I feel deep appreciation for all that is. I feel deep appreciation for the now, the culmination of everything I’ve been, everything I’ve asked for – wanted or not – and received, and for the becoming that is my future. It’s so bright. Thankful for it all.
I appreciate my expansion, my spiritual progress into enlightenment, clarity in how the Universe works, clarity in who and what I am, why I am here and the blessings I bestow upon myself.
I appreciate my Inner Being, that part of me holding all I am and all I am becoming in the no-space, no-time of the Moment of Becoming. I appreciate knowing I am that and also my awareness in physical, stirring it up for the greater purpose of universal expansion.
I love my Broader Perspective, that awareness I have that puts in glorious context all that happens here in physical, knowing it is all for the Light.
I appreciate my Charmed Life, that which springs from my positive focus. I love the upward spiral of it, how the more I see my life charmed, the more charmed my life gets.
I appreciate my core intent, which is about the new, the improved, the fun. I love expressing my core intent as an uplifter to all I come in contact with.
I enjoy my life and those who, like me, are on the leading edge of All That Is, who chose, like me, to come into physical reality for the joy, for the fun and for the expansion.
I love those things I do not want, for in the not wanting, I know what I do want, and in knowing that I can choose those things, line up with them and, see evidence of them flowing into my conscious awareness, my physical reality.
I love living. I love being. I love the now, this glorious culmination of all I’ve been, ever since before there was a thing called time, or history…
I love my eternity. And for that love, for that clarity, for that awareness, I am thankful. Today. Now.