beliefs and creating Charmed Lives.

Charmed Lives lead to self love. And when one loves oneself, it is simple, easy, and joyful loving others. Being selfish you become the most generous person anyone knows, because you see others as reflections of yourself, which they are.

Integrating one’s beliefs so that they all reflect a Positively Focused perspective creates wonderful epiphanies, seemingly amazing coincidences. Clear indisputable manifestations are so convincing, they are undeniable. And in that undeniability one releases resistance born of bogus beliefs.

Joyful non-resistance

Releasing resistance, the Positively Focused person uncovers natural joy. That joy is godliness, the God in human form everyone is.

So, the more one stands with both feet in the Positively Focused camp, the more Charmed their life becomes. All my clients experience this to one degree or another.

While the “perrydigm” is a cute play on my name and what I offer, my client’s desire, however weak or strong, moves the Universe in their favor. Not me.

The Universe stands ready to deliver to anyone life consistent with their godliness, their worthiness, their natural connection joyful being.

Everyone experiences joyful lives. Bogus beliefs mask that experience. Split energy results. Cleaning that up starts from a clear desire for joy. The rest happens automatically.

How Great Life Gets When I Let Universe Life Me

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

It’s fun watching my life shape to my Positively Focused thoughts. It feels wonderful seeing my positive thoughts legitimize themselves by creating realities consistent with them.

I know all thoughts do that, of course. Any thought thought long enough will draw to the thinker evidence proving the thought “true”. When enough evidence gets created, the thought no longer is a thought. It becomes reality, then a belief. The belief fades into the background of my awareness. Life then becomes “how it is.”

That’s accurate to say for any thought that has become a belief. Which is why I don’t concern myself with people who disagree with me about what I share through Positively Focused.

Plenty of people out there think “you create your reality through your thoughts” is a bunch of hogwash. But they don’t understand the preceding paragraphs. They don’t know their thought “it’s hogwash” became a belief long ago and is out of their awareness now that it has become a belief, and attracts evidence of its “truth”.

That’s why I don’t spend time trying to convince someone “you create your reality through your thoughts”…unless they’re a client. 😊

Clients are different

A client is open. They’re willing to consider new possibilities. They want to believe. That makes seeing around existing beliefs more likely.

What I love about what I do with my clients is this: It’s easy for me to say “you create your reality through your thoughts” and point to my life, as full of evidence as it is. It’s also easy for people to dismiss such evidence.

But as more clients come to Positively Focused, create extraordinary lives as my current clients are, it gets harder and harder to deny that something different is happening.

Nearly all my clients are extraordinarily excited about their lives. They’re engaged and happy. They’re having fun discovering what I’ve discovered. And in their discovery I find joy too.

Client work then becomes play. It’s a win-win for both parties. My clients enjoy Charmed Lives. I enjoy watching that. And I grow a larger and larger, undeniable body of evidence that Universe loves us all and gives us all for that which we ask.

Evidence like this from a client session:

I Like Being Positively Focused – I Love Being Me

Life feels good when I'm Positively Focused
Photo by Adam Jang on Unsplash

Here’s a series of stories I tell often. They’re why I experience a consistent happy life born of Positively Focused thoughts.

These thoughts create life experiences consistent with what I want, while keeping experiences I don’t want from finding me. It’s like magic, or a spell, but it’s not that. It’s just what happens when I focus on good-feeling thoughts. You can do this too. Try these. See what happens. You know they’re working when you feel good.

  • I like feeling my way to better and better feeling experiences
  • I know I’m doing that when dreams delight me
  • I know I’m doing that when I feel ecstasy from dreaming
  • I know I’m doing that when reliving dreams long into the day comes effortlessly 
  • I know I’m doing that when I feel good
  • When I feel good frequently, I see my life match that
  • Things coming my way delight me
  • I feel ecstasy in things I get to do
  • I see Universe wink at me in moments of divine orchestration
  • I see more and more of those moments all the time
  • Until I see them in nearly every moment
  • I love being physical
  • I love being more and better
  • I love tuning to that and in doing so bringing more and better to the world through who I be and what I’m inspired to do
  • I love having and knowing and fulfilling my purpose
  • I love being me
  • I love being eternal
  • I love Broader Perspective 
  • I love loving
  • I love me