Walking home this afternoon after collecting footage slated for an upcoming film, my own consciousness struck me. On the way home strolling through an old growth treed park, I realized…I’m free.
No job. No boss. No income I depend on. Instead, money comes through alignment. Soon, as my Inner Being alignment grows more consistent, and legacy resistance subsides, more money, more opportunity, more of everything will show up.
I know this as sure as I know the Earth spins consistently in her orbit.
Be, do, have. Hearing that the first time, I loved it. Learning about it, I thought “Gee, wouldn’t it be great were it true?” Now, evidence I produce tells me it is true. And so I know. I understand the meaning and function of “Be, Do Have”.
Be. Do. Have.
I think most think it’s “Do, Be, Have”. That’s the way I wrote it here first. That’s also the way I practiced it. I once did things someone who has what I want does. In time, goes the instruction, I would feel (be) the way that person feels. Then, eventually, the Universe would bring me those things I wanted, things that person has now.
I know now that can work. Problem is, most likely someone trying to “do” first, will struggle. In the struggle, they’ll entertain thoughts consistent with what they don’t want, not what they want.
For example, someone who wants to have a racing career might start out being a go cart racer. She might not be that good at first though. She might get negative feedback, then take that feedback to heart. She might believe it. Then she might think thoughts consistent with the feedback. “I’m not as good as I think.” Or, “I took that corner so badly.” Or, “I’m not as good as so-and-so.”
Such thoughts are self-perpetuating and reality-creating. Her driving behavior will increasingly reflect her beliefs. Her driving behavior is early-stage manifestation born of earlier-stage manifestation: her beliefs.
If “Do” comes first a pitfall accompanies it: If I haven’t first practiced thoughts consistent with what I want, then thoughts consistent with what I don’t want dominate, eventually creating realities consistent with them.
“Be” first means tuning into thoughts and cultivating beliefs consistent with what I want. I be first. Do comes naturally from that because when I tune to thoughts consistent with what I want, my Broader Perspective guides or suggests behavior to take and, when I act, since my thoughts and beliefs already point in the “right direction” (towards the reality I want), they don’t contradict my behavior. Instead they amplify it.
My behavior is keen too. More refined. I don’t focus on the result. Instead, I play (DO). I have fun. Results take care of themselves. Including results that look like films or experiences I want or sustainable money flows.
Being and doing
Next is have. But the having holds a secret: I first must soothe old beliefs I’ve cultivated which oppose what I want. If I believe my skin color makes me inferior in ANY way, which is a common socialization meme, then I feel “insecurity”; an emotion telling me that belief is bullshit.
But if I’ve believed that a long time, then that belief will stand between me and what I want to have. If my belief in what I want to have is strong enough (the DO), then that belief momentum can “break through” that resistance. That’s a bumpy way to create reality though. Very hard to sustain too.
I prefer soothing old beliefs by taking attention from them and putting it on thoughts I’m cultivating into beliefs, beliefs consistent with what I want. Putting my thoughts on what I want is what being is all about.
My primary job: being. My Broader Perspective handles everything else. I be and tune into it.Tuned in I receive its guidance. Only then do I DO. That doing, being more powerful by virtue of Be-momentum, lines me up with outcomes already existing in future probable realities. Those realities become my realities gradually.
Delighting in the process, time becomes irrelevant. Before I know it, I have what I want. Then the having expands.
And that’s the conscious awareness striking me as I write this. I want more than anything freedom as life experience. I have that. It’s significant because as I stand in “being free”, I know that’s the most powerful place. It’s consistent with where my Broader Perspective stands in nonphysical. THat means I’m in tune.
That means everything else I’m wanting is also flowing, just as freedom as life experience now is.
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