A bee stung me this morning. It hurt. Then I got Positively Focused about it and in that moment onward, the bee sting showed a new perspective on my enlightenment.
I typically walk several miles each day. Lately here in Portland, summer temperatures peak at over 110 degrees. So rather than afternoon walks, I walk in the mornings now.
The day I’m writing this though, the mercury showed the day already hot: 80 degrees at 7:30 a.m. with the expected high well over 100. I thought a walk now beats walking on broiling sidewalks. So off I went.

I walked several circles around one of my favorite parks, then headed 1.2 miles towards another park nearby. This walk nets nearly 4 miles. Good enough for a blistering summer day. I figured after that walk, I’d stay indoors. Like I did through the weekends triple-digit days.
How walks become dreams
When walking these days, especially in the morning, I focus on my Broader Perspective focus. I bring an awareness greater than my ordinary daily awareness to my walks. Doing that, I enter dream state while awake.
It’s an advanced practice I do more of these days. I do it because I know bliss I feel while dreaming represents maximum connection with my broader perspective. After all, as my body sleeps, I know I’m not in my body.
Instead, I’m out of my body experiencing my state of origin. That feeling state matches exactly what my Broader Perspective feels. That’s why it feels so good.
I also know when I practice that feeling while awake, I tune me to that Broader Perspective awareness, which determines how swiftly and easily fulfilled desires show themselves to me.
So practicing bliss while awake makes visible manifestations I otherwise would not see.
Halfway to that next park, I felt a burning sensation on my right leg. It grew in intensity even while I practiced blissful focus. When I looked down, I saw a yellow jacket stuck to my inside calf. It hung there off my calf by its stinger, which was impaled in my leg.
Had I been more present, I’d have snapped a picture. Instead, I smacked the insect off my leg, bent down and searched for the stinger. Thankfully it fell off with the yellow jacket. But the stinging sensation remained.
What happened next amazed me
Instead of wincing in pain, I continued practicing my focus. It didn’t occur to me that I should feel pain, limp or rub the spot where the insect injected its venom. I just naturally thought the sting offered greater focus opportunity. 🤔

“I wonder if I could focus myself out of the pain of this sting,” I thought.
So that’s what I did. I heightened my focus on bliss. As I did that, something cool happened.
I didn’t feel the sting!
But the very next microsecond I felt the pain again. So I focused more intently again…and the pain disappeared. But half a second later it came back!
What happened here?
Two things I noticed. One, my focus constantly creates my reality. I mean every millisecond, I either focus where I want, or my focus runs on autopilot. When I focus, say, on bliss and Broader Perspective as per my exercise, I create a reality where pain factors not.
But because focus is literally millisecond by millisecond, I go in and out of that blissful focus.
A natural result of my focus
Months ago I knew I wanted a focus so intent and so aligned with Broader Perspective that I would ongoingly experience as my waking consciousness, what my Broader Perspective knows. Holding that intent, I knew, created a future probable reality experience-able by me. But only if I lined up with that.
This bee sting prompted awareness intensity needed to make my intent my reality. I practiced that intense awareness for a good hour, tuning focus so pain disappeared, then noticing it come rushing back when my focus waned.
I couldn’t hold that intense bliss-focus long. But my desire for that focus level welled up from me like a baby spurting out a vagina: undeniable.
I wanted more focus intensity and I knew this experience, because it birthed this desire, also created a reality wherein I have that focus intensity where pain factors not.
So now, my intent involves “being” that focus intensity, feeling how it feels were I there all the time. Doing that consistently enough will, in time, cause a rendezvous between me and that future wherein I have that focus intensity all the time. That’s just how being Positively Focused works!
In other words, that future I created is a done deal, standing by as my future now experience the moment I tune to it.
I love how a freaking yellow jacket sting created more desire in me for greater focus, as well as a new knowing of the extent to which I can create reality.
Now it’s time to line up with that future I created. That’s the wonder of the Charmed Life: creating what I consider an idealized life, then gradually finding myself living more and more of that.