How Wonderful Now Feels


Nows feel best felt when appreciated. Nows happen asleep as they happen awake. Feelings taken to bed are lenses through which dreams happen. More appreciation brought to sleep state, little-by-little, shows dream state’s wonder.

Indeliberate feelings make dream state chaotic, frightening; invisible too. Apathy, feeling nothing about joyous replenishment that happens while dreaming, creates an empty dream reality: an experience of no dreams, when, actually, everyone dreams.

Appreciation reveals dream state as it is: a wonder, pure joy made manifest, creative bliss.

I enjoy bringing that appreciation focus to conscious wakefulness too. The moment physical reality captures my focus, after a nightly sojourn through creation in nonphysical, after relishing that no-space and no-time in which I experience pure bliss, I turn my appreciation to my dreams’ physical counterparts: the dreams I so far have allowed into my time space reality experience. Knowing physical reality is dream made real, I relish the feels-goodness of it, as every morsel that is life merits my appreciation.

Brought to the fore of consciousness, appreciating my physical nows in early morning moments prepares my daily sojourn just as I prepare my nightly ones.

That is deliberate creation: knowing in every moment asleep or awake I ongoingly make All That Is more. Doing that on purpose feels good. Feeling that on purpose makes life happiness fulfilled.

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