Extreme Good Happens When Positive Focus Rules

Photo by Felicia Buitenwerf on Unsplash

A friend and I talked on Facebook about Portland, Oregon where I live. He wanted to know if Portland turned into the “hell-hole” his friends described. While it’s true Portland sees its share of mayhem these days, such episodes reveal seismic shifts underway in the energy field supporting humanity.

Such shifts show up all over the world now. Portland just represents one such center. We’re in the Great Awakening. Expect turbulence.

Knowing this, my response to my friend remains consistent with how I see life generally. I said “you can find whatever you’re looking for here in Portland. Especially these days. Just like any big city.”

I still believe that. My friends prove that so every day.

Getting in a gunfight

For example, another friend weighed into our Facebook conversation. She’s someone who consistently holds negative beliefs about many sociological conditions today. It was no wonder then that she described two instances supporting my other friend’s contention that Portland went to hell in a hand basket over the last two years.

Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

The first scenario, according to her, happened in a posh downtown Portland neighborhood called The Pearl District. There, according to her, two guys got in a yelling match, which escalated into a gunfight. Caught in the crossfire, my female friend described how she “literally dodged bullets” as she ran from the scene.

She next described another time where she “literally helped a woman pick her teeth up off the ground” after someone hit her with a pipe.

Other friends chimed in about how tragic such experiences were. And while they indeed are harrowing, it didn’t surprise me that my female friend experiences such situations and I don’t.

You get what you focus on

No matter what you think about, in time, life will coordinate realities consistent with your thoughts. This happens not as a punishment or reward, but so that you may see and experience that which you’re creating.

Everyone creates what they think about and no one gets around that dynamic. Reality springs from one’s thinking because that’s how reality happens. People who leverage this dynamic enjoy lives filled with glee. Even though they may, for a while, live in a hell hole.

My life shaped in a way so that I ended up in Portland just in this time as the world moves through the Great Awakening. I feel fortunate being in Portland because it feels like an epicenter of said Awakening. No doubt you’ve heard about conflicts and challenges Portlanders face today and in the past year or so. Portland may be an Antifa stronghold. In this Wikipedia entry describing the organization, “Portland” is mentioned 16 times!

It’s no wonder downtown Portland often hosts clashes between Antifa and Far right extremist organizations.

But along with that mayhem comes great opportunity. I believe I’m here as a balancing energy. I focus the light into this part of the world, refracting it through my passion projects including this blog and Copiosis.

Doing so, I receive from people all over indicators of a better world flowing into the one we have. The extreme good coming into the world shapes itself according to how I interpret the way the world is now.

Focusing on the good, even making the best of what seems like “bad” situations, adds momentum to the positive shaping. So while it seems crazy to put positive “spins” on what everyone (except me) might agree are negative events, doing so is how the Great Awakening happens.

In other words I am a conduit through which the Great Awakening happens. So are those like me.

Gold in a cave

A client sent me the following video. In it a guy talks about life living in a cave with no money. I don’t want to live in a cave and you probably don’t either. But this guy’s story inspires me. It does that because I see how his positive outlook on his life took him from the edge of suicide to today, where he lives in a Universe that showers him with all he needs and wants, despite using no money whatsoever.


Notice how free he feels. Notice how relaxed he is. He found release from society’s limited beliefs, born of fear, insecurity and so many other ideas running contrary to how life really unfolds.

Note the abundance he finds, even with no money to his name…in all, he’s living a version of what I know exists for everyone. Minus the cave, of course. Even his father, a devout Christian, accepts his son, who not only lives an admittedly avant-garde life, but also happens to be gay.

It only takes one

The world I know emerging from the one we have contains extreme amounts of good. I’m not expecting anyone to live in a cave…unless that’s what they want 😂. But I do expect more people will find life in the world coming far superior to what we now endure.

This video might inspire you. I think it should. This guy’s experience reflects humanity’s future experience once the world I envision becomes reality.

The abundance he finds, even with no money to his name, is real. It’s there for us all. Living free without money is our future reality. In it, all we desire becomes possible. Including a restored planet. I know people want it. They’re asking for it.

They just don’t know how it’s coming. But I know. And that’s enough to allow it into our collective reality. For it only takes one connected to the stream of All That Is. That person is more influential than millions who are not.

I consider myself that one. There are others. Through us, the extreme good in our future becomes our collective reality. That’s one reason why I’m so excited about the future.

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