The Amazing, Good Life Lesson Of Donald Trump

By The White House – Official White House Facebook page, Public Domain

TLDR: The author claims Donald Trump’s life epitomizes the power of Law of Attraction. They show how by “telling it like he wants it” Trump created a life of his own design. Yet, these days, the author claims, Trump is creating a reality he doesn’t want by focusing on precisely that, thereby proving a basic principle of Law of Attraction

This story is neither a critique or a praise piece for the former president and 34-count felon. Instead, it’s an examination of how the Positively Focused practice, applied to his life, proves itself.

For despite all his lies and machiavellian actions, for the most part, Donald Trump has gotten what he wanted. I attribute that to his willingness to ignore others’ opinions. In other words, Trump achieved much of what he has over his life because he focused. And in focusing, he got what he’s wanted. Including a stint as POTUS.

Unfortunately, though, the moment Trump went into politics, he started shooting himself in the vibrational foot, which explains his current set of judicial predicaments. Judicial predicaments are not new for Trump. But this new batch is much more detrimental.

Let’s look at how Trump used what we talk about in the Positively Focused Practice to literally change the trajectory of his life for the better…then for the worse.

Focusing on what he wants

Despite many run-ins with the legal system, Trump has always told it like he wants it to be. And, when contradicted by others, or the facts, he continued sticking to his story. As a result, Trump enjoys tremendous momentum in his focus. Yes, practically thinking, many of his hustles, deals, projects, whatever you want to call them, may seem nefarious. But it’s hard to deny that the man has a way with getting what he wants. Especially when it comes to money.

Is this because he has all the right people in all the right places? Obviously not, because his nefarious acts seem to get out no matter how much “fixing” he tries to employ. But no matter; in the aggregate, Trump as an individual, enjoyed an immense winning streak, making himself known throughout the US and the world. And this was before becoming president.

Speaking of becoming president, if you go back and read what he said about both parties before he ran, you’ll see he understood politics pretty well. Trump isn’t dumb, therefore. He knows what he’s doing. And he does it well.

The New York Times once praised Trump’s ability to shake off legal challenges. A Time Magazine article, confirmed his ability to adroitly use the legal system to get his way. He successfully delayed most of his most recent legal troubles so that he could take another shot at the White House this year. This is no fluke. He calls it like he wants it. And he gets his way.

Classified intelligence material found during search of Mar-a-Lago. Will Trump get away with it? We’ll see. (Photo By United States Department of Justice – Public Domain)

It’s about focus

Everyone can enjoy similar success at creating a reality matching one’s wildest desires. Nothing is off the table. Not even the White House, apparently. But it requires focus. And, if anything, Trump has that in spades.

Nothing is wrong in all the Universe. It’s humans who create “right” and “wrong”. The Universe doesn’t see physical reality that way. Instead, it sees it as all good. That’s because every expression of physical reality contributes to the “more” that is All That Is. The more the better.

Even All That Is would get bored with everything being one way. Surprise and delight are orders of the day. So is diversity of everything. And you can bet there are things in All That Is that it delights in that humans would call “wrong” and even “immoral”. Tragedy and abhorrence, therefore, are just as valid expressions of All That Is as the most saintly and pious acts.

This means anything you can conceive of enjoying you can enjoy as your experience. But be careful how you think about what it is you want. Because how you think about it can put the kibosh on what you’re wanting. I talk about this a lot in this blog.

And that’s what’s plaguing Trump now too. As a result of entering politics, he’s gotten himself into a train of thought, a way of storytelling, that doesn’t serve his interests. It’s because of that that All That Is inspired people like Fani Willis, Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen and others to come out about Trump and his….predilections.

Setting the stage for his downfall

The moment Trump entered the White House, actually slightly before, Trump started focusing on things he didn’t want. He focused on staying in the White House by focusing on “not losing”. He focused a lot on his “enemies” rather than those who support him. Trump focused on “rigged” political and legal processes that he claims are out to get him. As a result, all of those things became more prominent in his experience.

The more one focuses on what they don’t want, the more of what they don’t want will show up. The more detailed and intense those things will get too. This explains why the media, known for uncovering the whole story, really began scrutinizing Trump after he won the presidential election. He attacked the press in retaliation, while at the same time currying favors from and sidling up to other media organizations such as Fox News and American Media Incorporated.

In time, these organizations would find themselves wrapped up in similar legal troubles. Especially after Trump triggered the Jan. 6 insurrection.

And that’s the other trouble with Trump’s focus since winning the White House. He aligned himself with people whose dominant focus is extremely negative. That caused his vibration to mix even more with theirs. It’s no wonder, for example, that Trump loves Putin, the North Korean dictator and other nefarious characters. It’s also no wonder he’s sidled up with far right people too. And that others like him are replicating his behavior around the world.

Yes, Trump sees them as his supporters. But he also sees these people as vibrational equals in terms of the way they focus: mostly on themselves as victims. Trump sees himself as the ultimate victim, and thus as his fellow victims’ saviors. It’s this alignment that set the stage for his downfall.

The pitfalls of focusing on “unwanted”

Of course, there are no victims. Everyone creates their reality, including experiences that come their way. That’s a harsh thing to hear when considering certain subjects, such as sexual abuse.

But there’s no way around it because the universe is recursive, meaning, every particle of it functions under the same principles. So to say victims exist would mean the principles apply to only certain situations. But the principles apply to every situation, no exceptions.

So as Trump more and more blames others for his troubles, he will get more evidence that that, in fact, is true. Why? Because life will verify any belief as true.

Another way he digs a hole for himself is by trying to solve his problems through action. Doing appears to be the way things happen. If that were the case, then, again, there’d be an exception to universal principles.

Vibration and attraction is how things happen. Action or doing is the penultimate manifestation just prior to the full-blown fulfillment of a desire. Action is what brings the person to the point in time and space where the their desire fulfills itself.

That’s how when a person focuses on something they don’t want, such as the story “I’m unlovable” their relationships will consistently give them evidence supporting that. Then the person will act in unlovable ways, thus creating circumstances in which partners leave.

It’s not the unlovable acts creating the results. It’s the story that prompts or inspires unlovable acts.

A perfect example

I’m eager to see where Trump’s life trajectory takes him in the next 18 months. With another massive state lawsuit on the horizon, and several other federal ones, he’s created quite a ride for himself. And, with the election coming, it will be interesting to see how reality collapses around what he focuses on.

In the meantime, I’m eager too that all this mess has caused people to ask for more. And the Universe is delivering. So much being out of whack in the United States, especially our political climate, foretells of a great rebalancing coming. A rebalancing that could create a future far better than the present we currently have.

Make no mistake though. Some people thrive no matter how bad it gets. Those are the people whose focus is consistently on what they want, not what they don’t want. Millions of others may suffer no matter how good it gets too, for the opposite reason: focusing on what they don’t want.

Yes, it would be nice for all those suffering to not have to suffer. But since the Universe responds to individual vibration, we can’t do much to alleviate others’ suffering. Even if we fix all the problems, some people would still suffer.

You and I don’t need to suffer though. Trump is giving us a great example of how to do it right…and not so right.

How To Bend The Government To Your Will

Photo by Samuel Schroth on Unsplash

TLDR: The author uses their personal experience using the power of deliberate creation to influence their government to suggest that everyone can do the same. The example shows how individuals hold the ultimate power. Not governments.

The power of government, like the power of everything, lies within you. You can shape the government to your desires. Doing so, however, requires high-level alignment to All That Is. That is, you cannot push against the tide of All That Is. And All That Is is progressive.

All That Is is constantly expanding into more. It voraciously moves in the direction of the undiscovered. All That Is seeks that which is new, that which has never been done before. So if you’re trying to thwart something you think is unfair, immoral or “against nature” or even “against god”, then you push against the tide of All That Is.

Humans have a way of thinking they understand what All That Is is about. They’ve written books about their thinking and called those books “the will of god”. But the god they think is god isn’t that. Sure, there’s wisdom in those books. After all, humans are god in human form.

But because of the nature of “human” a lot of distortion lies in those books too. The trick of getting at the wisdom is knowing the difference between the wisdom and the distortion.

This story details an unfolding thrilling me these last few days. It’s evident of everything you just read. You are the creator of your reality. All of it. That means your government too. Here’s an example of how you can shape it to your will.

Let’s dive in.

Shaping your government flows from your focus

First we must realize the government we experience is uniquely ours. It’s not the same government others experience.

That’s because every point of consciousness exists in its own reality. And that reality emerges from and reflects back to it, the consciousness experiencing it.

This explains again why trying to force others to accept your version of what you want brings difficulty and resistance. People inherently know they create their own reality. So they’ll naturally resist something that isn’t their creation.

And yet, those who don’t know what you just read are willing stooges. Others can easily dupe them into following a “leader” because those people live mainly in a subtle, yet pervasive sense of insecurity. An insecurity that has them reaching for relief from that insecurity through a source external to them. This is what we see with both major political parties and politicians in general. Politicians are happy to be that external source. But politicians also are insecure, which explains why so much churn exists in politics.

But you don’t need involve yourself in any of that to enjoy a government that supports what you desire. You only need to focus on what you want. Focus on what you want purely and with a delicate form of nonchalance, and the government will bend to your desire. It won’t happen instantly, but it must happen if you hold your focus.

That’s what happened with me over the last three years.

Many think god will line up against their enemies. They claim that being is on their side. They couldn’t be more wrong.

Deliberate creation springs from one’s emotions

Back in 2021 then president-elect Biden ran on a platform which included forgiving student loan debt. He wasn’t the only one. Several other progressives at the time argued for doing the same. Existing provisions in federal law offered paths to student loan debt forgiveness. But Biden wanted to expand that.

As a holder of student debt myself, I was all for it. The moment candidates began talking about this, I was on board. Indeed, I had a strong sense my student debt would be forgiven. So I held lightly the idea and doing so pleased me. So did the idea. This is a positive sign.

Nearly every new client, when asked the purpose of emotions, gets the answer wrong. Which tells me people don’t understand emotions’ purpose. But this is a crucial bit of information! Without it, humans literally are adrift on a sea of emotions, bobbing around on waves with no control, no rudder, no way to steer a course. Without course selection ability, they remain buffeted by the waves. Waves coming in the form of the latest “breaking” news, or the latest “leader” trying to get their attention, their vote, their money or all of the above.

But those who understand emotions’ purpose enjoy tremendous influence. Not influence over others, although that happens, but influence over their reality. They can literally shape their reality to their desires, thereby becoming deliberate creators.

That’s what I was doing by noticing how pleased I felt while entertaining the idea of the government forgiving my student loan debt.

Biden expressing his intents on student loan forgiveness back in 2020.

The soft focus creates manifestation

Now, emotions don’t create reality. Reality emerges as vibration energy assembles about itself along frequencies matching the core vibration. All that happening doesn’t feel like much at first.

Not long after momentum ensues, however, vibration becomes thought. And our brains are designed to interpret evolved or expanded vibration that is thought into thought form. That’s what happens in the process humans call “thinking”.

Our job as humans is to hold that focus on that evolved or expanded vibration. Doing that, we add our own momentum to the unfolding. In time, that focus must move that vibrational expansion into a manifestation; a manifestation our senses interpret as “physical reality”.

So as I felt pleasure thinking this idea of the government forgiving my debt, I focused on the pleasure and the idea. Not with a rigid death grip on the idea, but a soft focus similar to what martial artists practice at advanced levels. Doing that, I could feel momentum increase. What happened next was part of the unfolding.

The following year I had a dream. In the dream I stood in line with others who all were getting their student loan debt forgiven. Here’s my journal entry recording the experience.

A dream where I am fulfilling my desire!

Dreams are an important aspect of deliberate creation. Knowing their role adds confidence to the whole process. So the fact I had a dream about having my student loan paid off helped bolster my belief in what was happening.

Nothing can resist momentum

Of course, most republicans were not OK with democrats proposing what they were proposing. In fact, many right wingers even now oppose the idea. Those who claim people should “pull their own weight” and “pay their debts” have no idea what’s happening in All That Is. They’re literally clueless.

I wonder, what did conservatives who think people should “earn their living and pay their debts” do to “earn” their place in reality? How did they earn their being born into the world? How are they earning the air they breathe, or the energy of the sun that warms them and the planet for their benefit? I often wonder how they earned the results of all those who came before them; who dedicated their lives and energy to creating the future; the things and ideas that these people today enjoy?

If conservatives really looked at what’s happening in physical reality, they would see they earn none of what matters most in their lives. Indeed, these things flow to everyone equally in a state of massive abundance. An abundance that is constantly becoming more.

So when republicans started trying to put the kibosh on Biden’s plans to forgive student loan debt, even when their efforts got to the Supreme Court, and those nitwits ruled Biden’s first attempt unconstitutional, I held my focus. I knew this was evidence of “what is” pushing back against what is becoming. And so I stood my vibrational ground, knowing all would unfold as I desired.

Nothing can withstand new momentum once it gets underway. Including momentum of what is. Indeed, because of this, the deliberate creator can experience the “push back” inherent in “what is” not as resistance, but as a sign of things going their way.

How physical matter works

What is, the state of reality in physical, is vibrational momentum at a state actualized into reality. Humans think this state — what is — is the now, the present. But it’s not the present. What is, is the past. It has manifestED. What’s manifestINGis the present moment, the now. And that always trumps “what is” eventually because All That Is ALWAYS wants more.

But what is, the energy inherent in it, enjoys its own momentum. So it kind of pushes back on that which is becoming. That’s a natural part of how physical matter works: it will resist somewhat that which emerges from it. That’s right, what’s becoming ALWAYS emerges from what is. This state of emergence is the contrast Abraham refers to so often.

The problem with human perception is we amplify what is by focusing on it. We also amplify it by reacting to it. Amplification causes what is to persist.

The key to having anything improve is not focusing on physical reality therefore. When we instead focus on what we desire as an emerging reality, we add momentum to and amplify that. Then that happens faster and easier.

That’s what I did when the SCOTUS ruled against Biden’s plans. I knew even the “highest court in the land” can’t stand against that which I create.

The SCOTUS ruling was just last year. More than two years had gone by. I was determined in my focus. I know how reality happens. So I didn’t allow myself to feel daunted by the SCOTUS ruling. Instead, I felt even more committed that my debt would be forgiven.

What happened next convinced me even more.

It’s always about the journey

After the Supreme Court ruling, Biden took a different tack. He found a way around the ruling, thus forgiving some $48B in student debt the same year the court struck down his earlier attempt.

I knew this was a positive sign. Momentum ensued further and by February this year the administration had forgiven over $138B in student loan debt. By this time, I knew the government would forgive my own debt soon.

And that’s exactly what happened.

The best indicator showing that your desired reality is flowing into your experience is that you aren’t thinking about it hardly at all. And when it happens, it just feels like an “of course”. This is especially true for those big manifestations we’re wanting.

That’s because by the time momentum has built to the point of manifestation, you just know it’s happening. After all, this manifesting business isn’t about the manifestations. It’s really about the journey to the manifestation.

Manifestations’ value lie in their unfolding. When we hold a desire, we summon life force through us. That feeling of life force flowing is what puts the eternal in eternity. So the more desires we have, the more we contribute to All That Is. This explains why people have so many desires!

The problem for many people is they don’t know what you’re reading. So they don’t know how to line up and receive what they’re creating. And that explains why things often take a long time to improve: people aren’t lining up with their desire. So they die without real-izing their desires. Meanwhile, future generations get to experience them. So it’s all good!

Feeling great feels great

All the while, as the administration forgave people’s loans, they said eligible people would get an email from the Department of Education. So on Friday, when I received my email, I wasn’t surprised at all. Instead, I just felt really, really pleased. Pleased and confident that “I did this.”

My email from the Department of Education.

It was an “of course” when I saw it in my inbox. But it also indicated something else. With the doubling of my clients, and the increase in the rate I’m charging clients, I’m doing very, very well in manifesting money in my life. Indeed, I’m on track to enjoying a six-figure income from my client practice.

In addition to that, I have other manifestations in the works regarding money. Really big, exciting manifestations. And I know this student loan forgiveness manifestation is a stepping stone along that path to financial abundance.

With this forgiveness I’m officially debt-free. That feels great. My plans for my financial future are HUGE. And thinking about them, like I thought about this student loan forgiveness manifestation, means they, too, are unfolding…all in perfect timing.

But what really feels great is the feeing of feeling great. It is the epitome of life experience. The Charmed Life I write about is the feeling I’m describing here. Sure, the manifestations are fantastic. But what really feels great is the ongoing feeling of improved mood. A feeling of joy, of confidence, of clarity.

Clarity that I am a deliberate creator. One who creates their reality deliberately. There’s nothing better than that.

How To Tell Your Jedi Powers Are Getting Stronger

Photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash

TLDR: This post shares two instances of near-instant manifestations through deliberate creation. By focusing on what is wanted, the creator experienced the desired outcomes, showcasing the power of deliberate creation and manifestation.

This morning was an amazing, delightful experience. It confirmed, as many things in my life do, my expanding power as a creator. Powers creators possess resemble those of the fabled Jedi of Star Wars.

It’s no idle boast. If you’re reading this blog regularly you know. If not, you will if you do.

This amazing morning event came on the heels of another, astounding realization. Although I must say, I’m getting used to feeling astounded. It may be my new normal!

But it was how speedily both happened that really thrilled me. Both featured tiny gaps between my asking and receiving. By “gaps” I mean the time elapsing between my asking for the manifestation and getting it. Past manifestations came with fairly big gaps.

Narrowing gaps tell us something important. Enjoying near-instant manifestations feels great. But they also indicate one has improved dramatically their ability to create. They show “manifesting” getting easier and easier.

This is why I tell clients to focus on small creations. For one, small creations are more plentiful. They offer a lot of poof of improvement. But they also are easier to create. So they help people build trust. Trust that they are a creator. As that trust builds, they get more bold. They want to create more complex creations. Like piles of money. Or world-changing projects.

So let’s dive in and celebrate these two creations.

Better focus: Better futures

It was mid December. I was looking over my finances. Doing that, I said to myself, quite casually, “I’d like to have two more clients at my current rates.” My budget showed my client income covering all my expenses, with a little left over each month. I wanted a bit more left over each month.

Notice what I did here. I didn’t focus on the negative fact that I barely had any money left over! Most people will focus on that because that’s “what is”. They’ll look at what’s “true”. Unfortunately that’s not helpful if you want something other than what is.

Oh, we’re still creating when we’re focused on “what is”. The problem is, focusing there, we just create more of that: what is. That’s ok if we enjoy our what is. But if we don’t enjoy it and we focus on it, we’re going to get more of what we don’t enjoy.

Dissatisfaction we feel when looking at that unpleasant truth tells us in advance exactly what you just read. That emotion (displeasure) says: “Hey! You’re using your unlimited powers to create something you’re not going to like. Knock it off!”

But most people don’t know that. So they double down. They bemoan their finances. Or they try to fix the finances through doing: By getting another job, using credit card debt, or some other unsustainable approach. It’s no wonder many people on tight incomes work two or more jobs. See how unsatisfying that solution is?

Meanwhile, All That Is is UNLIMITED and so are we! We can create ANY reality we want. Including one in which our finances align with our desires. First, we must stop trying to get what we want by doing. Then we must stop focusing on “what is”.

Run from reality: it pays. Literally!

That’s not easy to do because the entire world wants us focused on “truth”. It wants us to be “realistic”. People want us to “get real”, “face reality”. They want us to “grow up”. Especially our parents.

They want us to do that because they’ll feel better about doing the same thing. That’s right. They’re being realistic. And MISERY LOVES COMPANY. Which explains why people call the optimistic ones pipe smokers, dreamers and head-in-the-sanders. I suggest you run from people and the world straight into your own optimistic reality. You’ll love it there!

That’s what I’m finding. And that’s exactly where I found my power.

So there I was, looking at my finances. I looked for just a few moments. Then I turned deliberately to what I wanted. I did this mentally. Physically, I closed my spreadsheet application and my computer. I knew what they were telling me. I didn’t need to keep looking at it.

Instead I just went about my day. Three days later, I got two FREE 1:1 appointment emails from two different people. They both had first names starting with “J”. They also both had gmail email addresses. Both scheduled their free session on the same Tuesday, one right after the other. A week later, both became paying clients at my current rates!

Music set the scene

The second manifestation happened in early January. I enjoy an Apple Music subscription. The variety of music there offers so much satisfaction. I also enjoy the Apple Music app on my iPhone. It’s intuitive, simple to use and has other features I really appreciate. One of those features is the ability to “favorite” songs.

On one of my daily walks, I wanted to listen to all tracks I favorited in my “music library”. The app allows user-created playlists and also creates automatic playlists. One of those is a “Top 25 tracks” playlist. It plays the 25 songs I’ve listened to the most. But I probably have favorited well over 100 songs. On this walk, I wanted to shuffle all of them, not just listen to the top 25.

The problem was the app didn’t have a way to do that. The closest “hack” was to sort my library by “favorites” then play them in that order. I couldn’t play them shuffled, in other words. Had I tried, the app would shuffle them along with all the other songs in my library.

The “hack” was good enough. Until day two, when I wanted to listen again. I couldn’t start at the beginning of my favorites. That would mean I’d listen to the first 20 or so tracks anytime I wanted to walk. So I had to remember where I was in the list and start playing from there.

That would have been annoying if I didn’t know what I know. Since I do know what I know, however, I did something different. And it made all the difference.

Getting it right

Instead of complaining in my head about this situation, I appreciated and enjoyed hearing my favorite tracks. I really, really appreciated and enjoyed them! I mean, after all, I really like these songs. It’s why I favorited them!

I also appreciated the fact that I could sort my library by favorites first. That was a nice feature, I thought. So I appreciated that part of the existing app. Then I melted into my walk, the beautiful, cold day and the music flowing into my ears…

What did I do here?

I didn’t focus on what was missing. I didn’t focus on the fact that the app doesn’t have a feature where I could play ONLY my favorites, shuffled. Instead, I enjoyed existing app features that allowed a semblance of what I wanted. See the difference?

Most people, when they can’t get what they want, will focus on that. They’ll throw an adult version of a tantrum. They’ll focus a lot of their creative energy on the problem. They won’t line up with the solution. As a result, their creative focus gives them more to complain about instead of leading them to the solution. I know that’s what happens. So instead, I focused on how great it would feel to listen to my favorite songs.

Of course, that’s what I was already, actually doing. So it was easy focusing there on “what is”. In doing that, I aligned with that future probable reality in which a version of the app existed that INCLUDED a favorites, shuffled playlist.

Ask and it’s given

Less than three days later, as I was preparing to go to bed, I got a software update notification on my iPhone. I usually activate these over night. This was no exception. I didn’t bother looking at what the update did. I trust Apple.

Every morning I fill my space with soothing music, usually right after an hour meditation. The next morning was no exception. I opened my iPhone, activated the Apple Music app. The app opened, but on top of the app was a notification of new features. Features that came as part of the update.

That’s what astonished me. You guessed it: the updated Apple Music app now featured a “favorites” playlist. One in which I could shuffle the tracks!

In that instance of astonishment, I didn’t think to grab a screen shot to accompany this post. Later, though, I realized I have Apple Music on all my Apple devices. So I could grab one from my iPad:

Voila! Manifestation!

So by casually asking, then not focusing on an unpleasant what is, I lined up with a future probable reality consistent with my desire. And that’s what emerged in my physical reality. How’s that for Jedi power?

How eternity happens

You may think “that’s a coincidence”. But my clients and I know there’s no such thing.

If it’s not a coincidence, then what is it? It’s me deliberately selecting a future reality from among infinite probable futures, the one that includes what I’m wanting. That’s the nature of creation. That’s how we, as eternal, powerful creators, create our subjective reality.

And when we do that, the Universe and all entities in that revel in that fulfilled desire. All That Is possesses tremendouswherewithal. It can create ANY OUTCOME. It is voracious in that capacity. That’s because All That Is is constantly wanting to know itself. The paradox of its existence is; it can never fully know itself because as it knows more of itself it creates more of itself. It’s that dynamic, that dynamic tension, that gives rise to eternity.

We function exactly the same way. We each strive for greater self-awareness. But we never reach the end of that. Because in every fulfilled desire is born new desire. And that new desire we voraciously desire to realize. Thus, we constantly become more, while wanting to know the more we become. Voila! Eternity!

I love knowing what I know. I love seeing myself improve as a creator. It’s fun developing powers talked about in Jedi Lore. The ability to create reality, including other people. You’re invited to share in the fun: become a client today.

Addendum: It’s two days after writing they post. I just got back from a walk in the Portland winter, which ice sheets replacing streets and sidewalks. On my walk I listened to my new playlist while appreciating my two new clients, both of whom had their first sessions Tuesday. I’M IN SO MUCH JOY in appreciating these two manifestations! Life is so wonderful!

There’s No Perfect, Powerful Method To Manifest

Positively Focused Q-A
Positively Focused Q-A

Question: I have a question about the “369 manifestation” method. Am I able to do it all at once or preferably 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the night? Or can I just write it down all at once?

Answer: Manifestation doesn’t work this way. People come up with all kinds of “processes” purported to be effective. But manifesting is much simpler than this.

The difficulty with manifesting what anyone wants lies in our beliefs about what’s wanted. Resistance we have about what we want slows the manifestation. The timing is important too. By this I mean, we manifest something we want when the timing is right.

That means on some subjects, particularly ones we have a lot of resistance about, it takes longer than others. In fact, on some subjects we feel a lot of impatience. Understanding impatience is important. Such emotions tell us our vibration contradicts our desire. It also tells us we’re slowing down its becoming “real”.

On other subjects, the timing isn’t right. Now, no one is “out there” judging when the timing is right or not. We’re making the call from our Broader Perspective vantage point. It seems the “right” timing is “now”, usually because we feel bad about not having what we want to manifest. That bad feeling is both a sign and the Source of resistance, as I described in the previous paragraph.

Abraham making the process of manifestation plain.

Creation happens automatically. Deliberate creation is tricky

Manifesting a desire is simple. But it’s not easy. It’s not easy because it requires patience. It also requires soothing existing contrary vibration. Most people struggle with this. So they look for “processes” to help them.

We’re manifesting all the time. That’s what reality is. Reality is a manifestation. It’s coming out from us. We shape it with our beliefs. And we do this automatically. Doing it consciously simply requires conjuring how it will feel to have what one wants. You feel the emotion of having it. Then drop it.

We don’t need special processes. We don’t need to think about it many times. In fact, thinking about it many times often amplifies resistance we have on the subject, thus slowing the manifestation down. Even using affirmations will more likely create resistance rather than alignment.


Because often people speak affirmations while thinking about the absence of what they’re trying to manifest. It’s tricky in other words. We gotta know what’s dominant in our awareness to affirm correctly. That’s why dropping it is better, easier and quicker.

Look. The Universe already knows what we want. Whether we’re clear about it or not, we’ve already made the choice and the Universe already holds what we want for us. The only real question is: when are we going to become a match to that?

And the answer to that question has nothing to do with this 369 method. It ONLY has to do with us finding the vibrational frequency that lets it in. And the best way to do that is to RELAX, ENJOY LIFE and stop doing things that put resistance on the trail….like trying to understand someone else’s manifestation “method”.

How The Hidden Power Of Words Destroys The Daring Life

Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Not long ago, a client offered an excellent metaphor. They were curious about something we talked about in our session. Curiosity is a great place to be. Curiosity will take one very close to the Charmed Life I write about.

Fascination is better. So is amazement. But those emotions naturally show up as clients create more and more evidence. More and more evidence validating everything I tell them in their Positively Focused sessions. Before they know it, the evidence piles up so high, they find themselves in fascination and amazement. Fascination and amazement turn to wonder not long after that. That’s because when one realizes they are worthy of all they desire, and they see those desires happening, wonder becomes the lens through which they experience life.

But I digress. Let’s get back to that client’s metaphor. It’s really instructive.

Clarity in a metaphor

Here’s what they wrote:

“Just want to make sure I understood…if we think of the barrier between conscious and subconscious as the surface of the ocean with the air being conscious thought and water being subconscious thought, then these little doubts and fears that briefly surface in the conscious mind are like icebergs, with the little bit on top one perceives and the huge mass of it (i.e., the momentum) still lurking below, even after one thinks they got a handle on it. Is this a more-or-less apt metaphor?”

The ice berg metaphor gets used often in describing consciousness. Same goes for oceans. So my client’s metaphor was unsurprising. The metaphor itself is mostly accurate.

But we humans over exaggerate what’s going on in life. We also bring that tendency to examining nonphysical, which “consciousness” is. Often, when we do over exaggerate, we do so in a negative direction. In other words, we catastrophize life.

Language often contributes to the catastrophization. Language is powerful. Words we choose literally shape our experience. You’ll see what I mean by taking a deeper look at my client’s metaphor.

Limits put on the limitless

The words “conscious” and “subconscious”, taken together, offer an example of how language can limit experience. When people use these words, they create two things out of something that actually is one thing. It seems there’s a “conscious” part of us. It’s that part of our awareness we’re aware of it. We’re conscious of it. Then there’s the “subconscious” part. We’re aware we have it. But we apparently can’t consciously access it.

So there’s a part of us we can access. And there’s a part we can’t. Between those two, apparently, a barrier exists. Our consciousness cannot pierce that barrier, which is what keeps the “sub” in subconscious.

The words we use have great power. They literally create our limits. (Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash)

But there is no actual separation between what people call “conscious” and “subconscious”. There is no barrier between the two. And there really isn’t even “two”. What does exist is our ability perceive all of what’s there, or not. Inability to perceive doesn’t necessarily mean a barrier blocks our ability to perceive. Inability to perceive only means we can’t perceive. We’re not able to. That’s not the same as “cannot”.

In Positively Focused sessions, clients learn to reunite their “conscious” and “subconscious”. Again, they were never separate to begin with. But our beliefs impose a division that’s not there. In doing so those beliefs limit what’s possible.

In our sessions, clients gradually realize everything is possible. Self-imposed limitations relax then. When that happens, one’s human awareness allows more and more, deeper, conscious awareness. This is why a Positively Focused practice includes dreamwork. We train our awareness to expand through to deeper levels of that awareness.

The results are profound.

Making life more serious than it is

Of course, expanding, deepening awareness takes place in physical too. It’s what causes clients to become more bold about life. We become more daring. More authentic. Which is something our Broader Perspective wants. Because of that, we feel a tremendous sense of adventure about life. Adventure and joy, pleasure and fun richly colors our life.

Self-imposed limits can block deeper self-awareness. After all, something existing in the “subconscious” implies we can’t access it. But nothing exists beyond our access. If we can ask the question, we can know the answer. That opens profound implications for self-awareness.

The other interesting thing about my client’s metaphor is it introduces drama and ominousness to the affair. That “huge mass” lurking beyond our perceptions stands ready to upend our plans. And we can’t access it so what do we do?

The reality is, nothing like that is happening. Seriousness, drama, and dire consequences are human constructs. Nothing “serious” happens in our lives. Even when it looks like it is, that’s our interpretation. And any interpretation can change. That’s what clients learn. And when they do, their life gets way better.

That’s why I use “Belief Constellation” instead of common metaphors explaining consciousness. For, as with constellations in the sky, our consciousness and everything in it is all visible…if we’re willing to connect the dots between feelings and thoughts, then other thoughts connected to that, and then other thoughts connected to that, then other thoughts connected…etc. Nothing is hidden from us. It’s all available to see, revel in, then create more of what we want.

But enjoying that means learning how to do it deliberately and consciously. Including how we speak about our experience.

Want to know more? Let’s talk.

Why We Are Here: A Great Hidden Gift

Why are we here?

Many people ask this question at some point in their life. But the correct answer lies beyond most people’s understanding. For most people, as Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, “… can’t handle the truth!” 🤣 It’s just too beyond most people’s understanding.

We come into physical reality as humans as a great gift to All That Is. And to ourselves. Even if we don’t understand the reason why, we still get the magnificent gift.

No, it’s not heaven.

We come here, because the very act of coming is literally Universal expansion. It literally is All That Is focusing itself into becoming more of all that is. I know I’m using the word “literally” often in this paragraph. But it literally cannot be stated anymore clearly: our individual human experience is the process by which All That Is becomes more.

Universal expansion, therefore, occurs through the billions of consciousnesses here on Earth. Earth and elsewhere. So not only do humans contribute to it, but every instance of existence does too, whether humans believe that existence is sentient or not. That’s rocks. That’s water. Even air. It’s bacteria. It’s everything.

The best experience of this process happens when an instance of conscious adds to expansion while being consciously aware of its doing that. For in that sacred, glorious act, life becomes delicious. Which explains why animals don’t struggle or toil. They live in Joy.

And so can we.

It’s the Charmed Life

Even the word “delicious“ cannot adequately convey how satisfying that awareness is. But the Positively Focused practice creates this awareness. This awareness, produces the Charmed Life I write about. It starts with satisfying people’s desires. Satisfied desires form the basis of the Charmed Life.

But eventually, focus expands to include bolder initiatives. Initiatives leading to the bliss expressed above. Bliss born of an awareness that one is god in human form.

The Charmed Life is us living as All That Is. Meanwhile, our nonphysical cadre animates all we experience. It maintains our physical bodies, and, one by one, fulfills our desires. Desires which flow easily into our awareness. All in perfect timing.

The Charmed Life becomes ours when we’re aware of our purpose and living from there.

Even those words above don’t capture life’s fullness and delight. But as we continue being Positively Focused, our experience shows us what these words cannot describe.

That experience encourages bolder exploration. We want to see how far we can take this. There are no limits. That’s what makes the Universe unlimited too.

The impossible made possible

So physical life experience is All That Is expanding. Each of us are instances of All That Is participating in its expansion. The complete fullness can’t happen though. That’s because we are all eternal. We’re constantly becoming more. And there’s always more to become. We live, therefore, in perpetual incompletion. That too is a gift.

I can attest to gratification expanding awareness offers. It is this satisfaction that emboldens me. That’s why I pursue things people believe impossible. Only they are not impossible. They only seen that way from limited perspective. From broader awareness, however, everything is possible.

Sound amazing? I think so too! But knowing so is even more amazing!

Realizing that amazingness is part of Universal expansion. So extending one’s ambitions into the realm of the “impossible” represents understanding life’s great hidden gift. It also adds new into the Universe. Something All That Is constantly reaches for.

Because the new usually feels impossible. Until it is done.

The wonder of conscious participation

Our participation is a given. The only option is this: are we participating consciously? My clients are on their way to conscious participation.

I’d love to include you among us.

We come into this world for divine purposes. Universal expansion is the reason we’re here. Our participation is the nature of the Universe. Conscious realization of that has no peer. Extreme satisfaction, delight, and joy results from that. It is the Charmed Life I write about.

Experience it yourself. Contact me. Let’s get started.

Why Negative Manifestations Offer The Best Gift

Last week I wrote about a Positively Focused advanced client. I shared her experience with a negative thought, one she worried would turn into a negative manifestation.

Because she’s an advanced practitioner, however, she understood something important. She understood her dominant positive focus would overwhelm any negative thoughts passing through her awareness.

That’s a really good place to be. A very empowering place too. From there, it’s easy to see the practical value of “negative” thoughts. They can amplify one’s positive momentum. If used correctly.

They also offer another important value. Those that turn into manifestations, give us information we really want. They tell us what is dominantly vibrating within us. I explained this in the previous post. That makes all “negative” manifestations actually positive ones.

And that means anything happening in our lives is positive. Either we’re getting what we want (positive manifestation) or we’re getting feedback on how to get what we want (“negative” manifestation). It’s an important distinction. Something every advanced client learns.

Using “negative” manifestation

Instead of “negative”, Abraham often calls these manifestations “unwanted”. But even that word lays negative value on such experiences. It’s instead important to see such manifestations as “wanted”. Without them, how do we know what’s going on in our vibration?

One way is to become sensitive enough to feel vibration. That takes practice. Developing that sensitivity is a hallmark of a Positively Focused practice. Two other ways help us understand what our vibration is too. One is how we feel. The other is what shows up, or doesn’t yet, in our lives.

Once we take the “negative” value judgement off of these manifestations, we can start playing with them. We can use them to see how consistent the Universe really is. Realizing that consistency can bolster our confidence and belief in the Universe. It can prove that we are blessed. That the Universe has our back and is literally at our command.

I enjoyed an experience recently proving this. It reminded me exactly what I wrote above: that the Universe responds to my thoughts. And the more consistently I think them, the more likely I will experience the content of them.

The experience involved a game I played. I did it kind of unconsciously. I knew what I was doing, but didn’t feel the need to really do anything about it. Wanting to see how it would play out, I let the experience unfold. Right up to the “unwanted/wanted” manifestation.

Here’s what happened:

You get what you think about wanted or not

I take long walks every day pretty much. Over the last several months, I had the thought of hitting my watch against a railing as I walked. I saw myself in my mind grazing my watch on an overpass guard rail, the safety rail along the Steel Bridge walkway, or posts along the waterfront. The thought, when it first came, wasn’t accompanied by any worry. In fact I just let the thought happen.

Then, however, that thought kept coming into my awareness. It wasn’t accompanied by any worry or concern, nor any strong interest in it happening. But there was a “wondering” if the crystal on my watch (it’s an Apple Watch) would scratch if I did graze it.

Well, one day, after about three months of entertaining this thought again and again, I was walking across an overpass and, sure enough, I got really close to the guard rail. When I did, I scraped my watch against the galvanized stanchion. Right on the edge of the watch face.

The second it happened I said “I did that!” because I HAD as a manifestation! I remembered how, over and over, I thought that thought about scraping my watch. And sure enough, it happened! Here’s a picture of the damage:

The blemish on my Apple Watch.

The Universe DOES respond to my thoughts

What’s really interesting is the mark I made was mostly cosmetic. I was able to get most of it off with a buff board. There’s still a blemish, but it doesn’t feel like a scratch when I rub my fingernail against it. It’s barely noticeable. But it does catch my attention. Why? Because I built up a lot of momentum over this manifestation over the past three months. How? By thinking I was going to create this.

Recently, I’ve been getting an impulse to go to the Apple Store. I think that’s because they may be able to get this blemish out. But the blemish is kind of cool. It reminds me that I do create my reality with my thoughts. Everything in my experience shows up because of what’s happening inside me. So I see this blemish as a cool reminder that the Universe does, indeed, respond to my thoughts.

The moral of this story is: a passing negative thought isn’t something to worry about. Especially if we already enjoy consistent positive momentum. “Worrying” about the thought manifesting will amplify it. As does thinking the thought repeatedly. But it will take some weeks or even months of focus (deliberate or otherwise) before the subject becomes reality. So we always have lots of time to adjust our thoughts.

If such a manifestation does happen though, it’s a nice reminder showing us where our reality comes from: The deep recesses of our being. Vibration, in other words.

Want to know more or are interested in the Positively Focused practice? Contact me.

A Practical Guide On How To Be A Shapeshifter

Photo by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Most people don’t believe shapeshifting is possible. For such people, shapeshifting is impossible. Others want to believe shapeshifting is possible. Or they believe it is possible, but they don’t believe they can do it.

Our reality reflects back to us what we believe is possible. So becoming a shapeshifter requires introducing that idea into our reality. Reality springs from beliefs. So introducing the idea begins first with introducing it in ourselves as a belief. We must believe it’s possible, in other words. That’s one thing. Believing we can do it? That’s another.

Anything we believe possible becomes so. Shapeshifting is no different. But becoming a shapeshifter isn’t easy. That’s mostly because such a feat depends on strong belief. It also requires unraveling many other beliefs. Beliefs seemingly tangential to the subject, but very much connected to it.

Becoming a shapeshifter then is possible. But for most, it’s not. Not because it’s impossible. But because people can’t get beyond beliefs making it appear impossible. For those willing to change their beliefs though…

What it takes

So first, we must cultivate belief. Belief it’s possible. Then we must believe we can do it. From there, we must unpack related beliefs. One of many such beliefs is the belief in death.

Most people fear death. Even some who claim they don’t, do. Take awakening experiences as an example. Such experiences scare the shit out of most people. Me included at one time. Awakening experiences feel exactly like death. That’s because our consciousness expands in such experiences. The same thing happens at death. Consciousness expands beyond ordinary awareness.

Brains can’t process such expansionary experiences. And since they are pre-wired for keeping us in this reality, they freak out when confronted with alternate ones. That “freak out” is what I mean by “fear of death”.

In other words, if we freak out in the face of an alternate reality, we automatically snap back into this one. That won’t work when shapeshifting. Because the very act requires expansion. Including a very real, physical expansion. As well as an expansion into a bigger picture of All That Is.

Successfully shapeshifting also depends on our identity. We must disentangle our identity with camouflage reality. Camouflage reality is the physical-ness of our surroundings, including our body. As humans, we mesmerize ourselves. We convince ourselves physical reality is “real”. We do the same with our bodies. Our bodies are us, we tell ourselves.

That’s a problem. Because if we believe that, shapeshifting feels like death. It feels so much like that, such an act becomes impossible. If our body were to begin “shifting” that experience would be too frightening to an identity strongly tied to what we currently look like. So we must disconnect our identity from our body. So that our body can reorganize itself along our intent.

It takes a while

Shapeshifting therefore, isn’t about learning to do it. It’s about undoing beliefs making it undoable. Very strong momentum and collective belief perpetuates our deepest fears. Same goes for our strongest beliefs. Some such beliefs are so strong, we don’t realize we have them. Shapeshifting requires discovering these, then unpacking them. That process happens gradually. One by one, we soothe them. Until they no longer impede our intent.

This takes a while. A shortcut doesn’t exist. Along the way though, we come into fantastic realizations and abilities. The Charmed Life becomes our life. More of what we desire becomes ours. So the path is one of riches.

Shapeshifting is possible. It must not be seen as a destination or goal, however. Instead, it’s just another step along the way. The way towards realizing more of what we really are. That path is unending. So shapeshifting is a great indicator of progress. We must have accomplished quite a lot to manifest such an outcome.

Such an outcome is well within our grasp, however. I feel myself getting there. I feel my body wanting to show me. The more I do what I’ve outlined, the more in tune I become.

Because of that, I’m eager. But I’m also patient. Because I see evidence of the unfolding.

I’ll share more as I progress.

Why We Want To Be Born As Human

We are literally aware-ized energy. We are everywhere always, all at once. Each of us flows endlessly forward, creating new realities as we go, then putting ourselves into them to explore them. All this action happens as a way of understanding all we are.

We never can do that though. We can’t ever know what we fully are. That’s because we constantly create more dimensions and realities. Every time we take an action, that action spawns new dimensional branches. Those branches are us. So we never fully understand what we are because we’re constantly creating more of ourselves.

Our ability to create is exactly the same power ascribed to god. That’s why I claim we all are god in human form. “Creation” happens through action, through our selves as aware-ized energy, aware-ized action. We can’t help but create. We do it unconsciously, automatically.

Where the fun comes in though, is when we do it on purpose.

Deliberate creation

The way we harness and use our creative energy purposefully is through our focus. Direction of attention channels that which we are, towards deliberate outcomes. Again, we create automatically. And we’re unconscious of that creation while in a body. So focusing our attention increases our awareness of what we are. After all, if I focus on creating something, then that thing happens, it confirms that I am everything I’ve described so far.

This is the wonderful value of deliberate creation. When a person realizes they create their reality, they get a lot more than that created outcome. They also support conscious expansion, that “knowing what we fully are”. Consciously becoming aware that we create reality is a divine act. It is aligned with the entire purpose of physical planes.

Not only does creating deliberately create conscious awareness of what we are, it also is a skill critical to existing in nonphysical. In that place, beyond time and space, our creations occur spontaneously. Anything we desire instantly appears. Without focus then, existence in nonphysical is highly chaotic. Things appear and disappear at incredible rates. Knowing how to focus changes all that.

We use physical reality, therefore, to practice focus. This explains why things sometimes take a while to manifest in physical reality. That’s on purpose. Physical reality is built on inherent resistance. Inherent resistance prevents instant manifestation. Time and space is a great place to practice therefore.

Learning then expanding

Earth appears as full of random events. But nothing happening here is coincidental or random. It all happens on purpose.

Human consciousness is vastly outnumbered here. That should be obvious. Birds, bees and plants are all conscious. So are rocks and soil. Bacteria and viruses too. They all have their own conscious intelligence. All these consciousnesses hold focus. They maintain “reality”. Doing so, they provide stable platforms for exploration. Here, human consciousness can become more. How? By learning to focus. Then learning to use that focus to create deliberately.

“Earth” is the gestalt consciousness. It is made up of all the consciousnesses “living” on it. “Human” is a gestalt consciousness too. It rides on top of billions of consciousnesses. Intelligence existing within the cells, organs, flesh and bones of our bodies contributes to human consciousness. The gestalt we all individually are.

We leave those consciousnesses behind when we’re done here. At death we return to where we came. But we’re more by then. We’ve expanded. We remember all we accomplished. And we revel in our individual awareness, now, as a part of All That Is. All That Is is the gestalt consciousness Christians call “God”.

Human consciousness is a beautiful unfolding. It is not the end state though. It is a process. A process of becoming. One that can be full of terror and fear. Or one filled with joy and amazement borne of becoming a deliberate creator. My clients are discovering the latter.

Perhaps you’re ready to discover it too?

The Sadomasochism Of Finding My Spirit Magic

Photo by Muhammad Haikal Sjukri on Unsplash

My Out of Body Experiences (OBE) are increasing in duration and quality. This past weekend (May 6) I enjoyed the best one yet. Of course, every one feels like “the best one yet” when I experience it. That’s consistent with what Abraham says about such experiences. They say joy coming from such experience never lasts.

That’s because we’re eternal. So we always want more. Abraham says new desires spring from fulfilled ones constantly. So what we have now, must give way to some new desire.

Besides, these magical, spiritual powers are commonplace across All That Is. It’s only humans that don’t enjoy them. So when a human consciousness regains such abilities, its Broader Perspective is already having them. Tapping into such experiences, therefore, just feels normal once one experiences experience from their Broader Perspective.

There is something I didn’t realize though. That is, how uncomfortable tapping in is. Sometimes it’s downright painful. Kundalini Yogis talk about this. As the serpent ascends, body sensations often border on extreme discomfort. Sometimes those sensations hurt.

That’s been my experience. In the past few weeks, I’ve suffered through sensations so intense I nearly stopped the session. Other experiences had me begging for session-end. These painful experiences are new to me. Like this one, for example:

The graph above the description shows how uncomfortable the session got towards the end. Yet, note that I enjoyed two out of body projections.

I find it ironic that I also experienced two projections in the same session. Right before all that pain happened!

Not giving up

Of course, I consider all this the price of admission. Most sessions bring so much bliss I am more than willing to trade an occasional struggle. I believe struggle during sessions also indicates further expansion. They represent a release of old energetic blockages in my body, leading to further expansion into abilities I strongly desire.

Take this session, for example:

An incredibly satisfying projection.

Here’s another example: I had a fabulous, long-form projection. My consciousness traveled spontaneously. In a moment, I found myself in a totally different advanced civilization. When I came out of it, I was stunned. The detail and the length of the experience was tremendous:

Both experience types bring further enlightenment. They tell me I’m getting better. They tell me I’m developing my spirit magic. As a result, I find surprise, delight and joy in these experiences. Even the painful ones.

For all these are the hallmarks of the Charmed Life I write about here. The more experiences like these I enjoy, the further I get into that wonderful life. It’s a life everyone can enjoy. Want to join me on this adventure? Contact me. Let’s talk.