The Universe can be a harsh taskmaster. Or it can be our genie in a bottle. It all depends on what we believe. And, what we do with that.
A lot of people uninitiated in the Positively Focused practice get angry when I say everyone creates their experiences. Some even go so far as to claim I advocate “toxic positivity”. Others say I’m victim blaming.
But my assertion is undeniable. Even people with chronic illnesses create such experiences. However, chronic illnesses sometimes originate in past lives. Positively Focused Mastery Level clients learn about past life phenomena. Then they learn how past lives effect present life experience.
The fact that past life action can impact present life offers something important. It shows why being Positively Focused brings tremendous benefit. Not only do we create our current reality, our past-created realities still influence our now. That means not only can we create a Charmed Life in this life. But a Charmed Life created today, benefits us immensely in the future too.
And, get this: while it’s hard to believe, creating a Charmed Life in this life, also changes the past. How that happens is beyond the scope of this post though.
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The premise upon which “you create your reality” wouldn’t hold up if people who experience things like rape, sexual abuse or chronic illness didn’t create those experiences. But the premise does hold up. Evidence abounds in the lives of my clients proving the premise valid. Evidence abounds in my own life too. This blog is full of said evidence.
Some people ask, so why can’t people cure their chronic illnesses? The can’t because they don’t believe it possible. I had a long conversation with someone on Medium who comes from that perspective.
Belief is everything. If a person doesn’t believe something possible, then, for that person, it’s not.
However, when a person begins believing, all things become possible. Instead of feeling blamed for their life situation, they discover their empowerment in “you create your reality”. After all, if a person can create a shitty situation, they can create a dreamlike one too.
That’s the beginning of the Charmed Life I write about. Belief gets it all going.
A Charmed Life awaits anyone. Anyone ready and willing to see life through the mind and eyes of God. Since we’re all aspects of God in human form, we all can see that way. The question is are we ready? And will we?
If you think you’re ready and willing, I can help.