This is a journal entry I made this morning, after my waking ritual. It contains rich information about intersections between dreamscape and wakescape. I suspect it will benefit some who read it.
Waking bliss…
I love waking up like this. I love waking up in bliss. Right this moment I feel deep connection with my inner being. Dreams this morning are so delicious and positive and enriching and satisfying, bringing me to high levels of joy and knowledge and appreciation.
For example, in one dream series I was driving a car. This car was super futuristic. With all kinds of adjustments for the seat and the steering wheel and dashboard. The car was super fast. It was so fast I easily outpaced every other car on the road. So fast it got that I felt I was going to get pulled over by police. That thought about police was actually the manifestation in dream state of resistant thought. A belief I’m soothing that I still believe a little, that life can’t match my dreams. In other words, my desires can’t come as fast as they actually can in real life, as depicted in my dream.
But they can and will. That’s what my dream tells me. That police thought in my dream is just an old belief, old resistance, that’s giving way.
At another moment, I was going to an equipment store parking lot. I originally started driving a forklift. That’s image telling me I’m working too hard in wake state, believing I must work hard to have dreams come true.
But then it transitioned into the same vehicle from the previous dream and I moved extremely fast. That transition shows that I am, in wake state, transitioning to my new, desired way of living, where everything I want comes so easily and fast.
I love that I am reducing my resistance, and as a result my natural allowing is showing up, meaning, things I want are coming faster and faster and with more ease.
This is what Abraham talks about when they describe exponential expansion. Just think about that. Things are expanding and the more they expand the more they expand exponentially. Since I am All That Is made physical and physically aware in physical reality, so too is my life expanding into my desires at exponential rates….
Another dream where I was interacting with a female lieutenant in the military. She is a pilot, I was an enlisted person. We have a relationship even though I was wary that it was “against the rules“ to fraternize with officers. I was moving toward the place where she would be landing. And at the same time I was with her before she landed, holding hands and enjoying a walk. She was in two places at the same time. And I knew I could be with her and was with her. She represented my ideal relationship, with me moving towards her “level” as I become a match to her. I know one realized their ideal relationship, when one becomes a match to that. This dream shows me progress towards what I want in “relationship”. All my dreams are becoming my reality.
This dream also indicates me once again realizing past my old beliefs. I once believed I couldn’t experience dream state at all. But now, I see not only dream state with more clarity, I see how it influences, orchestrates and creates my wake state. Waking life is projection. It reflects back to me all that I believe, and all that I desire. The more I tune to my desires and reduce resistant beliefs, the more the two merge, becoming idyllic first in dream state, then in “reality”.
A lot of my dreams this morning indicate this were about that, including the fence that was built with the strange connection or connectors for the gate. My interpretation of these dreams is that I am moving forward at such a rapid pace I am breaking through or moving past our opening doors once closed into greater awareness and soothing old belief that once slowed the process.
I see it happening all around me and I am delighted. Life is wonderful.
- I appreciate so deeply my clarity
- I appreciate my expanding awareness
- I appreciate that I am aware in my expansion
- I appreciate that I see evidence of my conscious awareness expanding into all my desires
- I like what I’m seeing
- I like who I am being
- I like feeling this way
- I like feeling thrilled
- I like feeling blessed
- I like feeling invincible
- I like feeling appreciation
- All of this feels wonderful
- I am eager for more of this delicious good feeling
- I love feeling this way
- I love feeling source flow through me
- I love how good this momentum feels
- I love me
- I love Source
- I love all that is