I know some ridicule “spiritual” reality. These folks disbelieve anything beyond physical sense awareness.
Yet physical reality and spiritual reality reflect one another. They are identical, with physical reality expressing All That Is at its most forward evolutionary state in that one now.
Thoughts are living things, I know this. Every instance of All That Is seeks full self expression and thoughts are no exception. I see that expression all around me. I look at people for example, and see them grow from infant to adult. Everything about them changes, including their Broader Perspective. Nearly everything a person is changes; physicalness, ideas they receive, interests, etc.
Everything becomes more, including thoughts. I see this everywhere. Spirituality becomes more too. What does it look like when spirituality becomes more? It looks like physical reality.
Thought: physical reality’s building blocks
Thoughts start in nonphysical, where I do, as abstract, essences. Like children who become adults, they too become more than what they are. Thoughts mingle with other like thoughts in “communities” or “families”, just like we humans.
These families, like human families, project themselves forward into more and more tangible expressions of themselves, more real, more sensorial. That ultimate expression is physical. That’s where physical reality comes from: from the spiritual world. Said better: physical reality IS spiritual reality.
I did the same thing, before becoming human. I’m doing it now. I am energized, aware ideas, eternal abstract essentials, or thoughts, extending myself into my moreness, which looks like a physical me.
Distinct from other ideas, I look different from other people. Yet, like other people, my ideas exist in the same community or family of ideas of other people, ideas that, which expressed to their fullest, look “human”.
Massive coordination and cooperation happens in nonphysical reality where thoughts and ideas, all fully formed and yet becoming more, mingle in an unrestrained joyful All That Is expression.
When thoughts and ideas, become physical, that existence inspires more, as incarnate, an idea realizes new and better expression opportunity, improved states birthed from current ones. Science calls this constant improvement “evolution”.
My body mirrors how I experience myself in nonphysical, exteriorized and experientialized in this “forward” SPIRITUAL experience we call “physical reality”.
In other words, everything physical IS spiritual. Physical reality is joyful spirituality expressed to its fullest in this one now-instant.
Focus: the propellant
How does this happen? First, thought form must become self aware. Once that happened, self-referential nonphysical awareness differentiated itself from the rest of itself. That allowed focus. It could focus on “the rest of itself”, or it could focus on its self-referential self.
Any focus gathers life force, that essential aspect that is and both fuels consciousness. Focus therefore is propellant. The greater I focus, the more life force I summon.
Sufficient focus propels consciousness into greater and greater tangible realization until that focus becomes perceivable by the perceiving entity. In other words, thought becomes aware of its thoughts.
Doing so, it attracts other forms like it because all forms seek full expression. They focus too, creating massive, undeniable momentum. Little resistance exists in nonphysical, so momentum builds fast. As more forms join, that collection “pops” into physical reality through cooperative elements already existing at that physical level!
Reality becomes! Gaaaah! My mind boggles!
In my case, those “cooperative elements” were my parents, as well as all the consciousnesses existing in their bodies, their cells, their reproductive fluids, my consciousness stream and its associated thoughts….hell….all of physical reality act as cooperative elements. All this cooperation popped me into a physical framework: my developing body as fertilized egg!
“As it is in heaven, so it is on Earth”. That means physical reality is spiritual reality. Everything physical, whether perceived as animate or inanimate (everything is animate) is spiritual because that is where it came from and still is, focused here, yet there simultaneously. Just like my Broader Perspective!
I know my Broader Perspective revels in new expressions, which is why I feel goosebumps and shivers whenever I experience something new and thrilling. That revelry mirrors what “god” or “All That Is” or “the Universe” – whatever you want to call it – feels when new expressions get expressed at their maximum extent in any given now.
God is Positively Focused
So “god” constantly delights in literally uncountable experiences of new expressions happening literally all over the many Universes existing simultaneously, wherein points of consciousness, people, animals, rocks, cells and more experience physical/spiritual reality, discover improvement opportunities and then move toward those. I do my part too, and god revels in my participation!
So when for example, someone creates a new version of a Rolls Royce, that new version delights it designers…and All That Is. When one gets sold, the sale delights the sales people…and All That Is. When the new owner drives it, or drives in it while the chauffeur drives it, the owner delights…and so does All That Is!

When a person criticizes the owner for living in excess, negative emotion the criticizer feels feels negative because instead of criticizing the Rolls Royce owner, the criticizer’s Broader Perspective instead revels along with All That Is. The disconnect between the criticizer’s interpretation and her Broader Perspective’s interpretation feels like negative emotion!
That’s why I have negative emotion, so I know when I see the world the way god does, or not.
So everything happening in physical reality delights not only the Universe, but me also. I’d rather feel delight than negative. Making sure I interpret my world Positively Focused ensures that happens.
When I do that, my life must reflect that back to me. Which is why my life gets better and better.
Life is so spectacular. I know that when I’m Positively Focused. When I am, god and I see the world through the same eyes. Which is why I’m happy. Because god is happy. In other words, god is Positively Focused