Question: I have a question about the “369 manifestation” method. Am I able to do it all at once or preferably 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the night? Or can I just write it down all at once?
Answer: Manifestation doesn’t work this way. People come up with all kinds of “processes” purported to be effective. But manifesting is much simpler than this.
The difficulty with manifesting what anyone wants lies in our beliefs about what’s wanted. Resistance we have about what we want slows the manifestation. The timing is important too. By this I mean, we manifest something we want when the timing is right.
That means on some subjects, particularly ones we have a lot of resistance about, it takes longer than others. In fact, on some subjects we feel a lot of impatience. Understanding impatience is important. Such emotions tell us our vibration contradicts our desire. It also tells us we’re slowing down its becoming “real”.
On other subjects, the timing isn’t right. Now, no one is “out there” judging when the timing is right or not. We’re making the call from our Broader Perspective vantage point. It seems the “right” timing is “now”, usually because we feel bad about not having what we want to manifest. That bad feeling is both a sign and the Source of resistance, as I described in the previous paragraph.

Creation happens automatically. Deliberate creation is tricky
Manifesting a desire is simple. But it’s not easy. It’s not easy because it requires patience. It also requires soothing existing contrary vibration. Most people struggle with this. So they look for “processes” to help them.
We’re manifesting all the time. That’s what reality is. Reality is a manifestation. It’s coming out from us. We shape it with our beliefs. And we do this automatically. Doing it consciously simply requires conjuring how it will feel to have what one wants. You feel the emotion of having it. Then drop it.
We don’t need special processes. We don’t need to think about it many times. In fact, thinking about it many times often amplifies resistance we have on the subject, thus slowing the manifestation down. Even using affirmations will more likely create resistance rather than alignment.
Because often people speak affirmations while thinking about the absence of what they’re trying to manifest. It’s tricky in other words. We gotta know what’s dominant in our awareness to affirm correctly. That’s why dropping it is better, easier and quicker.
Look. The Universe already knows what we want. Whether we’re clear about it or not, we’ve already made the choice and the Universe already holds what we want for us. The only real question is: when are we going to become a match to that?
And the answer to that question has nothing to do with this 369 method. It ONLY has to do with us finding the vibrational frequency that lets it in. And the best way to do that is to RELAX, ENJOY LIFE and stop doing things that put resistance on the trail….like trying to understand someone else’s manifestation “method”.