I’ve added yet another running series “Q/A” to my blog. It’s…well…about answering questions I get through the internets and sharing those answers with others as they may help others feel inspired and more connected to the God they are.
Someone asked: Should I Fear Or Welcome The Dark Night Of The Soul?
Answer: We humans could benefit from being a little less dramatic.
A “Dark Night of the Soul”…..Whoooooo…..Seriously?
Life is supposed to be FUN.
Fear is optional. Having the fun though requires examining so many aspects of how we be. One way we shoot ourselves in the foot is how we be with regard to what comes our of our mouths (or our fingers). This “Dark Night of the Soul” malarky is a great example.
All this is, is an interpretation, and an unhelpful one at that. If I called it that, I’d be afraid too. But that fear tells you something: It tells you you are misinterpreting what’s really happening.
Most people don’t understand what emotions are or what their purpose is, but some are starting to come around. Emotions are extremely important. They serve a purpose. But that’s another story…one you don’t need to know to resolve this question.
The experience humans describe the way you’re describing it is simply a turning point. It’s a wonderful opportunity you’ve created for yourself, an opportunity to head in the direction of your wildest desires.
But if you fear it, if you see it as some massive, significant, scary event, you’re not lining up with the probable future reality this turning point you created offers for your own benefit. What you are lining up with is the suffering, strife, stress and pain…all the things “Dark Night of the Soul” implies.
Notice that everyone who describes this turning point this way has had experiences consistent with that description. You can’t experience it any other way when you believe it to be a “Dark Night of the Soul”.
If people knew this, the moment they heard someone describe it this way, they’d run for the hills because it doesn’t have to be a “Dark Night of the Soul”!
So how do you experience this wonderful time, this wonderful moment, this glorious opportunity for what it really is?
I hear you: “That’s easy to say…Perry…but HOW?” You ask. “Especially since I’m feeling stuck with this “Dark Night of the Soul” business!?”
Here: I’ll show you:
Start by recognizing and owning that you’ve accepted as your own, a common, yet bogus, belief that puts way too much emphasis on negative interpretations of what is actually a wonderful experience. How? Say:
- This is ok.
- I’ve adopted this belief, but I don’t have to keep it
- It’s ok that I adopted it, and I’m ready to change it
- It’s so cool I can change my mind, change my beliefs
- I like that I have the ability to change my beliefs
- I like that it can be pretty easy…
In a few moments of saying six or ten such statements, you’ll feel better about these turning points.
Next, start saying things about these turning points that support what I’m saying they are. If you do step one above, step two will be easy!
- Life is an adventure
- I like figuring my life out
- I may have made turns that don’t serve me, but like changing my mind, I can change my course
- I like experiencing the new
- I can get through this
- I’ve come this far, why not?
- I think this is going to be interesting
- I like being interested in things…
Then turn your focus to how you’re feeling right now, having done step two. That’s step three:
- Wow, I feel better about this whole thing
- I’m never going to describe turning points that way again, they’re just turning points!
- I actually feel pretty excited about what’s to come
- This is going to be fun…
And before you know it, you’re welcoming it!
Welcome everything life offers you. What’s really happening is, you’re offering your life experience to yourself. When you get that you create your reality, you can start creating any reality you want. It’s easy. And it never has to include a dark night of the soul.
(Notice how I decapitalized the phrase. That helps reduce some of the significance people put on it. LOL 😂)