Last week I wrote about a Positively Focused advanced client. I shared her experience with a negative thought, one she worried would turn into a negative manifestation.
Because she’s an advanced practitioner, however, she understood something important. She understood her dominant positive focus would overwhelm any negative thoughts passing through her awareness.
That’s a really good place to be. A very empowering place too. From there, it’s easy to see the practical value of “negative” thoughts. They can amplify one’s positive momentum. If used correctly.
They also offer another important value. Those that turn into manifestations, give us information we really want. They tell us what is dominantly vibrating within us. I explained this in the previous post. That makes all “negative” manifestations actually positive ones.
And that means anything happening in our lives is positive. Either we’re getting what we want (positive manifestation) or we’re getting feedback on how to get what we want (“negative” manifestation). It’s an important distinction. Something every advanced client learns.
Using “negative” manifestation
Instead of “negative”, Abraham often calls these manifestations “unwanted”. But even that word lays negative value on such experiences. It’s instead important to see such manifestations as “wanted”. Without them, how do we know what’s going on in our vibration?
One way is to become sensitive enough to feel vibration. That takes practice. Developing that sensitivity is a hallmark of a Positively Focused practice. Two other ways help us understand what our vibration is too. One is how we feel. The other is what shows up, or doesn’t yet, in our lives.
Once we take the “negative” value judgement off of these manifestations, we can start playing with them. We can use them to see how consistent the Universe really is. Realizing that consistency can bolster our confidence and belief in the Universe. It can prove that we are blessed. That the Universe has our back and is literally at our command.
I enjoyed an experience recently proving this. It reminded me exactly what I wrote above: that the Universe responds to my thoughts. And the more consistently I think them, the more likely I will experience the content of them.
The experience involved a game I played. I did it kind of unconsciously. I knew what I was doing, but didn’t feel the need to really do anything about it. Wanting to see how it would play out, I let the experience unfold. Right up to the “unwanted/wanted” manifestation.
Here’s what happened:
You get what you think about wanted or not
I take long walks every day pretty much. Over the last several months, I had the thought of hitting my watch against a railing as I walked. I saw myself in my mind grazing my watch on an overpass guard rail, the safety rail along the Steel Bridge walkway, or posts along the waterfront. The thought, when it first came, wasn’t accompanied by any worry. In fact I just let the thought happen.
Then, however, that thought kept coming into my awareness. It wasn’t accompanied by any worry or concern, nor any strong interest in it happening. But there was a “wondering” if the crystal on my watch (it’s an Apple Watch) would scratch if I did graze it.
Well, one day, after about three months of entertaining this thought again and again, I was walking across an overpass and, sure enough, I got really close to the guard rail. When I did, I scraped my watch against the galvanized stanchion. Right on the edge of the watch face.
The second it happened I said “I did that!” because I HAD as a manifestation! I remembered how, over and over, I thought that thought about scraping my watch. And sure enough, it happened! Here’s a picture of the damage:
The Universe DOES respond to my thoughts
What’s really interesting is the mark I made was mostly cosmetic. I was able to get most of it off with a buff board. There’s still a blemish, but it doesn’t feel like a scratch when I rub my fingernail against it. It’s barely noticeable. But it does catch my attention. Why? Because I built up a lot of momentum over this manifestation over the past three months. How? By thinking I was going to create this.
Recently, I’ve been getting an impulse to go to the Apple Store. I think that’s because they may be able to get this blemish out. But the blemish is kind of cool. It reminds me that I do create my reality with my thoughts. Everything in my experience shows up because of what’s happening inside me. So I see this blemish as a cool reminder that the Universe does, indeed, respond to my thoughts.
The moral of this story is: a passing negative thought isn’t something to worry about. Especially if we already enjoy consistent positive momentum. “Worrying” about the thought manifesting will amplify it. As does thinking the thought repeatedly. But it will take some weeks or even months of focus (deliberate or otherwise) before the subject becomes reality. So we always have lots of time to adjust our thoughts.
If such a manifestation does happen though, it’s a nice reminder showing us where our reality comes from: The deep recesses of our being. Vibration, in other words.
Want to know more or are interested in the Positively Focused practice? Contact me.