Make A Happy Life: Know Your Death Better

Everyone who dies, and that’s pretty much everyone, chooses their death, thereby making every death a suicide.

That might evoke knee-jerk denials, but such rebuttals don’t make it any less so.

Thoughts about death weigh people down so much, they prefer ignoring the inevitable. What one thinks about death shapes one’s life. Since nearly everyone tries ignoring it, it also regulates how much other people or circumstances restrict one’s free will. For death’s power, successfully manipulated, evokes unconscious behaviors from people. Even self-destructive behavior.

Such behaviors — especially triggered by fear of death, but all other experiences too — elevate or stamp out moment-by-moment joy life offers. Some reactions fill life with stress, anxiety, anger, taking sides and more. In such states one must defend one’s self or their beliefs. Others’ beliefs become enemies.

People then become “evil”, “wrong”, or simply “bad”. Ideas too. Push against these long enough and, well, life, as the saying goes, becomes “…a bitch, then you die.”

Joy is life, Life is joy.

Some reactions enhance life. Certain reactions after sex with a loved one (or by one’s self), after a meal, while watching a sunset or a great show like AppleTVs “Schmigadoon!” rouse feelings which, focused upon, remind us life and joy exist synonymously.

Seen this way, joy IS life. Have some Extreee! 😂

AppleTV’s Schmigadoon. Enjoy A Cord Puddin’ break.

Look around though. You’ll see belief-induced reactions, especially in societies where people need money, create myriad downward spirals. Spirals reminding us — as did Belinda Carlisle — that heaven is a place on earth. But so is Hell. Both exist and thrive in our beliefs.

Said spirals turn on forces which inevitably restore balance such forces maintain through their existence. Carbon emission triggered weather patterns typify said maintenance actions. Wilder weather wreaking havoc today doesn’t indicate impending doom. Nor does social havoc and upheaval. Both foretell restored balance.

Witness, for example, what happened in Cape Town, South Africa almost five years ago. In 2017, the city’s water supplies dwindled severely. Officials warned citizens municipal water facilities would shut down for good. A drought at the time exacerbated conditions. That meant potentially very long lines of people waiting for daily water rations. This marked the first time in the world a major municipality risked running completely out of water.

The people responded with extreme water conversation behaviors. Behaviors which cut water consumption by more than half! City leaders postponed their “Day Zero”, the day the city expected to declare itself out of water, by many months.

Balance: restored

As if nature monitored the situation, heavy rains followed. Reservoir levels returned to 95 percent full by 2018.

Of course, the story contains far more complexity. But the point is, humans respond to nature’s balancing signals. Yes, sometimes we take it to the very brink. So far though, humanity trends towards avoiding going over them.

Planet warming indications aren’t predicting doom and gloom. They’re predicting restored balance.

Yet, so many react to nature’s signals pessimistically, alarmingly, or defensively. That leaves many hopeless, helpless and in fear, which leads to fatalism, then to a resigned acceptance of The End. And reluctance towards behavior change.

After all, what’s the use in changing behavior when I believe we’re fucked?

Nature’s signals then grow stronger — what’s resisted indeed persists and interpreting good news climate change brings is to resist nature’s signal. But nature’s will for balance overcomes persistent negative focus and fear-induced paralysis. Then…¡Voila! Balanced restored.

All is of The Light. All of it.

Which is why I encourage BEING over reacting. In being, life gets eminently more fun. Life emerges from within my being, subject to my deliberate focus. That which I want to see, I’ll see when I bring sufficient, non-resistant desire (Positive Being or Positively Focused) to fore. Enemies or disagreements no longer define my identity, nor threaten me because they can’t find me. Nature’s signals, to me, look like harbingers of greatness, not downfall.

For everything, against nothing, I find joy constantly. In joy I AM The Light. And there, I possess more leverage than millions paralyzed in fatalism, hopelessness, fear and insecurity.

Witness, for example, Copiosis. Throughout eight years, a team assembled around me of enormously passionate, gifted people committed to what I created back in 2013. We’re poised to evolve humanity out of capitalism. Far from a better mousetrap, Copiosis changes the way we think about mice.

Copiosis creates a world where humanity lives free from government, domination, control and the disparity arising from all these things.

Copiosis came from The Light. As I do.

In The Light, others’ ideas sway me no longer. Especially doom and gloom messaging. Insecurity, fear, hopelessness and powerlessness become vapor in The Light that is my eternal identity, What I Be, allowed.

I am: The Light, Lightness, Open, Knowing, Sure, Certain. Especially about death and its gifts. One of which comes when one discovers one’s invincible immortality.

People make pawns of the insecure, helpless, hopeless, desperate and paralyzed. The insecure, helpless, hopeless and desperate willingly amplify propaganda, propaganda often designed to move their money into pockets of those who made them pawns. And so people who make pawns get rich and (for a time, somewhat) powerful.

Bully for them!

Prick or not to prick?

I got the Pfizer vaccine because my passions soon require international travel. My vaccination status allows maximum travel flexibility and travel flexibility facilitates my unfolding path. Especially around Copiosis. I know a vaccine doesn’t choose when I choose to move on from physical existence. Nor can it alter my physical constitution. Neither can viruses. I KNOW, am SURE, and CERTAIN I stand in The Light, which I AM.

There I alter my reality. Including the intimate creation my body represents. And I create all alterations though Being The Light.

Even though I don’t need it to protect me from anything, I got the vaccine. (Photo by Marisol Benitez on Unsplash)

When I shared my Vax status on social media, I did so as a message clarifying the gorgeous paradox life offers alongside its joy: I know the value and downsides governments offer. I already declared them no longer necessary. I made that declaration while standing invulnerable. While allowing through me Copiosis.

So when friends ask why I took the vaccine being who and what I am, I offer hope. Hope in the form of responses like these. You are eternal, I tell them. You are The Light.

For now, government exists and so it is right and good. All that exists is good. And, all that exists will soon give way to something better. It always does. Capitalism, communism, socialism and all other governments included.

So says The Light.

Where do you stand?

You are The Light when standing in beliefs which make you so. And The Light always calls forth more and better.

No one can exist outside their beliefs though. But one can create any belief about anything and that thing becomes true. Only for that person though.

Subscribe to another’s beliefs, they’ll become your own. Just as those who subscribe to your beliefs, make yours theirs. So many children go astray adopting bogus beliefs from parents…

We must therefore choose wisely as adults. Most important of all choices are those we make about what we put in our heads. What we put in our bodies, including medicines, matters comparatively little. Not at all, actually.

Few choose while unquestionably sure about death. But deliberate choosing allows rediscovering what many believe false, even though it is What Is So.

The immutable fact of our immortality. Stand in that and discover every death a suicide because every person, from their immortal vantage chooses circumstances of their birth as well as their death.

A wise one said: “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” Climate change, vaccines, pandemics, war…they all offer choice. Choice in thought.

So I ask you: what do you make so?

I make what The Light makes. Good. Only.

How Great Life Gets When I Let Universe Life Me

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

It’s fun watching my life shape to my Positively Focused thoughts. It feels wonderful seeing my positive thoughts legitimize themselves by creating realities consistent with them.

I know all thoughts do that, of course. Any thought thought long enough will draw to the thinker evidence proving the thought “true”. When enough evidence gets created, the thought no longer is a thought. It becomes reality, then a belief. The belief fades into the background of my awareness. Life then becomes “how it is.”

That’s accurate to say for any thought that has become a belief. Which is why I don’t concern myself with people who disagree with me about what I share through Positively Focused.

Plenty of people out there think “you create your reality through your thoughts” is a bunch of hogwash. But they don’t understand the preceding paragraphs. They don’t know their thought “it’s hogwash” became a belief long ago and is out of their awareness now that it has become a belief, and attracts evidence of its “truth”.

That’s why I don’t spend time trying to convince someone “you create your reality through your thoughts”…unless they’re a client. 😊

Clients are different

A client is open. They’re willing to consider new possibilities. They want to believe. That makes seeing around existing beliefs more likely.

What I love about what I do with my clients is this: It’s easy for me to say “you create your reality through your thoughts” and point to my life, as full of evidence as it is. It’s also easy for people to dismiss such evidence.

But as more clients come to Positively Focused, create extraordinary lives as my current clients are, it gets harder and harder to deny that something different is happening.

Nearly all my clients are extraordinarily excited about their lives. They’re engaged and happy. They’re having fun discovering what I’ve discovered. And in their discovery I find joy too.

Client work then becomes play. It’s a win-win for both parties. My clients enjoy Charmed Lives. I enjoy watching that. And I grow a larger and larger, undeniable body of evidence that Universe loves us all and gives us all for that which we ask.

Evidence like this from a client session:

Appreciation Abounds This Holiday Season

Photo by Ann on Unsplash

I feel deep appreciation for all that is. I feel deep appreciation for the now, the culmination of everything I’ve been, everything I’ve asked for – wanted or not – and received, and for the becoming that is my future. It’s so bright. Thankful for it all.

I appreciate my expansion, my spiritual progress into enlightenment, clarity in how the Universe works, clarity in who and what I am, why I am here and the blessings I bestow upon myself.

I appreciate my Inner Being, that part of me holding all I am and all I am becoming in the no-space, no-time of the Moment of Becoming. I appreciate knowing I am that and also my awareness in physical, stirring it up for the greater purpose of universal expansion.

I love my Broader Perspective, that awareness I have that puts in glorious context all that happens here in physical, knowing it is all for the Light.

I appreciate my Charmed Life, that which springs from my positive focus. I love the upward spiral of it, how the more I see my life charmed, the more charmed my life gets.

I appreciate my core intent, which is about the new, the improved, the fun. I love expressing my core intent as an uplifter to all I come in contact with.

I enjoy my life and those who, like me, are on the leading edge of All That Is, who chose, like me, to come into physical reality for the joy, for the fun and for the expansion.

I love those things I do not want, for in the not wanting, I know what I do want, and in knowing that I can choose those things, line up with them and, see evidence of them flowing into my conscious awareness, my physical reality.

I love living. I love being. I love the now, this glorious culmination of all I’ve been, ever since before there was a thing called time, or history…

I love my eternity. And for that love, for that clarity, for that awareness, I am thankful. Today. Now.

I Stopped Pursuing It, Now It Pursues Me


I stopped using alarm clocks….I can’t remember when. These days I lightly intend the next day, the day before. Rather than plan a to-do list, things I want to check off tomorrow, I tune my vibration, my feeling tone, my Moment of Becoming so that tomorrow feels fun and adventuresome.

All That Is then gets to work, setting my agenda for me, including dreams and their messages. Including what time I wake.

When I do wake, it’s effortless, easy and delightful. Impulses I receive inspire my action. By the end of the day, the day completes itself. Full of fun and creation, I end each day, these days, happy and ready for another dream state adventure and another wake state day after that. Life is a dream, adventuresome, joyful.

All That Is does my to-dos

This week I noticed my food stores running low. Over the last few days I compiled a list of things I’d enjoy eating. That list included ripening tomatoes and kale from my garden. All That Is, over this week, inspired other list items while also inspiring when where and how these items would fill my fridge. This morning I’m playful and eager, rather than head-down and determined, as I would be were I still in the 9-to-5 grind.

So much life richness happens every moment since I chose living Positively Focused, which means living life’s dream, living on purpose, putting spirituality first and foremost. Describing that richness in words dries it out like turning juicy, mouthwatering beef into tough, dry jerky. Life’s beautiful, joyful experience wherein I play with myself (All That Is) in wonder-filled Co-creation defies description.

My diligent clients gradually get this. When their life gets this good, this fun and when love gets this constant and unwavering, none of them want to go back living and loving the way they once did.

I know the feeling.

The work-focused, American Dream lifestyle, lived on clock time with most of the day spent in jobs worked for money and vacuous sleep states where the sleeper sleeps oblivious to nonphysical’s grandeur, interests me not.

What I live now makes that life an absurdity, an abomination, a Christian’s hell right here on earthly heaven.

Here In Heaven

A housemate asked what I do for income. I gave an insincere, dishonest answer about about my projects. I don’t do my projects for money. I don’t do anything for money anymore. I create heaven; life fills in around that.

I live my life according to the great masters, finding glory in creating reality, glorifying All That Is as an integral component of creating life. It’s fun, living Positively Focused. There I find joy and satisfaction nearly moment-by-moment, heaven lived right here, where spiritual and material stand synonymous with one another. There, money comes as everything else: my creation, to the degree I’m ready, not because of something I do.

I “do” consistent with what I “be”. Then I “have” consistent with that. I be a spiritual being, sharing my love of living, of physical and nonphysical, with others so they may leave behind their alarm clocks.

I have life consistent with that. Being, doing then having. That’s the formula.

Most people live the other way around. They can’t be what they want until they have what they want. And they believe they can’t have what they want until they do something to get it.

I know better.

I could write it wasn’t easy getting here. But it was easy. My Positively Focused perspective transforms once hard moments into joyful adventures and fun times. As I change my present moment experiences through being Positively Focused, past and future change too. “Hard” becomes easy and fun, life gets easy.

Same with my relationship to money. I stopped pursuing it. It now pursues me, All That Is in a body on Earth, expressing freedom that is All That Is, for the fun, the expansion of that, and the joy inherent in it. I’m happy. Happy as a flower.

What Life Looks Like When It’s Fun

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Life is supposed to be fun. Fun and delightfully surprising.

What makes life that way are little things happening all day every day. Things I used to miss before I got Positively Focused.

Not every “manifestation” is a great, big wish-fulfilling, earth-shaking event. I know if I focus too much on trying to have those, not only do such events come less often, I miss the many, many little events that make life sweet fun.

I’ll try getting these little stories out the day they happen. Really though, these things happen so often, I can’t even capture them all in my journal. Let alone share them in my blog(s). Still, starting with what happened today, I’m going to try to share more of them…It’s fun sharing them.

· · ·

I needed to get groceries this morning. It’s thirty-seven degrees outside. Rain was predicted around 11. I wanted to go and get back before the rains came.

I noticed my skull cap wasn’t where I keep it. These days, when something seems missing, I don’t think of it as “lost”. Something seen as “lost” connects me with a reality in which that thing really is lost. Then I can’t find it.

Instead, I think “where is it?” then I let the question go. That way, I can tune into the reality in which the thing is there.

The basket where my bike and winter accessories live.

That happened with my skull cap. I kept getting ready. I walked over to the basket where I keep my winter gear. Knowing it’s cold outside, I reached for my riding mittens. One of the other gloves in the basket fell behind my camera bag sitting on the floor.

I reached to get the glove, got it, then felt something else there. Guess what it was?

That’s right, my skull cap.

No looking for it. The glove falling led me there. No effort on my part. That was cool. More cool though was having awareness of that. That made me smile.

Behind my camera bag. It’s darker than this. I had the lights on high to take the picture. 

The second thing happened ten minutes later.

I keep a journal. Sometimes I include things like that skull cap event in there. I also write about bigger things that happen. I track my weight, walks and mindfulness minutes too through my “health/activity” app.

That app also tracks cycling. It connects to another app I use that records rides and runs. But I didn’t know how to connect the two apps.

Some of the data I keep track of in my journal.

Instead of trying to figure it out, I did the same thing I did with the skull cap. I asked the question, then let it go. A bit later and ready for the grocery errand, I opened the bike app. By “accident” I hit some feature. I don’t know what it was, but it brought up a screen I hadn’t seen before.

My Inner Being said “look at the screen”. So I did.

It had two features that were disabled. I enabled them. Presto! My two apps were connected.

I just tried finding that riding app screen real quick, but I don’t see it. It doesn’t matter though because the two apps are now connected. Easy peasy!

That’s how life is. Easy peasy. It’s supposed to be that way. Little magical events like these make it so. Being Positively Focused, I see these events happening near constantly. Which they are. But I miss them if I’m not Positively Focused. And so, for me, life is exactly as it’s supposed to be. Fun!


How To Find Your Perfect Partner

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You can have anything you want. Just realize how things happen in life, then follow that process.

A lot of people look for love in relationship. For many, that is illusive. But relationships, like everything else, are easy to get. So is love.


Everything Is Yours

You can have love you want with no effort on your part. Hard work is overrated. Especially in relationships. Digging through online profiles, going to bars and trying to find Mr. or Ms. “right” by swiping left, right or whatever are unnecessary steps.

By relaxing, having fun and enjoying life, you don’t have to do those things. Everything you want comes easily.

A friend of Perry’s wife demonstrated this over the last two years.  That she had no idea it was happening shows how easy it happens.

Following explains how the process works. After that, we’ll tell Susan’s story, which shows how the process worked for her. Along the way, we’ll clarify points you should know so you too can produce similar results.

thinker blog
Artwork by the author

Getting everything you want is easy. Here’s how:

  1. Come to accept what you have. No matter how bad you think it may be, you have to find a way to accept it. More than that, you have to embrace it and appreciate it. It may not feel this way, but your current situation is working out in your best interest. That attitude makes you positively focused. Stay negatively focused – complaining, talking about or getting angry about what you have – and you get more of what you have.
  2. Pay attention to thoughts you receive that you aren’t thinking. Often, you receive thoughts you didn’t think. They feel like intrusions in your ordinary awareness. These are messages sent by your Larger Self. They come as suggestions, ideas, gut feelings.
  3. Follow the suggestion, ideas, gut feelings. Intrusive thoughts are inspirations. You’re supposed to follow them. It’s ok if you don’t, but if you do, life becomes far more interesting, spontaneous, fun and easy.
  4. Practice being happy as often as you can. By doing so you tell your reality that you want more happy experiences. Inspiration comes easier too.
  5. Even if you don’t do these five steps, you’ll end up using the process because it’s built-in to living. It literally is “life”.

Like we said, Susan is not aware of this process (Step five) yet it still worked for her. That means it can work for you. More so if used deliberately. So now, let’s overlay these steps on Susan’s experiences so you can see how they work in practice instead of just theory.

Crappy_Marriage blog
Artwork by the author

It began with a crappy marriage

Susan had been married many years. That marriage was crappy by Susan’s admission. Her divorce was even worse. Contentious and frustrating, it ended with her “wasband” getting the better deal. That’s because she was the “breadwinner”.

Every negative experience serves the experiencer. So, every negative experience in the end is positive. Susan’s crappy marriage helped her figure out what she wanted.

For one, she realized she didn’t want to be in a relationship where she lived in the same house with someone else. In other words, she enjoyed living alone, having her own space, not having someone always around, but also being in relationship.

That’s good to know when looking for a partner.

All through the divorce, Susan criticized her “wasband”. She complained about the divorce process, her lawyers, his lawyers. The more she complained, the more she had to complain about. Her ex fought her more and more.

He started doing vindictive things. Like slashing her tires and manipulating ways to keep her from their dogs. Perfect examples of Step One.

From time to time Perry’s wife told Susan about this process. Like many people though, Susan preferred experiential learning. She doesn’t like being told what to do.

Neither does Perry’s wife. 🙄

Soon Susan stopped complaining as much. She got tired of it. By the time her divorce was finished, she accepted the process. Step One: check.

Ideas blog
Artwork by the author

Inspiration Creates Evidence of “Better”

What Susan didn’t know was, her experiences with “wasband” helped her know things she wouldn’t have known had she not gone through them.

She knew she didn’t want another marriage. She knew she wanted her autonomy. And she knew what kind of relationship she wanted: one without the intertwined aspects of traditional relationships.

It was no surprise then what happened next.

A friend she knew when married turned into a boyfriend. Let’s call him Jake. Jake wasn’t a long-term perfect fit. But he was perfect for now. Meaning: he offered sexual intimacy, occasional company, friendship. Someone to hang out with, without commitment. Jake was also a known-entity. They knew each other for years. So it was easy to turn that friendship into more.

Jake was and is polyamorous. He was seeing other women. He didn’t tell Susan this until six months into their two-year relationship. Jake subscribes to a “don’t ask, don’t tell” relationship policy.

“If you don’t ask, I’m not going to tell you,” he says. Which is fine, if the other person knows this.

Susan didn’t know this. By the time she found out, she wasn’t happy about it.

She told Perry’s wife she really didn’t want to be in an open relationship. She didn’t like feeling “second fiddle” to who-knows-how-many other women who might be in Jake’s life.

But by the time she found out, it was too late. She had feelings for Jake.

There was more to Jake than Susan realized. Jake is fiercely independent, wicked smart, adventurous and a talented agitator/activist. He likes being his own person.

“I never ask people for anything,” he recently told Perry over tea. “Even if I have to go to a hospital. I’ll find a way to make it myself.”


That independence spills into his relationships. Jake thrives in relationships he controls. No wonder he prefers polyamory. Multiple opportunities foster independence.

Jake’s independence tinted his relationship with Susan too. He decides when she could come over. He decides when he comes to her house. If he has a date with someone else, he is not available. In many respects, Susan’s access to Jake was at Jake’s discretion.

That worked great for Susan for a while. In time, though, she resented this. She felt the relationship was going one way: Jake’s way.

In Susan’s words recently: “I thought I’d like this non-monogamy thing a bit better if I were to participate in it fully.”

So she decided to do something. A “good for the goose” thing.

What she before resisted, she now was warming up to. So much so she too sought extra partners.

One day she got an idea: a profile on OKCupid. Step two: check!

“In retrospect, I did it shortly after discovering that [Jake] had another lover…” Susan said.

Meanwhile, Susan fell in love with Jake. Jake was in love too. What Susan at first tolerated now she enjoyed. Even given the imbalance. Step One again.

She enjoyed her freedom, her autonomy. She now liked Jake having options. And she looked forward to having her own options. Men she could see occasionally and casually too.

city blog
Your reality is literally a piece of art. What are you creating? (artwork by the author)

Your Reality Is Under Your Control

You get what you’re ready for. The problem is, you’re never ready for something different than what you have, until you accept what you have. If you’re not happy with what you have, you can’t get what you want because you’re not ready for what you want. You’re complaining about what you have.

People think they know what happiness is. Happiness is not something that comes after getting what you want. Well, it does happen that way.

But it’s meant to be something you feel no matter what you’re experiencing. That’s because everything you experience serves your fulfillment. Yes, even what looks like negative experiences.

Suffering is necessary until it’s not. So it is not a “fact” of life. (Pinterest)

When you figure that out, your life is your conscious design. This unconditional happiness is your painter’s palette. Because when you’re happy, no matter what you have, you are ready for having what matches how you feel, AKA your life’s masterpiece.

Making Room For Even More “Better”

As Susan found herself mostly happy in her open relationship, she made room in her life for more of what she wanted. That created what happened next.

For a while nothing significant happened on OKC. She says she met three guys. She enjoyed meeting them. Otherwise, She said, the process was “drudgery”.

This is why we don’t support using dating websites. They can work. But they frequently don’t. In the meantime, they conjure too much negativity (frustration, impatience i.e. resistance to what is). That stretches out the time it takes to get what you want. It’s far better to be happy, enjoy your life and follow your intuition. Meeting your match that way is a happy, natural, surprising and enjoyable process.

Online dating for most people isn’t happy, natural or enjoyable.

Like many people though, Susan learned to accept the drudgery. Again, Step One.

That’s when one profile “stood out,” she said. “OKC estimated 99% compatibility, and I liked his photos and what he’d written.”

She was referring to this guy Susan brought to a small friends gathering. Let’s call him Carl.

They had almost everything in common. They finished each others’ sentences…laughed at the same things…it was like they had been together for years.

Carl wanted a monogamous relationship from the get-go. He said so in his profile. Susan’s profile didn’t say that. But Carl liked what Susan offered so much, he compromised.

This happens a lot. Insecure people compromise their ideas because they think they need to to get what they want.

That’s never the case. But impatience is a powerful thing. As is insecurity. When people can’t be patient they compromise. In compromising, the path leading to what they really want lengthens.

It’s not a problem because every experience is helpful. You’re also eternal, so you have plenty of lifetimes to get what you want. But if you exercise patience and follow the process above, what you want comes faster.

Time for a mental health break:

Susan Finds Freedom In Openness

Welcome back.

Carl fell in love with Susan instantly, he says. And why not? She’s lovable!

Interestingly, Carl’s relationship behaviors contrasted Jake’s. Some would say this was coincidence. But it wasn’t. It resulted from everything Susan experienced up to then.

Carl wanted collaboration in relationship. While he didn’t like so much sharing Susan with others, he didn’t resist it. Not at first. Meanwhile, Jake got more controlling when he found out Susan had another lover. His insecurities, dormant while he controlled the relationship, now surfaced. This was a good thing. His insecurities invited everyone involved to become better versions of themselves. Carl included!

For example, both men had toothbrushes in Susan’s bathroom. Jake’s was in the toothbrush holder. Carl’s in the drawer. Carl imagined (rightly) Susan was hiding from Jake the fact that Carl sometimes spent the night. That chafed Carl.

Carl’s feelings were petty. So were Susan’s intentions. Susan was trying to protect Jake. To keep from triggering Jake’s insecurities. That strategy backfired. It only made both men more insecure and her frustrated.

She found both men’s insecurities unattractive. But she also enjoyed it. Through something she initially didn’t like at first (an open relationship), Susan found empowerment and freedom and choice and options.

In other words: Everything her marriage didn’t offer.


Insecurity Boils Over

One night Carl put his foot down.

He said he wanted monogamy with Susan. That surprised her. She had been clear from day one that’s not what she wanted. One day, Perry’s wife reminded Susan that two years ago a monogamous relationship was exactly what she wanted.

But Susan grew happy with her current situation (being in an open relationship). That’s step one. She missed step two, but the process still worked because she followed her inspiration posting an OKCupid profile (Step three).

And now she faced a new reality. One she wanted two years ago. Carl represented a great match: intellectually, physically and more. They really liked each other too.

Susan didn’t remember wanting monogamy two years ago. And yet, here she was, getting everything she wanted. Freedom. Choice. Two good men who both loved her, that she both loved. And an opportunity for monogamy.

Susan Got Everything, And Then Some. So Can You.

Intrigued with Carl’s request, she told Jake. Jake got even more insecure. Angry in fact that Susan was considering a monogamous relationship with someone else. Of course, he didn’t want to be in a monogamous relationship. He wanted what he had: his cake (Susan) and the opportunity to eat other cake.

But let’s look at what Susan created. In two years her life matched every desire she wanted.

  • She put her marriage behind her
  • She found a relationship that worked immediately after the divorce
  • That relationship brought interesting experiences, growth, adventure
  • She followed her inspiration
  • That lead to meeting Carl, a perfect match
  • Now she has not only an open relationship, but an opportunity for a closed one too!

In other words, Susan is getting everything she wants. And then some. Even though she didn’t realize what was happening.

Like we say, the process works for everyone. Even those unaware of it.

· · ·

Today, Susan is negotiating the best of both worlds. She loves both Carl and Jake. Both represent different desires she’s had over two years. Both men love her. Both offer different things. In other words, Susan is enjoying her love life as it brings her plenty of pleasure, adventure, love and more.

You can have your version of the same thing: plentiful experiences where what you want comes easily. It all starts with realizing you have a larger you from which to live your life. Then finding ways that connect you to that.

Life doesn’t have to be hard or a struggle. Love doesn’t either. And neither is, when you follow life’s really simple process.

When will you start?

Reading That Inspires New Frontiers Is The Best Reading Of All

Greatest Frontier blog
Photo: Oldskool Photography

Why do you read?

For entertainment? Information? Fun?

Maybe self-improvement, self-analysis, or therapy impels your reading.

We read for different reasons. The most powerful reading is that which inspires you to more. The new. The not known before.

Same goes for watching and listening too.

Nothing beats the feeling of a well-orchestrated new bit of information. Particularly information which draws from you delight, surprise and –– most important –– new awareness. The experience can pack a wonderfully fulfilling punch.

There’s no value in regurgitation.

Abraham of the Abraham-Hicks celebrity duo asserts with accuracy that there is no value in a person putting attention on something that has been. Looking at “what is” –– aka daily reality –– is even worse if the “what is” you’re looking at is something you’d rather not see as part of your “what is.”

Don’t like that there is so much division in the US? Don’t like the ever-present cis–het-white-male-hegemony? Abraham’s suggestion: stop paying so much attention to those subjects in your life. Regurgitation, they say, is reading or watching something that makes you feel anger, frustration, rage, for example, then talking, blogging, complaining, or sharing on social media about it. They say humans are chronic in their regurgitation habit.

Because of it, they perpetuate and prolong situations and experiences that otherwise would disappear.

Humans are socially conditioned regurgitators. It’s upon which television makes most of its money. The internet too.

Your regurgitation is making people rich, while making you miserable.

While they are socially conditioned to, humans are not, by nature, regurgitators. By nature you are innovators. All life is. Humans take what is and expand upon it, thereby making something new. Sex is a wonderful example. That intimate creative act, produces something heretofore unknown in the universe –– a unique individual –– from the known –– two extant individuals.

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I’ve arrived!!! I am unique, I come through the extant! (Photo: Alex Hockett)

It’s the same with all life’s endeavors. Everything is derivative of everything else weaving a tapestry of artistic expression physically made real.

The best of everything else though, is that which hasn’t come before, yet spawns from the is-ness of what is.

The greatest frontier awaits your discovery

A fantastically vast undiscovered frontier exists in the act of turning off your devices. Instead of surfing social media, or the news, consider the deeply inspirational, awe-inspiring act of surfing your inner reality.

There is no better time than today to explore this world. Because the topsy-turvy world you live in owes itself to this inner reality.

Despite what science has to say about it, there is far more of interest “in there” behind your eyeballs than anything available in front of them. Including on the Internet.

Vast opportunity exists in this realm, where your eyes are useless and yet you’re able to see. In this no-place you find the origin of every place. Remain in the inquiry long enough and you might discover the extraordinary.


Because at the bottom of it all, the ruckus of the phenomenal world springs from your perception. An “I get it” born of directly experiencing the accuracy of the previous statement uncovers answers to all life’s problems.

That should come as no surprise because you are the common denominator of every single problem you face.

You can’t know this just from reading words. You know it when your life experience demonstrates it to you.

Perry’s* life experience demonstrates this near-constantly. For when you tap into this inner frontier, your life experience will verify the new perspectives you discover. Perry’s many demonstrations include disappearing a bully in elementary school, effortlessly achieving his childhood dreams of living in Japan and receiving his black belt in the Bujinkan, realizing his dream job at a major high-tech company, causing large sums of money to effortlessly show up in his life experience, and transforming his marriage into the perfection that it is. Perry’s life reflects for him (and his wife) tectonic shifts breaking into his physical reality to verify inner frontier explorations he began many years ago. But intensified over the last five or six.

And Perry is just getting started.

The penchant to ravenously consume digital information is your surrogate for what your you really wants you to do to your inner space. There are no limits to rewards realized from time invested exploring you, from the inside.

Your you already knows this.

And that’s why you and everyone else consumes so much digital information. It’s a mass-nail biting reflex to a latent awareness eager to be born within you. People bite their nails as an habitual reflex to something happening just below their conscious awareness. There are many habits among humans just like this.

Oh! The diversity!

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There is great diversity on your planet and more being born every moment. (Photo: Jorge Saavedra)

Physical life always reflects inner life, what we call non-physical life experience. All humans want to realize consistency between what they experience in the physical world, and what they are experiencing in the non-physical one. The consistency already exists. There is no deviation between what his happening in the physical world and what is happening in non-physical.

But to realize the consistency is another matter. Nearly all 7-plus billion humans are oblivious to this consistency, says Seth, Abraham and many other nonphysical “guides” focused here with you. This obliviousness is wholly responsible for human insecurity. Which is why so much insecurity exists. From the office of your president, all the way down to the houseless on the street.

Yes, every human who has resolved their obliviousness has found invincibility. Freedom from insecurity. Freedom from fear of death. And more.

No exceptions.


It only takes a moment to get the resolution underway

Within thirty days of the proper activity, you can receive a clear, no-bullshit indication that your non-physical life experience is where all the action is, and where all the action in front of your eyeballs comes from. From there, there’s no going back. Meaning: once you breach this frontier, you are bound to discover more and more revealing to you the limitless nature of your non-physical, perceptual awareness.

When that happens, life takes on a different timbre.

Life becomes what it has always been underneath the anxiety, stress and “hurry up” nature of what Seth calls the “assembly line time” of ordinary consciousness.

In this new awareness, life becomes the delightful, easy, pleasurable romp through time and space that you knew it would be before you chose to come into physical life as human.

And while this can happen in a flash of insight, it’s far more fun for it to happen gradually. That way you can savor every blink of the eye-opening that is awakening.

There is a vast perspective you miss out on when you’re exclusively focused on ordinary consciousness, using that to look out on ordinary life experience and regurgitating what is.

Broaden your perspective to include that life area you may currently believe to be pseudoscientific, or “woo”, and you’ll find yourself blown away by what life –– your life –– will show you.

The self-discovery alone is worth it.

But more than that is realizing your life experience is 100 percent your creation.

If that last statement is accurate –– and there is no evidence disputing that –– who wouldn’t want to find that out?

We think everyone would.


How to begin

It’s simple. But because you’ve practiced (through habit) not doing this, it will feel uncomfortable at first. Humans tend to call things hard, when what’s really happening is the thing they’re calling hard is uncomfortable or something they’re unfamiliar with.

Discovery is in the uncomfortable.

So here’s how to get started.

· · ·

Contrary to what some might say, quitting your devices cold turkey is not the way to go. Neither is coming at this from the perspective that digital absorption is something one must “detox” from.

It’s far better to think of this approach as a pleasurable vacation. An adventure. Or an exciting exploration you’re about to begin. One key (to all of life) is to start gradually and in a spirit of play.

Now that your attitude is in the right place, you can take physical action. Here are some wonderful steps.

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It’s not a life long commitment. And the benefits exceed a marital one. (Photo: Mark Duffel)

The commitment

Start by making a commitment that you’re going to do this for at least 30 days. In these thirty days, you’re going to immerse yourself, for a non-consecutive hour or two a day, in an activity series that has nothing to do with the digital world.

The process

Every day you’re going to do the following:

A. Each morning when you awake, you’re going to consciously take inventory of your surroundings, giving appreciation for the conditions in which you find yourself. You’re going to say out loud statements reflecting what you observe in this condition of appreciation.

The monologue will go thusly:

“I love how wonderful the day is. I love how good I feel. I really like this weather. I really love the feel of my clothes. I appreciate my bed. I appreciate my blankets. I appreciate my pillows…”

When you’ve just about had your fill of that experience, stop. If you get to the point where you’re struggling to figure out what to say, stop. This is not work. And you’re not applying effort. Nor are you being evaluated. It should be effortless and playful.

B. Rise from your bed. Take care of your personal (morning) business. Then, grab a notebook and writing gear. You’re then to write down a list of all the positive aspects of your life at the moment of your writing.

The objective of both A and B is to evoke from you an emotional response. A feeling of satisfaction or positive disposition about your life experience is what you’re reaching for.

Continue with your morning. Then…

C. Take a lunch. We mean actually take a real lunch. Outside the office, in the open air, alone. While you’re out there, set aside at least half of your lunch period and take a walk in nature. Say to yourself aloud or to yourself statements reflecting the wonderful things you are seeing in the world around you. You are focusing on positive aspects of your surroundings. Alternatively, take a more powerful approach to this step: while walking, acknowledge how your Inner Being (the you inside you) is constantly attending to you, loving you, appreciating you, rooting for you, supporting you and guiding you. Run a loop of these statements throughout your walk.

It is important that every time you are expressing yourself through these steps, that you mean what you are saying. Don’t just say the statements. You have to believe what you are saying.

When lunch is over, go about your afternoon.

D. Prior to bed, but not so close that you’re too tired, do the following: Reflect upon the day, think about all the great things that happened and that you enjoyed. Think about the positive aspects of the day. Be creative. Think of more than the obvious. For example, the sun rising is a positive aspect. So is bird song. So is plenty of air to breathe. So are the people who contribute to your life, such as those generations of human who came before you, who invented things you enjoy today. Get it?

When you have reached the point where you’re working at thinking of something, stop.

E. The next morning, start again. After 10,000 times, you’re still a beginner. So each morning is a new opportunity. A new day. A new moment.

Follow these instructions to the letter and before day 30 an unmistakable event will happen which will demonstrate to you, in no uncertain terms, that you are progressing.

Here’s an example from a client’s experience:

He was doing part-time work at an expo, manning a table for a friend. He had a goal to achieve a certain amount of income each day. This table-manning gig was getting him part-way there, but he needed a bit more work. While at the expo, another friend called with an urgent task. If he could complete it, he’d be paid far more than his daily quota.

The task was to find a woman this other guy needed to talk with urgently. The conversation would save a business deal. But the guy needing to have the conversation couldn’t find the woman anywhere.

But our client, let’s call him Josh, was hesitant. He didn’t want to lose the income from the table-manning gig. And he had no idea who this woman was or where she was. So at first he said no.

Josh had been doing a more detailed version of the above instructions. So when he had the impulse to call the guy back and tell him yes, he followed it. The guy gave Josh the woman’s name. That’s all the guy had. Josh had a friend replace him at the table and got to work.

He found the woman’s address. That’s when he received another impulse: that if he left for that address right now, the woman would be there.

So he left.

He arrived and knocked on the door. Nothing.

Knocked again. Nothing.

Knocked again. Hard.


Hmm, he thought. He started walking away. When he got halfway back to his car, he got another impulse: turn around.

When he did, there was the woman standing on the porch.

Josh walked up to the woman while dialing the number of the guy who desperately needed to speak with her.

“Are you XYZ?” Josh asked.

“Yes,” She said.

He handed her his phone. “This call is for you.”

The rest of the story is history. Josh was a skeptic at first. He didn’t trust that Perry could show him how to eliminate nearly all his life challenges. Now he knows what we know. And his life is gradually becoming a delightful romp.

Josh doesn’t have a problem requiring a respite from digital content consumption. You don’t either. What Josh wanted was a way to feel invincible in his life experience. It is what every human craves.

· · ·

We don’t think a “detox” from a digital indulgence is necessary. Nothing is going wrong on your planet. But we do believe one can use such an experience to benefit from far more than more balance between real life and digital life.

Digital device balance will naturally be restored when you’ve discovered your inner world’s majesty. For then you’ve soothed that which has been nagging you.

The digital world pales in comparison to what awaits behind your eyeballs. When you realize that, your seeming habitual fascination with internet information –– like nail biting –– will fall away.

You can have it all. We’re offering this bit of information for that purpose.

The most powerful reading is that which inspires you to more. The new. The not known before. It’s one of the reasons you’re so drawn to social media via your devices. The inner world holds so much of that, not having direct access to it is a life barely lived.

*We are Perry’s nonphysical Inner Being expressing ourselves through the experiences and examples of Perry’s life.

Normalizing Enlightenment Is Within Our Grasp

YIN YAG blog

A polarized world is the best time to have what you deeply desire.

There is no better time to get what you want than when others are strongly asking for what they want. Especially if what they want is the opposite of what you want!

It’s obvious everyone “on all sides” is stridently asking for what they want. The problem is, they’re going about it wrong.

Instead of using their most powerful inherent capability, they are trying to get what they want through action.

Mostly, destructive, negative action.

Pity. Kind of.

We say “kind of” because every kind of asking for what you want eventually brings it to you. But you can have what you want so much easier, faster and more fun doing it different.

The good news is, the stronger people ask through action, fighting against what they don’t want and arguing with those who oppose them in the process, soon they end up saying “fuck it”.

And in that relaxation, they find the “loosening” of enlightenment, which causes them to quickly have what it is they’re asking for.

What is enlightenment

It’s nothing special. Well, it’s special only because few people have it. Even so, those who do have it realize it’s not that special. All it is is an awareness of one’s inherent grace, realized through a practiced happiness-for-no-reason that has become chronic. It is accompanied by the receiving of all one is wanting as a result of that.

Once those things start showing up, one realizes their inherent invincibility, born of their life experience demonstrating to them without a shadow of a doubt that they create the life experience they live.

It’s hard to see how true those words above are when you’re embroiled in bitter arguments online or in your family or among your friends about any of the myriad topics in physical reality which vie for your attention these days.

But the moment you begin turning away from those things, you find peace. And in that peace – if you hold it long enough – you rediscover your power.

From there, you literally become unstoppable.

What enlightenment feels like: Grace given. Grace received. Getting all you want. That includes material and financial success. Awareness that you’re getting all you want. Perpetual happiness as a result of that. Freedom coupled with a sense of adventure for life. Broader perspective expanding beyond your physical senses, allowing you to take in far more of what you are than just your physical experience defined by your physical senses.

In short, it feels like an ongoing joyful expression of love.

But it is not a permanent thing nor is it a final stage. You don’t “become enlightened” and thus “know it all”.

You have to continuously nurture it and along with that you receive an ongoing broadening awareness which encompasses more and more “knowing.”

The payoff of all that is a life you thought unimaginable.

Until you start living it.

Yes, it can come in a flash of inspiration.

But it is more fun to see it gradually develop, alongside your continued refinement of it. For you’re always becoming more than you are. That’s why you’re eternal.

None of this will ring true for you until you begin realizing evidence of it in your life experience.

Now imagine an entire civilization living from this place. What could be possible?

Some say “There will always be murder, crime, greed and the other vices. You’re arguing for a leftist Utopian fantasy.”

And we say, “You only think that because you haven’t tasted the sweetness of living that we know. And you spend far too much time putting your attention on physical reality. When you stop doing that, you’ll change your tune. And everyone does sooner or later. For some, it takes dying: Everyone who dies ends up in exactly the state we’re describing.”

But you don’t have to wait to die to realize enlightenment. It’s there for you whenever you’re ready.

The good news is, once you start down that path, there’s no turning back. You’re going to be enlightened. And in your enlightenment, you make room for the enlightenment of others.

So whether we consciously normalize it or not, a normalized enlightenment is a fait accompli.

One that is within our grasp.

Making A Case For Ignoring “Reality”

Photo: Maite Wingen

If you’re like most people, you’re paying way too much attention to the world around you.

Seems like an asinine statement, right? Like, where else should I pay attention?

To the moment of becoming if you want life mastery

A life master once said “The only difference between a common mortal and a Buddha is that one knows he is a Buddha, the other does not.”

Those are the words of “the original Buddha” written by his hand in a treatise about enlightenment. He wrote those words to inspire human beings to aspire to life mastery aka Buddhahood, aka enlightenment.

We’ve quoted this sentence a lot because it reveals a lot.

Life mastery is nothing other than being able to create a life which exceeds one’s deepest desires.

And more.

Looking around the world of what is, you see most humans in one of three states:

  • Trying to realize a few rather humble dreams because the person has been shown (by the world) that their big dreams are impossible (they’re not). Or…
  • Living a minuscule fraction of their potential because they’re no longer able to dream big because dreaming is either uncomfortable (it brings up feelings of unworthiness, lack of efficacy or both) or seen as a waste of time, which is a different dimension of feeling unworthy.
  • Living some really big dreams (such as immense wealth) while simultaneously experiencing impoverishment in other parts of their lives

Life mastery is about getting all you want. And more.

In every sense.

Mastery doesn’t only include the intangibles such as spiritual fulfillment, happiness, or emotional stability at or near constant joy/love. It also is getting all you want materially.


But if you’re ignoring that one place where everything you want comes from, you’re not only not likely to get what you want, you also won’t believe getting what you want is even possible.

Or, you believe getting what you want is somehow wrong, immoral, unjust or must come at the expense of others or personal sacrifice.

Getting all you want and more is the success indicator of life mastery.

NOT getting what you want is a symptom. It indicates a condition where a person is spending too much time looking at the world around them.

“Looking at” also means “listening to.”

Chronically looking at the world around you will cause you to shrink. It will cause your dreams to shrink. It will train you into unworthiness.

Until it doesn’t.

It doesn’t when you pay more attention to your seat of power, the only place you have total control of your life experience. That power place is the moment of becoming.