Why are we here?
Many people ask this question at some point in their life. But the correct answer lies beyond most people’s understanding. For most people, as Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men, “… can’t handle the truth!” It’s just too beyond most people’s understanding.
We come into physical reality as humans as a great gift to All That Is. And to ourselves. Even if we don’t understand the reason why, we still get the magnificent gift.
No, it’s not heaven.
We come here, because the very act of coming is literally Universal expansion. It literally is All That Is focusing itself into becoming more of all that is. I know I’m using the word “literally” often in this paragraph. But it literally cannot be stated anymore clearly: our individual human experience is the process by which All That Is becomes more.
Universal expansion, therefore, occurs through the billions of consciousnesses here on Earth. Earth and elsewhere. So not only do humans contribute to it, but every instance of existence does too, whether humans believe that existence is sentient or not. That’s rocks. That’s water. Even air. It’s bacteria. It’s everything.
The best experience of this process happens when an instance of conscious adds to expansion while being consciously aware of its doing that. For in that sacred, glorious act, life becomes delicious. Which explains why animals don’t struggle or toil. They live in Joy.
And so can we.
It’s the Charmed Life
Even the word “delicious“ cannot adequately convey how satisfying that awareness is. But the Positively Focused practice creates this awareness. This awareness, produces the Charmed Life I write about. It starts with satisfying people’s desires. Satisfied desires form the basis of the Charmed Life.
But eventually, focus expands to include bolder initiatives. Initiatives leading to the bliss expressed above. Bliss born of an awareness that one is god in human form.
The Charmed Life is us living as All That Is. Meanwhile, our nonphysical cadre animates all we experience. It maintains our physical bodies, and, one by one, fulfills our desires. Desires which flow easily into our awareness. All in perfect timing.
Even those words above don’t capture life’s fullness and delight. But as we continue being Positively Focused, our experience shows us what these words cannot describe.
That experience encourages bolder exploration. We want to see how far we can take this. There are no limits. That’s what makes the Universe unlimited too.
The impossible made possible
So physical life experience is All That Is expanding. Each of us are instances of All That Is participating in its expansion. The complete fullness can’t happen though. That’s because we are all eternal. We’re constantly becoming more. And there’s always more to become. We live, therefore, in perpetual incompletion. That too is a gift.
I can attest to gratification expanding awareness offers. It is this satisfaction that emboldens me. That’s why I pursue things people believe impossible. Only they are not impossible. They only seen that way from limited perspective. From broader awareness, however, everything is possible.
Sound amazing? I think so too! But knowing so is even more amazing!
Realizing that amazingness is part of Universal expansion. So extending one’s ambitions into the realm of the “impossible” represents understanding life’s great hidden gift. It also adds new into the Universe. Something All That Is constantly reaches for.
Because the new usually feels impossible. Until it is done.
The wonder of conscious participation
Our participation is a given. The only option is this: are we participating consciously? My clients are on their way to conscious participation.
I’d love to include you among us.
We come into this world for divine purposes. Universal expansion is the reason we’re here. Our participation is the nature of the Universe. Conscious realization of that has no peer. Extreme satisfaction, delight, and joy results from that. It is the Charmed Life I write about.
Experience it yourself. Contact me. Let’s get started.
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