The Great Reasons For Mastering Supernatural Abilities

Photo by Rhett Wesley on Unsplash

I’m on the way to developing what some think are supernatural abilities. They’re not “supernatural”. But if we believe they are, then they occur that way. That also means they rarely happen.

But these abilities can be commonplace. They require cultivated focus and discipline though. Developing focus and discipline is simple. But that simplicity is not easy to master.

Paradoxes like that show up everywhere once we expand our consciousness beyond the Indoctrination of Normal. That’s because paradoxes are the stuff of which we all are created. Everything in the Universe depends on them. Dynamic instability inherent in such paradoxes literally gives rise to everything existing. Including our individual identities and experiences.

We are WAY more than we think we are. Abilities people call “supernatural” help us understand how powerful we are. More important, they familiarize us with abilities necessary to manage All That Is after death.

That’s right. Life after death exists. After we pass through the illusion of death, a vast amount of “data” confronts us. That data changes extremely fast, constantly. It’s so constant, the unprepared would call it “chaos”. The unprepared would quickly disintegrate amidst the torrent of reality in the nonphysical realm. Thankfully, beings stand ready to help once we pass through death.

Why develop such powers now?

But we can make the transition beyond earthly consciousness far easier. By developing and then practicing “supernatural” powers while still in a physical body, we familiarize ourselves with what will come.

Most people aren’t interested in that. So it’s not a good sales pitch. They’re too invested in “the one with the most toys wins” life. How’s this sales pitch instead: When we master supposedly “supernatural” abilities, creating life exactly as we want it while still in a body becomes a cinch.

That’s because, one can’t develop such abilities while also remaining resistant to life experience. In other words, mastering these abilities requires an attitude chronically consistent with what we are in nonphysical.

I always start new client intake sessions the same way. I ask them “how do you think a being who is all-seeing and all-knowing feels about reality as it sees what’s happening in your life?”

The answer, obviously, is it is constantly in a state of wonder, joy, freedom, empowerment, appreciation and love. Well, that’s the state our Broader Perspective constantly experiences. Meanwhile, here we are bumping around in resistant-ladened, negative emotional states. States like powerlessness, boredom, anxiety, fear etc.

People in such states cannot express their vast potential evidenced through “supernatural” abilities. Such abilities are reserved for those who are consistently in tune with their Broader Perspective. They also can’t live a Charmed Life either, because such a life requires being Positively Focused.

And when we’re Positively Focused, the Charmed Life becomes our life.

So there are many reasons to develop these capabilities. Everyone can, but not everyone will. Very, very few will, in fact. Which supports people’s belief that they’re impossible.

Meanwhile, some know they are eminently possible. My clients are on that path. Would you like to be?

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