Normalizing Enlightenment Is Within Our Grasp

YIN YAG blog

A polarized world is the best time to have what you deeply desire.

There is no better time to get what you want than when others are strongly asking for what they want. Especially if what they want is the opposite of what you want!

It’s obvious everyone “on all sides” is stridently asking for what they want. The problem is, they’re going about it wrong.

Instead of using their most powerful inherent capability, they are trying to get what they want through action.

Mostly, destructive, negative action.

Pity. Kind of.

We say “kind of” because every kind of asking for what you want eventually brings it to you. But you can have what you want so much easier, faster and more fun doing it different.

The good news is, the stronger people ask through action, fighting against what they don’t want and arguing with those who oppose them in the process, soon they end up saying “fuck it”.

And in that relaxation, they find the “loosening” of enlightenment, which causes them to quickly have what it is they’re asking for.

What is enlightenment

It’s nothing special. Well, it’s special only because few people have it. Even so, those who do have it realize it’s not that special. All it is is an awareness of one’s inherent grace, realized through a practiced happiness-for-no-reason that has become chronic. It is accompanied by the receiving of all one is wanting as a result of that.

Once those things start showing up, one realizes their inherent invincibility, born of their life experience demonstrating to them without a shadow of a doubt that they create the life experience they live.

It’s hard to see how true those words above are when you’re embroiled in bitter arguments online or in your family or among your friends about any of the myriad topics in physical reality which vie for your attention these days.

But the moment you begin turning away from those things, you find peace. And in that peace – if you hold it long enough – you rediscover your power.

From there, you literally become unstoppable.

What enlightenment feels like: Grace given. Grace received. Getting all you want. That includes material and financial success. Awareness that you’re getting all you want. Perpetual happiness as a result of that. Freedom coupled with a sense of adventure for life. Broader perspective expanding beyond your physical senses, allowing you to take in far more of what you are than just your physical experience defined by your physical senses.

In short, it feels like an ongoing joyful expression of love.

But it is not a permanent thing nor is it a final stage. You don’t “become enlightened” and thus “know it all”.

You have to continuously nurture it and along with that you receive an ongoing broadening awareness which encompasses more and more “knowing.”

The payoff of all that is a life you thought unimaginable.

Until you start living it.

Yes, it can come in a flash of inspiration.

But it is more fun to see it gradually develop, alongside your continued refinement of it. For you’re always becoming more than you are. That’s why you’re eternal.

None of this will ring true for you until you begin realizing evidence of it in your life experience.

Now imagine an entire civilization living from this place. What could be possible?

Some say “There will always be murder, crime, greed and the other vices. You’re arguing for a leftist Utopian fantasy.”

And we say, “You only think that because you haven’t tasted the sweetness of living that we know. And you spend far too much time putting your attention on physical reality. When you stop doing that, you’ll change your tune. And everyone does sooner or later. For some, it takes dying: Everyone who dies ends up in exactly the state we’re describing.”

But you don’t have to wait to die to realize enlightenment. It’s there for you whenever you’re ready.

The good news is, once you start down that path, there’s no turning back. You’re going to be enlightened. And in your enlightenment, you make room for the enlightenment of others.

So whether we consciously normalize it or not, a normalized enlightenment is a fait accompli.

One that is within our grasp.

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