After deep meditation one day this week, I got up and Broader Perspective suggested I take a walk. I knew that meant a surprise awaited.
Whenever Broader Perspective suggests action, that means delightful surprises lurk. Therefore, when I get an impulse, I try acting on it immediately. I don’t always.
I did this time though. So I expected something cool, but didn’t know what.
I took one of my usual routes, to a park called Farragut, about two miles away.
While rounding the park, I came across a father talking on his phone while his two young children, a girl and a boy, played on swings. The moment I saw them, my Broader Perspective said “that little girl is going to give you a flower.”
I didn’t give it any more thought other than noticing a little collection of flowers on the ground near the swing set. As I passed the playground, the message from my Broader Perspective faded.
That’s when I heard behind me a little voice. “Excuse me,” She said.
I turned around and there was a little girl. In her hand she held a flower.
“Would you like a flower?“ She said.
“I would.“ I responded. And she gave me this flower.

Expansion is boundless
One of many advanced abilities being positively focused uncovers, is what people ordinarily call “extrasensory perception”, or “gifts“. It’s none of those things. Rather, such abilities reflect broadened perceptions inherent in everyone.
Many children display such experiences and abilities until they get blocked by resistance, bogus beliefs, and misaligned focus children adopt from parents, society and other misaligned sources.
The more positively focused one becomes, the more one realigns one’s self with that which they truly are. Such abilities surface once again as the person “reconnects” with all they are.
There are no upper limits with regard to such abilities. Humans are unlimited. So are their abilities. The only limits are those humans impose.
Life gets increasingly better
I know my authentic self, my Broader Perspective communicates constantly. The more I focus positively, the more I “tune in” to that communication. Doing that, I perceive that which others don’t.
More things like this delightful encounter, and the premonition of it, happen in my life these days. They’re happening more often too. Not only do they indicate progress. They are fucking AMAZING when they happen.
And, by acknowledging and amplifying such experiences, I make room for more such experiences.
I say this often: these things happening indicate bigger desires are too. Knowing this, appreciation, joy and anticipation fills me. From there I see such desires fulfilling themselves.
Cultivating a positive focus is not magic. It simply is returning to one’s natural state. In that natural state, life occurs as though it’s magic. But when you know what’s really happening, you understand. And in that understanding, you allow everything you want into your Charmed Life.
What is it you’re wanting?