I’ve said in many past posts the best way to manifest abundance is by appreciating abundance surrounding us already. I practice what I preach. So when this incredible demonstration of abundance happened, I wasn’t surprised.
But I was surprised by the message I got from the experience.
A few clients wonder why I talk about so many little things manifesting in my life. When they do, I tell them I talk about them because they are gateways. Talking about them opens the door to big manifestations. There’s literally no difference in manifestation technique for manifesting something big as manifesting something small.
That’s why I encourage clients build their manifestation skills by starting with small things. Things they don’t have a lot of resistance about. Doing that they get practice. Practice begets proof. Proof that manifesting works. That proof also boosts confidence. It also soothes resistance we have on the bigger things we want.
So manifesting little things helps a lot. The little things develop confidence. They create a lot of proof. That allows clients to trust their Broader Perspective.
The abundance demonstration I manifested proved something more to me. Something became clear in that message. I’ll share that in a moment. First, let’s take a look at what happened.
Abundance amplified
I already live bathed in abundance. While I enjoy a life full of leisure, I also enjoy ample time to practice my spirituality. My client work is an expansion of that. So my “work” isn’t really work. It’s an extension of my practice.
That work is really fun. I love seeing clients develop their Charmed Life. Their unfolding Charmed Life amplifies my own Charmed Life. And, the time I work with clients represents a fraction of the hours in a week. I therefore enjoy an abundance of leisure and fun.
I also experience abundance of other things. An abundance of streaming content exists for me to enjoy. I’ve written about this before. I also enjoy an abundance of literature and magazines to read. Plenty of options exist for me to get exercise. Whether on foot or on my bike, I enjoy an abundance of outdoor paths to take. I’m a great cook. As a result of that, I have a fridge full of wonderful foods, baked goods I’ve made and other delectables I love eating.
Even when I’m sleeping I enjoy abundance. Every night I dream no less than 10 dreams. Some nights I dream well over 15! Most of the time these dreams are super enjoyable. I’ve written about these too.
Of course I also enjoy a seeming unlimited abundance of things to write about. That includes all three of the blogs I write for. That’s another state of abundance I enjoy.
All these instances of abundance I’ve expressed appreciation about nearly every day. As a result, what happened recently was a natural extension of my recognizing how abundant my life is.
The waft of incense sparks a wonderful abundance demonstration
One day, as I appreciated all the states of abundance in my life, I received an impulse. Little did I know that impulse would create the experience that happened. The impulse was to take out my incense burner and enjoy the aroma of my favorite incense, “Nag Champa”.
I hadn’t burned any incense in a while. That’s because I lived with room mates. One of those guys was allergic to incense.
After creating enough financial abundance to live on my own however, I could now enjoy a stick of the Champa. So I took out my burner….

But I realized I didn’t have a lighter or matches! At first I thought to borrow a lighter or match from my neighbor. Then I thought about buying a lighter at the convenience store. But then a better idea came to me: how about manifesting a lighter. That would be cool!
So that’s what I did. I relaxed. Then I imagined enjoying a stick of Champa in my burner. I visualized lighting it with a lighter. Then I tuned my vibration — deeper than thought — to how it would feel to create the experience of manifesting a lighter. I dropped the whole idea then, I left my incense burner in its place and went about my day.

Amplifying manifestation
Days passed and each one that did I thought about my burner. Some days my eyes would light onto it sitting in its place. Other days my mind would light on my intention to manifest the lighter. In both instances, I would re-create in my vibration the feeling of how it would be to manifest the lighter.
Then one day I went on a walk. I walked along Portland’s Willamette River. Like many waterfronts, Portland’s waterfront is home to many luxury apartment buildings and condos. But all these buildings incorporate a walking path so Portlanders can enjoy walking along the river.
At one point I came to a part of the path bordered by a low-lying retaining wall opposite the riverside. The path curved to the right, then left. I curved right with the path. Then, when I curved left, my eyes involuntarily looked to the right. There, atop the retaining wall rested a white lighter!

What’s really interesting is, I wasn’t surprised at all it was there. rendezvousing with the lighter just felt like the natural next step of the manifestation process. So when I saw it, I just picked it up, as though it were mine. Which it was!
Little did I know more was coming.
Abundance reveals itself
That night I enjoyed some Champa on my burner. It was a great celebration. But the Universe was just getting started.
I told this story to Avin, a friend of mine. Like me, he takes his connection to All That Is seriously. So he was the perfect person to share the story and amplify my connection to abundance and manifestation. Sharing the story with him felt really great. I felt the amplification taking place.
It was no surprise then that just a week later, I came across yet another lighter. This one was bright green. I rode my bike to an island in the middle of the upper Willamette. It was a beautiful location. I took a meal and my iPad so I could read in the autumn sun. After enjoying all that, I started walking back to my bike.
But I got the impulse to walk to the water’s edge. It was down a path that wound between some rocks. The shore was strewn with large boulders. I sat on one and when I did I looked to the left. There, among the moss, sat the lighter. Since I already manifested one, I had the presence of mind to take a photo:
I reached down to pick it up. When I did, I got a download from my Broader Perspective. It said “when you focus something into manifestation, the Universe will create an abundance of that which you are manifesting.” As I received that message I also felt shivers on my scalp and spine. I knew this was a divine message! And, it wasn’t just about lighters. It really was about my desire for manifesting financial abundance.
Amplifying the message.
That same week I shared what happened with the second lighter with Avin. I also told him about the message I got. When I did, he got really excited. That’s because he knew what I was talking about.
“There’s no difference in manifesting a small thing and manifesting something big,” He said excitedly. “Whether it’s a lighter or a lottery jackpot, the process is the same!”
We both did a virtual high five because we knew this was exactly what we both were wanting: Evidence that we create our reality. But the Universe wasn’t done with the demonstration!
Over the next two weeks two more lighters manifested in my path, including a black one this very day!

Now, some might say “there are lighters lying around all over the place. People throw them away all the time. Or they lose them.”
That’s true. But I can say for sure during all my walks before setting this intention, I’ve never seen a lighter on my path. They may have been there, but I didn’t see them.
Appreciating existing abundance creates abundant futures
More importantly, what this shows is how much we’re all surrounded by abundance. And when we acknowledge that, we can leverage that abundance to create other forms of abundance.
But if we ignore the natural abundance surrounding us, and instead focus on lack in our lives, then we amplify that. My clients don’t realize how important this demonstration is. They think “they’re just lighters!”
But Avin gets it. So does my Broader Perspective. So does All That Is. This simple demonstration shows me that I am everything I tell my clients they are. We are gods in human form. We’re here to master our inherent creative power. And we’re here to enjoy that path of mastery.
Maybe this story inspires you to achieve your own mastery. If so, I’d be honored to assist in that. Contact me. Let’s see what wonders you manifest.