The Hidden Value Of Negative Manifestations

Many people practicing Law of Attraction worry about “negative manifestations”. They think a negative thought, then immediately try to cancel it. That’s because they fear that thought will turn into a negative experience.

Of course, every experience is positive. Even “negative” ones. Negative ones tell us something important. So when they happen, it’s important to see them as that: positive.

But will every negative thought manifest? Do we need to worry about negative thoughts we think for fear that they might show up for real?

Let’s take a look.

Castles or buttons, it doesn’t matter

A client texted me about this very thing. She’s an advanced group practitioner. Yes, even advanced folks experience fears. In fact, a Positively Focused practice remains consistent no matter how advanced one gets. We still work on the same things, including soothing resistance.

As one advances, however, we become bolder in our desires. They get bigger, in other words. It’s that change that indicates progress. Bigger desires bring more disbelief though and disbelief is resistance.

That makes sense, right? Say a person believes they can get a choice parking spot downtown. Manifesting that spot, therefore, introduces little resistance. But say that person wants to win the lottery and she doesn’t believe that’s possible. Or she believes lotteries are taxes on the poor. In this case, her resistance about winning the lottery is a lot stronger than manifesting a parking lot. So there’s more resistance to soothe on the subject of lotteries for this person, than manifesting parking spots.

But whether it’s a parking spot or the lottery, the manifestation process is the same. She doesn’t need more “effort” to real-ize the lottery win compared to the parking space. It seems so only because she has more resistant belief in the former than the latter.

Abraham refers to these two —lottery wins and parking spaces — as “castles” and “buttons” respectively. Big things — castles — are just as easy to create as little ones — buttons — they say:

Abraham making it plain.

The same holds true for what we don’t want. We typically call such experiences “negative”. Negative experience manifests the same way “positive” ones do. If we understand how that “way” happens, there’s no need to freak out about entertaining a “negative” thought.

My advanced client realized this.

Back to my client

She sent me a text expressing her clarity, which I loved. It shows how she’s really getting the practice. That’s no surprise to me. She’s really good at creating her Charmed Life. And she’s seeing evidence of it everywhere.

Lisa getting it.

Indeed. Lisa has enjoyed a long string of positive manifestations. They include better relationships with her children, a literal deluge of men wanting to get with her and big shifts in more personal matters.

And she’s right. We needn’t fear negative manifestations. If we’re maintaining very high vibrations, passing negative thoughts will not overcome that positive high momentum. Remember too that when/if “negative” manifestations do happen, they’re not negative. “Negative” manifestations are positive. They help us know what our dominant vibrational focus is.

Dominant vibrations are those creating our experiences. Often, we don’t clearly know what our dominant vibration is. That’s because “vibrations” are subtle. With practice, it’s easy to feel them. But most folks don’t enjoy such ability. So isn’t it nice that physical reality reflects back to us what our dominant vibration is?

That makes “negative” manifestations something we want to experience, right? They tell us what we’re doing vibrationally. This explains why all life experiences are positive. No matter what label we put on them, they always show us where we are vibrationally so we can do something about it..

Of course, we don’t need negative manifestations to do that. Not when we cultivate sensitivity refined enough to feel vibrations. Such sensitivity, as I wrote above, comes with practice. It’s one of the many benefits of being Positively Focused.

Wanting to know more about creating your own Charmed Life, feeling vibration, or getting results my client Lisa is getting? Contact me. Let’s get you underway.

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