I Love When I Love Then This Happens

Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

Nothing better exists than joy felt when Positively Focused. Especially cool: when such joy comes easily through deliberate focus. After so much practice, such focus brings immediate high vibration. It’s a wonder, and yet not a wonder, if you know this delicious secret:

Your word becomes your world.

This morning, after wonderful dreams, I woke up feeling great. Feeling great upon waking happens every day these days. I’ve tuned myself into that place so it dominates my days.

This morning however, in my positive focus, I felt space for expansion into even greater greatness. Being clear as I am these days, gobbling up that extra expansionary increment sounded great.

So that’s what I did. Through deliberate focus I closed that gap, felt even greater, then shared my example with my clients. Here’s what I shared, direct from my journal:

Any wonder the following response came from one client?

When impulse and synchronicity conspire, it benefits all involved.

I create world changers

When one develops chronic positive focus, such synchronicities become everyday occurrences. I write about this here every week. I also love showing clients how to create such everyday occurrences themselves. When they get it, they say things like this:

A client discovers the joyful realization that they create their reality.

Doing that I change the world, one person at a time. I know the world must change as more people turn to positively focused perspectives. Doing so, they bring their godhood to Earth. When they do that, they change. That change means the world too must change.

I love knowing that.

There’s nothing better than in-the-moment love felt for no other reason but for the good feeling love brings. I love knowing love flows always, bringing greater knowing whenever I tap in to what I know about myself as All That Is.

I also love knowing there’s always a gap between where I stand and where I can stand. Closing that gap feels amazing. Then amazing things happen.

So, whenever I feel even the slightest slippage in my positive perspective, I know I can close the gap between me and me just by thinking positive thoughts.

It’s easy peasy. And there’s nothing like the feeling that comes when that gap closes.

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