I Love Positive Focus

I’m feeling resonant with my desires. I know my reality already changed. It matched my desire. Here I am at the park, being, enjoying being, feeling free, having no thoughts or active beliefs most people do about their health, about job insecurity, about lost love or insecure love, about finances…

None of this enters my awareness (other than the brief moment while I wrote the above) instead, I focus on the breeze at my back, indicating I move swiftly along my unfolding path. I focus on the beautiful day, indicating I’m creating reality consistent with desire. I focus on the song I’m listening to, the peaceful stillness in this park, the joy I felt working with a client 90 minutes ago, the smile in that woman’s face, the ease with which I just walked over four miles….

The nursery rhyme nails it:

Row row row your boat
Gently with the stream
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream.

Life is a dream and becoming more so. I love my positive focus.

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