I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets. I share the answers as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Question: How Can I Manifest Everything I Desire In My Life Right Now?
You don’t want to, believe me. Here’s why…
Think of all the kinds of things you have desired. I’m sure there were times when you wished harm on someone you cared about, for example. Or perhaps you wished that your coworker, or your boss, suffered a tragic accident, or got fired, or some other terrible outcome.
On the positive side, imagine how many times you wanted something. Then, later discovered you didn’t want it. Or think about times you wanted something, got it, then realized the getting of it wasn’t as fulfilling as you thought it would be. Think too about how much stuff you have and how much time it takes keeping it all.
Now think about all of the desires you could potentially have in one lifetime. Since you’re an eternal being, you have far more than one lifetime.
Beginning to get the picture?
No fun, no time and too much
There’s no way in hell you want everything you desire “right now“. And besides, where that to happen, you would be overwhelmed with all the cars, houses, clothes, girlfriends or boyfriends, jobs, and everything else that would pile up from the ongoing fulfillment stream of just this one life. And that’s just the positive stuff.
Which is why you can’t get everything you desire right now. The eternity that is life experience happens such that desires flow manageably. You like it that way.
Think about it. The bike you had in high school prompted a desire for a better bike, or maybe a motorcycle or car in your future. But that didn’t make the bike less enjoyable. That car you had in college, prompted a desire for a better car, a faster car or a nicer car in your future. But the college car still got you around on dates or maybe got you laid.
In other words, your desires come paced so you can enjoy their fulfillment. If all your desires happened at once, there would be no more desires to fulfill, and thus no more life experience. Nor would you have time to enjoy it all.
That would be no fun. Don’t you think?